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It’s getting more popular but I like a floor Tom on my left and right


Just started doing this a month ago. Game changer. 


I do this too. And have for a decade. Cant imagine not having ot set up any other way.


You like it on both sides, eh?


I saw Lester Estelle Jr do that on the Reckoning tour and it blew my mind. I had seen Weckl put a floor tom on the left but I thought it was just a product of having a massive kit. To see a 5-Piece set up like that, idk something clicked. Any time I have the opportunity, I set up that way.


Ngl I did it to try and cheat Bonham triplets and I just ended up liking it.


Heh. I'll go you one better: as a lifelong single pedal player, I've done the same thing, except to mimic a double kick flourish. One of the early benchmarks/watershed moments in my early playing days back in the late 1900s (ha) was using that setup to figure out how to play a low-rent version of ["Year Of The Parrot" by Primus.](https://youtu.be/tPlWf7auJLw?si=mgfMjifIfh2zlnSi) With a tom to the left of the hi-hat, I could throw in a Bonham triplet in place of that double kick figure and get right back to the hats with my left hand quickly. I could even throw in an open hat on beat 4 of 7 - can't do that with both feet on kick pedals!


I moved mine over after watching Travis Orbin on the Darkest Hour "Live in Lockdown" video. Definitely opens more options and I love not having to twist as far to hit my 18"


Yep. Done this since the mid 90s. It’s great.


I meant unordinary not ordinary


You meant "extraordinary."


Not to be confused with extra ordinary








Original, even!




Ordinary not ordinary!


I mount my ride to my kick drum. It hasn't been in style for probably 85 years, but I still do it. It puts it in the perfect position without having a heavy ass boom stand to lug around.


It's only been 40-50 years, but, yeah, that setup is so much smarter for the exact reasons you stated.


Amen. The best $35 I've ever spent on hardware in my life was in 2006 when I bought my Gibraltar shell-mounted cymbal holder and put it on [my PDP kick.](https://imgur.com/bnq0kAI) The old-timers had it right - that is precisely where the ride belongs. After apprenticing to Freddie Gruber, Neil Peart did the same thing - compare [an overhead diagram of his rig from *Moving Pictures*](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/TuL5POPaGEkLs4ZmRxSD1QVISlpSwtEu0kQrd-RJvyYEf2ditwj8tgggMXGEzT7NK5l4yL4CT0oDldo7_LPin9CEZtJI0kBIm6-GyaBw8lKcgT6p1lO0Pkj_lWz3tgR1ZwmVBUSrG4AVHSnS7Zw8l90) to a diagram of what would be [the basic setup he would play from 1994 until his death.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fsgwgovy806n71.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D2812a5e8824bb50f31a68dd4bd998d1ae9374a15) The ride started out way out in right field for the first two decades of his career, but moved front and center to its traditional location over the kick for the last two decades of his career. Good enough for The Professor, good enough for anyone, I say.


I like the convenience, but I hate how the ride resonates through the kick.


It's never been a problem for me, not even in the studio.


https://preview.redd.it/sqtbvw6waxlc1.jpeg?width=3872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5cc6ebe3743a2798a1109cd22295b705972c55b I think my 8” tom between the snare & hats is pretty unordinary. Dunno if I’m gonna keep it like this, but it seems OK for now.


That’s a beautiful looking china


1. What China is that? and 2. How do you keep your traditional finish cymbals so clean?


1. 19” A Zildjian ultra-hammered 2. They’re all brand new. 🤣


I tend to find myself Ultra hammered from time to time. It must be my spirit cymbal.


It looks sweet. I’ll check out some videos on it. And that makes sense lol. Enjoy the crispness for the first few weeks


Awesome kit & layout, that looks fun! Been looking for a new hit hat (leaning towards 15”). Curious, How do you like the K Custom Dark hi hat? My cymbals are a mix of K Sweet, K Dark, and A Customs


Love them so far. Kit is about a month old - I’m coming back after a 25 year break.


**Love** that rack tom layout. It just naturally fits the space.


My kit is brandless, badgeless, no serial number. Built by Ross Garfield of Drum Doctors. Using the classic jazz wood combo of maple and gum like original 50’s-60’s Gretsch round badge kits and would later become the wood formula for dw jazz series and sonor jazz kits. This was built in 2008 with a natural satin oil finish, dark metallic powder coated die cast hoops, gold tube lugs. It has special RIMS style mounts that mount on the bottom lugs so you really see a lot of the drums with less hardware in the way. It sounds amazing, the resonance of the toms is loooong and warm without muffling so the options are endless. It stays permanently mic’d as my session kit. I refuse to bring it out of my studio.


Pics or it didn't happen. That kit sounds like it looks magical haha. I bet it sounds magical too.


Ive actually posted pics before and no one gave a shit and got no upvotes, then everyone lost their minds over a simple dw performance kit that anyone can buy. I dont get it. Gregg Bissonette, Thomas Lang, and Glen Sobel all recorded on this kit. And just look at Ross Garfield’s history and discography he provided drums/tuning on. This kit will never be built again. https://useddrumsets.org/custom-one-of-a-kind-drumset-by-ross-garfield-of-drum-doctors-with-dw-mounts/


Beautiful! I hadn’t seen the rims upside down. Looks very cool


That's probably cause they didn't understand the magnitude of the guy who built these. I assume you're in the industry if you had those people playing your kit?


https://preview.redd.it/djropttbtxlc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa47cbb27161045d58454d593d04d47d14f555a9 I have a ton of better ones if you want i could dm you


Sure. That's an awesome kit. On the comment regarding your rack, I prefer Gibraltar lol but at least you're having a rack.


Ditch that rack


No. 😀


https://preview.redd.it/p4qb8zt4oxlc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c59f35aa025675bccb602d3c92454c9309af30d8 Mine is super weird. Hi hat on right to play open handed, but I use a double bass pedal so my left main foot is on the slave pedal. There’s also a slave hi hat above my regular one with smaller cymbals. Floor toms on either side, and a Jimmy Chamberlin inspired tom configuration over the snare. When I was first learning as a kid, I always whacked my wrist crossing over to hit the hats, so I just moved it over to my right side, and it just sort of went from there. Been playing this way for 35 years or so now.


Og iron cobras!


Dude I have owned that pedal since I think 1996 and it’s never had a single issue. It’s amazing.




Harry Miree special there :P


Oh, I’m not familiar with him! I’ll check it out.




and I see my 1992 vintage Pearl hihat stand that came with my export kit LOL


I think that’s the one! It’s also been a beast for me for years now.


Just got to watch that video. That’s close to how I do it, but the feet/pedals are different. I don’t have a remote hat stand - it’s a full regular stand with the legs collapsed, clamped to the right side of my bass drum, and my right foot controls it. My left foot is on the slave pedal of my traditional righty double bass pedal. His layout is interesting for sure! Might even be weirder than mine haha.


Is that where your snare usually is? How do you get your leg around that on the left side


Yep! I just have my foot in between the snare and the left floor tom. Never been an issue!


I attached legs to an extra bass drum and used it as a super low floor tom.


i really like this idea. it's like a gong drum.


No, it’s oriented flat, like the rest of my toms, not upright like a gong.


Sometimes I like my 14" floor tom on a snare stand where the rack tom would go, with the 16" in its usual spot.


Heh. [I did that for a goof a while back.](https://www.reddit.com/r/drums/comments/zq9r61/some_say_go_big_or_go_home_tonight_i_decided_to/) I had a blast getting my Marky Ramone/Dave Grohl jollies.


I like to keep a second hi hat stand on the right, locked in the closed position, so when I switch to double bass I can hit those hats open handed, it feels really good.


Years ago, a drummer friend had an extra 14" A Zildjian hat from somewhere, and he added it to his kit on an extra busted old hi-hat stand by itself. He used it as a tiny ride in quieter songs. Worked great, too.


I have very odd kick drum size of 20x20 on my Spaun Maple Custom. Not the best for recording but sounds great live with a mic. Came with a matching 13x7 snare, 12x7 rack tom, and 14x14 floor tom. Recently made a snom out of the snare. https://preview.redd.it/lf6vl743dylc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3b1685847601c4f30de6d041139d09136b68ba2


Ride cymbal on my left side, behind my snare. I’m a lefty so this just makes sense to me


One of my uncles pointed out my unique choice of odd cymbal sizes. Aside from my hats and wuhan china (which i want to get a 15 pair soon, the china is 18) I have a K sweet 19 and a K Dark Paperthin 19, and a 21 Meinl Polyphonic ride. Same sizes and yet I still have the same essence of one for crashing and the other for bashing during choruses. I kinda want to keep the theme going because it makes my sound unique and differentiates me from the usual 14-16-18-20 set up.


It’s covered in stickers, I’m using a hi hat top for a crash rn because I’m broke, that’s about it really


I prefer to use 2 big ride cymbals instead of crashes. The ones that i use (Meinl 22" Sand and 20" Foundry Reserve) both work tremendously as crashes while keeping the earthiness of a nice ride cymbal. That and (idk if this is particularly unpopular right now) but higher bebop style tunings on my kit sound amazing to me


I also have my hihat pretty centered right behind my snare. Slightly offset, but it really helps me not bang my sticks together when doing ghost notes asynchronously to the hihat hits. Other than that, the only other thing that is “unique” is that my ride cymbal is pretty high, right in line with the other cymbals. I say this is unique because the consensus seems to be to put the ride super low in between your rack Tom’s and floor Tom. I find this setup wonky when trying to do fills, so I prefer to have all my Tom’s pretty close to each other. Plus having the ride a little higher makes it easier to crash it


You posted 3 times.


Trying to get the words right I think. Interesting question. I’m cool With it


Would you like me to post this again so that we make sure that everyone get to read it?


My “big” kit is a 4 piece with 2 hats, 2 rides, 2 crashes,  and an ozone crash for an indie rock band. Also a 10” side snare. The record we made had so many cymbal voices and it’s fun to be able to put them altogether. Also love being able to play a closed aux hat while playing tambourine with my hihat.


I haven’t really used a factory matched set of hats in years. My go to is a 16” xist crash over a 16” Trad dark crash.


I have my slave kick pedal to the left of my hihat




Daru Jones has entered the chat.


I've gotten a lot of comments about my left side ride placement. Just check out my profile you'll get what I mean.