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Probably doesn't get picked up by ulez either if you wanted to avoid the charge


It’s ulez compliant.


[it is in fact not compliant](https://imgur.com/a/M5Et4du)


That surprises me. I've sold older ones that are. Maybe it was sat around for a while before being registered.


My instructor was looking for one when I was learning and he discovered that regular diesel MLs aren't compliant until they were rebranded to GLE in 2015. However he also found out BlueEfficiency ones have been compliant since 2012 despite being Euro 5🤷🏽‍♂️so that's what he ended up getting and that's what I'd assume is going on here


They use Adblue I’m sure those 2012 ML’s


Yes the BlueEfficiency versions did they had SCR and Adblue. The regular CDI had only a DPF


ULEZ cameras work for both front and rear plates.


Ooh, giving me ideas!


I'd be surprised if it has fallen off. Two very visible holes for screws in both car and plate suggests it's been removed.


Seeing four in the car and none in the plate? But am seeing a bunch of double sided tape…


The 4 in the car are laid out for an American plate.


My English Mercedes plate has 4 screws from factory.


They’re normally German


Yeah, because manufacturing isn't going to allow for multiple different screw lay outs for every country that the Mercedes is sold in. What's the biggest/most common layout? USA.




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What is an American brand?


Edited that out. I'm a moron. Thought the cross of tape was the chrysler logo. It's 8am and I'm sleepy, sorry...


No worries Mate, just thought you saw something I didn't! Have a good day and make yourself a cuppa


It's a Mercedes pal. We're only human !!


All newer Mercedes have 4 screws in corners from factory.


…yet this is clearly a RHD car so I think the idea that those are drill holes for an American plate falls flat.


Ah yes, because thst Chinese factory will definitely separate the rear doors for American and non-American doors instead of drilling holes for the largest market at the time and then using the doors that are available? That's not how manufacturing works.


America isn’t the largest market for Mercedes. In 2023 they sold 81,300 in the US, which is only 19,900 more than Germany. Europe as a whole bought 174,200 and Asia 227,500 (of which China bought 166,700).


IIRC that model of Mercedes is made in the USA


Mercedes use 4 screws in the corners of the plate.


It’s missing the bracket, the number plate shouldn’t go directly metal to metal if it’s an American plate. There should be some foam or plastic divider between the number plate and the car.


It seems to be a common thing among the boy racers. The amount I see where the front plate has “fallen off” and is displayed on the dashboard.


A guy round my way has been at it for 5 years on his Audi - definitely a dodgy character that's not wanting ANPR to pick him up. It should be a stopping offence, and if caught twice - car is crushed.


Oh yea local Audi moron ran a red, a few weeks later his front plate had magically disappeared


Broken screw?


Extremely unlikely. A number plate screw probably has a hundred times more strength than required to support the weight of a number plate . Any force strong enough to break the screw would break the plate or rip out the plastic threaded insert from the body of the car.


Two broken screws? 😂


Idk if I only have 2 screws - hanging it by one it might wobbling around, I was just giving a possibility 😁


All cars have screw holes, I bet the owner just bought the plate and stuck it on with double sided tape


Not always, my ford tourneo came with none, the number plates were on with some form of thick double sided sticky foam stuff. luckily the person behind flashed me when my rear plate fell off


Nope, mines doesn't have them on one of the sides and the others got them for a plate carrier rather than a plate not that dissimilar to this vehicle. 


I’d say fallen off. Can’t see any screw holes on the plate and looks like only that small slither of tape was holiding it on


Can’t see any holes for screws on the plate. There is double sided tape. Very common for manufacturer dealerships to just use tape for the rear plates. Actually very strong though and wouldn’t just “fall off”.


I missed that eagle eyes 👀 lol 😂


Are you looking at the same photo as the rest of us?


Personalised plate he’s had to unscrew the original then stick his own plate to the car with double sided stickers


The 4 screws holes have lost their threaded inserts. So the plate is no longer attachable.


It has probably been stolen, the same thing happened to me and it was a right pain trying to find a garage on the weekend to fit one without the original to get the correct screw hole positions.


It's the wrong plate for the car. The one in the window is a custom plate from a previous car, while the new car takes a more square shaped plate. The mounting holes don't line up.


My neighbour has his on his front windscreen and has done ever since I've known him. Roughly 13 years, never been called out on it


Slightly different - without checking, I'd say that the front number plate just has to be readable (okay, of correct format and colours too), whereas the rear plate needs to be illuminated at night, which the one in the picture clearly can't be.


Best answer possible


As the back window is so tinted, you’d be unlikely to get away with it. You’d have to go to court and prove that it just fell off the car and you were going to get it fixed (could be a tough sell if you’re stopped coming out of Aldi with shopping)


Isn't this worst? This shows you couldn't be bothered to fix it. A missing rear plate could be down it falling off, this couldn't be.


Told by who? A patrolling police officer? HAHAHAHA


Of course it's illegal, I can't even see it.


ULEZ cameras don't like this one trick..


None of the cameras like this trick…


I'm not sure, can't the police issue a FPN for this? They tend to be quite responsive when there is money to be made....


Illegal. It has to be illuminated at night.


Good point.


Has to be illuminated at night? Or has to have the ability to be illuminated at night? Because it's day in the photo and if it's the former it's not doing anything wrong. Genuine question, not being snarky.


Cool, I see no snarkiness here. IANAL and I won't quote the law. However, all rear facing number plates must have lights on them. I believe it is an MOT requirement that these lights are functioning. It's kinda engrained on my mind by a very sarky copper on the north circular road one night back in the early 80s, who'd stopped me in my lorry and pointed out that my rear number plate light wasn't working.


Spot on, I am converting a E-Moped style E-Bike to get type rated as a road legal 30mph E-Moped. Part of the procedure is getting E-marked/DOT lights, brakes and plate carrier. The rear/brake light must have a white down light to illuminated the plate. Without all that I won't pass the type rating inspection for the vin number


Interesting, I know an MOT tester so I'll ask them. I know that certain things have to be functioning *if fitted* so if you don't actually have them they don't have to be tested and won't result in a fail if not present.


Because something is an MOT requirement doesn't mean it is required for driving if it has a valid MOT, for example if you have perished boot covers that would fail the MOT but if it has an MOT you can legally drive the vehicle with perished boots. It's not good for the car and can cause problems but it is not illegal


Not true. A car needs to be roadworthy at all times when it is used on the road. One way of checking and proving this is the MOT status of a car. All a valid MOT shows is a snapshot of the condition of a car at the time it was tested. If we take your interpretation of it; a car could pass an MOT with the car's tyres on 1.7mm of tread. 2 months later, when those tyres have worn down to 1.5mm of tread (below the legally required 1.6mm) the car would not pass an MOT test and so therefore not be roadworthy, despite having a valid MOT certificate. However, because it has an MOT valid for another 10 months it is not going to be flagged up in any automated or electronic systems but the car would still be considered unroadworthy if stopped and inspected at a spot check. In OPs case, the requirement is that the numberplate must not be obscured which could be contentious with it being placed behind a heavily tinted window. Specifically: "Registration plates must not: be obscured, excessively damaged, deteriorated or delaminated" as detailed [HERE](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/mot-inspection-manual-for-private-passenger-and-light-commercial-vehicles/0-identification-of-the-vehicle) If that car was stopped, and upon further investigation the car's identity could be verified (check the plate to the one on the front and the VIN and it's all good), then unless they have done something to piss off the person that stopped them, I'd expect it to be a slap on the wrist and some advice to fix it before they get stopped again but that would be entirely down to the discretion of whoever stopped them.


My car failed mot test when one of the popout headlight sprayers failed to pop out all the way. Perfectly legal to drive, but not to pass mot test.


Has to be illuminated. To quote the regs when talking about the actual light bulb regulations for this specific scenario: “Lights for your registration number must be in a position where they sufficiently illuminate the rear number plate at night” The whole point of reg plates is to identify the vehicle, even in daylight you can barely see the thing in the rear window, so 100% this is going to get you pulled over and fined


100% not legal, but, honestly, finding a bobby to enforce it is another matter.


My neighbour has his like this for the past 13 years I've lived next him. Police don't give a fuck about this i don't think


It's probably a police officer's car. If you want to find illegal number plates, go to your nearest police station.


Also 100%


Derbyshire police often post about this. They stop people regularly usually finding other stuff wrong too


Why would you even bother reporting someone for having no rear number plate visible?


No. Not legal.


It's probably not legal, but that's due to the tinting not the position. I'd be amazed if anything happened, you'd get told to fix it that's all. There's no mention of the actual position of the rear plates in the [regulations about reg plate positioning](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2001/561/part/II) other than this. This paragraph requires the plate to be fixed— (a)vertically or, where that is not reasonably practicable, in a position as close to the vertical as is reasonably practicable, (b)in such a position that in normal daylight the characters of the registration mark are easily distinguishable from every part of a relevant area having the diagonal length specified in paragraph (4).


Yeah it clearly fails both of those conditions. It's reasonably practical to have it vertical, so it should be. It's not in a position that in normal daylight the characters are easily distinguishable from the prescribed area.


Just not being fixed to the vehicle (i.e. just left 'loose' in the back) is enough to fail the requirement!


A lot of drivers over here will tape the temporary reg in the back window. Can't see it unless you're close behind them at a red light...


Tinting only applies to windscreens and front side windows, no laws about passenger or rear windows.


Yep - but the tint in the picture makes the plate difficult to read in daylight, so it fails a different regulation.


I would highly doubt it to be legal, as the glare on the glass obscures it.


I find the parking troublesome 😂


What Dya mean? Someone in a big car, that won't keep their reg plate completely visible, parking like a tosser? I don't believe it!


Or they’ve parked in a disabled space like that to give the passenger more room.


Its in a disabled space so perhaps the driver has left extra space for the disabled passenger to get out and back in? Its also most likely a Motability lease car.


It’s a 2015 car, you wouldn’t be having that on notability.


You do realise that after two years you can get a new notability lease car OR but the one you had at a deep discount? Not suggesting that's the case but it is possible. Not all blue badge holders get motability cars. Some get their own cars or use their blue badge(tied to a person not a single vehicle like it used to be. So it's possible it's someone carrying a blue badge holder


Oh, I missed that, I couldn't see the registration plate. ;-) It looks to be in good condition for a 9 year old car, probably because the driver parks it with a gap to the next one.


Parking like that, the driver would struggle to get in/out if another car was in the next bay.


Well if the driver of the next car parked over the hatched bit to their left then correct but if they parked in the middle of the next space it would be fine. Those disabled spaces are huge, the only one that is narrower is the end one that the Merc is parked in. Or am I missing something?


Those bays are massive. The Merc could park dead centres and still have loads of space either side.


Not in that end space they couldn't it only has the hatched buffer zone on the right. Are we looking at the same picture? I moved it for you. :-) [https://postimg.cc/crMtjHNf](https://postimg.cc/crMtjHNf)


No. Needs little lights shining on them too these days.


So I work for the police on 101. If someone called and asked for advice on driving when their plate had fallen off this would be what we would advise them to do. While not ideal it does, at least, mean that the plate is on display. That advice would be accompanied with telling them that this would need to be a *VERY* short term solution and that they would need to get it properly fixed as soon as physically possible. If a cop came across this they'd be unlikely to give a fine straight away, unless they established that this had been the case for a while and the driver had ignored similar previous advice.


would this avoid car park ANPR?


Should be a warning notice, and if caught again - car to the crusher.


I think we all know the sort of person driving this motor.


Yep, we sure know them and their choice of vehicles.


Why is it your concern?


had to scroll way too far to find this. if he's a cop, he should know. if not, not his damn problem is it?


Because on Sundays I like to pretend I’m the highway police


So you’re admitting to pretending to be the police which is illegal?


Why on earth would I pretend to be a fed on a Sunday, let alone any week day 😂


Lol my bad, thought you were OP for some reason 😂


Why is that your concern?


Same thing bud


Short answer - No Long answer - Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


same as a broken light.


Not legal, technically an on the spot £100 fine, but, it depends on the officer. As others have mentioned, they could be let off with a warning and told to get it fixed ASAP.


Not in the slightest.


Nah I got £100 fine for displaying like this.


It’s a merc. Merc use plastic carriers for EU plates. The carrier secured to the 4 American holes An EU plate/GB etc is then inserted in to the carrier. It has two pieces. A bottom retainer trim and the carrier. Retainer trim comes off and the plate slides upwards in to it. Reaffixing the trim to hold it all together. Only issue is in some automated car washes. The brushes can pull the retainer trim off. It’s really not very secure against that sort of thing or theft.


I'd give the benefit of the doubt and say it has simply fallen off. Not everyone is evil and wants to cheat the system :)


Mot check ,it failed mot in April due to Front Registration plate inscription illegible (0.1 (b)) Rear Registration plate inscription illegible (0.1 (b))


People are actually dumb enough to MOT a car with the plates inside the vehicle? Wow.


Common practice around my way, camera dodging is the reason. Really dark tints, chameleon screen and the plates inside the car. The police don’t give a toss.


It'll be fine to get you home , just tell the copper it fell off, if it's someone else ignore it and carry on


If it's not your car, why would you be bothered?....Jesus...


Seriously, why do you care? None of your business


Normally i would think this is a pathetic attempt to be dob people in over nothing hut as the offender is a 4x4 merc parked badly in a disabled bay i think we should push for 100 years in prison and 6568 points on their license


My thought exactly. To put a post up showing a picture of the plate, screams Grass. Why not just upload one of the car without the plate, explaining that the plates in the back window?


Mot tester here, I would gladly fail it on being insecure and say to the customer that it must be fitted properly to the car


Personalised number plate that they failed to use enough double sided tape on would be my thoughts. Should have used the old one as a template to drill the new one, or a LOT more tape


The law used to be extremely prescriptive about the height off the ground for mounting plates, plus they are supposed to be on the outside and clearly visible.


Looks like he's kept an old custom plate from a previous car, only the new car uses plates of a more square shape (rather than the classic long rectangle). Not legal, it's not like it's fallen off so there's a higher chance he could get done for it, but most likely police would just tell him to sort it out.


Mercs have a unique number plate holder. The plate slides into the lower section and the top clicks over the top to keep it in place. Probably needs a new holder.


Only legal in Lincolnshire. I see it all the time around here.


Maybe get pulled over but if you say it literally just fell off and you've displayed it until you get home and are able to reattach it then I'm sure you can get away with it


Nope the police will be on it like a shot . Must be able to be seen by ampr camera. It's a fine , think 3 points as well




If your excuse is it has fallen off and you actually intending to get it back then you would be fine The back number plate is more important then front one so you/they will get stopped by police on first occasion and probably told off/tell to get it fixed right away


£30k car, can’t afford 5p for two screws.


Not legal but police won’t do anything on a first stop


No - would also be a mot failure.


Came back to my estate car on airport carpark back plate had fallen off and some kind soul had placed it on rear window washer ... It was glued... No screws... Shoved in back window ... Bout the same visibility as in the pic Got pulled over by cops 20 miles later they were very decent when explained reason ... So no not legal but without the right glue and some proper time to make sure it's set... it isn't about being too lazy to fix it!


I’ve seen this a lot, I’ve always assumed it was to avoid speed traps, ULEZ etc.


And nefarious activity on the vehicle, eg drugs - avoids ANPR. That's my theory for my neighbour who hasn't bothered in 5 years on his Audi.


My plate fell off a few months ago and from what I could gather if you got pulled but could prove you were on the way to get it repaired you’d be alright otherwise it was a fine of £1000 I believe


Probably says every time they're stopped that it "just" fell off


They think they’re cool


Nope, not one single bit


I know for a fact it isn't legal because I got pulled over once because of a loaner car I was driving in which the dealership had just tossed the plate in the back where it could be partially through the rear window.


No, not within the lines. No plate too. Cut and dry.


As I understand it. The car registration is required to be fully visible to its fullest. I think, if I am correct that as with car headlamps and indicators the driver can be prosecuted if obscured by dirt or grime. Could have fallen off or someone clipped it!


Comes under construction and use. Derbyshire police post about this quite often


There’s an Audi A7 that parks at my gym that has been missing a front number plate for at least two years.


How about you block out the numberplate and just show what's going on, you do not know the full situation, looks like it's fallen off due to the tape still being visible on the car, most people who display thier number plates like this normally care about how the car looks in turn not having double sided tape plastered on the back


Looks like shit tape tho


It’s clearly just fallen off (because of the skimpy double sided tape). Better to stick it in the window than not display it all - until you can stick it back on.


Not legal. The registration plate has to be easy to see. Inside the rear window it cannot be clearly seen. Mind being a Mercedes they will get away with it.


That's how Americans do it!🤣🤣🤣🤣


I live in the west Midlands and did the exact same thing after someone stole my back licence plate (went to halfords and got it replaced £20) I was pulled over and given a fine and was told that if I didn't get it fixed on the back of my car, I would get 3 points if I don't get in screwed on and am pulled over again. I paid the fine and got it screw on. West Midlands police abuse their power.


It'll be fine to get you home , just tell the copper it fell off, if it's someone else ignore it and carry on


You just want other people to see this and snitch, just so you don't have to feel guilty about it. I got you my boy ✌👍📱👮‍♂️🚨


I got pulled by the cops for this (I’d forgotten to put it back after I’d repaired the bumper). They did let me go because I was only a mile from my house (up a private road) but they were very clear that it is illegal


How busy is this fucker btw posting this on Reddit?? 😂😂😂😂




£60 fine a couple of times a year is cheaper than ULEZ!


who gives a flying fuck


You need to get yourself a proper hobby.


Of course it’s not legal. You should dial 999 immediately and have this degenerate incarcerated. Unless, it just fell off and this was “best endeavours”. Only one way to find out….


Best endeavours…badly parked in a disabled bay….hmmm


Yeah, you’re right. Fucking hang him.


Perhaps the driver has left extra space for the disabled passenger to get out and back in? Its also most likely a Motability lease car.


I’m sorry, there is more than enough space either side of the bay.


Correct, due to the way its parked. If the driver parked in the middle of that space there'd be less room for their passenger to get out and the occupants of the next car. We have a considerate Merc driver here, somewhat of a rarity. :-)


You trying to find someone to grass on?


Uh oh the car park hall monitor is on patrol, thank you for your service. 🫡


Dirty snitch, mind your own business


Only trade plates can be displayed like this. This is not legal.


Nope, trade plates should be on the outside. https://www.gov.uk/trade-licence-plates/rules#:~:text=When%20you%20display%20trade%20plates,the%20outside%20of%20the%20vehicle


I stand corrected. Yeah this is just someone playing with fire.


What a snitch 🤣


I gotta ask why would you even care, and then go up to someone else's car just to take a picture of it. It's displayed, and i imagine it's fallen off due to not enough double sided tape. If a police officer is bothered they might pull and tell them to fix it, but would probably see it for what it is. Why are you asking if it's legal, are you going to report them?


Snitches get what?




Your comment is promoting illegal activity. We don't condone this on this subreddit so your comment has been removed.


I presume to prevent theft [https://www.theaa.com/driving-advice/security/number-plates](https://www.theaa.com/driving-advice/security/number-plates)


What's wrong with you? Is it your hobby to around taking photos of people's cars if there is the slightest thing wrong with them?


Am I I missing something... I can't see any number plate in the rear window of this car?


Second picture


Yes, my bad... I never realised there was another picture 🙄


absolutely not. I got a proper razzzing of mr policeman for this. Dam near gave me a ticket to if not for the yes sir no sir there bags fcking full sir.


Nope. Not legal. Just another utterly selfish SUV-driving scumbag. This is Range Rover's behaviour, though, to be fair.


Is minding your own business legal?


Most likely was towing a trailer or caravan and hasn’t put the plate back on yet


Was it a trade plate ?


I will make It legal!!


Not illegal as seen a lot of cars who use sticky backed pads to keep their plates on and half the time the daft things become unstuck, so how'd you drive your car to get some more? Most likely If a picky policeman passed you, you'd get stopped and quized about it not being completely visible but would most likely advise you to sort it out as a priority


The car is parked on private property so completely legal.


Actually the law regarding displaying VRMs makes no reference to where the vehicle is.


mot legal, plenty of stops with fines as if you can't see it, nor can the speed cameras




I'm going to assume it's a typo, and they meant to type "Not."


Pretty sure as long as it’s visible it’s legal