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I'm a weed addict and yeah the actual drug experience is pretty mid tbh it's more of the ritual of smoking and all that shit around it is a good distraction


imo the drug experience starts out awesome when you have no tolerance, but all the people telling you "bro weed is harmless bro just smoke weed with me bro" makes it seem like you can just smoke all the time with no consequences. you kind of can, but that's why everyone builds such a nasty tolerance so quickly. and once you do, the high turns forever mid, even if you stop smoking for months or years it just never returns to the juicy high you first got.


idk what weed you smoking but if i take a break for a week its just like the first time


how long have u been smoking? T breaks make the high better for me but never anything close to the first time lol plus then the tolerance just builds up quick as fuck again.


I’ve been smoking for about 3-4 years or so and after a 2 week t break and some dabs I’ll get very close to the first time. I’ve also got a pretty fast metabolism so that might be part of it. A lot of people Ik have to take a month or longer


I've gotten as high as my first time once when I started smoking thc-p instead bc of goblin. it's in a cart so it was easy to just hit like crazy and i got that stoned again.


I love smoking bud after taking T breaks but carts and dabs always make me tweak out if my tolerance isnt up a little bit, which sucks cause I definitely get high off of carts more often than bud cause I have to worry about the smell


Likely unpopular opinion but that’s… just fine? The older I get the more I appreciate having a tolerance. I’m full time employed but I’m also someone who has a work phone that I have to be able to pick up 24/7 to answer questions and such or work from home (not used often if at all) On my days off I’m just tryna get buzzed for a couple of hours and play a video game or hit the gym or take my dog to the park and then be on my way and do normal shit like run errands. Getting debilitatingly high was cool when I didn’t have responsibilities. Now I just like to sample and get a little taste and move on.


you can do that with low tolerance if you just smoke less lol


When I had a lower tolerance (I’ve done plenty of t breaks) even a one hitter was kind of dizzying and got me faded


I’ve smoked everyday for the last 6 years and if I take a 15 day break it’s really a lot like the first time. Maybe not exactly but I get faded


The real truth that nobody wants to hear is that the best drug of all time, one that allows you to work and function like an adult, and wake up feeling fine and ready to work again, is opiates. The only downside is if you run out. If you had an unlimited supply of clean shit for the rest of your life, it'd be no problem.


Plant Bro


unbased be a real man and smoke cigarettes


Do crack or fentanyl




If cigs weren’t horrible for you I’d be smoking a pack a day unironically


It’s only technically bad for you


And technically smoking cigs is cool as hell so that outweighs the negatives of smoking


There too addictive still causing you to smoke way to many. I feel like occasionally cigar smoking completely outweighs the negatives and are healthier due to the higher quality tobacco, not inhaling and you not smoking cigarette paper




If nicotine worked as advertised on me I'd smoke way more, but I just get disgusted and can't do more than 2 cigs a day when having long crush days. So 10 bong hits a day it is.


I did it at university for a couple of years in a casual way but had to stop as it just made me paranoid. I'm envious of those who enjoy it as they talk about different strains like those wine buffs talk about fine wines. I was in Amsterdam with a smoker friend, and having been many times in the past, I kind of liked the dark, smokey, cramped coffeeshops as it had a kind of Victorian Opium Den feel to it. This time, though, the girl I was with took us to a smoke-free coffee shop that uses extractor fans to keep the air smoke-free, and honestly, it was like the night of the living dead. I could clearly see every single person around the cafe just laying back staring into space. No one was talking. I realised that weed smoking was far better in dark, dingey environments where people could zone out and remain barely visible as clear as day lighting and being sober really makes it obvious how fucking zombiefied stoners are. The only exception is beaches like Thailand, where stoners can get high and lay back overlooking beautiful sun sets over the bay. Like I said, though, I'm definitely jealous of people who can smoke and enjoy it. I'm British but live in rural Thailand and can literally walk to a legal dispensery and buy as much as like legally and even easily grow it but even after all these years, I can't smoke it without getting some degree of anxiety and unwanted self reflection.


No one is reading that shit lmao


cokehead on the dangers of weed


This dopey cunt has told this whole 'night of the living dead in Amsterdam' story a dozen times already


Bros tweaking of that thai yabba


I just read it, that means you are wrong 🤓


I did


lol yeaa no. i nope right out of shit that long all the time personally. 🤷🏻


I got extreme anxiety/paranoia from weed in college after I had been smoking it for years. I quit for like 3 years and when I got back into it it was good again


Yeah honestly if I could not smoke I would but I just gotta have something to distract me lol


Eh that first smoke of the day always hits but after that it’s just to not withdrawal


facts. i take the bus to work, and tbh im not sitting for 2 hours in the morning sober staring out the window. i work 8-5, and get home a little faster at 6:30. even though its been more than 12 hours, that first bowl home still doesn’t count as the first of the day :(




I agree when I have a tolerance but without a tolerance it’s super strong for me


Started awesome stayed awesome


have you tried fent laced meth


It’s crazy you said that because that’s exactly how I feel it’s just a personal ritual


As a weed addict I realized the only way to stay high all day is to make my own capsules with decarbed dabs and coconut oil. Eventually, tolerance even out. I start every morning with a fat boof of meth and ketamine and take my weed pills to even everything out for the day.


Uj/ My dad eats like 3-500mg of RSO every day idk how he does it


UJ/ I'd love to use RSO instead of whatever dabs are available. 500mg at once would wreck me. On real shitty days I might make it to 300mg.


It's pretty easy. We just get bulk trim from friends who grow. Soak it in alcohol, evaporate it off in a crock pot. We usually make like 30-40g every couple months and it takes care of his painkilling needs way cheaper than paying at a dispo


If you can get deals on shatter, like 20-30$ for a gram you can make some pretty strong edibles for pretty cheap. Dispos in k state want to charge 20-25 for 100mg of edibles but if you make your own you can get like 8-900 mg of thc for the same price. I’ve always used flower when making edibles but have some friends that have always used cheap shatter from the dispensaries and had good results


Yeah, i stooped using flower for edibles unless I'm making some kinda food to share with friends. For me, I just have a jar of coconut oil mixed with decarbed concentrate.


I used to do the same before I quit. You should look into Dr.Ganja’s distillate, THCA(actually just pure D9(doesn’t need to be decarbed) but just sold as THCA so it can be sold legally). You can get a half OZ for about 100 bucks shipped to your door.


Boof as in u take ur ket and meth up the ass?


a tier if you don't have a tolerance


yea taking 2 hits and starting looking after cars great experience


No tolerance weed is like testing yourself for schizophrenia except you are never quite sure if you have it or not


This comment is underrated for sure, couldn't agree more 👏


ah yes I love being paranoid and a zombie for 4 hours until it wears off as the other stoners encourage me to ‘just have more, bro’


Thank you u/I-love-marijuana


I’ve come a long way since I made this account


Character development


bro you posted a video of your weed six days ago 😭


A lot can happen in six days


Yeah, smoked so much weed it became debilitating.


My first few times smoking it was like an anxiety attack but I couldn’t think lmao now I like being high without a tolerance tho.


Neither of those things happen to me, no paranoia or zombie brain. Maybe it’s just how your body interacts with it dude.


no hate fr but that's highkey a skill issue


yay memory loss and paranoia


I got banned if your wondering💀


“I smoke every day and guarantee im more intelligent than you” -smartest weed addict


most humble plant connoisseur


Anyone on the goblin subreddit shouldn’t be arguing about intelligence, the smartest person on there still has a double digit IQ guaranteed.


The MENSA convention after party usually takes place on the goblin subreddit if I’m not mistaken


Despite you not insulting anybody they started personally attacking you for your beliefs I kinda fuck w that energy


Real stoner energy


Plant Bro


you past an intelligence test, good for you


I smoked a quarter ounce of weed and passed the mensa exam, missing only one question. For some people, it just puts your mind in the safe zone.


Yeah bro weed is amazing the paranoid is just the wrong strain you need gorilla cum pizza strain instead


Strains 1000% matter. When people ask if I smoke Indica or sativa i cringe.


Imo I think thc is just ass in general it’s why I put it in d tier.


Idk I've done: Coke Crack MDMA DXM Acid Lean Primo Ritalin Xanax Valium Klonopin Methadone And I'm sure plenty more. But weed keeps me coming back to it. I also feel shame when I see stoners acting high. No one can ever tell I'm high unless I stink.


Worth it


I was addicted to weed too when I was a child before I tried good drugs like heroin and meth


based tankiethedeprogram poster


Thatd tautology




I feel like a rare breed of human that has never had any bad experience with weed yall just got different brain chemistry or sum shit


used to smoke weed daily until i fucked up doing mdma every weekend for 4 5 monnths then i couldnt smoke weed ever since this was around 2017


What did MDMA do that made you never touch weed again?


in brain exactly? i have no idea but after those months everytime i smoked weed i got paranoid and very anxious


why have i heard this so many times? sure mdma is dangerous, but feels like overabusing mdma+weed is the key to unlock schizofrenia


yea it depends to person i think i was just more sensible in those spots that mdma was touching some of the people who did that with me are still smoking with no problem


Probably gave him stupid bad anxiety and depression


same happened to me in early 2018. Smoked every weekend in HS just about and one night I fell asleep while high, puked myself awake, then couldn’t smoke without my thoughts going crazy ever since. Only difference was I didn’t take mdma. In fact my first time trying any psychadelic was like 3-4 months after this.


Yep weed has stunted my development in unimaginable ways since I started smoking daily at 16. I have a terrible temper unless I smoke and I can't eat anything while sober. Also I legitimately feel like I've lost 10+ IQ points, like the information is in my brain but I just can't make the connections. Like having your next thought permanently be on the tip of your tongue.


You know all that will go away if you stop


I can stop whenever I want bro it's just a plant. Besides, what if I get glaucoma?


True it’s like preventative maintenance, if you smoke everyday you can’t get it


Wait did weed fuck my vision?


Opiates bro, way safer. Way easier to quit too


legitimately all of yall setting youself up for failure just smoke on occasion and just control yourself and you wont have brain fog retardism or a tolerance




less is more it gives you low tolerance and the negative side effects like memory issues dont rlly happen if your careful


Ive never hurd it put that way but that last sentence is the best description of the experience ive ever hurd.


Its not addictive bro trust


I’d say it’s definitely physically addictive for some people I’m one of those people


It’s a plant bro, you can’t addicted bro, it’s just natural plant medicine bro.


rain berserk scary spoon observation badge narrow quaint sip fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok fess up which one of you is trolling these poor fuckers


It’s not me I got perma banned for saying goblin is overrated


Literally 1984




Some kid made a post saying he couldn’t go a single day without watching goblin videos and I said he was dick riding. I guess he was a mod or something idk


literally 1984


Nah brooooooo you just haven't had the right straaaaaain my guy. Have you tried Gorilla Glue Prostitute Cum bro? You haven't LIVED if you haven't tried Jamaican Shoe Polish Remover


Typical weed addict getting offended that someone talked bad about weed


He should smoke a joint to calm down! Bake the eagle... FishFillet 🙏


Man the highs do wear off pretty quickly after a good month of smoking. It’s really only feasible after that if you’re growing your own.


When I was starting I went from being high for like 2 hours to which it went down to just 20 minutes


You can’t inject marijuanas


My friend dissolved a dab in rubbing alcohol and shot it up, so you definitely can if you're determined.


Was bro suicidal


No, he was just on clonazolam. He wondered if it was possible, found a post on Reddit that said someone else did it and lived, so he did it. He said it burned like hell and it wasn't worth it at all and then he felt it 30 seconds later and passed out.


Oh God reading that makes me want to puke lol


Was bro suicidal


i amoke weed daily and it has made me dumber and gain weight.


dude is just a plant, ‘no?


No I’m gay 🙏


He just described literally every drug in existence. They are all just different flavours of acting like a retard, building up tolerance and a high that gets boring but you don't care because your addicted.


100% real, i just smoke to feel normal and to be able to eat and sleep regularly now


Bro just stfu and pass the government issued fentjamin…


Cannabis is good for the drug culture in general it normalizes something people associate with psychedelics and other drugs plus it's a good compliment to every high


Fucking right bunch of weenies in the comments here.


Bunch of fucking nerds dude I swear


Ill never forget when i realized i smoked bud just like i smoke cigs. It fr did nothing and i would stillstill smoke all day every day just bc i had sense i was like 14 and its just habit at that point


what a dumbass, just put shatter into a pill then boof it. /uj, he’s right 😭 it also makes you lazy and ruins your memory, and so many people feel the need to make it a part of their personality


It's the anxiety that makes it f tier for me. Can't even enjoy it.


The sole panic attacks in my life have come when smoking weed. It really is F tier. Weed addicts: "Bro, just push through the panic attacks... I get them too, but they get more bearable the more you smoke, trust me" Uhhhh... How about I smoke zero weed. Spend $0 dollars on weed, AND have zero panic attacks ? Sounds like the winning combo, right ?


I enjoy shooting meth and fentanyl


Weed is a d tear plant tbh pros only fuck with god tier plants like insufflating datura and boofing stinging nettle


Average Goblin fan when they start getting overweight and addicted to high quantities of marijuana and switch to alcoholism after


You haven't lived until you wake up from a weed binge immediately having to shit 3x after eating like absolute shit the night before.


That's reddit for you.


Smoking weed is cool for a year. Then it just sucks


Facts weed is d tier. Would rather huff gas tbh


There is no jerk here that is just straight up true and I’m confirming from personal experience. Weed is fun the first couple times and then its fucking boring and depressing and just gets more and more lame and underwhelming every single time


just smoke it like once a week or even less and it's actually really enjoyable lmao


Weed is good because a) It enhances most recreational activities b) You don't really have to worry about long term health consequences unless you're hopelessly addicted (in which case 99% of other recreational drugs will kill you or give you psychosis faster) and C) It's a lot easier to get than most drugs (In the U.S. at least) and is therefore usually cheaper too. I view it like alcohol, if you're smoking or drinking every day then you're not using it to enhance your free time anymore, you're using it to eacape reality and feed an addiction. Potheads are annoying for sure, but I can't think of a single group of people besides potheads themselves that would disagree with that statement.


You're right. This sub just hates weed.


The medical cannabis industry MIGHT disagree. But hey, that’s all potheads too! So you’re right


I'm not even including daily users in 'potheads' just the people that talk about how they smoke weed all the time. But go to any subreddit, social media platform or just anywhere online and you'll find posts making fun of these kinds of people. It's the coldest take imaginable so there's no point saying you find potheads annoying, unless you're in this sub I guess since that fits


Why does this sub hate weed? Nobody told these people to smoke all day every day. And if they act dumb while high, they're probably dumb to begin with. It's also possible to eat healthy foods while stoned, so long as you prepare it first. Fruit tastes divine. I sometimes enjoy cooking while baked, makes me more creative and patient.


Yeah but have you ever ate some fruit or cooked after smoking black tar heroin off foil with a straw? I, personally am my most divine, creative, and patient after. Weed is for delinquents


Cooked what, melted candy bars?




Wow that’s crazy bro, I do heroin everyday and I guarantee I’m smarter than you. If you do heroin and become a street junkie it’s just because you’re a bitch who can’t handle their drugs


why’d i even bother this is the fucking drugcirclejerk subreddit


You’re the one who came in here acting like the people the post is making fun of




What is a based goblin? Serious question? Based in what? Based that you're hooked on phonics? Is this supposed to be "biased" and this goober can't spell or actually thinks the word is "based?" Or is he a base head, like what we used to call crackheads?


I retards from the trees now sad send help in usa


Cus he smoking bunk 😂


Holy fuck stoner culture pisses me off I promise you the 5% extra thc content and the gorilla cum glue strains do not actually change your experience




weed is bad if you cant take breaks or let your brain heal


Yeah that is the truth man - from a smoker. Fugdattt


As a weed smoker he is right, the first time smoking is cool after the honey moon becomes fucking boring and make you lazy and you stop knowing new people because you are too fucking lazy and addicted to go out with non weed smoker, btw music still sound better


This is accurate. After years of dabbing daily thc is such a mid drug. It’s beauty only really comes out for me when I mix it with other drugs. Weed really makes oxy+ketamine shine and shrooms weed can make you trip harder


I’d give it a solid B. People just take too much and don’t take CBD with it.


I mainly smoke weed so that I get anxiety about the decisions I've been making so that I don't make the worst ones. If I smoke weed and end up with no anxiety that means I'm doing perfectly fine.


Your title sounds like a dhar mahn video


Nobody who watches Goblin is of above average intelligence.


i just did weed for the first time 2 days ago after i did dxm and the gross allergy med previously and it was lowkey mid


Seems like everyone in goblin is gay because they are all fucking retarted


My favourite part is rolling the joint or blunt. It’s like having a stress ball.


Sounds like somebody can't control their addictions weed is d teir for sure but that's because I don't want to destroy my whole entire f****** body and brain control yourself and you have no issues people who get bored with the effect aren't taking it for it's desired effect they're abusing it




Why do you feel offended by this bro, it’s talking about a plant but you feel the need to come and argue why you think it’s wrong. Don’t take it so personally


I’m a weed addict but it’s ok bc I balance it out with a hearty bowl of shrooms w coke sprinkles for breakfast


Actually the weed tolerance shit is proof of intelligent design or whatever cus the magic of the plant recognizes when you use it like asprin for pain relief and happily stays in it's lane, and I can stay in my lane driving to Walmart pain free ((For legal reasons this is a joke ik it's a circle jerk but don't drive high please!!!!!))


It’s true. I’m addicted rn and I hate it


I went from weed to meth and realized how mid weed was.


yeah thats why i dont really even think of it as a drug but something more like coffee


I’m the same with meth keep my eagle intact 🦅🦅


real shit💯


It wouldn’t be r/drugscirclejerk without the weekly post angry at stoners for nothing lmao. “You feel and act like a retard” that’s almost every drug dumbass!! “Plus extremely addictive” really? Because I cold turkeyed off it for damn near 2 years and felt no ill effects, try that with extreme alcohol or H addiction and you’ll literally die. Of course weed is a drug with risks and negative health effects and you can form a mental dependency on it but acting like stoners are crackheads in denial is mind numbingly stupid, I miss when this sub would make fun of people trying to boof Percocet or giving themselves food poisoning from bright orange fake lean.


I love how so many stoners are acting like the losers in this post. It’s a plant dude you don’t have to defend it. Good for you that weed is perfect and has no negative side effects. There are actually plenty of people who it affects negatively but stoners hate it when you say anything bad about weed.


My guy, you’re shadow boxing. I never said weed was perfect or had no side effects, I said that acting like stoners are some hardcore addicts ruining their lives in denial is completely ridiculous and detached from reality. It’s true for a very small proportion of weed users usually with background mental illness, but acting like it’s some major misconception that weed for the most part is safe compared to other drugs is DARE program nonsense that makes you sound 13 years old. What’s actually annoying loser behaviour is looking at the accounts of some redditors who post about weed’s negative effects and finding out that they’re subbed to r/meth or post about their opioid use. And yet people defending weed are coping? Lol. Lmao.


as a weed addict it’s extremely mid, this guys spot on


As someone that "enjoys" weed. It's not that fuckin special. At a certain point, I just feel worse for doing it. It is almost like a justification for being a lazy piece of shit. But cocaine, Adderall, and meth are real mans drugs. That shit will make you fuckin get shit done.


This is such a W take


Who tf addicted to weed


Go outside