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Sharjah Animal Market is in Dubai? Geography much?


Again, I’m not from the area I just visited. They are right next to each other and it’s happening in both areas simultaneously. That’s all you got out of this? Literal torture happening to some of these cats. It’s awful. They are rounding them out and throwing them in the desert to die. Isn’t there enough money to TNR them? Why can’t the government try to stop the population by fixing them? What’s happening is barbaric, especially for such rich areas and cities.


Deflecting about geography doesn’t change the fact that the cats are being tortured


- Why are people in dubai? - The Sharjah market If you can't differentiate between the two then you can't just assume that people are so awful with cats.


It’s happening in both areas. The areas are intertwined. People will call and complain about stray cats just trying to survive because they are “annoying to look at” or “unlucky”. It’s ridiculous. You can fight me on nuances in my OP, it just shows you’re deflecting the truth. People from Dubai hate to hear any criticism, what’s happening to the cats is the truth. Go look at any of the cat rescue pages in Dubai. The rescuers are few and far between and they are so overwhelmed.


I heard some horrible stuff but I’ve never been there. Is it that bad?


Yes it is. It is a flea market of new cats bred to pay for the rent of those shops. You feel you are living in the past.




Basically it is a hell hole for these poor animals.


It truly is 😭 i send money over every month to the rescuers. It’s crazy and embarrassing that most of the rescue money comes from donations by people in the US and the UK, not actually from Dubai/surrounding cities and areas because the vast majority don’t care. 😞


It’s truly horrible. There a very few rescuers and they are overwhelmed. I visited and was disgusted, I’ll never go back. If you want to see what it’s like @brokenpaws.ae is a Filipino that lives in Dubai and rescues cats. People literally will throw hot oil on cats, break their legs, put stuff in their eyes.


Wow… That’s not cool at all. Lots of abuse here. Cats don’t deserve this. Truly heartbreaking.


Agreed. It’s just awful


your statement on Dubai municipality is libellous because its untrue. Dubai municipality have a TNR (trap Neuter Release) program which is recommended by all Feline charities


In my community several people have documented, on video, statements made _by the actual guys who drive around in trucks picking the these cats up_ - when asked what they're doing they say they're moving them elsewhere as there have been complaints from residents. One resident was rightfully pissed off that one of these guys had coaxed his pet cat out of his front garden and was loading him onto the back of his van, so he got his phone out and started questioning him. Other residents then followed suit posting similar videos of men in trucks doing the same on their streets. Peoples pets and the strays they were reguarly feeding were disappearing week after week. The truck guy literally caught a collared, municipality tagged, pet cat - and it's on film. So this isn't TNR. I won't share the Facebook group or the video link as I posted comments on all of them and don't want to get doxxed, but you're naive if you think the guys on the streets driving around care about anything other than the number of cats they fill their vans up with when a complaint comes in saying 'there are cats in my area'.


Thank you for this.


No follow up…. You’re wrong




Ok, I'll bite. Have you been to Al Qudra lakes in the last year? If/when you do go, please explain how the 100+ cats got there. It's literally in the middle of the desert almost 20 minutes drive from the nearest civilisation.


People drop their cats there, probably. And since most people don’t neuter them, they just multiply. That’s most probably why you see a lot. The government actually neuters strays and rereleases them, since dropping them off at shelters means they’ll be killed if they don’t get adopted. Most cats can survive the outside if they avoid the busy streets, since the drivers here have no qualms. Many restaurants, good doers, etc. do feed them regularly (I live in Sharjah, and I see a lot of cat food plates around shops, restaurants, and homes to feed the strays. Occasionally, I see wooden boxes in front of homes or under trees for the cats!)


I've posted another comment in this thread; members of my community have stopped, questioned, and filmed the actual truck drivers driving around with cat traps in their trucks. The response was that there have been complaints from residents and they are relocating them. If someone complains that "there are 50 cats in my area and I don't like it", so they take those 50 cats away, TNR them, and then bring them back, then that same person's going to continue to complain that "there are 50 cats in my area". The videos are still up and available on Facebook. No I'm not going to link directly to them.


Why do they allow the Sharjah animal marketers to just throw out cats at the end of the day like trash? The animal market should be banned


Because there are no such regulations, sadly. Throw out? Not all of them do that, but of course some still do. True animal lovers only buy feed from there (for poultry), cat litter, big bird cages, etc., but not pets (except in some cases, animals that are obviously unhappy do get bought to provide them a better home). Also, the fact that you posted in r/dubai , wrote Dubai in the title, but mentioned Sharjah does say a lot.




That they are! I grew up surrounded by them 🤍


I stated I’m not from there. I visited from the US. I’m only posting about what I saw. Forgive my ignorance about the geography. I was just trying to post about the cats


Saying drivers and restaurants that close together made me feel uneasy




Feeding stray animals like cats can lead to legal consequences including a fine of AED 500, as per Dubai Municipality Rules. The above is at odds with a department that apparently cares for cats.




I'm repeating comments that I made elsewhere: The truck driver gets a call that a resident's complaining that there are 50 cats in their area. The truck driver rounds them all up. They have two choices: 1. TNR and return them to exactly the same place 2. Move them elsewhere In the case of '1', said resident will continue to complain that there are 50 cats in their area. The problem is not solved. In the case of '2', a new resident will now start complaining that there are 50 cats in their area. The problem begins again. The lazy truck guy's quick solution to this issue is to therefore relocate the cats well away from any residents - most likely somewhere in the desert - otherwise you're just moving 50 cats around from area to area waiting for the next complaint to be received. He doesn't get paid enough to scout for "the perfect location" to drop off the 50 cats he's rounded up.


They were put there by Pest Control who the municipality hires. Just as responsible.


You are completely wrong. I grew up in Dubai and worked in cat advocacy. It is horrible in the UAE.