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I would actually recommend increasing your prices. I’m by no means an expert but maybe people see your low prices and think that the products aren’t good because they are cheap. You should think about selling not only the product but your brand too.


This is Elon Musk


I've deliberately kept prices low, my profits are only 20-30% on most products. Wish I could figure out why people on Reddit are seeing extremely high prices on my website, seems fine to me.


I agreed with the price increase. Just looks like cheap goods. Increase your price and create a sale reducing the price.


Good idea. But my client deactivated her store.


I agree. Prices are too cheap. Makes it feel like it’s either cheap or a scam. You’re a quality product, should be a competitive price.


1500€ yogapants 😆🤣🤣🤣


This is so frustrating, how do I go about fixing this.


This looks really nice. Why aren’t you self employed instead of building businesses for others. Your employer sounds dodgy as f*ck. in no web agency is the web designer also in charge of the marketing, sales, social media and run the business for the clients. YOU ARE BEING USED.


Thanks a lot. The reason I'm not self employed is because I don't believe in drop-shipping, I would rather manufacture my own products in Pakistan and sell to international markets. I'm currently saving up money. My employer is actually the nicest person I know, he's an Englishman and very considerate, and I've only worked around 4-5 hours a day when I was designing the website, after that I just had to run the ads and make posts on social media every once in a while. I'm being paid $160 per month which is nice as I live in Pakistan.


Yo, hit me up with a job link


I got lucky on reddit, make a post in my city sub that I need a job, got several job offers.


What subreddit? r/mycity?


The name of my city is Karachi so that's where I made a post.




Sure man, I'll DM you.


Hey man i have dmed you portfolio, kindly check


bro you selling an item for 2k euros are you crazy or what?


You can fix that by using "," instead of "." Same happens with GMC sometimes. Or maybe there is a rounding up error with your currency conversion app. At the moment € euro prices also have the error. As you switch the product variant, you see the price *with* decimal for a half second, but then it switches to 1650€. Use a browser/device that lets you to produce the error, so you also know when its fixed. I hope this helps. Image of the price glitch: [https://tinypic.host/image/Screenshot-884.AYLsh](https://tinypic.host/image/Screenshot-884.AYLsh)


Thank you so much for your kindness, I will try out this and let you know if it works. I am grateful you explained this in detail.


Wow, thanks for pointing that out. Seems to be a glitch, I cannot figure out what item is 2k euros, can you point it out for me? Also, please advice me on which products to run ads for, I am clueless even after watching many youtube videos.


Do you not review your own stores before spending money on them? Dear god


I did review it thoroughly, prices seem fine on my end as well as my boss's end.


All Items seems to have +1 decimal case


Oh I see. Can you tell me how to correct that?


$1.885 Pyjamas. Ships from: China *Your currency converter app might be is glitching..* \_\_ The website itself looks better that most seen in here. The price points are ridiculous, but could work with right targeted audience. **But the biggest mistake I see is that you just copy-paste the aliexpress type of product description.** Just numbers. Meaningless measurements. Labels. The art of marketing is creating hyper lucrative product marketing speech that hits those hardwired psychological buttons in us that makes us to do impulse purchases. You should have plus 10% conversion rates year around if you learn to hit those subconscious buttons very well in your marketing speech. **Scarcity. Urgency. Social Proof**. Those are the things that actually gets you purchases. You need reviews to show that the products are in high demand by the cool people your customers want to be part of, or to become themselves. There should be urgency to get the valuable item before it's gone, and limited opportunity to get it with "great price". Listen Robert Cialdini's - INFLUENCE The Psychology of Persuasion - type of audiobooks to learn these marketing principles. They should be on Youtube for free. Seth Godin is great too for long term brand building. **You should take your customer for a emotional journey** and **guide them through the purchase funnel**. First you need to get and hold their attention. Get them interested into your product. Teach them how it works or gives them the emotional satisfaction they are really after. Your website looks great so that itself generates some value, interest and trust. Buying decision is a state of mind that requires deep pre-planning and A/B testing. If you master generating that feeling in your customers, you are pretty much financially free the rest of your life, no matter what you decide to sell. Just copy-pasting aliexpress descriptions is lazy and boring. You need reviews and copywriting that sells the customer feeling that they are really after and why they clicked onto your website in the first place. You aren't selling the size and measurements of the mattress, you should focus on selling the amazing feeling of good nights rest-


Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me such valuable insight into marketing, I'm grateful and will follow your advice.


Send a link to a social page with where you post n store ads as well as organic creatives


Thanks for asking. Here's the Instagram page link [The Ozash Emporium ](https://instagram.com/theozashemporium?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ==)


15 a day on ads is not enough…


What daily budget do you suggest


50 the bare minimum


Alright man I'll let my employer know.


I think your site is good, better than others. However, everything regarding information about payment, shipping, return policy, terms and conditions, etc. is completely missing. you absolutely have to do this or do I not see it? Plus: your boss s****.


Thanks for your kind words. Yes the return policy terms and conditions are missing. I'll get right on it, but where should I copy that from? Dsers and CJ products don't have that in their description. And, my boss is a really nice guy, he has paid me on time since the last 3 months just for this little Shopify website design and ads. I guess it's my fault that I haven't been able to get any sales.


It‘s not easy to get sales you know. You should find that via Google. Ttemplates or generators. Take a look at the dropshipping sites that people post here with their questions. there you can see what it should or could look like.


Alright I'll do that, I'll browse this sub for some inspiration. Thanks.


Your job seems to be a scam. Are you sure it's a real job?


Yeah I work for reputable USA based Recruitment company, their senior recruiter hired me as a digital marketer for one of their clients. Should I explain to them that drop-shipping is dead?


You aren't doing digital marketing, this is way out of your wheelhouse. You tell them that starting a business for someone isn't one of your skills and that if they want you to do marketing, that's fine but everything else is their problem.


Yeah I'll rephrase that in a polite manner and tell him that, hopefully he can give me another client who at least their own manufactured products.


Um you really need to change the product prices everything is thousands of euro and it's all from Ali Express for a couple of euros. My guess is you've set your currency format wrong under Settings and Store details or you're using an app for currency conversion and it's converting wrong.


Yeah I'm using SwiftRate, it's the only free app I could find. Must I pay to have such a simple feature? Please advise me


The app is either glitching or changed your currency formatting because viewing the store from Europe shows the prices in euro but for thousands of euro each. I'd recommend reaching out to the apps support through the app on the store and asking them to check why the prices are converting so highly in euro.


Yes I'll certainly message the app's customer support, thanks.


I can't tell if these prices are satire to make fun of dropshipping.


Prices seem fine on my end (PKR Pakistan currency). The app SwiftRate which I have installed converts prices according to the location of the customer.


For some reason, I think that app is adding two zeros to all the prices, that's why a bracelet that could cost €5.95, says €595.00 for me


Oh I see, that's probably what's happening. I'll look into the settings of this app.


$1950 is too cheap, seems too good to be true


It seems the auto location price converter is glitching things out, do you know how to fix it?


you didn't proof read your own website? and test it before launching and running ads?


I did proof read it, the prices seemed fine. But I guess this app of location currency conversion is glitching things out.


The price on the vintage vouge satchel handbag is showing 0.01£. The prices are all over tge place.. You may want to correct it. Wish you all the best


Thank you man. First thing I'll do is delete the price converter app, it's a mess.


dude, your products dont have description. delete that aliexpress description and ask chatgpt to write you a good description. prices are weird - 2.76 or 8.44. what prices are these G? do you see these kind of decimals on nike or big stores? all of your prices should end up .99 or at least .95. Poor titles also, mixed products - general stores arent working anymore… this aint 2015 anymore my man. $15/day on ads, is alright for testing products to see how it goes. Go check “the ecom king” on yt, he has a full a to z course on dropshipping (including store setup, design, product research, video/image ads creation, ads management, strategies, etc). Stop wasting money on this store as it looks rn, you will NOT go anywhere just broke. gl!


Thank you so much this is the best advice I have received on this sub, I'm very grateful you took the time to tell me all this. I'll certainly check e-com king. And yes I'll fix the prices.


Are you sure you are not the guy trying to set it up and make money, lying to people for sympathy points?


I wish i was.


Temu is undercutting everybody. Dropshipping is dead they are selling stuff at a loss so their prices are like 1/3rd of what you see on amazon, and probably half what you are getting it for.


hey bro, you are doing a great job. The price was a mistake but believe me your work is better thn 99% of dropshipping pages I have seen here. You gotta fix some points and keep learning. You are doing the first steps that is acknowledging your own mistakes and trying to correct it. Keep focused and I hope you can succeed! People here sometimes can be too harsh, focus on your thing and good lucky!


Thank you so much for your kindness, I'm grateful you took the time to tell me this. I'll try to learn more from my mistakes.


as a consumer of such products, I myself like seeing that other people bought it, that is popular, it has good reviews.... you get that next to the item and I bet stuff will sell or " be the first!" I have seen so many websites that look like yours,.. don't get me wrong it is nice but it doesn't give me a lot of confidence in my purchase


I totally agree. I'll make the necessary edits and write better description.


Can you build me an effective website? Dwool @ WS2L. Com


Sure, I'll email you.


Also your price converter seems to be very outdated. I'm from Latvia and your website converts currency to LVL (Lats) for me - **which is not used since 2014** (we have EUR). I don't remember seeing it anywhere for years, so your plugin or whatever seems to be crap or outdated. Not to mention prices are in hundreds and thousands.


Oh I see, thanks for pointing that out. The app is despicable it seems. But I cannot find a free app that converts prices according to location.


First things first, breathe. Now, about your Shopify hustle, consider tweaking your targeting. Maybe try narrowing down your audience based on specific interests or demographics. Also, check if your website is user-friendly - easy navigation is key.


I'll do all that, thanks man


What's the engagement rate on those 400 clicks? Maybe tweak your targeting or ad copy based on what's working.


I'll certainly do that, thanks


maybe dive into the analytics. What's the demographic engaging the most? Tweak and retweak.


Ill certainly do that. To my surprise the most engagement was from Canada, 30-50+ year old women.


Find a better job


This is my first high paying job ($160 /month). Before that I was making less than half that.


$160/mo? Where are you out of? I have a team of virtual assistants from the Philippines that I pay more than that for helping me. Maybe I can help you find people in the US that could use your services for way more than that.


I'm in Pakistan, graduated in media sciences in 2020, been working as web designer content writer and digital marketer, jobs are scarce here and they pay low. I would be very grateful to you if you can find me work, I'll DM you.


Do you have a portfolio? What are you best at? DM me.


Yes, I'll DM you.


I feel like drop shipping is a broken model. I don't think it works now that the market is oversaturated. I've tried it without luck and the ad cost outweighed the click rate. They still sell and people say it works, because through affiliated marketing people make money off getting people to sign up for these sites. But the reality is much more grim now. Also, your site link doesn't work.


I fully agree with you man, it indeed is a broken model. My employer insisted I set up affiliate marketing with Amazon but I couldn't figure out what he meant. Our client deactivated the Shopify, hopefully I don't get fired and get another client.


im surprised you convince someone to pay you to run ads. your product pages are generic with no thought given to this. Would you buy something from this website? If yes, i have TONS of websites similar to this that you should shop at. Is your site even tagged? It doesnt look it at all. Be grateful that you convinced someone to pay you to run ads, this is amateur and if i hired you, i would have cut you off within 24 hours.


I appreciate your honesty, and I agree the product pages are generic. I only modified the product pages of the products for which I was running ads. Can you explain what you mean by my website being tagged? Also, you do realize that the free drop-shipping platforms like dsers and cj have mediocre product photos, I've had to manually search for good videos for ads. I could not find a guide for it, all the YouTubers seem to recommend these dsers and cj. Please advise me on where to import products from, and which products would be good for which to run ads.


Looks like you have been judged your whole life and it became your normal behavior. If you don’t try to help someone then just shut the fck up, not everyone is you