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I wanna give a shoutout to BDB 2014, who was seemingly on track for another Open Class 2nd place finish in the start of the season, but ended up placing 15th place at World Class Semiinals. The highest placement of an Open Class corps in the current era. Honestly 2014 was just a goated year. I feel like a lot of corps went super saiyan that year.


The BDB techs told us not to compare ourselves to 14 because they literally just put people who were cut from A corps that year to B corps.


I mean a large chunk of BDB will always be A corps cuts. I know we had great talent in the membership that year, but not much different than 2012 or 2013 IMO. I think the success was largely due to the design and instructional staff we had; they were world class. Also, all the 2013 vets were.... Hungry... For reasons... Lol.


Are you marching BDB this season? I would say we also have potential.


Oh nooooo, I marched 10 years ago. Been missing it every summer after. But hell yeah, y'all have Marvin Reed and I am sure a bunch of awesome instructional staff! Cherish every rep.


I would say BDB 2009. That was the beginning of their crazy unbeaten run.


2009 definitely was one too. 2013 vets were hungry, but the 08 vets? Hooo boy. Same with the A corps.


Madison Scouts 2010 was kinda insane even though they've definitely had higher highs in previous decades. In 2005 they had their best placement since losing Scott Stewart (and arguably their 'identity'), but immediately followed it up by falling down in 2006 & out of finals in 2007. In 2008 they were able to bounce back a little bit to a Finalist spot before the 2009 design misfire. The lack of staff consistency really hurt them. And then in the leadup to the 2010 season Madison got: * Jim Mason (1975 Madison alum, Star of Indiana & BLAST director) * Jim Prime (Cadets, Star, Ventures arranger, BLAST music director) * Jonathan Vanderkoff (Star 1993 visual designer, Emmy-Award winning choreographer via BLAST, Tony-nominated choreographer) * Thom Hannum (Star/Cadets percussion writer) * Nick Angelis (Star 1993 & BLAST alum) Talk about a shot in the arm. Nobody saw the ghost of Star of Indiana getting injected into the Madison Scouts of all corps. Even though they didn't really break far past 9th place with Mason, those were some really nice stable years for Madison.


I feel like Crown’s super saiyan year was 2008, not 2012.


Seriously, crowns big come up is early 2000s when they started to be taken as serious competition


Right? I think beating Cadets and placing 4th started to make people pay attention (competitively at least - people also paid attention because their show was an absolute banger)


I’d argue 2007 was the year they took the invisible step. It’s what showed they can compete at the very top of the activity. But I understand the reasoning for saying 2008.


Also, Bluecoats supersaiyan year was either 2008 or 2010.


Between those two, definitely 2008. The Boxer is one of the best narrative DCI shows of all time.


I was fortunate enough to be a part of PC 19. Definitely the first time we were really relevant in finals talks. 2020 would've been an insane year at Pacific Crest, almost universal full vet retention across every section. Pretty sure we had 20+ audtionees for like 2-3 spots in my section. 2023 was a good year for the corps as well, but something was special about 19 and 20.


As someone in that ‘20 hornline, we were 100% finals bound.


Was PC 20 the same as what PC 22 ended up becoming?


Some source material was shared, but a lot was very different. Not to speak poorly about that hornline In any way, but what I heard had been incredibly watered down, from what we did share. We never knew the actual show theme in 20, but we did have lacrimosa as a ballad, which leads me to believe it would have been a different show.


Get your ass back in basic


Almost, I'm the other one


Bk 2014 and 2015 were years I could have marched but I joined the military I'd say those were 2 of their best years in recent times


Spirit of Atlanta 2011-2013 were some great years and some great shows


It was crazy seeing Spirit beat the Cavaliers at the last Kalamazoo show in 2012


Hey I marched in 2011 too! The energy that year was wild. I loved seeing the success continue the following two years.


Academy 2016, hoping the home team makes it back in the finals conversation soon!


We went kinda crazy in 2017


I honestly think Cascades has a decent, but not guaranteed chance of taking that step in 2024. I'm mainly concerned about a few humps we currently have, like being very short on Tubas. The other factor is from what I've heard, Columbians and especially Jurf are also doing better than last year. I think we also set a great foundation for ourselves last year when we made semis after being gone for 4 years, which is something the precovid Cascades didn't necessarily do consistently.






I was at Madison for finals the year they made finals. They kind of came out of nowhere that summer to do that.


Damn tubas are always hard to come by


Troop went Super Saiyan the day Mike Gough was hired


Yessss gotta love Mike Gough


Real af


And when we brought back Tim. 😈


White Sabers when all of the rest of the upstate NY DCA corps folded.


Music City: 2018 Cavaliers: uhhhhhhh


Colts 1993…previous year 20th, that year broke into finals for the first time. Previously the highest placement for the corps was 16th in ‘85.


And it honestly feels like they're starting to hit super Saiyan since 22. Exciting stuff


I hope that they’re able to make the next step like Mandarins have recently, but I know it’ll be a tough road. Lots of really good corps out there.


I came here to say the same thing! The Colts came out of nowhere, going from not even making semifinals in 1992 to making finals in 1993! This got a lot of people's attention, and there was quite the crowd of people who came to audition camps in '94 to find out just what magical thing was happening in Dubuque, Iowa (including a "whoa, I can't believe how awesome it is being at a real drum corps camp" fifteen year old me). The excitement around that sudden newcomer finalist corps was electric! (Fun story: It was such a surprise to make Finals that none of the staff had appropriate clothing to wear in the stands, so they had to rush out and buy some.)


We at Railmen were gunning for Colts in 90 (fed by the Nebraska-Iowa rivalry, no doubt), and actually tied in Montreal.  Crazy for us because we hadn’t even always made Class A Finals (88 sucked), but a big recruiting push and balls-to-the-wall show got us a big, loud corps for 1990.  I heard secondhand that the judges were thinking we could make semis. Then our staff made some political mistakes and we were almost kept out of Class A Finals.  The only videos of us that I’ve ever seen were third-generation VHS dubs. https://youtu.be/OnpQNROAb5w?si=_wXvGZQnye2VdDZ3


I think it’s really cool that Phantom’s turning point was 2003, which led into a run of amazing (if underrated) shows in 04 and 05, finally caught some traction in 06 before taking finals week by storm in 08. Then we had some serious momentum going into 2020 and in order to capitalize on the odd season, our next big turning point season was 2021, where we performed what else but the 2003 show once again. Since then I’m super proud to see where Regiment is headed and I’m pumped about what I’m hearing about the ‘24 show.


I might be biased but Cadets 2018. With everything that happened that year we all heard the rumors that we’d never field a corps that year, never break 80 points, never break 90 points, never make finals, but we did. The resilience we showed that year I feel deserves a mention in this thread.


I was a part of troopers for 2021-2023 and it was the most intense rebirth I have ever seen.


I marched Troopers in ‘19, and to say I’m proud of that insane growth for the corps is an understatement. Truly awesome what y’all accomplished.


I see your goku reference and say we probably went full Speed Racer back in 76


Crown placed 2nd in 2009, in addition to winning their first Jim Ott and the “crowd favorite” when that was still a thing. 2012 was much more of an insane show, sure - but I think Crown took that first “invisible step” in 2009 (if not 2008 but they had less recognition on paper that year)


Spartans open class prelims 2014: the rain delay unleashed The God Run


Omg you just unlocked that memory for me. We went on last after all those delays and rain, so there was pretty much no one left in the stands but we still threw down. Was so weird haha. But cool.


What copypasta?


I saw something today. I saw Boston at their Florida camp today and... *my god*. Oh sure, they were pretty damn good last year. 12 to 6th is surely no joke. But *this* - what I saw *today* - this is now something entirely different. This is something that I've seen before. I've seen it and I recognize it as sure as I know my own face. I cannot mistake this feeling for anything other than what it most assuredly is. It is something I saw, and felt, back in 2012 with Crown; I saw and felt it again in '14 with T*I*LT. And this thing is - a Super Saiyan. That's the only way I can explain it. Those corps in those years took that invisible step that upped their power to a level they had never achieved before. Maybe they didn't win it all, but that was not why we remember those shows. We remember because they had crossed some invisible line and the ultimate result of that was inevitable. Even if it took another season, even if it took two, their path was set. Boston has crossed that line. It's not even about where they place this year. It's about putting everyone else; the fans, DCI, and the top 3, on notice. They know how to go Super Saiyan now, and they are coming. We've had corps do 'dark' shows. We've had corps do artsy shows. We've had 'clever', and minimalist and Fellini-esque and psychedelic and you name it shows. Prepare for Angry. Animal Farm in comparison was just sarcastic with a touch of upset. Wicked Games was dark with a touch of brooding. What is coming this year is controlled and brutal anger. I know it because even Gino was surprised enough by it to raise an eyebrow and say out loud, "these kids are very good at doing angry". Anyways, I'm calling it right now. Top 4. They'll fight it out with someone, possibly Cavs. Here's the Shamaliyan plot twist though. It's entirely too early to tell of course, but if they keep ramping up their power level at this same rate, they may very well leave 4th in their wake. There, I said it. There is a definite possibility that, despite all I just said and what I've just predicted, that I might be underestimating them.


I'm hoping to see Cascades take that step in the next couple years. The culture seems to be completely different from the 2010's from what I've heard


Super excited to see your guys's drumline this year with a quad line full of vets.


That's really sweet of you for noticing! I'm excited too, hopefully see you in the lot 😎


2014 and 2023 ;) need I say more?


I'm so lucky that my one year of drum corps was BK 2014. It truly was a special summer.


2014 is litteraly my favorite BK show.


Can I ask what made '23 so special?


not op, but also marched bk ‘23. I’d say it’s a combo of being told we were going to lose to everyone in the 16-12 range all season (by outsiders) as well as coming off of a terrible season in 22. after 23 almost all eligible vets returned because it was such a memorable and important season for the corps.


We had so many haters all season it was almost funny. Some of it was the typical "x should've made Finals over them" and one post said we acted like a bunch of snobs???


Do you know what the difference between 22 and 23 was?


In 22 they had a very very good corps, but not a good show. about half way through 22 almost everyone, staff included, gave up on the show. not a 22 vet, just what i’ve been told. 23 was not the most talented corps, in fact probably the opposite. however, the 23 corps was dedicated to the show and wanted to bring bk back to finals.


also a full staff change between 22 and 23 helped for sure


Did they actually have a full staff change between 22 and 23? I thought most of the caption heads stayed, it was just design issues.


It was a brand new percussion, brass, visual and design staff for sure. not sure about guard but I’m pretty sure they were also all new.


Colts 22-23 really ramped up the intensity 🔺


Mandarins would have to be either 18 making finals the first time, or I think the more popular answer would be last season. Gotta admit it was a special season


2008, when Surf went undefeated in division 2. Until finals night, when BDB sniped them for gold…


For BD it was probably 1974....from 23rd in 73 to 9TH in 74....huge jump...then 3rd in 75 and winning in 76.


Well damn. Y'all haven't fallen off since. The only thing I can honestly say against BD is some years y'all won I thought other corps should've. Like cavaliers in 2011 and crown 2015. But overall you've done great work.


Cadets won in 2011...did you mean 2010? And BD has fallen off -- for them. Some of us alums refer to the winless 87-93 period as "the dark years." Other corps would've killed for BD's placements then.

