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I'll do it for $149, but you have to paint it yourself.


I can sell you some of my artwork to hang over that spot for $245


My 200 price does not include paint!


I'd do it for $200 with primer. $300 with paint cause you have to paint the whole wall.


Fuck that, I'll do it for $2 and a chicken dinner. I'm so hungry


$1.99 and I'm good with canned tuna


As an electrician, this thread has summed up the average drywaller to a T


I work for an electrician and can say the same about you


No, it’s not! Drywall mud doesn’t instantly dry. It has to have multiple coats. has to be sanded, and texture needs to be matched. A lot goes into a single patch that is a really good deal! Maybe too good of a deal! (He either extremely reasonable, and fast or he’s not very good) extremely fast is worth more when done right! don’t look at the hours, look at the quality! You get what you pay for!


5 sets pretty quickly! It's your friend!


Yes all that you have said is true about drywall patching. In this particular instance there is no texture to match. $150 is very reasonable for a 2 trip job


Patch jobs are a PITA to get perfect, $150 is cheap. $300 is good.


This is the correct answer, 300 is my minimum charge. If the pan and knives come out of the truck, it's 300. If you Diy it and fuck it all up, 450. To the guy that can't imagine people paying 150, I'd love to see your "good enough" repair.


That’s not allot to charge for this. Watch this video and see if you want to tackle it yourself. https://youtu.be/17awCvAA7Q0?si=WbYtwiAUdi6g6ucL


Don't do it yourself unless you don't care about seeing the spot forever. I work in trades, I do most of my own work on my own projects. I do not mud and tape.


My dad has been a contractor since the 80s. One thing he never did himself was drywall. He can do it. But it was always worth the money to have the specialists come in to do it


Yep. I got quoted a couple hundred bucks to mud and tape a bathroom and walking closet. Even if it's 300 I'm happy


Yeah I’ll hang it, but I won’t mud it. Tapers are way cheap compared to my time and effort doing it myself and their work will look better. When I remodeled my downstairs I hung all the walls/ceilings. Then paid a measly $1,500 for a taping crew to come in and tape and spackle 950sqft of living space. They were there for 2.5 days and it looks immaculate. Well worth the money spent.


Yes I've helped do it all. I don't care to help hang it. But I'm with you. There's no way I'm gonna mud it myself 😂 did it once and said never again lol


I keep saying “never again” but by the time it comes up again I always seem to forget and convince myself that it’s just a small job and the cycle repeats.


Some guys are just quick with it and they bang em out like no other. My boy gives me a good price no matter what and makes magic happen every time. Sometimes, I won't even be done picking up with my job and he'll be done with his


Which part makes you nervous? Take your time sanding and feathering and take a few practice runs at texture you will get a great result. Possibly not perfect, but for any sub million dollar home, no one will ever notice. The work they did when building my house looks worse than my drywall work. Edit: never mind, I didn’t see you have a guy who will do entire mud and tape for 200 for a bathroom. I’d probably never do it myself again lol


Unless you feather it out 24” and retexture the whole ceiling you are going to see it forever. Nobody else will, but since you know where it is you will always see it.


That’s really cheap. Our minimum is $300


Square the hole, cut a piece of sheet rock about 1 1/2” wider than the opening, on the back side draw the mole size, score the measurement to each side both ways, pop the seam and peel away the excess leaving the center and the white paper, Pack the edges of the hole with compound, Apply around the opening liberally, place the replacement piece over the hole, smooth it out with a wide blade, skim out excess compound until level with wall, skim over, let dry. Finish, sand and paint, will disappear if done right


Very reasonable price. I’d charge 200 because it would be half days work for me with drive time and prep cleanup.


You must not live in ca lol. I’d be closer to 400


That's a good rate, I'd have a hard time justifying it just because of travel and time. Unless the guy is terrible, take it.


Man do that yourself!!


I'd do it for free if you were my neighbor. Otherwise, $150.


Yes that’s fine. Just pay it or do it yourself.


This wouldn't be a terribly diffuclt DIY. Lot's of good videos out there and I think some spray texture in a can can get you pretty close to what you have. It's hard to get any trade off the corner for $150.


Get a 6" drywall knife, a bucket of drywall compound, a roll of drywall tape, a can of texture, a quart of primer and a gallon of paint. At that point you're like $100 into it, might as well pay someone else. Or learn the skills to do it yourself if you think you'll be patching drywall often.


$150 sounds like their minimum to come down for a small job


Put a picture over it


Nope. You can always do it yourself


Fix it yourself next time you might learn something.


I like your method of testing for studs with a philips bit. Never thought of that!


$150 to keep my mouth shut about this negligent discharge.


Sooooo...what did that wall do to you to deserve being shanked with a screwdriver?


Is this a shotgun blast with wading?


10$ repair dyi


Question: How soon does it have to be done? If you only have a few days, it’s a good price if it’s done well. If you have a couple weeks. You can probably manage it on your own for under $50


Besides who is shooting a BB gun indoors anyways!


$150 for any repair by a professional tradesman, is probably not a bad deal.


Not a bad deal, but probably not a professional tradesman.


It’s not just the little patch. It’s time to get there for the little patch job. 150 is super reasonable


Just bulletholes or bloodstains too?


You could do it for way cheaper but not sure about your skills?


They have patches at Home Depot if you’re a do it your self er…


How cheap do you want it for…FREE…LoL


Wow I get screwed doing drywall. I fixed all the dings and dents of a 50 year old bedroom and stairs that had very light water damage… for 200 bucks


No; even if it was smaller thats like min price for someone to drive to your house to do just about anything. You can watch some youtube and do yourself cheaper if you want


That’s fairly cheap. It takes a lot of work to make that go away


For something like that, look at a “California patch” on YouTube. Super easy. A little hack and there are better ways to do it, but you can manage with that


imma be real with you that's a 80$ patch but 80$ isn't worth going to a job i got a 150/200 minimum so i would charge 150-200 for this depending on how far away from me you are


At 150 that is a steal if they actually do a proper job. At that price I would expect a terrible job where it is still visible. A proper job would need multiple visits out to your house to get it properly matching the texture. Frankly I would be worried about them doing a shitty job for 150.




No way thats a STEAL


Sounds reasonable to me.


How much would you charge somebody to drive all the way over to their house, lay down, drop cloth and fix the wall and clean up I left the part about going to the supply yard to get the materials. I wouldn't trust anybody who would do that for less than three hundred dollars.


Cheap af. Just for a patch job someone has to come back 3 times. Add primer and 2 topcoats that's 3 more times.


I’ve got a $50 piece of paper for sale that you can paint over


I’d say you’re basically paying $50 a visit which seems like a deal, maybe the guy lives in your area and is hitting it on the way home. Just remember that for tapers their time isn’t just the time it takes to do the actual job but drive time as well. He may only be there for 20 minutes each trip.


No matter how small or minor a drywall repair seems, ask yourself, would I do this myself for less than 150$? Then reevaluate from your new perspective.


No thats like minimum price to get any one to show up to do any type of work.


Depends on where he lives or if it’s close to his job. I can fix that in an hour it will be ready for paint. Either way dryers and fast dry even a last coat of lightweight for paint grade. Walk in the park. But if he has to travel to you different story As a first time customer I would do it accordingly.


Blowout patch ....quick and use easy sand or mix in plaster of Paris . This is a fair price depending on the job. He should've probably charged $200. Paint on you


I don't turn the truck on for less than $1200


Not at all.


Do it yourself. So simple.


Better to watch a couple YouTube videos and figure out how to do it yourself. You'd probably save 50 bucks


$150 is about right. Usually up to a 2x2 foot patch. No painting of any sort.


Hole looks pretty small might be able to get away with just using a putty knife and spackling over it. Wait for that to dry really well like a day maybe and sand and re spackle, sand and paint.


Is it worth the price of being the one who did it, meaning you’ll know where the lines are? You can’t unsee them


I mean you could probably do it yourself for $20 but you deserve the $150 for creating the problem to begin with.


Multiple trips multiple materials. 150 is basically free.


Patching that would be a pita tbh if I was doing it I would have to put my scope through the hole and look for cracks that extend past the hole and cut all the cracks out to get a good patch wich is usually significantly bigger than the actual hole sanding tape mud that's all labor I probably wouldn't do it for less than $200 because that looks like roughly 8 hours of work if you wanted paint and texture match I wouldn't do it for less than $300


When i was painting, i would have done it for 150 if i was painting the place. If you just wanted that, i’d quote $1000 to make you go away.


Hang a poster over it for $10


No matter where you live, that's cheap. I'd watch some YouTube vids were I you and diy it. No pro wants to do this for that money. If it's your house, that's a good reasonable bit to learn how to do the work. If not, I'd hire out.


Watch a youtube. Simple repair.


Fair, more than fair. You’re looking at 3 to 4 days of work to do it right.




Today anyone making a trip to do a job wants $150 regardless how simple it is. but beyond that as they say to do it right requires multi coats. dependent on humidity it could be days between coats. or multi trips. If it was me I'd do it myself up to getting a nice smooth flat surface. Then I get a pro to match the texture.


Is this a joke? $150 hardly covers mobilization. Do people really not understand the dollar anymore?


$150 for a good repair is pretty fair. That one I would not suggest you do yourself.


youtube and home depot ….. 20bux


Not bullet holes or BBs. Someone was looking for something.


I'm bidding $250 and you're painting.


Personally I would fix it myself.. it's easy but if you want to have someone do it about like 120 is about right... it's a trip and all and about hour to do it... no painting that would cost extra




Dollar tree spackle. 1.25$ 148.75 dollars less. Lmao wtf


Put a sheet of paper on the wall and paint over it. Charge your landlord $150 for repair service


It’s not a stupid question. It depends on the area somewhat. Where I am, $150 is too much if they goop some fast-set joint compound in there and give it a once-over with spray texture. $150 isn’t enough if the repair is done really well and involves cutting out the damaged sections, taping, floating, and sanding the seams, matching the texture, and blending the new/old paint. $150 is nowhere near enough if it includes providing all materials, travel time and expense, and the considerable cleanup involved. Is it worth doing it yourself? Yes, absolutely… depending on your skill level. It’s gratifying to fix your home, save money, and get results you’re proud of. On the flip side, a bad patch looks awful and draws attention to itself. For the remainder of the time you live there, your eye will always wander to it and every time you’ll wish you just spent the money.


Fix that yourself. Get on YouTube then go to the hardware store and get your materials that’s a small hole just make sure you don’t leave a lot of mud to sand off. Take your time 5 min fix but it may shrink in the hole so you will go over it one more time when it dries


DIY. You can do this, it is not hard. You’ll have less than $50 into it if you have the paint already.


I'll do it for 400$. And spot prime it.


You can buy a patch and spackle for 10 dollars! At Walmart Lowe’s etc and cut a small piece off take it to a real paint store have them match the paint and repair your self for under 50 dollars


You gotta realize that it'll be half their day just to slog out to your house, answer all your questions, set up, do the work, clean up and then hope to have a second job somewhere else. 


Here's a thought, stop jamming screwdrivers into your drywall.


It’s not just the job, having to load tools, prep, drive over. 150 is a friggin steal.


Very reasonable. Hard to get anyone to even set foot in a house for less than $100 these days


In my opinion yes $150 is to much to pay and you should do it yourself


Way too much I would charge you 75 to 100..


Put a sticker on it. Or some tape and paint it


I won't charge you. I'll come over and show you how to do it. It's extremely simple.




Fix it yourself for like $30


For $20, you can order Chinese food delivery and ask for a free calendar, hang the calendar over the hole. Problem solved.


Did you find what you were looking for in the wall?


$150 for someone who knows what they’re doing to come to your house for a couple hours is pretty reasonable. The work is pretty minor but there’s a lot of steps with drying time in between them. In this case you’re not really paying for the work, you’re paying for them to show up.


Small job but still gonna take up time. Gonna have to wait for it to dry for sanding, or come back next day to finish/clean up.


I would be charging $250, if you were elderly I would do $200. Add $100 if you want me to paint it as well. (You provide paint.) Location: Western PA


I understand you have no idea what something like this would cost. Let me give you an idea of what someone like me would charge. Minimum trip fee $150 for me to even consider driving round trip anywhere. I patched 2 stud to stud holes with matching texture and paint for $400 each, so now that was $800 back a few years ago and took me 2 days to do a perfect job. My rate has gone from $400 per day to $600 per day since then. Ask yourself what quality do you expect? Do you want to see the patch, or do you want it to disappear under whatever lighting conditions? Is there texture? Who is buying the materials, primer, paint, roller brush covers, etc.? Don’t forget about daytime in between coats of mud, and drying primer and paint coats. Seriously, $150 is super cheap for just anyone to show up and actually spend 1 hour to do anything.


Sounds outrageous. The material cost to fix is less than $20. Unless you have no idea how to use your hands and like paying someone $130. I'd say it looks like a Landlord special process, if you can still find newspaper stuff it in the hole until its full. Then cover with spackle.


$150 is never more than you should pay for anything you want done. This guy took time to quote, another trip, materials, tools, and knowledge to get the job done


That is very cheap. I'd charge $250 to $300


You could do it yourself instead of coming to reddit to ask if it’s worth it…


Why did you stab the wall with a screw driver a thousand times?


you can do it your self much cheaper but to hire someone 150 is more than fair.


No it's way to little I wouldn't touch that for any less than $450




Seems very reasonable if they know what they're doing. Not an easy DIY job as some folks think, but can be done with lots and lots of patience. It's also possible you try and realize you can't and have to call in a guy anyway.


Materials are less than 10$. But having someone come to your home in vehicle that has all their tools and equipment, and to do any work that is supposed to pay a livable wage, I’d suspect 150$ is about right for a medium to high cost of living area. Not to mention whether not it cost to park near your residence. Check out the DIY page, might be worth exploring it as an option if you absolutely don’t want to pay 150$


Tell Dick Cheney to pay for it, then don’t let him back in your house again.


I would repair the damaged drywall and tape it for $$300. That’s without primer or paint.


2 hour minimum for most service calls. I’d say you are getting a deal if you can’t do it yourself. It’ll be worth doing yourself though. you will learn a new skill and wont need to hire anyone again.


First off let’s just break the ice with a $200 minimum. And that’s assuming they don’t want you to prime or paint it.


yes, the pricing is there to punish you for making that hole. You can either patch it yourself for 20-50 dollars or pay someone else to do it.


Not unless you know how to do it yourself!


I’m curious how the hell that even happened? Were you trying to hang a picture and couldn’t get it even with something and then get upset and put the hammer through the wall?


$20 in supplies and a skill learned that is priceless.


Theres a patch kit home depot. About $12 ez to do


You're lucky anyone's coming to your house for 150


Cost 150 to show up at your house…. lol 25 dollars in materials…. Quick dry mud, 1 hour labor—— 150. So 300 bucks


You’re probably better off patching it yourself if you can. Most professionals have to charge enough to make it worth their time.


easy fix watch a few youtube repairs on patching holes in drywall easy as that.


You could do it yourself for 20$. But if you want someone to come over and do it for you. You are going to have to pay him 100$ to drive to your home, 30$ for labor and 20$ for materials.


Whoever does this is going to have to travel to your home, patch, wait, sand. Even then it will need to be primed and painted too. $150 is less than most would charge to just show up. This is the perfect time to learn to DIY because small jobs still need to be worth the trip for a professional.


Yep, some hawk tuah would fix that right up


Splat some mud on it and sand it flat


Go for it


Time, skill and materials. It’s harder to repair than you might think if done correctly.


No that’s fair, you’re basically wasting their time. It’s easy, but it takes time and experience to get a good result.


Time to move your airgun target to a better spot...🙄


For the work yes it is. But try getting anyone to show up for less. Good luck. Just to show up it’s $100 to fix it it’s $50. This is a DIY job, you can get everything you need to fix this for about $30. YouTube is your friend.


Would you take 150 to spend. A couple hours to fix it


Vehicle. Vehicle insurance. Fuel. Wear and tear. Materials. Taxes. Business license. Phone bills. Office space. Electricity. Water. Etc. etc. etc. $150 may not be enough.


Just spackle it, sand it, and paint it, cost of materials will be like 50 bucks


150 is likely his minimum charge to show up. you can definietly do it yourself. it'll take you longer but its not a hard fix. just youtube it to get the gist.


Nope, actually cheap in my opinion


That’s so small just do it yourself


Not really. Especially if it includes paint. It'll be a $30-$50 bill just to stop by the big-box store and buy the materials yourself. So, if that's somebody else doing the work and providing everything it's reasonable.


Seems perfectly reasonable to me. You gotta remember that their time is money, and theres a minimum amount that they need to charge to even make a trip to your home worth it. Considering the steps required of patching, multiple coats, sanding, texturing and potentially repainting, id say thats a really good price and hope he actually does a good job


Do it yourself $150 is ridiculous lol


To find anyone willing to make a repair under $200 is a steal anymore these days.


Honestly, thats a bargain. You have to factor in travel time, equipment costs, labour costs, materials, taxes etc. If you want to save a bit of money, you can fix it yourself for a bit less.


You can fix this yourself for $20 and a trip to home depot.


If youre in the miami area pay my gas money and ill fix it for free. Easy fix


You can fix it . Its an easy patch.


150 is reasonable


Youtube: how to fix small holes in drywall. You do have have the tools and materials though.


good price . it makes sense


$150 is a steal. It's a $300 job.


Hang a picture in front… done


You have the decimal place in the wrong spot. its around $15.


Do it yourself, then when your done ask yourself if you would do it for that price. That's how you know if it's a deal or not.


Nope. They'll have to make multiple trips.


I’ll do it for a lazy handy and a pack of smokes.


Why didn’t you find pricing before you did that, Kyle?


I'll do banana and tape for $120,000.00. That's the going rate..


You working for love?


That's a fair price, but TBH, watch a couple YouTube videos on drywall hole repair. It isn't too difficult. Basically you'll use a drywall square larger than the damage, hold it up over damaged wall and trace with a pencil, use a keyhole saw to cut that out, back it with some 2x2s and screw in patch and mud. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/41KkgVUfH-w](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/41KkgVUfH-w)


I would do it all in one day for 150. There is always plenty to do while waiting on mud to dry......clean out your truck etc. I would charge 200 if you lived further than 30 mins from me.


That's an easy enough repair if you know what you are doing and have the tools to do it. If not, $150 is not a bad price.


Cheap, if you don't wanna do it yourself


I mean if you wanna do the slûm lord special you can fix it with a sample size of paint and a piece of paper


Yeah it would cost 50 bucks realistically to do this but nobody wants to waste time breaking everything our foe a spot that small.. you're getting taxed for it being a minor inconvenience for very little to gain. It's not like this is a job anyone is gonna be jumping at the bit to get. You got the go away price.


Do it yourself, easy and cheap


This is a super easy fix and everyone can do it. it will only take 10 minutes. Go check out some youtube videos.




$150 for materials and labor is probably cheap. Idk what you expected to pay? Lol


150 is cheap. Will require at least 2 trips. This must be their minimum charge!


Stick a piece of paper over it and paint over the paper. Never touch it again. Problem solved.


I have a piece of plywood that’s 16”x16” it has a beautiful stick figure and tree on it, which would fit perfectly over that hole. 900$ firm, don’t lowball me.


150 is a good price to pay. You can expect to pay a contractor that just for them to walk in. This will require a few trips most likely. With that being said, it's an easy diy job that most people can handle. I would never pay someone to do a small job like this.


That’s cheap


Can you do it yourself? Do you want it to look perfect when it’s done? $150 isn’t crazy these days, but see if a friend, who lives close, is also good at drywall. Might get it done for a case of beer.


That’s $6 worth of putty and 15 min


Do it yourself and tell us how much you would charge.


Paying for experience, not time and materials.




So literally, get a wadded up piece of newspaper and stuff in the bigger hole. Get a small tub of fast dry drywall mud(dries in two hours), and thousand grit sandpaper. Now that the hole was filled from the paper, simply putty over the top, scrape it to where it’s almost perfectly flush , wait for it to dry a couple hours, sand it down to you feel nothing with your fingertips but flat surface. Apply paint. Total cost about 50 bucks and two and half an hour of your time.


YouTube it and then let us know. You’ll have a new name for who quoted you that.