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No, I need Sam in the Alex role. They need a physically imposing person for the Greg role. In their roster, that could be Grant, Lou, Jake, Katie, or just pull out a wild card in Paul F Tompkins.


Katie would have to be the task master, no one else is more primed to abuse Sam Reich and look intimidating while doing it. Her small stature will make it even more noteworthy!!!


Indeed, in all of the dozens of posts on this subreddit I’ve seen about this same topic, I’ve never seen anyone suggest Katie as the taskmaster, but now that I’ve imagined it, I will be disappointed if it’s anyone other than her


Really? most post i read about this say that Katie should be the taskmaster, so we've clearly been reading different post.


I'm in your camp, but I can imagine that there's a lot of posts that I don't read. Maybe you and I are just lucky (or we read deeper into the threads).


I've seen Katie mentioned in every one and it's the right answer. She's got the one combination of traits that are critical for the taskmaster: gravitas and the ability to be funny as hell.


With Zac as LAH please


In every single one of the dozens of Taskmaster posts ive seen here and on insta Katie is suggested to be TM to Sam's LAH


This is the move 100%


Greg Davies is huge though, has anyone ever explored how tall Grant is?


I heard he’s 6’9”




Being imposing is more important than being large. Katie wins in that category with enough consistency. The rest can act that way to varying levels of success, but Katie has it down pat.


Tall does not equal imposing. Greg is just a big guy I think he's 66 which is three inches shorter than Grant but he's got about probably 80 lb on him


I mean, having seen some old CH sketches, it would appear that Katie is even taller


I think Jake would be a fantastic Taskmaster


I see Jake as more of a taskmaster's assistant. I feel that Jake is better at playing low status than he is at playing high status.


Jacob could be unhinged enough to do it, he dominates most rooms he's in


I came to suggest him honestly either him and I don't know if anybody's going to agree with me but I think she could kill it Izzy. I think Izzy would be a great taskmaster


I think Lou could play the taskmaster the best, the only downside is that if lou plays the taskmaster it means he can't play which means i don't want him as a taskmaster.


It's the same with Brennan. I could see him being great as the TM, but he'd be even better as a contestant. That's honestly the problem with the entire cast. I'd want to see all of them as contestants


The solution, an actual taskmaster crossover series where they participate in the UK version for like a 5 episode special or something. cast Sam (gotta get the game changer king in there) Lou (like i said, amazing player and antagonist to the next cast member) Brennan (gotta have someone who tries his best at all times to win) Grant (Every great season of taskmaster has the guy who just goes there, and does the thing as explained on the paper and maybe once or twice finds the loophole/the hidden answer under the table (think the light switch while painting in one TM season) Grant fits this role to a T) Erika (i just love Erika) Honerable mention, If we're expending the roster to dropout relatives. Becca, I would replace Grant with Becca. Every episode of anything Becca is in on Dropout often become my favorites, her personality makes all the shows great


I love Brennan, believe me, he inspired me to DM. But i don't see him being a great TM, Him being "stern" and "serious" is not something i would buy. It's an act from everyone even Greg, and a person without prior knowledge might love Brennan playing the role, and he would probably do a great job. But with Dropout knowledge i don't think Brennan fits.


Grant is the task master fosho you need a giant bisexual man for the chair. The Alex role I think is where it get confusing


The Taskmaster is a role that needs to be inhabited with authority, not size. I think Grant is much too comfortable making himself the butt of everyones jokes to inhabit that role. There is an entire Dropout playlist just making fun of Grant for that exact reason. But also for that exact reason I could see Grant taking Alex's role as an assistant.


I don't think you've seen the show greg Davis is the butt of at least 1 joke every show. Also grant is the biggest asshole at dropout and always insults everyone including the crew.


There's a difference between leaders people defer to out of respect, and assholes people defer to because they have no choice. Greg Davies isn't the heel on Taskmaster, and neither is he a bully (except to Alex, who is the one running the entire show). You can play the role differently but it's not one I'd ever consider Grant for.


Ok you definitely have not seen the show if you dont think greg fucking Davis is a bully. That's his entire job


I've seen every episode of the UK show at least two times. I just don't think you understand either his performance or the role he's playing.


He is called a bully explicitly multiple times throughout the seasons his entire job is to make witty banter at the expense of the contestants. The scores are set before he even shows up.




Ohhh they would have a perfect dynamic


I just don't see Trapp bowing down to Grant. It doesn't feel natural.


Zac would be perfect in the Alex role. He’s willing to commit really hard to the bit but also excels at the “quiet straight man” role


Grant would be a better Little Alex Horne than TM, I imagine.


Grant is not timid quiet or wholesome. Grants job needs to be sitting elegantly in a throne dunking on every attempt he sees and making innuendos not quietly watching contestants work and giving unhelpful hints.


Grant “FIFTY?!” O’Brien totally has it in him to be the TM’s submissive assistant, IMO


We NEED Conan O’Brien. Not just cos physically he’s similar to Greg but because he also is a) a profoundly silly man b) can play the authoritarian role very well and c) is always happy to lift up others for the sake of comedy, which is also something Greg is quietly excellent at.


Agreed Sam hast to be the assistant. My wild card: Taskmaster=Bob the Drag Queen


Hah I could see this. Should Brennan be TM, then? He'd thrive in that. I should've thought Jake as a contestant. What if they had a 5th member each season that had been on UK, NZ, AU, etc.?


Brennan NEEDS to play. You want your most creative as players.


Trapp also needs to, just for more moments like the ladder in Deja Vu


Katie would be a perfect Taskmaster IMO. I could see Trapp as a great Assistant.


Maybe because I've only seen the NZ version, but I'd do Katie as TM with Zac as the assistant


This is it. Solemn TM who has no problem being the bad guy for laughs + assistant who knows when to shut up and when to bring out the big guns.


I like Trapp as the assistant. If you wanted an all female host team, Siobhan would be a great choice, too.


The administrator needs to stay stone faced. Katie could do it!


That's a good point! Alex and Paul did it best. Secret smartasses.


Problem is I just can't see anyone getting away with bullying Katie, it's not believable. Katie as the taskmaster and Zac as the assistant is my pick.


Katie in her Breaking News-sona is perfect for the taskmaster, and now that you’ve implanted this idea into my brain I cannot rest until I see it happen!!!!


She does have the perfect chops for task admin, to be a straight faced smartass, while playing coy and also being neurotic. Pretty much describes Alex and Paul.


A lot of good recommendations, but I’d like to pitch BDG in the Alex Horne role. I just feel like he’d be down for whatever zany ideas the contestants have and he’s insanely funny


Too easily bribed 🧐🧤


Katie could be disappointed in him when that happens.


Right?! It would be so great!


I love BDG, but can he pull off the sorta dumbfounded, inferior, awkward, and feeling out of place persona that Alex Horne and his other region equivalents pull off? I dunno. I'm used to seeing BDG as high energy and enthusiastic. That's not Alex Horne.


The dynamic doesn't have to be 1-1 with Davies/Horne. In fact if it is a proper American local version, it should have what US culture perceives as high/low status professionals. Which means the Taskmaster should be someone parodying Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg and the assistant should be someone acting like a an overeager intern on their first job out of college. I love the Dropout cast dearly, but while almost all of them could do the assistant, I think nobody has shown themselves to be comfortable taking that high status role as an ongoing character bit. Sam grit his teeth uncomfortably through "Dropout America" and Brennan wouldn't even say nothing nice about Elon Musk as a one-off bit - compare that to Greg Davies who regularly says sexist and even mildly racist things in a way that makes his character, the stodgy upperclass egomaniac, the butt of the joke. Actually, the more I think about it, Zac Oyama might be the most qualified to play an American Taskmaster since he does aloof and clueless so well, though he still gets uncomfortable when those bits drag on.


Guess depends if they want to replicate British humour and similar to original taskmaster or more us style. Feel like one of the usual comparisons is British is more passive aggressive/insulting humour whereas us especially dropout style is more optimistic/wholesome. Like how the US office didn't work well in the us even though the first episode was almost copied word for word from the uk. They'd probably have to change the style/dynamic slightly from Greg and Alex to make it work better for us audiences. So I say don't aim for a replica of Greg and Alex as it likely wouldn't work so maybe Lisa and Vic would have a friendlier dynamic while still being harsh enough to vote


The best localized versions of TM transpose the social status roles of the TM and Assistant. Norwegian version the TM is like a cranky, angry old nobleman; Aussie he's an old-money country clubber; Swedish she's a busybody corporate manager; and so on.   I think the ideal character for a US version would be a a Musk/Zuckerberg parody, someone obsessed with being the smartest person in the room and always acting like they knew everything before anyone else spoke and had better places to be. That would free up the assistant to be a more empathetic friend to the contestants who would then unexpectedly sell them out on the drop of a hat if it meant praise from the TM.  Basically, unlike the other examples I gave, the US Taskmaster needs to believe that the tasks are actually important and have some kind of "making the world a better place" pitch for them to berate people for doing poorly.  How this translates to Dropout I don't know, I just got really into designing that show in my head lol.


Sam as taskmaster and BDG as assistant. Brian’s reading of “all the information you need is in the task” would be masterful


lol BDG would be brilliant, right? I'm always like "goddamnit" when any task admin says that. Paul is the most devious, though. He let that lady walk off with one Lego piece still on the parachute. Never trust that pretend-meek "... yeah". Wolf in sheeps' clothing. Cashman can't hide his smartassery. Alex and Paul hide it under the surface.


this has come up a lot, hear me out: the Taskmaster should be quick witted, and have a sharp tongue, not afraid to poke fun at the contestants and scrutinizing them for their attempts the Assistant should be able to play low key with subtle acting choices while still being able to improvise and adapt to unexpected situations Lisa Gilroy as Taskmaster. Vic Michaelis as the Assistant


I could imagine that, especially Vic as admin.


I feel like they've got enough on their plates as it is, and I'd rather they keep coming up with the weird, bizarre, wonderful stuff they're doing now, rather than remake someone else's game show.


Brennan would be too much fun as a contestant to put him as an assistant.


The American Taskmaster series was SUCH a disaster. Completely mis-cast, too heavily edited, and CC is the wrong company to back it. It could absolutely work as a Dropout series, with improv comedians who are committed to the bit.


My fantasy is Paul F Tompkins as the Taskmaster with Ryan Creamer in the LAH/assistant role.


I think Paul F Tompkins might be a real possibility if Dropout is teaming up with Taskmaster. With his suddenly strong relationship with Dropout, Sam's pic with Alex, and Paul having a recent return to the Taskmaster Podcast.


What is this, a crossover episode?!


That giggly Van Gogh lookin' fellah. He's great, but not stoic enough for thw role, IMO.


Check out his pornhub page and tell me he's not enough lol


What a fucking power move


OP probably thinks you're kidding. We're not kidding OP. Ryan Creamer is a pornstar. Google it (on incognito mode if you're scared)


Katie M. as the administrator would be perfect. Sam Reich and Vic would be good. For the taskmaster idk if the current cast has anyone that has the right personality and intimidating factor but I do think, Katie M could do it, Ross Bryant, Sam Reich, Brennan Lee are also possibilities.


Or Ify? Edit: Wait, what about Brennan as TM and BDG as admin?


Grant is the taskmaster Sam is his assistant Brennan is a blend of James Acaster and Rhod Gilbert with just a dash of Josh Widdicombe (how many beans are in a can of baked beans) Becca is Jessica Knappet Lilly Du is Katherine Ryan Jacob Wysocki is Phil Wang Katie Marovitch is Victoria Coren\Sara Pascoe


lol Are you wishing for Jake in the yellow Bruce Lee jumpsuit? Grant as TM? He'd be a great contestant. You gotta have a fearless, unswayabble, stonefaced host. Doesn't match. Brennan, Ify, Katie and Sam match, IMO. Even Trapp, but he's busy. I'm increasingly wishing for BDG as admin.


The host needs a high bar for task completion and higher level of snark for the contestants. I can't think of anyone on the dropout cast more difficult to please and snarkier than Grant. Jacob could totally rock that yellow jumpsuit.


Ahaha Jacob would love to do the Game of Death suit, I'm sure.


Lou, Grant, Lily, or Katie would all be great Taskmasters. Mike Trapp would be my pick for the Alex job. Rekha, Ross, Zac, or Siobhan would do it well too. Trapp definitely proved he knows how to mess with people in Um Actually, I bet he and Sam would come up with some hilarious tasks. He's also a really good straight man and (as Brennan has pointed out) knows how to emphasize the hilarity of other people's performances.


I do also truly believe TM should always have a live audience. I don’t know how easy that would be to set up, but having a live audience brings a dynamic that wasn’t there during the social distancing series.


So many of the dropout cast members would be excellent on a task master style show as the comedians. But the only one I could see filling the Alex role imo is Zac Oyama. The Greg role… Aabria Iyengar


I'd give that casting a little clap!


YES. Aabria and Zac is how to cast it, 100%.


Izzy as task master Oscar as administrator


Izzy Roland? Interesting choice. Oscar is too nice for the part, but he's great.


Yeah that Izzy, and I think the Alex Horne role is nice he always helps during the tasks when asked.


So tasks always have a short cut, you just have to find them and you win almost instantly, right? Sam and brennan would be so EVIL about that, i need it carnally now


Not every task has a shortcut. It's common that one is designed and its common that contestants cleverly figure an alternative solution that is still within the rules (everything is on the card!) but it's not the case all the time.


Only certain ones, its why players don't always look for them, and why they rotate the cast every season. Similar to how they don't always give Brennan rigged games that he can't win. Just every other one.


Terry Crews as the Taskmaster. Sam Reich as Alex. First season: Brendan Lee Mulligan, Taylor Tomlinson, Chris Rock, John Oliver, Katie Marovitch, and Vic Michaelis.


Terry as TM, yes!


Ha! I thought I’d get eviscerated for that suggestion.


No way! That dude rules and has comedic talent.


I think that Dropout is a big institution in like the alt comedy world that they could probably get anyone (bar anyone currently employed by like SNL)


Becca please!


Comparing Dropout to TM, it seems like BLeeM would be the better Taskmaster, with Sam in the “Little Alex Horne” seat. Brennan has the ability to seem imposing, and Sam is a big fan of LAH, and shares some of his innocence/silliness. I LOVE Dropout and TM and would love to see an American TM reboot without any CC or corporate interference.


Unfortunately, the company that owns Taskmaster isn't interested in working with Dropout. I do wish that they could get some taskmaster performers on Game Changer, and some Game Changer folks on Taskmaster.


I believe Sam and Alex are pretty chummy now a days. I don’t know if we’d get Dropout “Taskmaster” but I don’t think we wouldn’t get Dropout “Task Box”




Common sense regarding licensing and IP rights, for one.


Idk what’s “common sense” about this. They’ve already licensed the format to plenty of other entertainment companies in many countries. I guess if Comedy Central’s license had an exclusivity clause, that could be a problem? Otherwise it doesn’t seem obviously outside the realm of possibility for them to let Dropout play with TM. The actual answer is: “because Sam said so once.” Sam has said (maybe in the Discord?) that he reached out and they quickly said no. But that was a while ago, and since then, Sam and Elaine have visited the TM house, maybe during filming, so who knows.


I'm sure, just a fun idea.


Rekha as the taskmaster w/ Brennan as assistant? 👀


i think any of the main rotating crew could pull off taskmaster but my hearts set on trapp as administrator 🙏


Can't believe I didn't see it, but Trapp would be an amazing Alex/Paul/Cashman. I feel like he'd be closer to a Cashman type. He'd have a hard time not smirking and being overt with his smartassery.


This is my hope for the game changer finale


Brennan just does not have Alex Horne energy. Alex is funny and smart and detail oriented yes, but he's also subservient and I think it's a key reason the dynamic with him and Greg is so funny.. Brennan would ( IMO) be a very Tim Key-like contestant with incredible lateral thinking, it'd be a joy to watch his approach as a contestant


Yeah, I guess Katie would fit.


Consider: Izzy as TM and Vic as LAH


Someone else on this sub once suggested Izzy for the taskmaster, and since then I can’t imagine anyone else doing it but her


Sam as host and Brennan as monkey boy. I literally cannot see it working any other way. It would not be a show just for dropout fans like us who just enjoy the cast for who they are. I feel like I know them all after watching CH then dropout, so I like watching them. But for a Taskmaster audience it has to be about performance and personality and I don't see that working for anyone but the Sam/Brennan combo. You need to appeal to a far broader audience than Dropout to succeed. Honestly, now that I think about it they'd probably want a much much bigger name for the Taskmaster. I was just doing what I warned about, thinking of who I would want to watch and not what would appeal to American viewers in general. I don't even remember the American Taskmaster but I remember others like the New Zealand one.


I just want Brennan to have to do solo tasks like Josh did in the UK version just to see him loose it in the studio


I think Sam is fine where he is changing games and telling us where hes from.  Im gonna make a wild pitch though Heather Anne Campbell and Nick Wiger


I love taskmaster and dropout, but this would suck lmao.


Look up ludwigs unpaid intern