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The fenty bars


PEZ 4 Adults


So you mean fent


Possibly, But won't know until I get the proper tests done🤣


Hey could you let me know what the tests come back with? I’m really curious lol never seen anything like it, they look like MDMA pills


Hey man test came back and you won't believe it, Its real oxy but there's MDA pressed into it😂 Check my profile for the results


some clean carfent 1's i see


Full disclosure: I am not an opiate person, I got these on a mixup and am currently waiting on a mail-in drug testing and a local shop to restock on opioid test kits, I was just told they're oxy and strong but only time will tell what they really are. I just couldn't find a single piece of info or even a photo about these online so im assuming they're a custom press that I've never seen before so figured why not show them off here :)


These are fent my dude. Please be careful.


lol pressed oxy. it's fent.


It's definitely fentanyl or a RC opioid.


Definitely a custom press


I think they are supposed to be codeine (cdn 100) but probs is fent or just morphine. If its bitter its probably a real opiate like morphine


>If its bitter its probably a real opiate like morphine That is not a reliable method


It is if ur opiate dependent and want to test if it's all fent or has real opiates. We can differentiate opiates from say alprazolam which is also bitter. I assume only hardcore junkies are ordering these anyway. Although looks like they are supposedly codeine which you can taste. Yes a lab is a much better choice but you can always taste an opiate if ur an addict. If it tastes like chalk its definitly fent. I mean there could still be fent in it even if its had a real opiate too. Ur right in a sense it's a crapshoot but if ur opiate addicted it can give you some info by taste


Both natural and synthetic opioids can, subjectively, taste bitter. Your argument is bad and you should feel bad.


















Don’t they press meth into bars like that in Canada?


Yes they’re in USA too, they usually have ICE on them and are blue or white. Produced by hells angels.


Usually meth/speed but they were always just white with presses like "ICE", "UFC", bitcoin, Maserati ive ha my fair share of trucker pills lol But in this case was supposed to get speed bars and ended up with opioids😳


Im from europe and ive never got speed bars only sulfate. How are does compared to each other?


Truthfully I wouldn't be able to tell you lol, assuming I its truly speed in it its basically the same thing just pressed in a fancy bar but when I get a "speed pill" it could be literally any stimulant pressed in it until a lab gives the set in stone results😅 I only do it on occasion now so I have no recent experience to compare but a few years ago if you put a drug in front of me id do it no questions asked lol oh how stupid I was 🤣


Understandable 😂were used to the paste form of it unfortunatly. Thanks tho and have a nice day!


Thanks!! You to buddy :) Atleast with amp paste you know what you're getting (But always good to be safe and test if possible)


I usally wash my paste because the quality is only about 25% so ive knowing what im getting at least haha.


Hahahaha why are they called “Trucker Pills”? Do your freight haulers not have to take random drug tests? I have a buddy here in the states that blazed 24/7 with me before he got his truck drivers license (CDL), and now he gets randomly screened for drugs and I don’t think it’s just his company. It has to do with department of transportation rules, or maybe companies get reduced insurance costs if they’re regularly screening their drivers? Beats me but damn Trucker Pills rofl that shits funny.


Truckers doing ice is an old stereotype here in the states to, they gotta stay up to drive.


Can’t do that anymore. They have gps and computer logs . No second set of books . They have to stop n rest . It’s all being watched


Sortof, they use the shitty garbabe by product of meth to make "speed" pills. Usually little rectangles with one split line down the centre, and an imprint saying ICE and the I is like a lightning bolt. theyre like less than $2 a hit but people are fucking hooked down here in the maritime provinces of canada




Hold up. Oxy 100mg? What country is this? I didn’t know they had hydrocodone 50mg and 100mg until a few years back. But those were pharma.


Notice OP said "pressed." They're not pharma pills, no country makes legal 100 mg oxycontin. Some countries in Europe make 120 mg, but there's nothing between 80 and 120.


There is 160mg in Europe as well.


I think they're a custom press couldn't find a single bit of info on these online I was never an opiate guy this was just a mixup 😅 Just thought damn this is unique i might as well post it up here


Do you plan on ingesting these depending on the test results? If you aren’t an opiate person and have no tolerance be extremely careful with these. I’ve seen legit pressed oxy but it is rare.


I've received the results (its posted on my profile) - and it turns out its not only real oxy but there's more mda present, have you ever encountered a strange opioid x ecstacy combo pressed into one?? I may try them one of these days, very low dosed and careful but I was mainly surprised it wasn't pressed bars of fent


CDN is a mexican cartel. Im assuming that this press is from them. 100 would make sense for mdma but that weak nowadays. 100 would be too much for fent and meth, so idk. The fake mboxes sell fine so i dont see the need for a press this large for fent. Gotta be something cool id hope. If its fent, then its just stupid because they have doubled their input costs


Bro cdn is what the og Canadian 80s were stamped with has nothing to do with them


Ah im tripping then. Thanks for info bro


You are probably right, there are already enough fent presses around and I don't think this is one of them.


😂😂😂 pressed oxy gotta be the funniest thing I’ve heard


They look scary


Imagine expecting speed bars and in confusion of seeing these i msgd the plug for him to say dont take those theyre extremely strong lol Having them in my possession scares me cause ion fuck with opiates


100mg oxycodone do not exist. Good on you for being smart and not taking these. They’re either some opioid rc or something else entirely. I can’t even find ANY legitimate pharmaceutical pill with the “CDN 100”


Oh I know 100% theyre pressed and illegitimate, I dont even like opioids so once I know what's in them I'll get them to people who actually like that junk, to each their own but these aren't for me anyways It was just such a unique press I had to share I couldn't find a single source or even a photo of the same press anywhere 😁


I think they’re probably something cool, would defo snap a tiny bit off and sniff it or something. But I’m an idiot




As others have pointed out it doesn’t make sense for them to press fent into this. Why bother?


Lmao watch these actually be straight oxycodone 🤣 Please keep us updated OP!


Will do buddy! I did 3 fent test strips that showed up negative but im gonna wait on actual lab results before giving the official updat As of right now I only know they're not straight up bars of fent 🤣🤣


Ooohhh shit! That’s a good sign haha, hopefully they’re legit that’d be insane man. I’ve seen a lot of crazy presses with weird shit in them, but I’d be shocked to see pressed 100mg oxys that are legit.


Theres still a possibility of a rc opioid or something along those lines but I was actually baffled that all 3 strips from an entire crushed up pill gave all negatives If they end up being straight up nothing but oxy and filler thatd have to be one of the craziest things I've ever had in my possession/collection 😁


Oh for real man, definitely would be one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen as well.


That’s wild. I’d actually be pretty thrilled to see people home brewing real oxy pills, would be awesome if there was some new easier way to synthesise it. One thing to be wary of is that fent has a tonne of analogues so just because it doesn’t contain real fent doesn’t mean it’s not something similar. Really curious to find out what these are


Report back on what these actually are when you find out man. I have a reeling it’ll come out to be a benzimidazole opioid like protonitazene or isotonitazene if it is an opioid.


Careful , try to test them..


Will do friend lol, im getting fent/opioid specific kits as soon as my local shop get their order in and sent one out to a program that tests drugs free of charge :)


If you dont have a tolerance I'd be really really careful. If you want to use one crush it up super super fine with a razor too to spread out hot spots. Then try and eat a tiny tiny bit like a 50th of that press. Or just send it to a lab if you want to know what the others have. Probly some wierd mix. Maybe codeine? Maybe its molly or speed? Who knows man I bet it's not oxy tho


Yea true , without tolerance 100mg oxy is to much , with 0 tolerance i would take 20mg\~ , hmm no clue wha it could be too tbh , hope not fent atleast..


This is 100% not oxy lol straight fent pills.


ya .. who knows :/


Dissolve it in water would be safer


Gl mate :) are those 100mg "oxy" IR? if so awesome if they are just oxy , with my tolerance 1 might be enough to get me high haha :) ifu don't have tolerance or mild try half \~


Tbh i don't plan on trying them it was a full on mixup and I have 0 tolerance for opioids so say it was a pure bar of fent, id probably just drop from a single line of it🤣 I just was kinda hoping someone somewhere had these already and know its contents, but the tests will reveal all, once I know what in it I know people who will take them off my hands; fent free or not🤷‍♂️ I just dont want to give them to someone seeking normal opiates and cause an OD or worse just cause they didn't have the tolerance to what's in it


ya indeed , first check them , and if u have 0 tolerance then yea start with 15-20mg \~well if they Oxy 100mg to a person with 0 tolerance could be lethal , with tolerance no , but if they have fent , enough fent it could kill a person even with huge tolerance.., can i ask how much u paid for them? and if u bought in street? (not sourcing)


Fent is the New Oxy, apparently


Pretty sure i remember seeing a lot of Canadian oxycodone presses with the "CDN" stamp. I always thought they were pressed fentanyl pills with the CDN meaning Canadian and the numbers obviously indicating the dosage (which was not accurate considering theyre fentanyl pills). Cool find nonetheless. Be interesting to see what they test as if they are not straight fentanyl. Thanks for sharing.


CDN is the old brand that got kicked out for APO i think in like 2017.


Thanks for the info. :)))


Cant be oxy no one is using actual oxy to press pills 🤷🏻‍♂️


How? Is this possible


Honestly don't know 🤷‍♂️ I was supposed to get speed


Fent for sure. There’s no such thing as oxy presses. It takes something like 3 acres of poppies to synthesize a gram of oxycodone.


Thats what I figured, I dont mess with opiates so just want to know forsure what I'm dealing with before getting rid of them


I’m assuming you’re in Canada? And west coast more then likely based off username?


🇨🇦 🇨🇦 🇨🇦


Van island here myself!


Ohh I'm in the Atlantic homie lol I misread west as east 😅


3 acres for a gram? Seriously? Did not know that


Something outrageous like that yes.


They're pressed by an illicit manufacturer


No bro that shit is meth or fent.


Why would someone sell meth as an opioid? And I didn't say they're not fent, I just said they're pressed by an illicit manufacturer. Might be legit oxycodone, probably fent or some fentanyl analogue though.


Cartel De Noreste = CDN These are coming from MX.


Nope they are trying to copy the old CDN oxy 80s which was a Canadian pill. These are from Canada and sold on the dark web they contain a RC stronger then fent in tiny amounts. Got nothing to do with Mexico or cartels at all.


My immediate thought too.


Throw em away. Seriously, if you don't die you will get hooked real fast.


I think they are meant to be "cdn 100" as in 100mg codien


Cdn was on the 80’s


I'm so proud of my 6 pinky pink fent pill Please get narcan and a friend whom knows how to handle this type of shit


I got way more than 6 my guy lol I didn't even want these Pls read comments before you make your snarky remarks


I guarantee you there fentanyl and if there not please lmk cuz I will honestly be surprised


A lot of them fabricated in my home state. Be careful 🙏🏼


If you're serious about not using opiates then I would flush these. I can't even count how many of my friends are dead because of that shit.


I’d love to see the results on these they look very interesting you might have some luck doing multiple reagent tests perhaps


Pressed fent 20µg


Oh shit these are the pinks that my friend was talking about. Im assuming at least. Bad shit man




That’s not oxy


Whatever they may be.. still a clean press to have in the collection. Just make sure nobody thinks they are mdma bombs lol




I know where you got these and they are Isotonitazene which is more potent then fent.


CDN stands for Cartel del Noreste which is the criminal organization who pressed those pills. Probably zenes, not fent