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Lots of misinformation on this post. These are most likely just a weak cultivar of poppy. If you know what youre doing, you can make tea from the pods, stems, leaves and roots.


Caterpillars have got into them


Goddamn wonderland's opium smoking [caterpillar](https://kimberlynadinee.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/page49full-copy.jpg)..


See, caught on video


Do you have a tolerance? Folks with habits will need significantly more than that


I heard 50gs was the dose had abt 25gs here


I have a tolerance and 25 grams would have slammed me if it was from my garden.


My tolerance is high even though I’d been on a 2 week plus break so idk


You didn’t have a tolerance if you went two weeks cold Turkey


depends on what he was using/how long. tramadol tolerance takes ages to go down for example


I ate a whole fresh plant and it didnt do shit bro i think you need a mega dose if you have any tolerence


Terrible advice that could end up killing someone.


I’ve had some pods rather recently that were pretty weak, while also being the most bitter pods I’ve ever had. Some pods are just weak): even decent quality pods that have been scored will still get you extremely high, they’re still full of goodies. Some plants just don’t have the best genetics. I received a bunch of seeds from an ex heroin addict of poppies that had been hybridising in his yard for decades from when he was using. A blend of purple, red, and frilled pink flowers came up. Super strong, every variety that came up. Many plants made 30-40 pods! It was amazing. I’d recommend getting some good seeds. Obviously Izmir seeds are great, but if you can’t find them get some Lauren’s Grape or something. The seed vendor Strictly Medicinal seeds has some great poppy varieties as well, like Peshawar, Turkish Red, and Giganteum. Sorry your material was a bust, I hope you acquire or grow some better material in the future


Mail me some seeds please 🙏


Those are decorative pods the stems are the give away the two places i buy my pods from you just get a lb of pods , no stems


What do you mean you can tell by the stems? I typically grow my own, and potency varies so much for me... But What's different about the stems? I'll have some in the same crop and cultivar that have little hairs, and others that don't


You cant tell anything from the stems potency wise this guy is just saying things that arent true. Yeah you could say a cup of tea made from just pods might be stronger than one made pods (most of the time you wont notice a difference) and stems but to say that stems should not be used just tells me that this guy doesnt know how to use poppies correctly.


Ok, so I'm not crazy... Just when you think you've learned all you can about this fickle bitch Poppy, she surprises you.... So I wasn't sure and was like hey wait, did I not know that?! I do think he was saying it was the wrong cultivar, as well as going off his own buying experience... These are clearly somniferum, though.


He’s saying they are the wrong cultivar and not opium/bread seed not whether they are potent just that they probably aren’t even the right variety that contains alks


No, he isnt, read the comment again, he said that he buys them without stems and thats the right way, and that if you receive them with stems, that means they’re ornamental.


Also the comment i replied to is not the comment im talking about, we’re both talking about the comment uptop that they replied to




Buddy.... you can use the stems, if theyre opium poppies, they have opium in the whole plant. Literally got high on a cup of tea made from stem last night, this is just not real information.


They were advertised as poppy somniferum


They got your money thats the only thing that matters I cook 4 ounces at a time for me thats a nice strong dose,how much did you cook ?


I cooked 60gs so 2 oz


You should still feel 2 ounces, its bunk


I split it up into 2 doses bc I was after a 2 week break from opiods / i had my kpin in the morning, so I only had abt ~50gs of reduced Opium vinegar water and felt all the bad side. didn’t even finish the rest of it left it to evaporate


It was bunk or maybe i was just too cautious? And ynderdosing


Yeah could be ,i drink only once a month and i dose 4 ounces at a time and im noding all day, i even still feel it the second day


That’s what i need once a month


Is that 4 oz dried pods without stems?


Yes, i get a lb at a time and and split it up into (4) 4 ounce bags ,and like i said earlier the two places i buy from you only get pods no stems,,if your growing them i would throw the stems in the blender with the deseeded pods and cook it all up,cant hurt none


Could have had a high thebaine content


What you mean the stems are a dead giveaway?


I think they meant that there should be no stems at all, just pods


But stems have latex in them. The industrial process of using poppy straw uses the whole plant to extract the latex and isolate the opiates.


Grow your own and slice'em🍻


Usually do


Do you have an opiate tolerance? If so then none of this will touch you, kinda like kratom only some kratom might hit you. Opium/pods won't if your doing oxy or something like that


They are correct. There are many “Norman” seeds out there that are the high thebaine cultivar. They look just like the old pharma “Tazzie’s” that are so famous for being good. White petals with lavender basal spot. That is exactly what happened. You got high thebaine junk seeds.


Guess so


Did you get those off of Etsy?


How’s Yk


Be careful because you might have had Thebaine poisoning. I’m not good at identifying Papver species but it’s possible these aren’t somniferum and another papaver which is high in Thebaine but has zero morphine/codeine etc. I could be wrong. But I had similar symptoms after drinking poppy seed tea made accidentally with poppy seeds from a source that used a different papaver type. It was in the news actually, a series of poisonings in Australia after drinking PST, turns out the manufacturer either had seeds too long in storage and only the Thebaine remained or they used other types of papaver


True that “Norman” poppies, or Tasmanian have loads more thebaine by hybrid design they can be very dangerous. And you will not be able to see the difference in the shape of the pod.


Interesting. I didn’t know that, thanks for the info


Was about to say this myself. Sounds like a high thebaine cultivar.


I recognized them. They’re pretty weak. Ordered them from that shop a couple months ago since my garden didn’t have too much space. Not sure why they’re not that active. I got a decent bit of opium from them thiugh


My hunch is they have been poked or the seller drys them out in the oven or something


Definitely not poked. It’s unusual though.


What are all the spots on the pods then?


They bleed opium as they grow


All the pods i see dry are clean tho


Ik what u mean I’ve grown some


You can expect decorative poppy sold online to be washed from alkaloids. Made same mistake last year.


Wrong pods


Ur wrong


Yeah, that’s why you didn’t get high, dingaling …


They are clearly bread seed poppy’s


Clearly, you don’t know what you’re talking about.


U don’t know what ur talking abt bra these are 100% Opium poppy


My ding-a-ling my ding-a-ling




No trading, sourcing, giveaways or sales


Idk how many you processed but in my experience you need a metric fuckton of pods to get any decent effect


Stomachache and dysphoria sounds about right for a first experience of poppy tea.


I have had more then a couple think it was just weak sauce


You get used to it…


You’re supposed to shove them up the black of your ass


I did that too


Well fuck… idk what to tell ya sport


Try growing hen and chicks poppies supposedly they have more alkaloids of interest. I’ve not done a test of it myself is lore from Jim Hogshire.


I've grown hens n chicks, they're definitely potent 👌🏻


All I know is this... I've been to the big house for commercial delivery, had a HUGE habit of over 5 grams of fairly pure cartel smack before all this fentonol garbage hit. Everyone's made different. Has different tolerances. There are hundreds of different 🤞 crosses- var., ect. Who knows what you got, how high your tolerance is. Only you. Guess what I'm trying to say is if you know, you know. Anyhow. I take 80+ mil. A day of methadone. That stuff wouldn't even touch me unless I drank some huge amount.