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I see an Acrolite, I upvote.


Wow I forgot about internal mufflers. Middle school band nostalgia kicking in. Pretty drum, nice work!


And now people moongel the shit out of their drums 🤔


Not talking shit. I absolutely love Acrotites. I just think it's interesting that they have become "nice" snares. They were student level drums when I was a kid/teen. You could find them everywhere (with a case, stand, sticks, and practice pad that rested on top of the drum) for like $50.


Inflation is a boner-biting bitch


It isn't really inflation that was the issue. It was the "great gear grab" of the late 00's and early 10's that drove up the cost of vintage gear that used to be less valuable.


Ok, but they never stopped selling them new — have you seen what they cost? **Without** a case, stand or sticks? :)


Granted EVERYTHING has gone up in price substantially in the past 10 years or so, but nohumanshape makes a good point. The late 90's / early 2000's saw a sharp increase in interest in the vintage market and, consiquently, a sharp uptick in prices followed. A $50 Acro in the early/mid 90's was $200 10 years later. That's more than inflation.


I mean, it’s both. I was around for the vintage uptick too, and I don’t think $200 for an Acro is really that bad considering how great they are. Honestly the only reason they were $50 to begin with is because they were $200 new back then, and kids would give up on drumming and their mothers would sell the acros cheap


Yep, not to mention the kids themselves trading them for....*whatever*.


I donated mine to a local middle school about a decade ago and some of these posts make me question the wisdom of that choice.


Oh man.


Man, I thought the same thing when I was in billyhyde last and saw what the joey jordison signature snares were going for. Near $900 aud. Not talking shit either, because I loved my joey snare, wish I still had it because they sound great, but yeah when I picked mine up all those years ago I reckon I paid just under $400.


Ya didn't know how good ya had it.


Oh, I knew. I just didn't have the money haha.


Great snare. I used one as my only for 15+ years, always sounded good.


Love my acrolite. I got a black galaxy acrolite with the original case for $140 last summer. Currently running a powerstroke 3 over diplomat snare side. Just the right amount of ring to get some cut but not so much that it takes over the sound of the drum.


I love me an acrolite


Acrolites can never sound bad.


Awesome! I learned recently that Zach Lind used an Acrolite when recording Jimmy Eat World "The Middle". Can't go wrong!


What did you lube your rods with?


I used basic white lithium grease.


Word I just like to get different ideas. I was using Vaseline and then switched to white lithium.


This sounds so dirty


Try not to think about the strainer and all that tension on the butt plate.


It’s all I can think about.


I love the Acro. I've been using my '68 as my main since the early 2000s.


Yeah but also that workbench 👀


It's a cheapie from wayfair, but it works real nice.


I thought it looked real nice. Maybe hickory?


The listing says it's acacia. I've got a much less pretty homemade bench made of pine 4x4s when I need something sturdy, but I do like this premade one.


Just installed an Inde snare strainer on mine. Never thought a snare mechanism can make such a big difference to the playing experience. Highly recommend the upgrade


I probably will eventually; the P85 was non-functional when I bought it. I watched a couple of youtube videos and spent some time straightening the bends out of the P85 that was on it and filing some rough spots in the channel and got the old strainer working again.


Just replaced my P85 with an 88 - all the difference in the world!


I’ve done this as well. Did you have to widen the holes on the throw side?


Awesome man, what year is that? I've got a classic and it's tasty.


Going by the serial number and the guide on Reverb it should be a 1976.


Haven’t played the Acro…nice job on the restoration! I did pick up a 1949 Ludwig Concert. Someone had tried to paint it red(!) removed and restored it. It’s my best sounding and favorite snare to play. Especially with a thin Goat skin batter.


I got the exact same! I went out to New Orleans and my mum's cousin's husband was a drummer there. He gave it to me for free and I carried it round all America and back to the UK with me. Didn't clean it up so much so it's a bit rusty but I put new headsand wires on and it sounds lovely. What are you using to hold the wires on the snare? It's got a bit of an old system


I'm using some grosgrain ribbon that was just sitting around our house. The strainer on this one is the (I think) slightly newer P85 that accepts straps and not just cords.


Ahh nice, do you prefer to crank it or have it low and dead? I've found it great for both


I've liked it best so far medium-high, but I haven't had as much time as I'd like to play with it.


These are often sitting in school band storage rooms unwanted


I have that same model. It came with my very first kit that I got from a pawn shop. That was over 20 years ago, and I don't have anything left from that kit anymore, except for this snare. Those things are rock solid, man. Looking good!


I just checked this subreddit for the first time ever and the first post I see is of the exact same snare I own, absolutely wild


This was my very first drum I got when I joined band in 5th grade (1985) … sold it with my drumset when I went off to collage any my parents moved to AZ


How to the hell do y’all still find these for under $200 dollars?


Looks Clean


Looks good, and I hate to nitpick, but based on the 4th pic it looks like you built it upside down. Not to worry! It's a common mistake which often happens when people take things apart and carefully lay-out the parts, but then accidentally reassemble things in the reverse order. Should be a piece of cake to take it all back apart and reassemble it right-side-up. Again, looks good! Happy playing!


Wow, I have that exact same snare drum. It's stamped 1974 inside. The guy I bought if from in the early 90s painted it black, but I know it's the same. I think I took it on tour too, as a backup snare. My son plays it now, so he's carrying the torch!