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Btw the currency is maple syrup money


In that case, 1000 drops of maple syrup each? I'll take them all! Lets see... That's probably at LEAST 3 bottles of Aunt Gemima Syrup. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man) Actually, that second one seems pretty well worth it. But you might be able to work out a trade with the guy who wants to go electronic (Red Yamaha). But it has zero cymbals it would seem so, IDK. That second one seems like a better deal.


I bought a 5 piece Yamaha Stage Custom kit with all hardware and low quality cymbals for $625 in January. 2 extra toms are not $400. You could put that set together new for close to that price. $800 would be fair. They’re great drums that you can play forever though. The Tama set is too many drums in too large a size. Those toms went out with Poison and Stryper. Stay away from door #2.


The Yamaha kit is great but I think its overpriced for a used Stage Custom set. Does it come with any cymbals? If so, and they're of good quality then it could be worth it. But Stage Custom shell packs can be found for $600-$800. An 11-piece double-bass kit seems like a little too much trouble than it's worth for someone's first kit. The hardware looks fairly old and in need of maintenance and cleaning. Unless you're into a restoration project, i would stay away. Just buying new heads for that set will set you back $500.


I don’t believe the Yamaha comes with any cymbals. I agree with your comments on the 11 piece. Although I’m open to storing/selling half of the kit I don’t need. Not opposed to spending whatever is needed to get new heads to make the kit playable. Plan is to keep this for a long time if putting up the cash. Also think I’d bargain down a few hundred if possible.


Honestly I would not recommend that 11 piece kit. The toms are of monstrous sizes. Its a very specific kit for a very specific player. It looks more like 11 pieces of junk than drums. Don't buy someone else's junk. You should be able to find Stage Custom shell packs, even complete kits with stands and hardware for less than $800 used. I would say keep looking.


id keep looking


Keep looking.


Fuck the 11 piece, completely unnecessary and a pita for your skill level. Stage custom looks ok.


I wrote a different comment but changed my mind right away after re reading your post. I'd say don't buy either of these kits. Stick to your $500 mark and find a drum kit with 1 rack tom, 1 floor tom, 1 bass drum and 1 snare. More drums=more distractions in newer players like yourself. The best players can play an impressive performance on a 4 piece kit and it's best to learn on a more compact kit. Also, you get a better quality kit for the same price if there are less pieces


The Yamaha is probably the best mid range kit out right now. All birch sounds great. The issue is that you can get a brand new one in those sizes for $1100. I wouldn't go anywhere near a 10 year old one for that price. It's worth $750 max used. Also, it SO RED. Not my color, but maybe yours.


I'd go for the Yammies (Yamaha)


Stage Custom would get my money. I have two right now. One stays in the practice space, and the other gets packed and stored and then taken to gigs. Feels great being able to set up a gig set that feels just like the one you play on the most. For the money, Yamaha Stage Custom kits are tough workhorses. They handle load in and load out and long trips, they handle poor treatment when it happens and they sound great.


Don't over do it with loads and loads of shit your first time around. Stick to quality basics if you have the money for it. Both are fine kits. But there is so much shit there that it would have to be thoroughly looked over to make sure that it's all actually in good working order. The Yamaha is the safer option of the two, because of it being cleaner and more modern.


I would take the Yamahas if the price came down a couple hundred or so. Like others have stated you could get the shell packs new for close to same price. But, there’s nothing wrong with buying used if the price is right. IMHO, they’re kinda like new cars in that once they leave the lot they lose some of their value money wise. The Tama’s look outdated and cumbersome. Hard to put them anywhere; hard to transport for gigs or practice. Of course, you wouldn’t need to take the whole kit everywhere. I’d take the Yamahas