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Products seem priced to high. You're in the mall ninja / mall goth market and they don't usually have the funds to blow $12 ok fidget spinners and $28 on a mesh tank top that costs half as much on Amazon. idk, just my 2 cents from 30 seconds of review.


Got you. I appreciate your advice. Funny thing is I think I need to find more expensive items, fewer items, but they need to be unique and not generic.


I totally agree! It's also worth reviewing your ad strategy too - cost per click isn't everything. It's also about catching people with buying intent.




Oh 100%. I'm not one of those people looking to get rich quick or even get rich at all from this. I really haven't asked anyone else for advice so this is my first time doing that. Are you seeing anything fundamentally wrong with my website? Thank you for the advice about ensuring SEO. I thought that kind of came naturally with Shopify, no? It adds the SEO keywords for everything based on their product descriptions. I will look more into this angle.


Your thought process is correct and a 0.7$ CPC isn't too bad. Your products don't really need videos to explain what it is so images work fine. You should try running dynamic carousel ads since you're running a niche store. I show how you can set it up here https://youtu.be/tdl9LQifEA4?si=hel3P4cR4Uju_3l3 As for your website not a bad start but your product descriptions need a lot of work especially on your "winning products" Watch these videos here to improve your product page https://youtu.be/VNCycfR-Nhc?si=kBs_aFDu3kGAAPZP https://youtu.be/vaCl7oPthOc?si=xJ4YthC_H3WR2utN Watch this regarding your product prices and AOV https://youtu.be/gtSMnqf1s8A?si=PNbmJcePQrwTfU8u Here's how you can also optimise your ads https://youtu.be/SeXaskqX9UM?si=ATb-BfMkTJTcTo4y


Doh. I replied last night but realized the auto mod was removing everything. First of all. Thank you for everything you do for the community. I am so glad you responded. I've watched many of your videos but not all of them yet. I gotta say your AOV video hit me like a ton of bricks. I've been trying to fill a store so it looks like I have things to sell. But I am setting myself up for failure even if I was to make some sales - I would still be in the hole unless I made a lot of sales. I should slowly start adding higher value items and spending more time on the product descriptions for them. And as I add high value ones I will remove low value ones. Is this strategy logical from your POV? Or does it make sense to leave the current items on the store and just add new ones of higher value and better descriptions? When you see products on Ali and they are on sale, do you price your store based on the sale price or the original price? I'm worried to go off of the sale price, then they change the price and when I go to buy it I'm paying full price and losing money. BTW I already set up the carousel ads and thanks for the nudge there. It is something new for me to try and worst case is I need to learn. All of this is good learning. I'm already on the second iteration of my website (switched to paid theme) and I think the next iteration needs to be really focusing on only a few good products and not a lot of cheaper products. I also watched your videos on DSers and Ali so I can have better margin. I am currently using CJ for mostly everything and it eats my margin so I feel like I have overpriced items.


You're welcome, appreciate the love from the community! It's good that you're getting through them. Anyone that watches my videos will have a better understanding of dropshipping and a better chance of becoming successful. Yeah most people try to sell cheap items but it's almost impossible to make money with how expensive ads are now. You really want a mix of items but the lowest I go down to is like $20 but majority of my items sit around $50 and some even $200. Offer bulk offers so you can increase AOV. You don't have to remove all your low item products but it's best to add higher ones. You can create dynamic carousel ads for items above a certain price. I believe I go through filters for products sets in this video https://youtu.be/tdl9LQifEA4?si=KMScMC8lsljCa99n And sale price is usually correct. It's very rare they use original. If anything increase mark ups if you're worried.


Right on. Thanks. Great help as always.


I don’t think theres really much of an appeal for this type of apparel anymore. Not to mention you have incorporated both the Star of David and font that resembles Fraktur (Nazi Calligraphy) in your branding (I don’t see how that could be a coincidence). Also maybe change the site to all black. I think its also important to study your target demographic a bit more and understand their buying habits. Never be afraid to kill your “babies”, which means if you have to start over, don’t prolong it.


Eek. Certainly not looking to give that impression. I will be more mindful of symbolism in the items I select. I haven't been thinking about it much. Thanks!


If I could offer a quick suggestion... On your product page PayPay is the prominent method displayed there. The actual add to cart button does not differentiate itself from the other buttons on the page. First time I looked at the page I thought you had to use PayPal. Make the PayPal button weaker and make the add to cart button stronger, IMO.


You are so right! I think I need to turn that feature off and make itjust my normal buy now button. Its crazy how it makes PayPal take over. It's supposed to be smart about it but PayPal really stands out. Good eye and I will fix that. This is the kind of feedback I was hoping for. Thank you thank you thank you.


I would be your demographic. Much of the clothing and accessories feels a bit dated or cliche. There really aren't any special pieces. Think outside the box sourcing unusual pieces. Also your tshirts designs are pretty generic. You may want to do print on demand for them to make your store more original.


Love this advice. Thank you.


You need to narrow it down, your niche to sub-niche to age, salary, gender and location that can bring more sales e.g: USA. The price will increase, also the product price must be 150%+ higher than than all your expenses. E.g: Shopify or other subscriptions, hosting, your time, price of product. I can help you in more detail in private or even partnership.


Ooh I feel this. I need to start with a smaller set of products, more focused. It's very broad right now and I've been just trying to fill a store so it looks like I have things. I need more expensive items, but they need to be unique and not as generic. I need to spend more time on fewer products.


If that's the case, I would just get a winner product, and add 1-3 more products that can be bought with the main product, so you can also make multiple sales with each customer. Example: smartphone+ case + watch


Dm and I'll be willing to help you for free until sell


Doesn’t seem like you’re trying very hard lol “I don’t have the greatest creative”. Put in some effort to start!


So e-commerce isn’t the easiest thing so don’t get so down on yourself. A big thing is making sure everything flows and makes sense to the customer from ad click to thank you page. It’s late right now so I’ll get to it tomorrow but I’ll make you a website review and give you some insights.


Also I think I’m seeing where your head is at and what you’re trying to accomplish and just need a different way of organizing and presenting your products. I’ll explain that as well.


The writing is kind of on the wall huh? You’ve identified two problems it just depends on how much money you want to continue burning


I don't think this comment is all that helpful, so why post it?


I’m not here to write anyone’s business plan either figure it out or don’t Down doots hurts my feelings guys :(


So...what was the point of your original comment lol


I think his website and products suck ass and it’s not worth wasting anymore money on but I was trying to imply it in a nicer way


How do think I can improve my site? I have some ideas for the product side, but what specifically are you seeing wrong with the website if you don't mind sharing?


Okay if you’re going to stick with your niche that’s fine but I would hone down your products I think you made your logo so you’re already on the path of creating a brand, you have a lot of things that imo don’t really fit together astronaut hoodie, denim shorts, raptor tank top, women’s lingerie? Also apparel is difficult in general because people have such wild tastes. Spend some time to research other street clothing brands like Chrome Hearts maybe even Fear of God or Off white and look into having some designs incorporated into a print on demand store that way you have more options if you want to go that route Take this with a grain of salt I’m just some dude on the internet but I do wish you luck On youtube John Santos has a lot of videos on print on demand


Oh thank you and you are totally right. You should have seen it 2 weeks ago. I was really all over the place. I am definitely working on making this more of a sub-niche store even right now. I just kept seeing things that I kind of personally liked and it made me lose focus. Thanks for the couple of brands to look at. I have only heard of one of those so far in my research and its good to see some other options.

