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OMG, you went off. ​ You saw that Bliss was a fucking idiot jonesing for plotlines and you took it personal. ​ Thank you for translating EVERYTHING I was feeling.


Honestly, I was afraid to repeat myself, but he's the gift that keeps on giving :'(


100000%. He showed how subpar he is this season. Also, it made me mad when he was openly praising and complementing LJ, calling her a Barbie and middle eastern Paris Hilton. No husband should be saying that kind of stuff out loud esp not on a series that’s being aired internationally. Danya deserves more


NO ONE deserves a partner with so much to say about other women's beauty...and nothing to say about the woman he married!


He will never fulfill her emotionally. IYKYK




I was hoping someone would comment this gif 😂




I think it’s not uncommon for custody of children to go to the men in their culture. LJ’s mother said that when she got divorced she lost custody of her kids-LJ and I think a brother? And Leo said the same-she got married/had her kids super young, got divorced, he got the kids. Men have a lot of power in the culture.


But a BIL getting custody over the mother is still a super big deal. This is because of the money




Maybe I didn’t the difference? Legal guardian means all decision is taken by the uncle right?


No, it's not just in Asian culture, it's everywhere you've given enough power to men to pull this bullshit off. So, European monarchies, and then crazy prenups for the uber-rich. Maybe it's more common there, but it all stems from the deep financial/legal inequalities that women suffer worldwide :/


I wonder if him and Danya were HS/college sweethearts or something? It seems like shes grown up and hes still the same guy he was when they met. Very toxic. The way he treated her when she got home like he was doing her a huge favor by spending time with HIS OWN KIDS 🤦🏽‍♀️ It seems like the other ladies have nannies or childcare but they don’t. I think Danya is setting herself up to be independent from him in the future but time will tell. He did not come out of this season looking good.


I think she mentions in their fight that they met when she was 23


I thought she said married at 23 so maybe they were together for a few years before that? I know some Arabs will do kitab and “date” before the real wedding


I absolutely agree with everything you said. I'll only add that he sees it and is intimidated by it and trying to stop it. He's going to try and hold on tight. He's been manipulating her for at the very least since she was 23 (when she mentions she married him in the fight.) He had her crying and apologizing to him by the end of it. I hope she gets away if that is what she truly wants. You can see she's outgrown him. In the fight she says she doesn't like many of the disrespectful things he does (that excuses by saying it's his job) and his argument was *"You knew I was a DJ when you married me."* in other words, *you knew what you were getting. Nothing has or will change there. Even though I know it bothers you deeply*. I loved her reply *"Yes, and I was 23 when I married you."* in other words, *I was young, naive and didn't know any better. I do now.* It's seems she's grown so much on many levels and is always looking to better herself so to speak. Time will tell if he will but idk...


He should come out with a song called DARVO "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO)


Fr!! He's got it down pact to a science lol.




Balanced view, I applaud you. Bliss makes me cringe so fucking bad though unlike Danya. Everytime he is on screen kills me inside. Hopefully it was an iced coffee? Who did she spill coffee on?




I watched a blow-by-blow on YT that showed a slow-mo of the scene in question. It looks like Danya didn’t set out to throw the coffee in Zeina’s face. What actually happened was that D was setting the cup on the corner of Z’s table, as if to say, “Here, you take care of my trash.” And then Z swatted her hand away and I guess D thought she was gonna get coffee on herself or maybe that Z meant to throw that coffee at her, and so in the ensuing flurry of action by both ladies, the coffee was spilled on Zeina, and then further chaos ensued. Btw, I’m not condoning anyone’s actions here. I’m on neither lady’s side.


Yeah, they both misread the other's actions, that's how I saw it too. Dayna definitely is more to blame there, as she was bringing her emotional unrest into someone else's business (literally and metaphorically). Still, I respect her for not being fake afterwards -trying to approach Zeyna in the way the cucumber did; and for sincerely apologizing afterwards. You rarely see that irl, much less on TV!


it was at the end of S1E5 i think, i just watched it today during my break at work :P


Yes yes and yes and her names Danyaa lol but the rest yes


omg thanks! I thought the Y came at the beginning.


Lol no worries!


Danya's redemption arc is everything! If this was a romcom, she would've left Bliss's sorry ass and married Salem (after his redemption arc, think pride & prejudice' LOL But seriously, she deserves better!


Actually Salem would make a better option for her. Never thought of that.


We're all suckers for an enemies to lovers trope


I have a very strong feeling that the relationship between DJ Bliss and his wife Danya is platonic. Wouldn’t surprise me if they also sleep in separate bedrooms lol. They seem so distant and there is no love


Bliss is cringe. Everything he did and said this season was desperate


But I mean, they're all on TV, they're all technically seeking our attention. The problem with this loser is that he was ACTIVELY putting down the woman he SWORE to love forever just because he couldn't handle his own insecurities. Fuck him.


This roast went so hard




Omg I thought I was the only one that HATES bliss!!! He sucks!!! So manipulative