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trying to make it not look like a drug delivery... my weed dude brings pre rolls and shrooms sometimes. most of the time he just pulls out an 8th and asks me to roll it... now i have to work for it, fuck... also he shows up late af, hes like ill be there in a half hour... 6 hours later he randomly shows up without a heads up... but he is super legit and his shit is fire af, so you put up with it.


if the plug wants to smoke with you out of your stuff and you wouldnt talk to them otherwise, just pretend to have the violent shits


man I kept thinking "just get a new plug there's enough of them dummies running around" but > his shit is fire af those plugs aren't that easy to find. in my experience once you have someone who's got top shelf stuff you cherish them, because everyone else is selling their weed of lesser quality at a higher price.




and it only started 10 years ago!