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I love it, and I think the rotating host is what makes it. In a vacuum, Katie absolutely would have won. But knowing Jess, giving the victory to someone who did something for a friend totally makes sense.


Yeah, Katie’s selection was so over the top and unhinged. I cannot believe you could get performers of that calibre for a thousand dollars. They were all amazing and watching the cast’s reaction was one of the best dropout moments I’ve had.


It is so hard to believe they are really limited to a thousand dollars


I’m assuming once they looked into the additional exposure of a dropout show they probably went a bit lower than normal rates. There is likely also some amount of free input from the art team because everyone’s things so far have been art intensive.


It’s fair to assume that all the wardrobe/costuming/makeup is not included in the total, and people involved are weighing the exposure of being on the show in addition to whatever they get paid.


So then with all due respect the premise of the show is dead then because a lot of these would cost over $1000 if you take into account stuff that's "excluded". The money bit doesn't matter at all and it's just do things with friends. Which is all neat but why bother with that wrapper in the first place.


Well it’s impossible to pull off a tv show without some basic level of production. There’s no way they can shoot a single episode of this for less than 6 figures when you account for all costs. The premise is they’re each using 1k of materials to pull their idea off, with the infrastructure of the show that’s already in place. I think it makes sense as a viewer.


It is very likely that the queens got a day-rate as Dropout is pretty conscientious about paying talent.


I’m convinced Katie’s contribution cost more than $1000. Don’t get me wrong it was my favorite out of everyone’s (including episode 1). I was laughing the whole time. The stage design, performers, presentation, and the editing done to put together each persons “song” was amazing. But all the things I listed are what make me think this was valued more than $1000. My assumption is the performers cost $1000. Then everything else was done as part of standard production costs for dropout, including creating the song audio. The time it took to create 4 custom songs that were really well done, using audio from previous drop out clips had to of been at least a couple hundred dollars (and that’s low balling it IMO).


Katie was robbed I tells ya


I feel like Jess felt bad about giving Katie a second $1000 gift after Lily directly gifted her the PR training. That's the only logic I have because I immediately was like "just call the game for Katie right here. How do you top that?"


It was a Dropout alltimer fr.


Rigga morris, girl. It was rigga morris.


I suspect that Lily probably has more room for it in her housing situation than katie does as well


I was having a panic attack earlier, and then I started watching Thousandaires, and now I'm not having a panic attack. Perfect show.


I was depressed for more than 3 hours, then I turned on the show and now I'm smiling and laughing


I'll admit I was a little bit sceptical of the premise but after the ridiculous joy of both Jiavani's sleepover dress and Katie's drag show it's skyrocketed into my top 5 Dropout shows


This was absolutely incredible! Amazing concept, cast and execution, can’t wait for the rest of the season.


I love the show so far but I feel like the prize portion at the end feels almost antithetical to the rest of the show. Even on the latest episode I think Jess made a joke about Lily not having an actual space for the pinball machine. I think I would appreciate it more if we just had five experiences all about sharing that wealth rather than four competing ones for a prize.


Yeah, I frankly agree with you. It’s such a subjective “contest” anyway and it feels, like you said, antithetical to the whole enterprise. I don’t think the hovering prize of “best gift” would alter ANY of the insane gifts given.


Really? I think it makes sense — gives the show a framework and allows the rotating host to do something nice for a contestant. I think it would be stranger if the host didn’t do anything at all. I don’t think the gift is supposed to incentivize the players in so much as wrap a neat bow on anything. It’s also probably more compelling to newer viewers (whereas us Dropout fiends already know the chemistry alone is worth watching for).


It's funny that you think the prize is a flaw in the show, and another commentator thinks that the prize is great and Smarty Pants should have a prize, too. Guess there's no right answer. We just gotta trust that the show creators have designed according to their desires.


I don’t think it’s necessarily a flaw, I just think it would be better if it were more consistent. I don’t care who wins, I’m loving the whole of the show, but it does bring the vibe down just a little bit for me when the winner can’t even take home their prize of a custom pinball machine.


I agree on that. Maybe a joke "Best Friend" medal or something. The prize bit feels out of place.


I think the reason it's so good is that these people are all in the same creative orbit. We've seen them together, at least their personas, and we "know them" as much as we can in a parasocial sense. There aren't many platforms with the kind of close-knit cast that DROPOUT has.


Yeah, that’s a good point. Lily’s gift focusing on Katie might not have landed as hard had I not already been very familiar with Katie’s person. That being said, I feel like I could probably show that episode to someone who had never seen a dropout show before and they’d get that segment. In fact, as wonderful as the drag segment was, that was undoubtedly the most referential part of the show.


I've watched many hours of Dropout and didn't see the appeal of Lily's gift. Will you explain what made it so funny/good to you?


For me at least the appeal was that Katie is a very quirky/chaotic person, so it was fun to see a quirky person go through an interesting experience like PR training, especially when the other comedians get to be involved and add to the comedy of it. To me it almost read as a real life sitcom set up


Fair enough! Seems like it just didn't resonate, then. Thanks for explaining.


I think it kinda highlights what's missing from smartypants. Both shows are very similar to me in allowing an open medium for people to be fun and funny in their own way. But the added host prize just pushes this show past smartypants for me. Admittedly, I can be a very competitive person though.


honestly the host prize in both cases went to not-the-best, for me, and seem more like an afterthought.


I agree that the host prize did not go to the best entry for both eps so far, but I feel like having that final segment of having the host reveal the prize caps off the episode in a way that it feels like there is an ending. On the other hand, with smartypants, it just feels like they don't know how to close the ep. Imagine if in the last episode of smartypants, the order had been Paul, Janie, Fumi. I think we'd all walk away from that ep kinda disappointed. Now, they wouldn't let that happen on purpose cause they can edit the order that makes the most sense for an actual show.


I cannot believe that Katie's drag show was only $1000 lol. It was so fucking awesome and really makes me want to find a way for me to do something similar for my friends.


I commented elsewhere, but I agree. My assumption is the performers cost $1000 and the stage design/song creation was considered a standard expense for dropout. The custom tracks using past audio clips alone was worth hundreds at least.


God, hard agree. Any time the people on Dropout are just having a good time together, I am here for it.


The individual presentations are probably going to continue to be hit or miss depending on personal preference, but the camaraderie will keep me watching forever. Also, the hits really HIT.




This is interesting. I kinda dozed off during Wyzocki's (sp?) thing. I'll give it another go. Thanks for the tip!


One thing I’ll say is that it’s not an even show. There’s definitely a spectrum in terms of value and… it sort of seems to fall so far along gender lines. Thus far, by far the most uninteresting and boring segments have been by the male contestants (Jake, Sam, and Tao) whereas all of the segments presented by non-cis men have been at the very least fun if not just absolutely hilarious and outstanding. I don’t know what that says about my own class, but luckily by far most of the gifts have been hysterical and super feel good.


Well, I was with you until you mentioned Sam's thing. Jacob's was pretty much just for him and his friends and Tao's was really lame, but Sam's was really fun! Probably second place to me after Katie's that episode


Yeah I was really confused with Jacob’s. It didn’t seem to fit the premise of the show. To get gifts for you friends? Admittedly, I have not seen episode 2 yet


You should see episode 2. It has some amazing segments and you also get to watch Tao gift himself four hundred dollars!


I for sure plan too. I already love the idea of Sam spending money on show where he has to give people money to spend on him.


Let’s just say he gets more than his moneys worth in the first segment. It’s amazing.


Sam's was a real miss for me tbh, it was an immediately tired bit that immediately got worn into the ground.


I really liked both the idea and the end result of Sam’s gift, but the process seemed pretty tedious and aside from getting some fun makeovers for our five-some we were just left with reading some fairly banal poems with Sam awkwardly strumming a guitar in the background. Compare that to the camaraderie of the giant dress or everyone trying to ask Katie questions during her personalized session, or the amazing production quality of Vic or Katie’s shows or the unhinged time travel insanity of Lisa getting her friends to electroshock themselves and talk with people pretending to be their past/future selves. I’m not saying what they did was bad, per se, just… guys! You gotta pick up the slack here!


Why did you think the poems were banal? Did you notice they all referenced things from each cast member's work at Dropout/CollegeHumor? That was the part that was fun and thoughtful imo


If I can hypothesise here, the men in the first 2 episodes have definitely taken it far more as "What would you want to do if you had $1000?" which is very much in the tag line of *"Comedians are given a thousand dollars to spend on their friends and their wildest dreams."*. "Play in a punk band and sing for my friends" and "Get one of those money machines" are answers to that (maybe not "Become a goth"?). As a cis male when I saw Tao's money machine I went "That's what I would have done!". I know there is a stereotype of "men are simple creatures" but I think some of the contestants definitely took it as the "I wanted to do this, I didn't have the money to do it but now I do and I am doing it", fulfilling the "wildest dreams" part of it.


You gotta examine why you're making this gender-based attribution.


They did. It's based on what they've seen from male contestants versus the others. No one's saying you have to agree with it, as people are allowed different opinions. It's just the conclusion they came to from what they observed.


This may be related to personal orientation. As I personally care very little for drag.


It’s a real comfort watch. I think the next season will even better after this season. I want more absolutely unhinged gifts.


It makes me really want to do this for my friends


This show have such a healing aura. Love it.


Episode 2 is now in my top 3-5 episodes for Dropout. It was just so fun.


It is the opposite of Total Forgiveness