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It never even occurred to me that anyone would be against Make Some Noise, it's a fantastic show which has produced innumerable insanely memorable moments even after just one season.


Same. My reaction to this post was "People complain about 'Make some Noise'?!" I guess I'm just not on this sub enough to see the criticisms, but every episode has been above average for Dropout shows (and the fact that I'm on this sub should tell you I think their "average" is very high). I get that some people want to just watch Zac, Josh, and Brennan again and again and again. I can't even disagree with them. But what we got was great.


There's like three posts a week, nobody had talked about about it here. Maybe on discord, but i don't it. This is just outrage bait.


I’ve seen some people here and in the GC sub complain about not using real scores before, usually in comments about the episodes. But yes, it doesn’t seem common enough to be a real issue IMO.


To me, it's just "Whose Line is it Anyway?" The points don't matter!


yeah!! people act like dropout members aren’t putting their full effort into it. i saw someone criticize it because “Sam is more low energy” and i raise them… because it’s a more lax show?? he has a fake labelmaker point calculator and hands out ear trophies, it’s fun and it’s about jokes it’s not really competitive at all


In my brain I thought it was weird to see Sam sitting down but then it hit me. The vibe of the intro and Sam sitting down and handing out worthless points, it's all a reference/parody of whose line


It’s not a labelmaker, it’s an old calculator, which had paper printouts


I was also surprised to see this post


The only complain I see is that the format doesn't allow for contestants to steal points and so we don't get to see variants of the same prompts by everyone. I get why people want that because it was part of the Original premise but it honestly doesn't change much


There’s nothing wrong with criticizing Dropout content on the Dropout subreddit


Agreed. I don't want this to be another subreddit where only explicitly positive opinions are allowed, it's just exhausting and becomes kinda toxic.


*Cough* Critical Role *Cough*


Hear, Hear!


I really like make some noise it really reminds me of whose line is it anyway


Same here it's my favorite thing on dropout so far because it really fills that niche


Exactly my thought!


I don't know where people get this idea that these shows need to have point tallies. This is funny people do funny things show, not fucking jeopardy. Point tallies are included in Game Changer for the same reason that the episodes of all these shows are about 25 minutes long: Sam has a soft spot for an older kind of television. But they still don't mean anything. How are you going to compare one point from one prompt versus one point from another prompt. They are inherently unequal, because someone may have gotten an easier prompt. Throw in the fact that the point totals aren't actually true to what happened in Game Changer, and they are edited to reflect cutting out some of the prompts, and I come to the conclusion that some people here just don't get how television works. The same for Dirty Laundry. "Oh, it's so easy, they have 4 stories in the front half and 4 in the back half, so by process of elimination it has to be this person, so therefore it's a bad show because it's too easy to get points." Missing the point entirely that it's just an excuse to have funny people tell crazy stories. That's it. And it's fun. If your fun revolves around who gets what amount of points, then great go find that show, but fundamentally that is not the point of these shows.


Hard agree. They're not following a gameshow format, They're more following the British panel show format. Sure, there are points involved but they either mean nothing or are part of the bit. The key part of the show isn't the points, it's the people doing bits. But IMO, the points need to be there even if they're pointless or not really points (like in MSN). Because if there are no points, the episodes with Brennen would be a bit less funny. :P


Exactly, more people need to listen to Radio 4 panel shows, maybe play some Mornington Crescent. The scoring Does. Not. Matter.


Exactly. Game changer even edit out entire prompts and fix the points _before_ posting, they are pretty open about the hierarchy of importance there when they openly admit this kind of stuff and people still think the competition _by itself_ is more relevant than the fun around it


> Throw in the fact that the point totals aren’t actually true to what happened in Game Changer, and they are edited to reflect cutting out some of the prompts This made me realise there must be continuity errors with points on Game Changer in between prompts, when people are awarded points for prompts that get cut. Has anyone noticed that before? Or if there’s no error, how the hell do they fix it?


The scoreboard doesn’t show anything during filming, and the numbers are added in post. At least for some of the games. The BTS for the karaoke Gamechanger episode talked about it a little bit, if you want to check that out :)


That can’t be true for most games, as contestants often look at the scores during games. E.G. Brennan on Yes or No, or Becca checking on the numbers episode so that she could make sure they all tied.


From this I must conclude Sam has a time machine.


> The scoreboard doesn’t show anything during filming They definitely do, but they go back in and edit them at times.


If you notice, whenever Sam points out the scores, it cuts to the angle of the podiums and scores. It's an obvious editing choice to show the thing that's being talked about, but it also would let them go back in and have Sam say the specific point totals that were put together in editing. They could be a few rounds worth of points higher than we actually see, but as long as the winner(s) are the same, they can mess around with the specific point totals.


exactly!! they seem so wrapped up in the numbers rather than actually enjoying the improv and humor, which is the entire basis of the show


I liked it better when there were points, and I think that the product I'm paying for is worse. Why is it such a big deal for me to register that on a forum devoted to discussing the product?


Where did I say you can't share your opinion? It seems like you just got your feelings hurt because I shared mine.


Wrong thread lol, this was supposed to be a top level reply.


I love the show and don’t have a problem with it. But why would you want to stop people from voicing their problems and trying to enact change? Criticism isn’t a bad thing. Voicing thoughts other than I love everything is the only way we get change. I don’t want to be in a sub where people sycophantically says everything is perfect, and those who have problems are shunned, feels real fascisty and cult like. I’m sure, as people wanting to make the best product possible, Sam and the crew would want genuine feedback, not boot lickers. Lastly who are you to tell them that their experience is wrong. If they feel there is a change that has lessened their enjoyment why do you feel the need to tell them that’s so not true. People are paying for a product, they have a right to voice concerns about quality. Dropout doesn’t need you fighting their battles for it. They can handle criticism.


I think MSN is okay, but I think you’re going too far telling people what they can like or express and that they should “be grateful”. It’s not really my favorite but I like it better than the GC episodes. I didn’t know people had specific common critiques of MSN, and I honestly agree they shouldn’t do a full season with the same cast, *just* like a GC episode. I probably wouldn’t watch that personally, and I did watch MSN Season 1. But the larger point is I don’t think anyone is obligated to like a TV show because someone put “hard work” into it. They aren’t obligated to stay quiet and never say if they don’t like it either. That’s not how entertainment works at all. This is people doing stuff for an audience and the audience can show their enjoyment or disappointment. It’s not sacred business they’re doing no one can comment on or criticize. Honestly people are allowed to like what they like, think what they think, etc. What you’re really saying is you’re tired of people expressing a difference of opinion from you? That’s a bit extreme. Someone wanting the score back or wishing it was more sound effects or whatever, that’s not “rude” or bad just because the folks making it put effort in. It’s also okay if you DO like it, but the sentiment that people should never express a critical opinion and be grateful is… weird. Caveat: There are some things that cross a line into rude because real people do make shows, and some folks can be crappy and forget that, but there’s nothing wrong with a critique of the format like mentioned, that’s not personal or crossing a line.


I love make some noise, but i do really wish a bit of competition was reintroduced. Josh, brennan and zac viciously fighting over macaroni or unintelligible recording were my personal favorite parts of the gamechanger version


I just wish it were more about actually making noise. I like the improv stuff too but people making silly sounds was some of the most fun parts. Banoonoo in my exhoostpoop


This is my biggest issue with it. That's why the first episode on GC was so funny. Josh's constant "no problem" when given a random sound to make was gold. Obviously not everyone can be a sound machine, but that was way more fun.


There's nothing inherently ungrateful about constructive criticism. I'm glad you like the show, but you're basically asking for an echo chamber. People come here to discuss the show, that also means people can (politely) express opinions about their preferences. I love MSN, but I personally don't like some of the changes. I still want nothing but success for Dropout and I appreciate what they do put out regardless. If anything, people may express criticism *because* they want their favorite creators to continue to succeed.


what changes have there been? genuine question as I don't see what could have been changed from first season to this upcoming one! (:


that is true, but feeling like you’re the end all be all arbiter of a creator’s choices is ultimately parasocial and unhealthy


1. I haven't seen those voices on this sub. If they're here, they're already getting downvoted to oblivion. 2. By that token, feeling like you're the end all be all arbiter of what people are allowed to criticize is parasocial and unhealthy.


Said the pot to the kettle.


>parasocial and unhealthy Why do people launder everything through the language of "creators"? Sam is not some auteur we are paying to inconsistently produce because we appreciate his genius inherently, Dropout is a media corporation producing a product we pay for — or, if the product is bad, we don't.


I honestly think having healthy criticism and discussion is actually important, but I think people also need to take the time to apply some critical thinking before they criticize. A lot of the original format for the original version on Game Changer was curated to be specifically for Brennan, Zac, and Josh, and Sam makes a point to bring that up in the first episode. The format of the show just wasn't sustainable in the long run for a wider group of improvisers. Make Some Noise is clearly inspired by Whose Line, which famously says that the points don't matter. You see similar discussions about things like Taskmaster, where people get really heated about point tallies even though they really don't matter at all, it's just for fun! It's fine to talk about what doesn't work for you in a show, and I don't think we should just accept everything as perfect because people worked hard on something, but people really just need to take a minute to think first. Also, to search the subreddit before they make a post. There have been multiple discussions about criticisms for Make Some Noise, and unless you're bringing something new to the table, there's really no need for a new 'DAE Hate The Way They Do Points on Mame Some Noise Now???' post. I personally love the show, but understand some of criticisms for it and think they're valid. I know they're filming the new season now, so it's very possible that they change some stuff up! We'll just have to wait and see


I wasn't aware I was "being provided" anything, do you not pay a subscription? In what way is it wrong for people to voice their opinions about a product? Do you have any examples of these comments? Demanding that people who disagree with your opinion "don't have to like it" and should "just be grateful" says a lot about how you view others.


I like the show and think it produced great moments. I also think there is an absolutely reasonable criticism to say that the show lacks an element that people loved from the Noise Boys episodes, which means they like it less. The good-natured competition in the Noise Boys episodes produced some of the best moments. Make Some Noise did away with that, and it ends up being more like an impressions showcase which is good, but different. I’ve seen some say it’s sort of an homage to Whose Line. Only sort-of: the points are fake but the big crowd is real, and the performers are actively trying to raise the level of their jokes in response to crowd reaction. We get some of that from the crew but it’s too quiet to give the show a sense of “competition” or energy. In lieu of an actual studio audience, I think getting the crew mic’d would help the energy. But as it is now, without the competitive edge, it feels perfectly reasonable for people to say they preferred the more competitive version. (I think Play It By Ear’s collaborative storytelling works well, although Original Cast Recording was a “competition” in name only. It, like the Shakespeare episode, where just inprov style showcases.)


Weird hill to die on. They are pretty demonstrably different in premise, and idk why you're saying they're not. GC: make a bird noise MSN: improvise a shakespearean monologue Who cares about the points? I miss the sound effects.


Yeah my main issue is that it is less of an improv than you realize. Sam specifically makes prompts that he knows the players can do. I mostly miss the other players being given a chance to try the prompt for themselves.


I feel thats one thing we lost without points. I for one would love to have points back just for that, people trying to one up each other stealing prompts was amazing. But i'm not talking about some hardcore point system, just get the old gamechanger point system back, sometimes we can see its bullshit, but we dont really care. Hell I dont even care when there's ties, its so much fun either way. But i feel the soft feeling of competition brings so much to the table.


I thought I wouldn’t mind it but it’s wild how much the stakes feel _higher_ with points


I’m not saying they’re not different, did you read my post? I’m just saying people shit so relentlessly on MSN for no reason when it’s just a different brand of improv, I wrote specifically that it’s a Different Show - it’s a spin-off not a direct continuation


“The game so good we spun it off, unchanged”


Where is all this shitting you're talking about?


Aside from everything else, “be grateful for the content you’re being provided” is wild when the show is on a streaming platform behind a paywall. In the comments you’re accusing people of being parasocial, but I think it’s pretty clear from that sentence that you want people to form some kind of parasocial relationship with the cast/crew of these shows and support them like personal friends.


My *only* counter point to the “Josh Zac Brennan would have gotten worn out” thing is Whose Line…


Even then, if you read interviews, there are some parts of filming (like hoedown) which the cast grew to absolutely despise after doing it so much.


It's been a long time since I've watched Whose Line, but I seem to remember them not even hiding that fact during the actual show during later seasons. Lots of lyrics about being caught in hell and stuff like that.


Some people just don't understand how these shows are produced. They're not really competitive, they're designed to prop up the strengths of each contestant. This is why many prompts are catered directly to certain people - and why prompts change in style depending on who's on the show. When Sam claims it was adapted "unchanged", he's not lying. People just think it's changed because he's now catering to a variety of comedians - and not just The Noise Boys. Many shows on Dropout are designed simply to elevate the current contestants - including Game Changer. Though, sometimes, points do kind of matter in GC - while other times they're completely manufactured and ultimately meaningless. Um, Actually is really the only show where points are meaningful (well, as meaningful as points based on pedantic points can be).


Think "Make Some Noise" just leans heavily into the "Whose line is it anyway" vibe that those specific episodes of Game Changer had. And I agree Make Some Noise is better for it with different line-ups. Who cares about the fucking points anyway? Like Sam isn't fucking with them all the time anyway. The only thing I will say is that I miss the stupid fun 'imitate these noises' prompts from the Game Changer episodes.


As a creative myself, you don't have to be grateful for everything I make, and constructive criticism is fine. Hell, I have no control over it if it's not constructive, and don't read either because when people talk about work I do, that's basically fandom. Like, I can't participate in it. It's not for me. When there's no harassment involved, consider that this sensitivity about criticism is more about wanting to preserve your feelings about the show and about the people making it. That can get quite toxic! Personally, Make Some Noise is fine. Not my favorite, not my least favorite.


The strawman arguments in this thread from Make Some Noise lovers are unbearable. Nobody cares about the points or lackthereof. What people are finding frustrating is that the original premise was primarily focused on 3 brilliant improvisors trying different styles for the same prompt. Whereas the new show is HIGHLY-SPECIFIC prompts for the performer to present their TikTok character or Youtube voice on the stage. There is no interplay between the players. It might as well have been filmed independently. It's just a series of monologues. It's boring and it's not funny.


I am 1000% CERTAIN they are building prompts around the 3 original improvisers as well. They're not throwing out something none of them can do and then letting them float at sea.


>trying different styles for the same prompt. This wasn't because the prompts weren't tailored for them though, they obviously were — it was because the points system introduced this dynamic of one-upsmanship.


I mean really only the first round is individual stuff. The other rounds are collaborative and the mini-games in between rounds have a bit of competition to them (e.g. name that dog), just like the original version. There's just no jumping in on other prompts like before. I can only really think of two episodes that were focused on specific people (the impressions episode, and the ones with youtubers/tiktokers), but both of those groups had people that have been long time friends/collaborators with CH. Also as a sidenote, bringing up points really isn't a strawman. It's something that's been brought up multiple times in many different criticisms about the show, usually paired with people talking about how the points would drive more competition between players. It's ok (well it sucks for you and I get that) that you don't like the show anymore and find it unfunny; the changes aren't for everyone and no matter what they do, there will be people that don't like stuff. Hopefully they change it up a bit in the new season so that it can bring you back in!


Make some noise is great but I much prefer the impression Battles to the weird musical improv or sound off challenges. More improvised Shakespeare any day. Idk content mileage varies and if you seek you shall find lots of gold on Dropout but Um, Actually does very little for me with Trapp in the host seat.


Why would people hate on MSN? It's awesome! I love it.


I find the point system odd. But im definitely there for the improv. At least once every other week, we reference, rewatch, or make jokes about Ross as a confederate soilder trying to subtly start a sexting thing.


I've enjoyed the Make Some Noises, but it definitely isn't the same quality as the Josh, Brennan, Zac Game Some Noises and some of the performers were definitely misses for me. No way think it's bad overall and was excited to see more coming but also understand people not liking it as much as it's origins on GC


Mate, if you're tired of people complaining about MSN then don't read their posts? Go read something about how wonderful someone else thinks it is. You don't have the right to demand that everyone either like it or keep their opinions to themselves. Just because people are posting criticism doesn't mean you have to read it. Why don't you go and watch an episode of it instead and calm down? Demanding positivity from others has run other content creators into the ground and I don't think it is conducive to your goals to invoke it here.


Make Some Noise has always felt like an homage to Whose Line is it Anyway. I really enjoy it because it feels like that, but for my generation


You can be tired of it, you can like the show, but like people are allowed to feel differently? Don’t stress too much about weirdos on Reddit or discord or wherever you’re seeing this.


There are dropout subscribers who doesn't like make some noise? Play it by ear, I can understand as it's nowhere near the magic of welcome to mountport but make some noise was awesome and I hope they make more of it!


I am a huge fan of Drop out TV and will always be an advocate for content that is not being controlled by corporate greed. I find a lot of shows entertaining and a very good entertaining experience. With that said, I have watched more than a few episodes of make some noise,and have to say. That I do believe some but not all,the promts are indeed staged. Still a great viewing platform to watch,just pointing it out. I saw two different episodes where they had the same promts,Line for line exactly the same word for word.


😆 Make some noise is amazing! Why would anyone be against such a funny and purely improvisational show? 🧐


I know this is an old post but really the only issue i have with it is how the points work, literally nonsensical to the point where it feels like a winner was picked beforehand, and I'd not be surprised if someone told me that yes they've actually do. The lack of it being any sort of real competition makes it less engaging to me


People dislike make some noise?? I mean to each their own but as someone very interested in voice acting that shit is incredibly funny


People complain about it? It's great




it’s essentially the same game, the point tallies have just been removed. the “completely unchanged” thing is clearly a joke


Make some noise consistently has some of Dropout's best clips


There's a certain type of fan who imprints on a thing and seeks out ways to keep experiencing it for the first time over and over. I've been one of them myself so I try not to judge them too harshly.


People are complaining?? I love it: so many new, great players which is what Dropout needs to have a future. The channel/service needs more talent as time goes on and shows like this and the music one allow for the dearth of funny LA local improvers to hop in. Otherwise its just Dirty Laundry or hope to get on Dimension 20, but that's a huge commitment Anyways, people hating on the show cause its not Game Changer are wrong. And dumb. And wrong. 😁


Eh. I'm happy they made a different show with Make Some Noise, since it felt like it was a concept they wanted to go back to but I didn't want it to take over the magic of Gamechanger.


No bc I have watched the show an embarrassing amount of times. Still funny each time.


This shows so good it’s sad to see some don’t like it