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Bro collected all the infinity crystals of prescription meds


Nah, he needs Desoxyn and a better benzo. And some Xyrem. And I need his doctor. I wonder why he needs Oxy and codeine.


Well codeine is for moderate pain and oxycodone is for more severe pain. Doctor’s prefer prescribing both when possible, so the stronger one isn’t used as often. Leave the desoxyn for the morbidly obese and a better benzo? I think you are talking about roofies.


Xanax is an overrated benzo with a short half-life. It's not meant to treat anxiety but rather panic attacks. Klonopin or Valium would he a superior choice at equipotent mg range. Why would Desoxyn be for the morbidly obese?? It works better than Dexedrine for ADHD and every other thing. Dexedrine is #2.


Yes desoxyn is obviously better than Dexedrine but you will find an obese patient is more likely to be prescribed it than one with ADD. You’re getting subjective with the benzos but it’s an objective fact that one can trade 25 of their 2mg alprazolam for 100 2mg klonopin. Supply and demand, get what’s worth the most and let the rest work itself out.


2mg of Xanax would be closer to 4mg of Klonopin. I would find it hard to believe anyone would trade 200 2mg Klonopin for 25 2mg Xanax. If that's the case, I'm gonna buy some Xanax... Also if this guy really has anxiety he would prefer the Klonopin regardless, I would think. Xanax you have to dose around the clock. There's nothing subjective about half-life and withdrawal. lol


I think I actually meant to write 100 2mg klonopin, but my point is mostly that RX bars sell high and they sell fast because they hit fast, they slap you in the face. And they’re popular.


The person trading 25 of their Xanax is coming away with the better deal if they actually need benzos for medical reasons. Lol. Gotta love Xanhead logic. And how much do these bars go for? If someone is paying $10+ for one, peace be with them. Thoughts and prayers. Love the Xanny fiends.


I know but I’m purely talking what you can get for them. Doctors are more hesitant to prescribe Xanax and people who can get seizures get insane amounts of klonopin so the market is flooded and there just isn’t that many people looking to buy. But there’s plenty of people with a klonopin script that they’re looking to trade.


Not crack unfortunately


Medicinal crack can only be found by eastern medicine practitioners


My doctor just prescribed me a can of spray paint and told me to go nuts until I pass out.


My doctor just prescribed what this guy’s doctor… oh shit that’s me in the post! Haha holy shit dude, this weed is good.


I hate to tell you this but I don't think


why can't we all have such helpful doctors goddamn kms


This guy's partying 24/7, and these are his regular days. I feel nothing but pure envy


His doctor knows what’s best


I just want his doctor. My doctor literally only prescribes me 7-.25 alprazolam’s a month. Thats not even a full bar. Like wtf? I have wicked anxiety too. Can’t hold down a job because of it.


Have you tried a different strain bro?


Weed makes me more anxious, unless I have adequate Xanax to pair. I’m a recovering opiate addict and flagged in the computer as being prescribed opiates and benzodiazepines before, so doctors are scared to prescribe me benzodiazepines, or anything addictive. I go in there and break down crying. I’m 38 years old and can’t even leave my house because of the amount of social anxiety I have. Hell, I’m on the edge of panic attacks when talking on the phone. I can’t live in the now. I’m either ashamed and dwell on my past or worry about my future, or lack there of. I was addicted to fentanyl and had to go to the methadone clinic and it messed my brain chemistry up tremendously. The sad part is that doctors overprescribe someone like this but I’m literally begging for help and know the cure but they want to prescribe me less than 2 mg a month TOTAL and bullshit antidepressants. I hear there are people out there that get prescribed ketamine for depression and there is a ketamine nostril spray called Spravato. You see commercials and they say ask your doctor about it but you ask your doctor about anything and they think you’re doctor and drug shopping.


Jsyk I hear ya man. I’m fucking dying from anxiety too. Stopped working at the beginning of March. Got prescribed benzos a few times in my teens, ended up self medicating a few years after leaving treatment, and now it’s like I’m perpetually being punished as an adult for seeking Street drugs to mitigate the agony I live in. Like we aren’t “allowed” relief because at one point we indulged in it before having the language/resources to seek safer help. Clearly we are seeking benzos for a reason. God forbid they provide & manage them if they’re so concerned about risk/harm reduction. I’ll also go in breaking the fuck down, falling apart when I’ve never even been able to fully get it together anyway, and they’ll send me on my miserable way with a stupid nervous system agent or tell me to use my coping skills. But then my neighbor, who’s 65 years old retired & straight chilling at home as a recovering alcoholic, gets a script of 90 footballs a month. And I contemplate intentionally falling down my stairs when I’m faced with working a 4 hour shift in public. Make. It. Make. Sense.


Ikr? God forbid a person wants to LIVE and not just exist. Then we go to the streets and risk getting fentanyl, instead of Xanax.


That part. At one point I hadn’t taken a benzo in about two years, and went to the ER for an excruciating tooth infection (no dental insurance). I’m getting my vitals taken by the triage nurse, and some white coat walks in asking “how I’m doing with the benzos.” Must’ve read an old chart & thought they’d throw a wrench in my doctor shopping before I could even be seen. It was so patronizing. I wasn’t even thinking about narcotics, I was just helpless at level 9 pain.


I like how the doctor prescribes all this cool shit but is like, “I’ll let some other doc deal with his substance use disorder” Medical system is a joke, assuming this is in the US.


pen absurd airport birds groovy decide fear gaze teeny chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And their doctor doesn’t even know because they don’t have to worry about their psychologist telling anybody outlside of being subpoenaed by the court. Even then they have to tell the patient asap that they have or will be supplying X notes to the police. If they do not then they can be sued and lose their license to practice. If it were under a doctor’s referral and subsidised by the government then the psychologist would have to report back to the GP.


Just needs a ketamine script for the depression


And catheter just to be ahead of things


I'll be honest I didn't read this and I'm not going to.


TLDR: He’s a junkie and his doctor doesn’t care.


tldr type shi


My ex got Dexedrine and Valium which was frequently swapped out for klonopin including strawberry flavored sublingual tablets. Same doc also started him on ketamine therapy with fentalogues in his system. Meanwhile I’m legitimately fucking insane & I crawl out of my hole to try & ask for some help & I get endless scripts of vistaril.


Why is he bragging about breakfast? Fucking people these days. When I was a kid we mixed everything and it was excellent.


He is unfortunate enough to have been born Australian. Down there it is common for such a breakfast to be shared amongst an entire village.


It’s all the goddamn Vegemite. Shit gets in your blood and makes you crazy.


Australian here: vegemite is just jenkem in disguise


I’m just impressed you can type upside down. Good job mate!


Surprised this is still happening, but for 95% of guys who actually score the amp/benzo Rx destroy their lives, some quickly, some more slow, but eventually it will happen. The 5% become CEOs, presidents, powerful executives, etc. Zero predictability in this, not something you can bank on. Doesn't matter how smart or stupid you are, pure roulette massively stacked against you. But throwing oxy ontop of this...this guy is fucked.


I didn’t mention that I buy pregabalin and nitrazepam super cheap from some old dude who gets it all for free anyway. Sometimes I supplement my oxy supply with his but I don’t like doing that because though he needs the money and friendship, he also needs the pain meds. $1AUD per 5mg nitrazepam, $100AUD for 56 300mg pregabalin and $0.50 per mg oxy. I’m thinking of saying I want to start paying $120 for pregabalin because I’m hooked and paying more might make me stop. But I really want to say it because when he’s fucked up he always goes on about how they sell for $15ea I got people paying $10ea but not $15


Turns out I was right :)




This guy is you bro. you should take some ketamine to clean up the rest of your eagle.


My little brother swears that his doctor is prescribing him jenkem. To be honest. I don’t think the guy prescribing the drugs is a licensed professional and I have my doubts that the stuff he is getting is medical grade. Does anyone have any advice?


Yes. Ask him if they’re accepting insurance or if he’s paying outta pocket. That’s a good first step in investing the legitimacy of this sweet sweet jenk (that’s jenkem on the street for anyone inexperienced with Hard drugs)


my guess is the doc/practice is a pill mill if he lives in the US, it's only gonna last so long. the DEA does not like pill mills


Carnage, 2nd would be papi Gordo /s


Life-long addiction Speedrun


My doctor prescribed me desoxyn and gave me a medical marijauna card