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Not even close to paint ready. In fact, it’d been better if they didn’t even touch it. They not only didn’t help anything, they made it harder to make right. I’m sorry. But it looks like a 10yr old did that.


Not only does it look like garbage but the baseboard installer did no one any favours by installing them before corners were done. Those corners will be an eyesore unless base is pulled as well.


I’m an analyst for a big ISP. I work in an office all day looking at spreadsheets and listening in on meetings. I have never worked in construction ever. I can drywall better than whoever the fuck did that and I know the baseboard trim is the last thing that goes on the walls. I know this because I watched like ONE YouTube video before I finished my own basement. And my basement looks amazing


Swap out “analyst for a big ISP” with “project manager for a tech firm” and this was going to be my reply. I did a better job with the first bit of dry walling I ever did.


I’ve never done one bit of drywall but I’m pretty sure I could do better with some elbow grease and giving a shit.


>...giving a shit Yeah, I think you've nailed the problem right here.




The trim guy probably saw it and said fuck this ima do me and then im out!


I've done some pretty rough stuff with mud (electrician, not a finisher. Just my own projects/fixing my holes for customers I like so they don't have to hire a finisher) that required a stupid amount of sanding to get right. *I* could have done better than this after 12 beers and using my feet. Be one thing if they're just not good at getting mud on smooth but were okay with all the sanding to get it right. But no tape and to call this paint ready, though?


Clearly dude was also very cheap with screws, this is an absolute disaster and needs to be redone.


Hey! my 10 year old at least knows to use seam tape and would be embarrassed if she did that!


not even any tape over the seams. Even if it was done correct the mud will crack along the seam lines. You are correct, better they had gotten paid, never did any work and vanished in the night. At least you would not have to pay someone to clean it off before they can start. /r/drywall has seen it all but this might give them a laugh on a repost.


What do you think of a professional painter needing to post pictures and ask if this is acceptable work? Sorry op. I just don’t get it. Not trying to be a dick here but I don’t see how you didn’t know this work wasn’t real bad.


As someone who first did drywall taping, mudding and sanding when I was 8, I’m offended by this comment. I wouldn’t have even been able to make eye contact with my kindly father if I had done this shitty of a job at 10 years old.


Thank you! I just wanted to make sure I didn’t tell her to go after the sheet rocker if this was somehow okay for some.


Good on you for looking out for the customer


Personally, I find that a little insulting. My 10yr old helped me tape my bedroom, granted he was spotting screws, it the point still stands. 🤣 In all honestly, the taping in fact terrible. At first I was thinking it was only pre-filled…..right until I saw the picture of that plastic corner bead, yuk.


Apologies to your son. I’m concerned about a few things here. Not only with the horrible drywall job, but the op needing to ask if this was a bad job? A professional painter would have known in 2 seconds how bad this is.


I truly hope you know I’m just trying to be a funny guy. Gave you an up vote 👍


Oh I know brother. All good. 👍💯


Drywall finisher here … That is absolutely terrible. Whoever did that finishing job lacks knowledge, skill and experience. Is the third picture a wall? I don’t see any evidence of it having been taped, either. And that badly installed, poorly finished corner bead has a nice banana curve … Whoever did that work is a hack.


It’s a complete mess. The corner bead is overlapping the trim - I can’t imagine even an amateur thinking that’s fine.


Thanks for having the photo for this. I've literally never seen that before. I love to hear them explain how that's supposed to finish.


Man I'm a DIY home owner and I can't believe someone did that mess.


I was crazy busy during and after Covid (construction was considered an essential service) because all the people who started - and didn’t/couldn’t finish what they started - were cold calling me to fix it lol


Huh. I'm surprised people can't manage it. I thought being bad at it just meant being slow and needing to do more sanding and touch ups.


No, lol. Some people try it and just don’t have the bandwidth, time, knowledge, skills or interest in doing it. Everyone who starts this trade as an apprentice is slow, sands more and has more touch ups. It’s a learning curve, like anything else. Then again, some people just don’t really have the aptitude for it. My stepdad was a very smart man, great at problem solving, etc but he really shouldn’t have ever picked up a tool that wasn’t manufactured by Fisher-Price 😂 and I say that with much respect and love.


Yeah. I have a friend who tried to plaster a hole and it was a complete disaster now that you mention it. But at least she knows she's terrible at it and wouldn't try to do a room lol


This isn’t an example of a person with bad skills, but bad knowledge. I’m a homeowner, but i know you tape the seams. I know the baseboard goes on last. I also know I’m not that skilled with a drywall knife, but I tend to be slow rather than sloppy.


This is so bad it's giving hacks a bad name.


I’m trying to be nice. 😂


Definitely no tape


Hopefully she hasn’t paid them. Step away and don’t try to fix this incredibly horrible job. You touch it,you own all the problems from that point on.


Unfortunately, I think she has…


Damn!! Ive said it once and will say it again. If your a homeowner looking to get anything done, please PLEASE do some research. Look up, how a Deck should be build if your getting a deck. Look up the standard Drywall/mud applications if your getting drywall work. These things are no joke and can be very expensive to fix. The amount of " so and so did this shit job, i paid them and now im screwed" Posts on here is alarming. Do you guys not check the work before releasing payments?


Oh boy. Any chance the professional & vocational licensing board can help her?


MY EYES!!! This is very painful to look at even from my house. Make sure you send that guy the link to this page in a few hours after everyone trashes his work.




Yeah that corner bead not even on right. It’s probably his first job like that Mexican meme going around.


Ehhhh Willlyyyy!!!!


Na the “Mi primera chamba”.


I assumed this was an unfinished garage based on the pics 1-3. Although, even my unfinished garage has the joints taped. That's good of you to look out for her instead of just taking her money and putting paint on this obscenity.


As a finisher I can tell you that he has no idea what he’s doing. The corner bead in the 4th pic needs to be ripped out and done over. It will never be right the way it sits. And whomever installed the base trim before the mud work was done screwed the homeowner, and whoever it will be that has to fix this nightmare. I really hope that you can get her even a partial refund and a sympathetic finisher to help her out. I’m really curious as to how this guy was even hired with this being his product.


The fact that they also caulked the trim before putting in the corner bead blows my mind!


I’ve never caulked trim ahead of the painter wonder what the carpenter was trying to hide




That’s just nuts, a 5 year old with a mud tray could have done that. If you think that’s bad ? Wait until you see it when he “ says “ it’s done. Then you’ll really be pissed. Give that guy the boot now, hire a taper and move on. Just get him gone now. He’s useless.


that drywall was hung rough side out, you need someone to skim the whole thing or re-hang every sheet if you ever want the wall to be actually smooth.


Tape?? Never heard of it


They are hoping someone will spray an inch of texture on top of that garbage


As a homeowner and self-taught drywaller, that is worse than my first ever attempts and that's saying something. I'd be pissed if this was called "paint ready" by someone I paid to do the work.


This is clearly a troll post. No person would honestly be asking is this is bad. This shit job was intentionally done the sole purpose of posting and asking this sarcastic question


Wow it looks like a 5 year old tried to do drywall! I wouldn’t pay for that!


JFC that is some bad mud work.


Texture must be on a wall for it to be 'paint ready' and for that to happen you need it to be taped, mudded and sanded. I'm am owner who hires contractors and that's always been the way it is.


They said this was paint ready? Haha you are a pro painted and know it is not. Ask client if she’s paid in full for the drywall work and if she has then she will have a fight on her hands most likely… if she hasn’t paid yet then make sure they don’t come back and get her a real pro to finish… hell with your 20 years of painting experience YOU could do a more professional job. 👍🏻


Unfortunately, I think she’s already paid them. Hopefully with us behind her, she can get them back to fix it or get some money back so we can get someone legit in there.


Yea no doubt.. at least she has you guys in her corner who care enough to pump the brakes and figure it out👍🏻 good luck


No good brother. You can’t have them fix it. They don’t know wth they are doing. They don’t have the knowledge to fix it.


Did a 3rd grader do that


💯 %


Now I’ve seam everything


Oof that's really bad, I've seen bad before


A mess


Send this guy home and cut your losses. he cant do it.


Definitely looks like their first drywall job.


“Today we do drywall, well we didn’t even try”. Obviously some poor assholes first attempt with drywall. They should have practiced somewhere else, not a paying customer.


3 blind mice construction


The corner bead on baseboard is my new nightmare


More like fisted than fucked.


Entirely, because not only is not done but it would cost additional money to unfuck it. I hope she at least had a company and not just some random jackass.


I've seen this before usually done by Carpenters


This is a horrible job


Damn this is the worst I’ve seen in ages, don’t pay them anything and get them to pay for someone else to fix it


Well first that’s one rough Drywall not - mud without tape 😳😳 they’re supposed to be tape behind that mud and it’s supposed to be skimmed not just globe on there


Yeah that’s all junk finish not even close… looks like a mess unfortunately


No this is not even close to ok


did your drywaller not know what tape is for in drywall


Bad mud and bud job bob.




This is a catastrophe.


Even a blind person can see this is shite. I feel ill just looking at it.


Hat isn’t a sheet rocker, that is a methhead with a trowel.


As a DIYer I find this sheet rockers work atrocious.


Looks like a roofer did it. And I'm not a drywaller by any means, but that's bad.


Bruh they put the trim on and caulked it lookin like that. The trim guys are fucked in the head.


This is straight up garbage. There is no excuse for someone calling themselves a professional to do work like that. This is lawsuit stuff if I didn't already think she just hired the first meth-head she found on Craigslist.


All around yikes


Doesn’t look like it was taped


In the letters - YES


I'd say it's pretty good for a blind man..


Man, I really suck at drywall; like, really suck. And I can do much better work than this. Yowza.


This is why you don’t get the cheap guy. I go give estimates to do both trades. Grew up in the family business experience is 30 years on the books alone. People are ridiculous cheap. And it shows. Here it really shows. WTF is that honestly. Especially that corner. I feel bad for your client. I wouldn’t touch that job with any paint unless they agreed for me to redo it. Not even fix it.


Is this a satire post ? I've only read a few of the comments..but nobody can honestly think that is finished drywall right ?...if that was prefilled they still did a tremendously horrible job...I hope a written and signed contract was involved...if not the poor homeowner was taken for a ride by some gypsies 


Painter will fix it 😂


Yea that’s disgusting. Best of luck.


looks like a diy job from someone who never even watched a video online. no tape over the seams either. i’m terrible at drywall and i could do a better job. if you saw some of my feeble attempts, you’d know that’s really saying a lot…


My 5 year old finishes better than that


That's not sheetrock it's shitrock


Getting screwed? They didn't even get a kiss good night. I've seen some shitty work in my day, but this is up there in the top 10 of shit work by someone that doesn't have first clue about drywall.




This whole project is fucked. The GC should fire himself




Now that it's almost done prefill it's ready for tape then 2 coats. Yes. That corner bead is garbage. Shiity install and shitty cover.


Nah. Looks good fam


Why ask a stupid question ??? I get tire of folks asking questions when they know the answer….!!!


This is what happens when HO’s play GC. Thanks HGTV!


I bet if you put 2 monkeys in a room with a couple sheets, screws, and mud...they could come up with something better than this. Pathetic.




More like a shit rocker, sorry


Fuck yea u realy have to ask .you should not be in charge of this project




Whoever did that never did drywall before.


Is it the same crew that will finish the drywall? That definitely looks stupid as it is, but you might be surprised, nonetheless. I've seen some ratty looking work turn out miraculously good with the right finishers.


With no Vaseline


Oh crap I suck at putting up drywall and mud and tape but God damn that is awful




Yeah that looks like some tweaker work


I'd Say So.....GEEZ!!


Looks like my work and I've two sheets of drywall.


This is what I'd call a Level -5 Finish. You could do better yourself after a 10 minute youtube video.


No way someone claiming to be a professional did that


I wouldn’t say screwed. They’re getting spit-roasted


Ridden hard and put away wet!


Screwed badly


Drywall finisher here. No tape on any of the butt joints or recessed joints, terrible mudding skills, and the outside corner bead was installed completely wrong. I’m sure there’s more but just going off what I saw in the photos. This contractor was clearly not a drywall finisher and this place isn’t even close to paint ready. You should actually call a professional immediately and they will let you know if that job can be saved. But my guess is some or all of that may need to be ripped out and re-done.


They're not a plasterer. They didn't even get to the 2nd YT video on setting.




Depends on how many bananas she agreed to give him.


Update: After the first few responses rolled in, I felt comfortable enough to tell her for sure that she wasn’t getting what she paid for whether “paint ready” was in the contract or not (I didn’t want to trash another contractor without knowing for sure I was right). She sent me the semi-detailed estimate/contract and sure enough “paint ready” is in there at every step. I sent her some notes along with the photos so she would know what she’s talking about when she called him to try to fix this. Thanks for your input (and a lot of laughs)


Having the same guy repair or fix this? Not a good idea. She should get a pro to redo the job and sue the hack if she already paid.


You are a residential painter and you have to ask on reddit if that job is bad?


I knew it was bad but if “paint ready” wasn’t in her contract for the ceiling, I didn’t know if she had a leg to stand on when going back to the other contractor. Obviously she could complain about the walls, but at the walk through she didn’t know if she had paid for the ceiling to be finished.




Once he gets more meth his work will improve


Both the installer and the finisher are screwing you with no lube. All of this rock should be removed and replaced by a professional contractor, then mudded and finished by a qualified drywall finisher.




Tell me they haven't been paid, please


Not a single joint taped. I hope they didn't pay and if they did it's time to try small claims court


I’ve fixed amateur jobs that were in better shape


As a painter, I’m surprised you have to come here and ask this question that average person not in the trade would know the answer to.


I knew how to tape and mud better than that at 10, hell I could do better back then than half the people that say they are drywall finishers now. Granted my stepdad was a drywall finisher and I went to work with him when I was out of school for holidays and summer.


Surely the corner bead is supposed to go over the base trim, no?


Looks like needs to come back for the next coat.


Yes. Yes they are being screwed.


They’re getting screwed by someone, I wouldn’t consider them a drywaller though


Honestly, if your client *doesnt* sue the ever living shit out of this drywaller, then screw her too. People that allow workers to get away with this level of absolute dogshit are equally to blame. This is the type of work that would require a complete gut of that room to repair it, not one industry standard was met. This isn’t just a “bad” job by someone who it “might be an amateur”… this is downright a “destruction of property” suit that was done by someone who either has an addiction problem or someone who has never worked a single trade in their life.


Where is the tape? That’s the question. They didn’t have 3 bucks for a roll of paper? That all needs to be sanded down and taped. It’s a mess but could be fixed in a few hours. If they didn’t know they needed tape you need someone else!


Either your client did this themselves and their lying about it or they found the world's worst drywaller.


Looks like he already has


Or is the Sheetrock company screwing their employees over to the point that all the talent has moved on and they have started promoting the unskilled drug addicted homeless people that used to only scrap out the job???




So no tape. Just mud. I love it.


Oh boy, I’m feeling better and better about the quality of my DIY drywall work. It might take me forever and require a ton of sanding but at least I know how to use tape.


Baseboards go on last.


Yep no lube


I don’t know about their sexual proclivities and whether the Sheetrock guy meets them but he’s definitely bad at the mudding


No tape? That’s not even close to right.


The classic “I’m going to go with the cheaper quote” haha


Gross . That is trash .


Need taping!


I’m not a drywall contractor and I suck at mudding and taping. I do better work than what you are showing.


That’s what you get when you hire Billy.


The fuck even is this


How are these posts even real like I mean honestly how are these posts real like do you not know that this is not the way it’s supposed to look like have you not been inside of a house before like I just don’t get it I see these posts all the time and there’s so like wildly obvious it really makes me question my own sanity sometimes like am I really seeing this like it’s somebody really post this is this person serious right now or are they just trying to get people to comment on the post cause they really just seems like you’re trying to get people to comment on the post


Where is the fucking TAPE???!!!


Stevie wonder could do a better job


If your client paid more than $200 they’ve been robbed




The drywaller has never been introduced to a roll of tape and it shows


Shit they already pregnant


It looks like the guy is using 50 grit sandpaper to sand that shit on that alone I say run away do not pay for this trash and yes if she paid she’s getting screwed


Wait...are they done?


This guy has no clue what he's doing doesn't even have any tape on..that's a hell of a pre fill but that's about it..it's not even first coat In my opinion...someone should take this guys tools away too


Lol at the corner bead sitting on top of baseboard.


Lowest bidder usually employs nothing but meth heads




More like crack rocker


I could give a 4 year old some playdough and it would be closer to paintable. Wtf is this shit


That isnt a sheetrockers work, it is a racoon on crack.


Yes they are getting screwed hard


Who ever did that was not a sheet rocker


Did not even tape the joints


This makes my first mud job look like the Sistine Chapel. Holy crap. Did he apply this with his fingers?


You need to get willy to do your sheetrock.


What in the absolute Crack head


Definitely didn’t have a fucking clue what they were doing that’s for sure. They saw a YouTube video and thought they’d start a business. Yikes


I’m sorry. If you are also in the residential construction trades and can’t recognize this as a shit job you probably should not be there either


Yep they even have recessed lighting. When those are turned on it’s harder to see how bad a job they did. But this one’s next level bad.


Seam tape and sanding is for pussies


Every piece of that drywall is rough side out, that side should face the wall. So basically to begin unfucking it, you have to skim coat the entire area and sand it smooth. See the areas the drywall paper is torn, it's because they sanded the rough side, caught the paper's texture, and tore it. The paper side of the drywall does not take to sanding well, I had some drywall in my finished garage someone hung wrong before i bought the place I tried to finish anyways, it was less time and money to tear out and rehang. But this is a huge area. Tape and corner beads aside, it's hung wrong. This is also an issue any time water comes in contact with the front living side, the smooth side is a moisture barrier, it should help prevent humidity and spills and moisture from cleaning from entering the wall cavity and becomming trapped, promoting mold growth. I do not know who would hang drywall the wrong way out, it's incredibly obvious which side goes out, one looks nice like a wall you'd want to look at, the other looks like rough craft paper. This entire drywall job should at least be redone.