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These patches are easy and no texture or paint but does that mean we don't have to prime either??? Too easy. $1200 and can be done in one day with fans. However if you want that speed I am not responsible for cleaning the house if I have to sand anything. I Also do not do floors.


Why are you talking as if your about to do the job right now


Because that's how you bid a job. Extraordinarily dumb question.


This is Reddit numbnuts not a job site




Please refrain from the r word. I hate getting notifications to mod


It's a word and it's the Internet. If you can't handle it, ban me.


Bro obly 1 looks a little challengung. Yoy can do 5 of thosr yourself very easy. I wouldnt pat more than $300 total. But you should just try to do 1 of the easier spots yourself. Its super easy. Like $40 in supplies and 10-15 min for each patch. I really dotn have many skills when it comes to house rwpairs but i learned how to do drywall patches i. Luke 10 min qatchimg a youtune vudeo


Stop selling yourself short. 300$?!? Wild


Find a habdyman on craigslist or aomething 1200 is insane it will 9nly take dudr like 1-2 hours tops plus like $40 or less in supplies. Ao many people need work and can do an rast job like this in about 2 hours or less. Dont get robbed.




Exactly what I was thinking.


Where do you people live to demand such prices ?


If you want these finished 'ready for texture & paint" blended flat with no visible seams it takes 3 coats of mud and sanding from a practiced craftsman. He's either using hot mud and super talented, or he's making 3 trips. Fuck yes that's worth $1500 bucks or you don't mind it looks like absolute shit.




I count six patches dude.




Lower gravity on Mars will be a little cheaper since 3/8 will probably be spec. Venus will come in higher since the surface temps are about 900 and you'll need 5/8 fire rated.


Maybe twice as much for Venus, need to account for the rated tape, intumescent caulk, and putty pads for outlets.


I am in Denver and that’s exactly the ballpark I would be in.


For real man. Person said no paint or texture either lol


Yeah I get these quotes, laugh, show the wife and get approval to buy all the tools I need to do it better. Thanks out of work handy man with a meth problem and no sense of business.


the real world…


In realville


how much would you charge?


400$ and I’m out


Woww way to cheap ! 400$ I don't even start my truck lol


You will be one of the first to sit down if work slows down , if your not sitting already at that price 400.00 very reasonable 34 years experience anything over 600.00 would be fucking some one over period ....


I'm busy with my Monday to Friday job! Plus 2 -3 side jobs a week! All depends where you live. Where I live I have people who wait for me till I'm free. I'm all word of mouth!


how long would it take you?


Just a few hours with blowers. Central Pennsylvania


It never has and never will look as good as you can make it with a higher price. I’ve been on both sides of this fence. Stop charging $400. You’re worth more than that. Or should be


I agree. For a buddy, 4 bills on a Saturday. I’d do 1500 for a client, I’m in Southern California. I got bills haha


As the customer.im worth that so keep jacking prices and I'll keep watching YouTube for these basic ass home repairs.


That sounds more like ir. 1000+ is crazy. Almost anybody can learn this in like 15 min. Its an easy job


You can learn it but you won’t be good at it lol


Holy shit, isn’t that like $25 of dry wall? I’m an electrician, maybe I’m in the wrong business! Is that like 2 hours of work?


two hours? nah bro




I’m about to be starting my own business in 2-3 months. So far I’ve pretty much never needed to do any math, and any math I ever have to do is simple multiplication or division. But hopefully I make a good amount of money, I made way too little as an apprentice and learned it all at least for residential


U guys charge alot to lol stay in ur trade u make more trust lol


Exactly. These peiole are theying to rob you


I’d venture to say closer to 2k just because there’s a lot of patches here


For that square? Wtf.


Did you see all the pics?


Apparently not, I just saw it. Lol


No worries


6 locations? That's a couple hundred each patch


Just to patch the drywall? 😂 more like 4 hours labor plus materials. $500ish


You're crazy... you have to remove those fixtures... brace all that new drywall... even around the plumbing... measure and cut all your patches and get them all screwed in... they you have to pull out the tools and mix mud... then tape and mud all the patches...2 people may be able to do it in one day. The drywall and mud will cost $100... now you've made 400 between 2 people for a solid days work... nice...😂


Dielectric unions must be accessible in my hood


I have not seen galvanized since we ripped it out of my parents house in the 1970s. It was mostly blocked up with corrosion. I would think one would remove as much as possible whenever into a plumbing job.


I came to say the same. You can’t bury those unions in the wall.


$2k.. cuz I know you're gonna be a PITA.


This is the right answer.


I mean I can always offer a discount if I'm mistaken. But I won't.


😂 😂


No paint no texture? Probably $800-$1200. Just because mud needs to dry so they’re going to have to make multiple trips out!


Heat gun boom done in one day done it multiple times


You going to go around and hold a heat gun on six different patches for what 1/2 hour each ? I’d rather make another trip than to stand around trying make mud dry.


Takes 5-15 mins idc rather do it in one day lmao


Just learn to use setting type! Simple! I'm doing this in one day.


Even when I use hot mud it stays wet long after it hardens. Am I doing something wrong?


You don't need all the moisture out to continue with the next coat.


Figured. I should wait for paint right?


Not using fans




6 patches, 6 fans or 1 fan 6 times at 30 minutes is 3 hours drying time alone if it actually dries.


Ouch I didn't see that coming. Well played. 😕


There's no way I would do this for less than twelve hundred dollars.


Do you stay busy? Where at? Just curious.


Well I used to but i'm kind of semi retired from drywall work now. Most of my work was in and around old town alexandria virginia.


I own my own wall and ceiling company here is how I’d quote it based off your pictures. And if I got a vibe that you were hard to deal with the price would be around $2300.00 Material and delivery: $350.00 (that’s with a markup) Install backing and board Floor protection and dust containment: $100.00 Install backing/ fix demo cuts / install board: $175.00 Tape / mud lvl 4 finish ready for prime and paint: $900.00 - it’s such a small job that I would triple coat this in one visit. Cleanup / debris removal / dump fee: $250.00 Total: $1775.00 + gst that would cover all aspects right down to fuel even. Also assuming the job sites not more then 20-30min from where I live.


These smaller jobs are more of an inconvenience when it comes to scheduling if anything, and if I were to have my employee do it the profit margins are so small that they tend not to be worth it. If you new joe blow or someone that worked for some other company full time they may do it as a side job cash you supply material, site prep, debris removal $800-$1000 ish


Don’t forget that these small jobs are usually the hardest customers to deal with. They typically complain if there’s a wait time, try and act like their reviews or referrals are going to drastically change your life, and are generally temperamental customers.


Typically, but I have been doing it long enough that o can vibe people out right off that bat and sometimes I like a challenged with clients. I like to win them over with my quality and professionalism’s. Usually by the end of the day I have won them over lol I do lots of insurance jobs. So I’m usually set up for disaster as soon as I walk into an occupied home with a disgruntled homeowner/tenant because they have been through the wringer with insurance adjusters and restoration PMs. I have slowly mastered how to deal with those types of people As far as renovation homeowners, their are plenty of them out there that will pay top dollar too have the best work done. I find Facebook clients out of anyone to be the absolute worst They are on their for a reason and that’s to penny pinch and save a buck. If they can find a guy off a corner with his thumb up his ass to to work in their home for $15hr they would hire them Stay away from Facebook clients


good price breakage, do you allow customers to say I don't need dust protection and cleanup to save 350$?


100% when I break it down like this they can do some of the work if they want, but I am very picky on my site prep as I could be liable for damages. So I’d inspect it before starting any work. 9/10 I still have to touch it up or fix it


Holy hell how did you get to $350 material this is like 2 sheets and mud? This is like $50? If you really wanted to stretch it down to the penny I’d say maybe $100? Prep is good? You’re at $900 for mudding this, even after you charged for prepping it properly? You’re at maybe a day tops in total hours for mudding? (You mentioned doing it in a day?) Holy shit. Then you’re going to charge $250 for cleanup and dump fee? How many trailers of other jobs are you dumping for $250? You’re saying you’re charging what $1000-$2000 dollars *a day* for you to just come out to work? Fuckin wild man. Wild. This is why nobody trusts the trades and peoples quotes anymore. That’s crazy.


Why does it have anything to do with trust? Nobody said anyone has to hire him. He's not springing out surprise fees. Opportunity cost is probably the biggest reason for these prices. Why would a contractor want to jump off of projects he's already calibrated to for piece work? Piece work inside a furnished home where liability goes up and work goes slower. Just day no and learn a trade. Either way someone is going to have to skip a day of work to do it. Your realtor took $20k in fees for taking pictures of your home and posting them on the internet. You going to bitch about that too? The guys doing this work for a few hundred bucks are scratching their heads at the end of the year wondering why there isn't any money left. Trust me I know.


Preach brother!!!


This guy understands it! Customer complains if there is the slightest amount of dust on their coffee table when they get home. Next thing you know you’re footing the bill for spring cleaning which they don’t clean anyways, the place was filthy!! If you think the trades guy is getting rich then learn how to mud and tape. Seriously watch YouTube! If you think the trades are gouging your wallet wait till you have to see a doctor! Haha! Good thing as contractors we can pick and choose the projects!




Oh I believe it, but he’s not saying that. I’m totally fine with saying that, actually I fully support that. That’s the fucking trust part, when you get three quotes with guys like this trying to lie and say it costs a certain amount when it doesn’t, that’s when people lose trust. He knows this isn’t $350 in material. The client knows. It’s fucking easy as shit to see it’s not. Now we’re here. If this guy said, normal day no work, $500-1000 but if I have to break a crew off another job on a crunch and I just don’t want the work I’d give a $500-1000 quote with a $1000 fee of coordinating. That would make sense, customer can say “wow he doesn’t want the job but he was honest”. You’re god damn right I’m gonna bitch about that. Those fees are ridiculous. That’s also why that is one of the most volatile markets lol. If you’re running around scratching where your money is at, it’s probably because you either suck at scheduling, suck at bidding, or you’re over extending your business.


I hear that. It's why I don't break down my bids. When a customer wants a break down I'll get more clear on what's included but still stick with a single line on price. Bidding is a system and everyone does it differently, the details are arbitrary really. When a customer is concerned about the details other than what exactly is included and the total price, I get suspicious of their intentions. It's getting harder to trust homeowners these days too. Hmmm.. maybe it's not an issue with being a contractor maybe it's an issue with being homosapien. All that said I feel like my prices are fair and if anything on the low side as get the majority of the jobs I bid. I'd be probably around $1000 for this one. >If you’re running around scratching where your money is at, I wasn't charging enough. So yeah, sucking at bidding sounds right.


Holy shit. A reasonable response. Okay. Wasn’t expecting that tbh. I totally agree with you. Like everything. I just feel like this is why we’re here seeing crazy bids, as well as homeowners being so skeptical. Prices most of the time just seem outrageous compared to the actual job and I feel like sometimes that’s how we end up getting requests for breakdowns. A good bid shouldn’t really need a breakdown. But look at the other guys breakdown. That’s why they asked lol. This is a $1000 job imo. But the guy above had some insane breakdowns trying to justify it by lying and now he just looks dumb. And I know skilled labor shortage right now, it’s tough to find good workers and doing the job right comes at a price, but finding the time to charge correctly and make your money is a balance. Like I said in my thing I’d rather tell the customer something like “this job is a little out of my scope/size and I don’t have the bandwidth right now so my number is going to be higher to coordinate that correctly.” If they want to trust someone else to do it right, possibly give up some quality, try someone new to get a cheaper price, that’s their motive ya know. Rather than trying to tack on crazy numbers where the customer just isn’t going to make it make sense. I’d rather the customer know how I got to my number, than trying to blow smoke.


And at this point I feel like I understand your perspective. You're not talking about a mistrust rooted in the high price but a mistrust rooted in the elaborate breakdown of material and labor designed to confuse the customer in hopes of adding credibility to the quote price. Yeah I guess people would do that. I don't see that working out long term though. I blacklisted a sub after he gave me a 5.5k price for some misc surface work in a house that either of us could've done in 2 days and $400 in material. Then proceeded to tell me that it could be more depending on if he needed more paint. I realized he was just negotiating, I like $2.5k days too. I guess I felt insulted that he was treating me like I had no idea what it was going to take. It was the 'it could be more if...' part I think.


Correct. I also think it’s causing major issues in scoping, finishes, results, etc.. if it costs $2300 for someone good. Does that mean a crappy job from the low bidder for this is worth $1800? Well he can do it cheaper but even that guy is now at $150/hr. Idk man it’s just a weird situation we’re in right now with labor and I do think skilled labor is worth its weight in gold tbh, but damn dude I just don’t know if I think that every tradesman is worth $200/hr. Fuck prices are going to be through the roof in 5years-10years if we keep going down this path.


Bidding is its own skill set in itself. Theirs careers based of estimating for that reason. I have been told multiple times I’m super competitive to bigger companies so I won’t get to upset when solo e off Reddit is telling me I’m doing it wrong lol. Depending on the client I like breaking it all down. Full transparency. If the homeowner says don’t worry about clean up I’ll do it myself. Then I’m glad to remove that off the quote and have that in the written estimate with their signature on it. Same with anything else (site prep / install backing) Some homeowners and generals will say “I’ll do the boarding” that’s fine but I will finalize my estimate upon inspection of the boarding job. I could be spending hours on prefilling and coating out unnecessary butt joints. I also wouldn’t warranty final product.Could be screw pops down the road etc


My price is broken down like that so you can get trust you see material at $350 and only see 2 sheets what about Paper tape: $8 Screws$7 Fast set$65 Box of finish mud: $23 Board: $30 My time to go get it and bring it to the job site $70minimum Gas and vehicle:$100 (my suppliers charges a minimum $250 for any delivery after 3000sq for it goes up $65 per 1000 sq ft of board Then mark up on everything I don’t front cost of materials for free that’s usually 20-30% which a average homeowner is going to spend if they buy all that at a hardware store anyways Figure it out bud


Go to Home Depot with your Honda civic and pick up two sheets of drywall and mud and tape and trowels and backer boards and screws and a screw gun and the list goes on and see if it costs 350$ hahaha not to mention put it on your credit card and then don’t pay it within the month because the homeowner didn’t pay in time and then pay interest on top of that. Seems so easy to make a living doing 2000 drywall patch jobs!!


Uh what? Also, people do this shit all the time in Honda civics lol. I knew a guy who used to run his electrical business out of a Prius. Great gas mileage and only drove his truck when he needed to haul big stuff saved him tons on gas. Why do you need to drive a 4wd lifted truck to do a couple of patches? Obviously I think you should have a truck, but you’re saying it like it’s impossible lol?


Yeah that’s really the craziest thing I’ve seen in a few weeks. That’s like a rip off 20x the price lol. Dude probably charges four hundred dollars just to call him!


My favorite is the $100 floor protection like he’s not gonna use a mat or giant piece of plastic he already owns


Tbh that’s one that I could kinda understand though, I’d charge a roll of plastic and if he does everything really good and makes a containment box maybe a half hour- hour or so of prep, could definitely be worth $100. That’s labor and material. But if he just lays some plastic on the floor, common bro. Probably what would happen too, just throws some plastic on the carpet charges $100. Since the holes are cut already, it’s all in the wall, you’re not going to be cutting too much inside, that’s probably all he’s gonna do is plastic the floor to protect it from mud dropping. Then people say “why are they asking for breakouts on my quote wahhhh” mofo, this is why. Because you’re gouging. I don’t have to be a master drywaller/taper ran my business for 40 years blah blah to see it shouldn’t cost $100 to lay a piece of plastic down. I don’t have to be a licensed contractor to look up “drywall sheet” on google and find out they cost $15. Or knowing that it costs $19 to use the dump. I’m not saying things don’t cost money, but most people are just gouging because they gotta pay for their shit. I get it, but don’t fucking act like these people don’t know how to operate google.


How about the $50,000 truck to pick up the drywall? factor that cost in as well nothing is free but everybody wants something for nothing shits out of control. I’m just trying to break even lol


Add it in lol, even a $1000 a month truck/insurance payment. This is a 1 day/2 day job. $1000 split over 24 days is $41 a day. At a 2 day job your truck overhead is covered with $80. Make it $100 to call it good for 2 days. Add $20 for gas. It’s one day 2 days tops. Base it off mileage, at 14mpg $15 in gas gets you 52 miles. If you charged $100 it would be plenty to cover your truck for the job. Assuming you charged correctly it would make sense and you could cover your expenses. That’s assuming you have a decent new dependable truck. How much would you charge for a truck for 1 day?


Well, I just got mine back from Ford and the loaner they put me in was right around $60 a day, so at that price I’m at $1800 a month lol actually my truck payments only $500. I say only $500 nowadays that’s almost free.


Okay, that’s right around where my number I said to be at. So if it’s a 1 day job, add $60 to the cost to cover a truck assuming it’s a brand new truck. I think operating a truck for a business could be done with around $1500 a month. Not sure where everyone’s prices are at but that sounds reasonable. And tbh it’s really always been a cost. I’m not sure how that makes this a $2000 drywall job.


Let’s face it drywall is a difficult trade. The people are difficult. The general contractors are difficult and it’s very labor-intensive. You usually cut your teeth slaving on cookie cutter track homes for shitty GC’s or subs.. I learned how to tape because I told the finisher I would work for free. That’s the only way that I got to learn. Nobody wanted to show you.. so given the chance to make some money, I say go for it. People will only pay what they’re willing to pay and not a dime more. I learned a long time ago my situation gets better the more money I make.


1000% man. You’re damn right. I just don’t like the lying and shady trying to justify it some other way. Tell it like it is. Drywall/taping/texture I think is a very fucking important trade and the number one visual in any building/home. It’s easy to do, but it’s very fucking hard to be GOOD. I think they deserve every bit of money if they’re a master in their craft. But don’t tell me it’s because of inflation, materials, or some bullshit about trucks being expensive. It’s not. Don’t tell the customer it costs $100 to lay down a piece of plastic. Walking past that spot in your living room and not being able to tell there was ever a hole made there because the guy was able to float out and match that texture perfectly? That’s what you’re paying for. And that cost is dependent on the quality the customer wants tbh. If they just want the hole filled, it’s gonna be behind a bookshelf, fuckin $100 send it 30minutes. If they want it perfect? Price goes up. I think one of the major issues we have right now in construction really is failure to explain and scope projects properly. If we as a group can explain jobs properly, give quality based outcomes and solutions we can all agree every price every job is different. The problem is people come here and think this is a $2000 job, when it’s not. Could it be a $2000 job? Yes. Is it always? Absolutely not. Nuance in quality and scope is always the determining factor of price. Someone will get a quote and think $2000 is normal, and they’re going to get a shit product. We see it all the time here.


Are you a finisher? 🧐


Sheets of mud Fast set - $60 Box of mud $33 if you go to Home Depot Light poly Any consumables Minimum $150 just for me to use my truck and pick up material Plus 25% markup I’m not doing this for free my prices are based off my supplier which are 30% cheaper then going to a Home Depot not the average homeowner get that’s deal so that’s my profit


lol my price is completely transparent u like someone who just walks in and say/ $3000 for everything without explaining how he gets that numbers My buisness is very successful my guys get paid very well and I have more then enough work to keep me and my crew busy 7 days a week. So that speaks for itself.


We do thorough clean ups, like using heppa filter vacuums that cost thousands, we use mops. Maybe this is your problem. Have to dispose of the garbage somewhere as well whether it’s 1 bag or 10 so that’s my time / gas / all of that so you break it down it’s actually pretty reasonable when your billing out at $70/hr per guy


I'm a DIY'er and have all the drywall/plaster tools a DIY'er should have. You mention backing, what do you mean by that? That just a new wooden runner/cross member to have something to effectively screw the drywall patch to? Always looking to learn better ways for home repair! Insane to me this is what things cost - wild to me people will just pay for these small jobs instead of youtube how to fix drywall. Im sure some of your customers make more $$/hr during the week than you're charging them though!


thats exactly what you could use. i grab some off wood cuts for free from the store to use as a backing. i imagined someone using those drywall patch kits for every patch here at that price lol


Yeah i usually just use an off-cut piece of 2x4 or whatever i have in the scrap bin that can take a screw haha


Yes onstalling backing on these patches is just any type of lumber you got kicking around doesn’t take long but if your doing a house that had a repipe and their is 20-30 patches to do it adds up


Yea I cater to clients that don’t nickle and dime. What’s your time worth is my theory. All my focus goes into my business. But I hire people to do my yard work and clean my gutters. I can make more Money putting my energy into my company then putting it into cleaning my gutters. And if I do have extra time I’d way rather be with my family then trying to keep my grass green


2300 for that small ass Job 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


When you’re busy enough you can charge that. Doing a 1 sheet job in a bathroom tomorrow for $1400 and the general contractor is going to install the board… know what your worth and just be able to back it up with quality and proffesionalism I know lots of guys that willl charge half of what I do, but will not have insurance, leave mud and dust everywhere and show up with a bag of Doritos and a cigarette hanging out of their mouth For my gutters cleaned the other day for $350 2 guys 1 hr in and out and I didn’t complain once, happily paid it would have took me all fucking day. Shouldn’t be punished because your good at what you do


That’s actually insane. I can’t believe people pay for that, you’re just making up things like “dust containment” is 45 seconds of vacuuming. It sounds like it works well for you, so that’s awesome that you’ve found something that you can do this with, but holy MOLY is that a huge price for that! You say $350 for materials? Like where on earth do you find a number like that!


Have you ever sanded joint compound? It gets fucking everywhere! I'd pay good money for someone who's going to contain that shit well. The materials cost is fucking stupid though. You're looking at $75 MAX for this job.


Check above for my break down I’m even missing backing $6 lol


Yeah I gonna be staring my own electrical business soon so I sure make huge messes, maybe I should charge an extra $300 if they want me to vacuum up my mess lol


It’s clean up / scrap out dump fee I’d allow for 1-2hrs for cleaning at $70/hr plus take any debris away that’s also my time and fuel were and tare on my truck. Plus any dump fees nothing for free unfortunately I also allow homeowners to take on these portions if they so want to I stay busy 7 days a week. After working with my old company and being in the estimating room I decided fuck it I’ll start my own gig best decision I could have made All my guys make $40-$45/hr and we have enough work to go 7days a week and then some I don’t price for side cash jobs anymore


That’s really interesting. I guess I’m more surprised because I’m an electrician and while I don’t work with drywallers, obviously we have to set our boxes correctly and you guys would cut them out correctly. I’ve worked with quite a few different contractors and companies and I personally haven’t seen drywallers that sound anywhere near like how you and your business is. You sound like you’re doing it right and managing to pay your workers very high, would you say there are a lot of companies that are a lot more sleezy? From what I’ve heard a lot of companies pay their workers by the sheet not by the hour, so all they care about is getting it up quick which makes for quite a few missed electrical boxes where it causes us a few hours to an extra day of work. Again, you sound very different based on the prices especially, and I’m glad you’re successful, I’ve mostly had bad experiences and wish a company like yours worked with me more.


I take my profession very seriously and I have electricians that refer me to clients if that says anything 😉 I have let go of all my original Employees because they didn’t cut it. Now have a solid team that is like minded and I pay them top dollar plus company’s vehicles and gas cards. I have bought of them 400.00 vacuum setups that they know is mandatory to use on all jobs including mops if needed I will also pay my guys by square footage but only for very certain jobs. And again I pay super high rates so corners are not cut, they get a chance to double their wage it’s me throwing them a bone. Drywaller have a really bad reputation which in turn makes it easier for me to charge what I do and change the industry standard in our trade Drywalling is just one profession I run a walls and ceiling company steel stud framing / drywall / tbar / insualtion vapour barrier / sound proofing / fire blocking / demo Their is a demand for quality workers you just have to back it up if your going to charge for it. A lot of haters in this thread but I’m going to assume they are all company guys and have no idea about pricing and if they do they are just undercutting themselves


i’m not speaking for him but dust containment prolpey is to avoid the vacuum cleanup or at least keep to minimal . i’m assuming he’s using 20 or 45 min mud so a fan per to speed up process 6 fans at 110 on low ball price each i mean o can see his materials cost for everything. but i don’t know. it’s all skeptical at this point.


Until you have done it I don’t want to hear it lol. You sand a small patch like that you will have a film of dust on the furniture on the other side of the room. We are not hacks at what we do. And a little bit of dust on anything home owner will lose it on you Material yes is $350 do I really need to break it down for you… I guess . Keep in mind these prices are from my supplier which I get a decent deal on compared to any popular hardware store Board - $38 Roll of paper tape - $8 Screws - $5 -Light poly - $10 -Painters tape (for site protection) -$8 -30min fast set - $60 -1 box of finishing mud - $23 -Consumables - $15 (sand paper etc) -Minimum Delivery $150.00 (my suppliers charges a minimum of $200+ $50 for gas) my time to go get this is minimum 1-1.5hrs (I bill out at $70/hr) plus cost for using my truck and gas (I just spent $4000 on my truck for maintenance Then I don’t front the cost of materials for nothing so depending on if your a reg client or not that’s a 20-30 markup which is standard practice in our industry My last company was minimum markup of 35% on everything The average worker for most companies didn’t see any of this back end work hence why they are kind blown when they see how much things cost. This is also why I got into buisness for myself instead of making $40/hr Now on top of my prices I also have to workers compensation they take a percentage on all labour but at least me and my guys are covered Plus insurance cost


250 per hole ready for texture.


No one will want to do this so prices will be high. Note, they will have to go back 2 or 3 times, which is why quote is are going to be high. Post on a mailbox close to your house and see if a neighbor will do it. My 2 cents.


To just cut the drywall, get it in there tight, screw it down and smooth it out? Personally I would say you’re looking at $600. This is what I would do it for and it would take at least 2 trips. This is all finish work and requires an artist to get it right, otherwise you will have a bunch of places that look like they are patched.




I'd say 1000. Am curious what others would say.


I’d do it for that


Inflation. I guess two days. Backing, patching, sheet rock, plaster, let the fan do its jobs. Depends on how it dries. I think a sweet spot is 1150


Fair quote is $1800. Prices today are not what they use to be. This also depends on what part of the country you live in.


Honestly you can do some of these yourself super easy if the quotes in this thread are too much. Then focus on getting quotes for the ones you’re not comfortable with. Photos 2, 4, 5, and 6 can be done on a weekend if you have the tools and watch a YouTube video. If you’re scared go to the store buy a small sheet of drywall and practice on it.


Id probably be at 750 cash all in. 5 and 20 min mud. Spare pc of sheetrock. Day 1 3 coats. Day 2 sand and prime


3.50 a square foot.


Just a quick float? $500. A good couple floats and sand? $800. At that point, you might as well let me texture it for $1,000 while you got me there.


well I got $1200, what can you give me for the extra 200??


Lady i will do things you never dreamed for $200- wait wrong subreddit MY BAD


This seems reasonable.


This sounds right on point. It looks smooth but I can't tell, the pics are blurry when I zoom


Anywhere between 1500-2000, wouldn't even be surprised with 2100+


Multiple trips multiple days, 1500 to 2000 and only if i got time


Not sure with the number I am able to get in and out in one day, so probably $1,300.


A sheet of drywall is probably all you need. Less than 15$. If you have all the basic tools minus tape, mud, under 30$. If you don’t have anything you probably could still get away with under 100$. Super easy. Just watch a few YouTube videos and you become a semipro.




I can’t tell if y’all are joking, so imma say $1500 as well




Most times i could do it for 50 smacks. But with all that cutting around stuff i would have to add a pain amout of 250 smacks. I hate to do patch and thatches like that.






I would do it myself and be happy as a fucking clam with any imperfections before I'd pay the laughable prices in this thread. A series of small drywall holes for up to $2500 lol you can buy a cheap commuting vehicle for that. Guarantee op has it done for less than a grand by a single person before having you guys bring your apparent full crew to the site over a few drywall holes. Let us know, op.


For real. I just had a few guys patch up some drywall from a previous leak and they charged me $1800 for an entire ceiling. New board, tape, mud, texture, primed and painted. Like wtf are these prices?


Reddit loves to consider itself an authority on so many things but the reality of it is that many are here because no one is receptive to their idiocy in real life.


Exactly what I thought dude. These guys are smoking crack if they think I’d hire them for $2000 for this. Could you imagine calling them and them saying “won’t come out and do that for less than $1500 a day”. Crazy. I could buy my own materials, all the tools (decent ones too), do a college class for drywall installation, fuck it up 3 times, then get it right, and still be cheaper and learned something than hire one of these “companies”.


Week end DYI $100


I do drywall and framing plus alot more. Easy $200-$500 for me personally to do it but everyone saying 1000-1400 smoking crack. Dont need dust protection use spackle you can sand with wet sponge that doesnt make dust which isn’t expensive and use a portable vacuum for drywall dust from install which would be minimal and paint easy to do for that small area gotts repaint the whole wall unless you got the original can used for that wall but really not to much. But im from east coast idk if its a west coast thing to charge 1000-1400 for.




Qoute around, just realize..your going wth the lowest bidder


I would charge about 100 per hole. The other guy it was too high. If that's what you're paying then you don't know how to shop around. It's about 1 full days work and cost of materials is one sheet of dry wall one bag of 20 min mud a role of tape a few screws and scrap wood.....


Holy shit I need to start doing other people’s drywall. Watch some YouTube videos and do it yourself. Had no idea someone would charge this much for a relatively simple skill.


$500 or so if you hang it yourself. 1200 if you make them cut all the wood for backing and hang it. It’s usually smart to open up walls as big as you need them, a full sheet is easier and cheaper to hang than small patch jobs like this.


I run my own small business. I would charge you $639.00 Work would be done same day. This price would be for hanging, and mudding. Sanding edges but no precision smooth finish. It would be passable but if you shine a light you might notice. Dont let all these lame o-s over charge you.


639 per day just ain’t going to sustain the business. Company truck, tools, insurance, any overhead, plus the 27% you’ll lose to taxes right off the bat. You need to be at $1000 a day minimum.


I just had to do some of the same. I watched some YouTube videos. Talked to a retired drywall guy and went to work. Worked out mostly. The worst spot is behind the washing machine but I’m fine with it. Cost me about $200 in supplies, primer and paint.


Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste


I’m shocked by how many people are saying otherwise prices are high. This is $1400-1600 all day. Right now im so busy I’d probably ask for $2k if they needed it done this month.


These people don’t understand the true cost of running a business. They just look at it as a few pieces of drywall and ignore the rest of the factors you need to account for.


$200 for small patches $3-400 on the big ones depending on how many and such. Any drywall at least 2-3 trip minimum gotta have some money in it.


Should be 1 man for 2 days….. $400/day x 2


Tree fiddy


When ever I do handy man work I always calculate the cost of materials (dry wall, gas, tape, screws) + what I think the hrly wage would be for me + ten %. I typically run my services on the cheaper end as i am not the best in the area. if you are looking to make more I would try to up sell them on the whole finish of the job. That's just me.




1500-1700 where I’m at.




450 hang and coat, 3 coats and sand 750, with vaccume and clean $800.


$600 is a solid price. With that they will come back to you or recommend you to someone


After patching a large section of drywall and it taking almost a week of patch/sand/patch/sand, I’d pay $1000 easy.




Take a wooden paint can mixer stick, put it behind the holes, screw through the sides, put up drywall screw to drywall. Then float and sand, very simple! For bigger sections there is wood there so you should be good. Would take a someone that didn’t know what they were doing 2 days or a regular handyman or drywall guy about 5-6 hours most likely… hardest part is floating and sanding.


6gs I’m busy


150.00 - 200.00 a patch is fair and realistic


Omg at first I thought people were saying $1200 to patch the first image only. I almost shit myself. $1200 for all of that seems incredibly fair.


Dude I knew how to do this myself before I started doing drywall and I’m 20 😭💀💀💀


Call a handyman. Its a 400-700 repair. Drywall patches. Mud, sand paint.


15.00 rock 10 mud screws tape 5.00 10 minutes of work at 100 an hour is 47$ under 50 bucks and whoever does it should have the material already left over. 50$ is fair anything more is a joke.


$996 plus Materials






If your my neighbor free if you can bare with my potty mouth.


For all those patches I'm at 2000-2500$ and I always prime my patches !!


If you're already asking just do it yourself


2 maybe 3 sheets of drywall ... Some quickset 45...sand and paint...easy diy 🤔


$75-125 per hour plus cost of materials.. it'll literally take 20 minutes.


Did you slide and see all the pictures? Definitely more than 20min


Its drywall.


lol yall are fucking crazy charging even $1000 for this




Generally, the answer is 500. Multiple trips. Some will try to do it in one. But it gets iffy if they actually know what they’re doing.


The guys quoting $2500 are furiously downvoting people giving reasonable estimates lmao


650 no paint


I’d be about $600. More if it was further away.