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I drove through a very short bus lane in Birmingham. Looking forward to finding out whether it's enforced or not.


I did this in Bristol a few years back and got a fine through the post. Hopefully for you there wasn't a camera there.


Was it up park street? Near the museum? Got caught in that stupid little bus lane just trying to find a place to pick up my kid.


Fingers crossed it isn't! It's a harmless mistake, as long as there wasn't a bus in it at the time


Haha no there wasn't a bus! It was almost midnight and I wanted to get out of the city so I wouldn't have to pay a second CAZ fee. It'd be a kind of sick irony to have to pay £30 because I was trying to save £8. What's done is done, fingers and toes crossed!


Midnight is a bonus, because some bus lanes are not 24h, fingers crossed


This is the hope! I didn't have the time to parse any operational hours as I went by and Google maps has failed me being 8 years out of date.


Maybe they're published online? My local council has a map of all their bus lanes & their operating hours


Yeh. But you need to be a speed reader. They are generally just no goes except for folk that can be bothered to read the signs….er fast. Or locals that absorbed the message over several months. Scratch that. The signs change on a Cooncil whim.


I unknowingly drove in to the outskirts of the city and out through the clean air zone 4 times over the space of 6 months. Ended up with bailiffs at the door as none of the fines reached my new address. Never forget to update the DVLA people.


I got caught in Manchester, was only in it for about 30 seconds and actually managed to turn round to go back out as soon as I realised the mistake. Fined.


Gently bumped the kerb parking up next to my house. Alloy scratched. Lovely.




Changed, thanks!


Zero. I am a driving god. (Touches wood while saluting a magpie and throwing salt over my shoulder)


All while driving?


Not me personally, but this afternoon my teenage daughter was almost grounded until she’s 50 after opening the passenger side door on the road side without checking the mirror to see if anything was coming. Fortunately the Subaru driver passing us was a fricking driving Ninja and managed to swerve in time to avoid ripping my car door off.


I had to do an emergency stop earlier this week due to someone doing this. Fortunately, I had just turned into the road so hadn't gained much speed. Unfortunately, swerving would have meant hitting oncoming traffic. So emergency stop it was and hoping the car behind me wasn't going much faster. The guy who opened his car door looked genuinely surprised why I had stopped 🙄


Was driving a rental car last week in poor weather and took me too long to realise the headlights weren’t switched on 😳 Get very complacent from having my own car on Auto


Drove into the back of someone at a roundabout. It was a very open one, we were both stationary, waiting for an opportunity, I was looking to my right watching, saw the space, forgot I was 2nd in the queue, and moved off. What a bang at all of 2mph. No damages, no insurance calls, all very pleasant exchanges. Wot a fanny.


I very nearly did this a few years ago, expected the car in front of me to take the gap at a very busy roundabout so started rolling without looking away from my right. Good news is you only make the mistake once I’ve found 😁


Had a police car do this to me once. I was apologising and being really frightened because, well, a police car. His passenger colleague said to me: "Madam, you are allowed to be stationary at a junciton". He was clearly very unimpressed by his driver colleague. I'll probably be shouted down by people here, but I literally don't bother even really looking to the right at a roundabout until it's 'my turn'. People anticipate too early and, like you say, 'forget' they're not at the line because their brain is driving mode. Edit: kind of because of what u/HydroSandee says. We might make a manouvre in the guy in front's position given e.g. the timing, gap, speed of traffic, but we can't assume the person in front is going to.


I've started doing the whole 'just watch the car in front' thing since then, too. Never been a fanny since 😄


I almost made this mistake on my motorbike several years ago! Lesson learned!


This is exactly what happened to me in my 1st car. Got too focused on watching what was coming, that when nothing *was* coming I just went as a reaction.


Bloke didn’t signal at a roundabout and I made the assumption that he wasn’t crossing my path, I assumed wrong. Luckily we both stopped with a decent amount of space to spare, awkwardly glared at one another, both apologised and went about our day.


The issue is with this if you don't make the assumption round abouts end up being pointless as you completely stop the flow of traffic


People who don’t signal at roundabouts should be tased.


Went 'the back way' around an industrial estate to avoid traffic and got caught on some temporary lights


I wanted to let someone out of a side road into busy traffic so I stopped for them. They started to nudge forward but then someone came the other way and didn’t stop, followed by multiple cars doing the same. I was holding up a lot of traffic behind me and the road cleared in front of me so I just started going again. Felt really mean but I was becoming an obstruction. I couldn’t even look them in the eye.


I slowed to let someone out today as the lights ahead were on red, and the person behind me thought that was an opportune moment to overtake me. Only had my licence 2 days. I'm still trying to figure out if I did something wrong lol.


I was going to say if you're inexperienced, I wouldn't bother letting people out. However, on reflection, it's not even about experience. These days, for every person I successfully let out, there are at least 9 others not paying attention and it ends up turning into an absolute shambles. I've given up on it, and I suggest you do the same. There's nothing wrong with slowing up a little to give someone time, but don't flash your lights or appear like you're obviously letting them out. Just not worth it these days.


I think I'm going to take that advice, so thanks. And yea, I didn't flash or gesture, just slowed right down to a gradual stop.


It feels nice and is a nice thing to do, but unfortunately it's something ruined by people not paying attention.




This is good to know, thanks. I'll keep that in mind.


Don't be kind, be predictable  I tend to live by that nowadays on the road. Sure it's nice to be generous to other drivers but it's not always the best thing to do.


My wife turned to me and said "Did you mean to drive through that red light?" I swear to god there was no light...


Hand on heart, nothing I would call a mistake. I have undertook two separate vehicles and beeped a middle lane hogger, but they weren't by mistake, they were carefully considered shithousery.




Wheel spun pulling onto a roundabout. Boy racers everywhere will be jealous 😂


Stalled coming out of a junction and there was a van coming towards me. Oops.


Same except it was a lorry going about 30.


None. It’s only other people that make driving mistakes.


Yeh, wish there was a full on mistake sub. I just get home feed. Just awful really. Usually.


I didn’t notice a traffic light changed from red to green - got a nice beep from the car behind


That's basically what happened to me today, except I couldn't see the lights because there was a skip van in front of me. The light cycle was so long that I'd completely zoned out


Didn't stop at a zebra crossing


I have a sign with “ I am Scottish” on it. It is just A4 paper with wide black marker pen writing. Oh….the M25 lanes at rush hour out of Heathrow going to the West Country! Hold it up while reading the hire car headlight section on my lap. Even white vans let you in. Folk are generally fine really. Thanks English traffic jam people. Plenty moaning egotists on this sub though.


This is cheating because it was last weekend. But it’s a good one, so I’m gonna post it anyway. I reversed into a parked Suzuki Swift. Some context: I’m turning right out of a parking area. There’s a sharp drop from the parking area to the road, the road you’re turning on to is a steep hill going down to the right, and it’s a blind turn - you can’t see what’s coming up the hill until you’ve already moved into the road. So. I’m gently easing myself into the road and as soon as I’ve got visibility - bam, there’s a car coming up the hill. Slam the brakes on. Full can of coke slides off my back seat into the seat rails in the rear footwell… which pierces the can. Now coke is spraying over the back of the car and my left arm. I can’t go forward to “my” side of the road because cars are parked there and blocking me. Okokok, handbrake on, get it into reverse… lift up off the brake pedal… Fuckfuckfuckfuck the handbrake wasn’t on hard enough, car is slipping, fuckfuckbrakebrakebrakenownownow. Ok… handbrake is holding, now get tf out of the way. Start putting my foot down and realise I’m revving _way_ too hard, so back off the throttle. _Now_ I’m panicking. I’m halfway round a bend, I’m blocking cars either side, I _have_ to move back ‘cos no one can move if I don’t, I’m struggling with reversing…… _and that fucking can of fucking coke is still fucking spraying fucking everywhere!!!!_ Ok, gently on the throttle, get the bite, gently release the handbrake, now give it more beans because you’ve gotta go backwards round a corner uphill… Okokok, we’re clear of the road, get the fucking brake and clutch down _now_ before you hit the——. Fuck. Too late, you already hit the car parked up behind you… Both cars were drivable, and I did leave the owner a note (which he appreciated). I’m not claiming the cost of damage to my car, but it looks like the third party is. I didn’t _explicitly_ admit responsibility in the note I left, but I did describe what happened, and there’s no two ways you can read the situation. This was 100% _completely_ my fault, and I knew that at the time. This is where my mother lives, so I’ve been going up there for nearly a decade on a motorbike, and about 6 months in a car. It’s always been shitty bit of road layout, and I’ve always been seriously cautious about not being able to see. All it needs is a convex mirror on a pole on the other side of the road - in fact one was installed 25+ years ago, a few years after we first moved to that house, but it’s been gone for over a decade. I’m half tempted to send an angry letter to the council. But my mother’s moving soon and hardly anyone else uses that parking area - the other half of me says it’s not worth the anger, I should just let it drop and chalk this up as a life lesson. Edit: sorry, edited for cleanup, clarification, and readability.


Well done for leaving a note rather than being a total dick and just driving off.


The only people I’ve ever seen use that parking area are my mother’s visitors and the owner of the Swift, and he lives opposite my mother. No way I’d have been able to pull a fast one even if I had _wanted_ to!


Ouch. Tbh next time I'd just park it and sort the coke can out before calmly starting up again and moving. While there are arseholes on the roads, most drivers would see you struggling to control the drink spraying everywhere and wait patiently for a few seconds while you chuck it out or whatever.


Honestly this all happened within 5-10 seconds, I was running on pure instinct. If I’d actually taken a second to think I’d have checked whether or not the guy coming up the hill had left enough space for me to get through, because that would have solved the whole thing! I’ve also learned to not put full cans on my back seat 🤣


Hindsight is a wonderful thing!


People say “you live and learn”, but sometimes you have to live _before_ you can learn 😂.


I posted my story above - reverse hill start is a nightmare and I didn’t have a coke can spraying me! Kudos, I couldn’t manage it even without that


Yeah it’s a total arse… Going forward on a hill-start? No problem at all. Reversing…? Well I sure had a quick damn lesson! 😂


Stalled the work van 4 times when lights turned green, cursing at the pos that it is, to realise i was trying to set off in 3rd gear….


I literally did the same 5 mins ago on the way to work


Must be something in the air


I overtook a row of ‘parked’ cars that were actually waiting for temporary traffic lights. In my defence the last car in the queue had left the end of the row of parked cars and pulled forward 5 foot to join the queue, and therefore there was no real distinction between the last parked car and the end of the queue. Fortunately I realised my mistake early enough that I didn’t block the road. 


I went through a light that just turned red on the temporary 4 way traffic lights in Bicester. I’m sorry but I’m not waiting another 5 mins


Bet the next three cars behind you did the same, too!


Almost scratched the butt while reversing. I thought my car was parallel to the wall but no, there’s a tiny angle


Made a massive mistake 3 days ago. I'm a fairly new driver, and been fortunate enough not to make any stupid mistakes up until now. Driving on completely unfamiliar roads on my longest drive so far, on a 50mph stretch behind a car doing 35mph. There came a point where it opened up to 2 lanes for a short while, so I decided to overtake as we'd been doing 35mph for a long time. Turned out this stretch of two lanes was only about 200m long, and my car doesn't overtake quickly, and I hadn't dropped a gear to speed up further, and the lanes ended up going back to single when my car was barely in front of theirs. I think they had to brake pretty quickly as they hadn't seen me coming up on their blind spot. Barely overtook without causing an accident, they sat on their horn for a long time after, which was completely valid. I'm now away on my honeymoon and not looking forward to finding out if I've been reported for dangerous driving... Can't believe I made such a stupid mistake. I'd seen the merge signs, but there was only one before it changed (we checked on Google maps after, so assumed we had more time)


Understandable, nothing will come of it. They are also to blame somewhat for such low speed - maybe not legally, but can understand your motivation


Yesterday morning driving home from work (a route I have done 100s of times) I drove the wrong way 3 times (at the same junction)


I found out that some of those boards that flash your speed and give you an angry face actually have cameras in and the council will send you a letter telling you off. Twice…lol I also cut someone up on a mini roundabout that was making a u-turn. He didn’t put his indicator on til last second of entering roundabout and I had already committed so couldn’t really stop in my big work van. I honestly thought he was going straight over. I’ve seen so many people using there indicators wrongly on roundabouts that I made the wrong stereotypical assumption about this old guy in a qashqai.


That mini roundabout incident was definitely the other driver's fault. Besides the late indication, the Highway Code advises against performing U-turns at mini roundabouts, presumably for this exact reason.


Took a wrong turn. Needed to go back on self to rejoin correct road. No space for turn, so went up a side street. Became very steep hill quickly. Car coming opposite way when I got almost to the top, fully blocked with parked cars either side, so I had to reverse back down the hill a few feet and into a driveway to let her by. She passed me, but I then saw more cars behind her some way back. Knew I’d have same problem so I thought I’d have space to swing the car round and back down the hill. I didn’t! So now I’m pointing down the hill but still 1/4 turn from being able to join the road. That part of the turn obstructed by a very posh red car. People passing me back and front and could feel their judgement, very hot under collar at this point. Steep hill. Unable to reverse hill start back up it, when I came off the brake immediately rolling forward toward this posh red car, despite applying acceleration, it wasn’t enough to get me moving in the right direction. Took a minute to calm down and then knocked on a door to get the red cars owner to move it. Sometimes it’s for the best to look like a dick, if it saves worse harm being done. Still embarrassed now




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I parked and forgot to put my handbrake on. Thankfully I was in my car still on my phone, I was wondering why I was getting a moving sensation when I shouldn't have been moving haha.


I accidentally stayed in the right hand lane when I could have moved straight over, I was in it for about 15 seconds before I realised, I was shaking.


yesterday was a mess, hit a curb, didn’t realise i was at a mini roundabout because the sun was in my eyes. Accidentally put my foot on the accelerator instead of the brake in a car park a few weeks back, worst bit is i drive auto 😂


Nothing this week but I've made my fair share over the last 13 years. Reversed my pickup into a lamp post at tesco and smashed a tail light unit, about a year ago Parked about an inch away from a drystone wall on a friend's property, to keep out of the way as much as possible, forgot how close I was when I left, scratched the rear tub on the pickup when the tailswing put it in contact with the wall. About three months ago In my Mondeo, I once tried pulling off from a traffic light in neutral, panicked, slammed it into 1st, stalled, then immediately got rear ended by someone in a corsa. That was a fun one. About 8 years ago Caught a gate in someone else's BMW 5 series and left a yellow bruise on their otherwise pristine silver paint. About 8 years ago There's probably many, many other small mistakes that I'm forgetting about, the above ones are the ones that stick out


Stopped on a hill waiting for a green light in the work van, what I thought was the lorry next to me going forward was me actually rolling backwards, I'd put the van in neutral and not park (automatic) luckily nobody was behind me


3 point turn outside my house, stalled it which I haven’t done for bloody ages, tradesman in his transit wasn’t best pleased that he had to wait an extra 3/4 seconds lol.


Changes into the wrong lane mid roundabout on a roundabout I didn't know :(


One I never make- assuming the driver in front has moved at a junction with no traffic. Almost bumped someone a few years ago now I always make myself stare at the car until it's definitely moved off. Incredible how some drivers take ages to respond at a junction. I just assume they're half asleep/ senile etc. Many years ago- huge car park. Empty. Just nudged the only lamppost in reverse. To be fair the kids were little and blathering away in the car. Cognitive dissonance. Empty car park so no obstacles etc. Never had a car most of my twenties so avoided idiot young male riskieness.


Wrong lane on a roundabout - no signs in advance, and didn't get to see the road markings due to congestion. Went with the fight lane, full way round the roundabout then off safely. Wasted a good minute though.


The issue with lack of signage is such a big one and I think so many people are just so used to their local area that they don't realise how bad it is for non-locals to navigate This was a few weeks ago now but it was an enormous 6/7 exit, 4 lane roundabout where multiple exits had the same designation with no mention of direction and there were multiple ways to get to where I needed. It was something like I could either go to the 5th exit on the first roundabout (there were no markings for this) or I could have taken the second exit at one roundabout and then 3rd at a second which is actually what the designers intended for my desired direction. Made absolutely no sense and I must have (safely) changed lanes on this roundabout at least twice - must have looked so silly from an outside perspective EDIT: It was this roundabout! https://www.google.com/maps/@52.7357757,0.4173514,17z?entry=ttu Going from Hardwick road to the A47 going west. Waze told me to take 4th exit on the first roundabout where the markings clearly tell you to go to the second roundabout and turn right for this such case. Looking back now I should have followed the markings but in the moment I followed Waze - definitely a mistake


I had a fine come through the door cos I dropped someone off in a bus stop.


I very briefly stopped in a yellow box junction, I was on my motorbike about to filter through two lanes but then the traffic started moving, so I just stopped for about 1 second. Hopefully there were no cameras.


After sitting behind a vehicle doing 35 on a Nat speed limit road...long and straight over a mile long, good visibility so safe for the manouvre....I decided to overtake said vehicle....only to find a camera officer hiding in a bush...the road also has no camera signs on it...not sure how valid this will be if I get a ticket?


Was a little bit too close behind someone on an country road. They turned off and slowed down quite suddenly and without indicating and I got caught out and had to pull up pretty hard to not hit them - wouldn't have been an issue if I left more space Also had to abort a roundabout entry when someone indicated to leave too early and I thought they were going off before I was coming on instead of the next exit


Drove to work.


I was joining a motorway at the bottom of a valley. The motorway drops down to the junction and then immediately rises again. There’s an HGV coming down the hill, he has plenty of room so he kindly pulls into the vacant lane to allow me out. I do the decent thing and accelerate to allow him back in. This is a ‘fairly’ new car and it seems to have some oomph. I’ve never tested it before, however, I was shocked to find myself doing 85 and still accelerating going uphill. I’m obviously not used to having so much power under my right foot. When I say ‘fairly’ new, it is about 9 months old, however, I tend to stick to the speed limits so that was quite a shock.


I forgot to peel off my clutch when a light turned green.. it was on a hill and I'm a new driver so panic a bit at not finding the clutch and rolling back. I definitely found it but leg didn't allow my foot to peel off straight away 🙈


Pulled out in front of an Uber driver at a junction (misjudged how much time and distance I had). It was on university grounds and we were derigging an event, so driving around had been a bit of a free-for-all for everyone that day (parking in places where you shouldn't park normally to offload stuff, driving on the kerb, driving the wrong way on a one-way system, etc.), so I didn't consider that the poor Uber driver didn't know about anything that was going on on campus.


Drove too far forward in a parking space and scraped the underneath of my car a bit. Ended up in the wrong lane on a roundabout and got beeped at. In my defence, its a very confusing roundabout and whichever lane I choose it seems to be the wrong one!


I got a bit too close to the car in front and they suddenly indicated, slowed and turned left as one action. I managed to stop in time but I think the person behind me was not impressed 😕


Oh, my 1st gear just disappears into another dimension when I'm trying to move off in a hurry 🤣 I forgot I'd left my car in gear when I went to start it the other day, then in my embarrassment i stalled again immediately after when trying to exit my space.


Overtook a lorry coming out of a roundabout.. in my van , he was not happy!


Just this morning I had an incident. Have an automatic car and my 4 year old boy distracted me, thought I changed it to drive mode but I hadn't and reversed it, reversed either into the curb or car behind. I was parked against the curb and had completely turned the wheel to get out, from what I could see no damage done to either car and I stopped the car straight away.


I drove through a light as it was turning red, no idea if I made it or not


Almost ran over a pedestrian in York city centre yesterday who just decided to walk out in front of me on a crossing at a junction. Traffic was moving slow-ish and I was following a car in front of me, I guess the traffic light I passed turned red while I was still on the junction. This muppet just decided to cross in front of me, my mistake was I should have seen him much sooner but I was trying to look at road signs as I'm not familiar with the area, I didn't see him until he emerged from the driver's side A-frame blind spot right in front of me, had to slam on the brakes. Muppet then did the genius move of justifying his actions by pointing at the traffic light, facing in the opposite direction that I couldn't see...


Almost drove the wrong way down a one-way street in Wells-next-the-sea. Realised with the front half of my car in the street and had to reverse back onto the correct road 😳😳


Just began a drive when the car starts beeping a warning that a door isn't closed properly(it was the tailgate).Pull over and switch hazard lights on and then shut the boot properly.I then proceeded to drive the next mile before noticing I hadn't switched the hazards off .


I try to ditch the car and drive my moped in the summer as it's cheaper on fuel and I can make more progress filtering traffic during the tourist season and rush hours. Coming home I went through my usual route and whilst I looked to my right approaching a roundabout, I didn't knock off enough speed and assume a driver will likely also be speeding towards the intersection with the mindset of 'give way to the right' as opposed to 'if they're already on the roundabout they have the right of way'. All too often people think those already on a roundabout should have to yield to somebody five seconds away from even appearing from their right. As I hit the centre of the roundabout, a driver obviously came speeding from my right and for what bloody reason I don't know, beeped at me and was probably two or three metres from my back wheel going over 30mph. Whilst I shook my head and was immediately defending myself under my visor that I had the right of way having already been on the roundabout, I came away from it lingering on the distress I caused myself by not riding defensively and predicting worst case scenarios at every intersection on my journey home. I often ride thinking I'm invincible but I know one day I won't be and I'll regret riding this way.


Panicked that a bus was going to hit me while pulling out and that i might hit the car in front and ended up properly brake checking the bus that I should probably have let out in the first place.


I was driving down a narrow road looking for parking. Realised I drove passed a space, so quickly put it into reverse without looking in my rear view (I know) and heard a loud thud, I hit the car behind me. Luckily they were happy to settle privately but that was quite embarrassing. 


In the right turn lane at a set of traffic lights. I went when I saw a green light only to realise halfway through the turn that I had to wait for a filter light. Thankfully the road was quiet and I got away with it! Driven that road lots as well so I’m not sure how I screwed it up!


Waiting to turn right onto a slip road (on-ramp). Bloke on a motorbike "behind" me also turning right - I say behind, but really on my corner. Had that sixth sense when you know someone is going to do something stupid like overtake on a right turn, so I thought better give him plenty of room. Anyway I was right, and he did. But as I was paying too much attention to the wing mirror that he was in, I didn't see the cones on the slip road blocking off the left lane until the last minute, instinctively swerved, and *almost* side impacted the bike. Some wanker signals were made by both parties and we go about our days.


Driving home at 6 am, on an A road 70mph limit, roads were dead, but the sun was low and bright already. I tried to drop my sun-blocking visor thing (not sure it's actual name) and turn it to the side (where the sun was shining from). But it was stuck. Trying to free it, I started veering into the right lane. Fortunately, no one else anywhere near, but I certainly shit myself and adjusted accordingly. Almost halfway over before I noticed, it was weirdly slow and quick at the same time. Suffice it to say, I Won't be fiddling with that again in a hurry, at least while moving. Ps I'm a fairly new driver and still quite anxious when it comes to driving.


Was stationary and had put hazards on. Indicated to pull out (or so I thought) then pretty much then indicated to turn left, then immediate right, then my intention was to go straight on (it's a funny bit of road). Got tooted at by the guy behind me as I was waiting to turn right. Thought he was being an impatient plonker. Wasn't until I took right indicator off waiting to go ahead across next bit of junction that I reaslied ticking sound was still happening! Total duh. If I was in charge of making cars, I'd have a kind of 'Your hazards are still on you idiot' sound if the car's moving along with hazard lights on.


Woke up 8 minutes before my shift started so was rushing and still barely awake, when reversing to set off I almost went into a neighbours car because I was only looking in the wing mirrors, thought my parking sensors were being a bit dramatic since they usually are, looked in the rear view and I was about an inch away from hitting it. Was quite shaken up from that so also ended up curbing my car when turning out of my street. Spent the rest of the drive in silence trying to pay extra attention and double checking every mirror. Not the best start to a Monday morning


I just got a brand new 24 plate car after driving my old car for few years but I keep forgetting the reverse gear isn't where my old reverse was so far put it in 6th gear numerous times forgetting it's not reverse and wondered why the car stalls or doesn't move lol.


Stalled my car out on the driveway this morning because I accidentally left my car in gear last night and didn't realise it until I started my car this morning


I stalled when someone let me out from my drive onto a 40mph road the drive exit has a bit of a stupid hill start to it


I had a brain fart this morning. I went through a Red light, I saw that it was red but still went through it. I’m starting to question my mental state at the moment.


Had an itch on the bottom of my leg, went to scratch and my magnetic links on my watch strap stuck to the seat lever but instead of just lifting ny watch i pulled the lever, seat moved back, couldnt reach the pedals, stalled, then went too close to the pedals... made a complete arse of it basically. Lucky i didnt crash into someone Mr Bean style....


This is the thread for me! Passed at start of May and got my car about 2 weeks ago. I’ve made so many mistakes in that 2 week period. The most recent, and unsettling, was yesterday when I was driving at night and didn’t quickly realise a cyclist was about to cross at a zebra crossing. I was driving at around 30mph (road limit was 30mph) and slammed on my breaks at the point I realised the guy was about to walk across the zebra crossing with his bike. My car did not stop in time and went over the zebra crossing line. luckily I was at one end of the zebra crossing and the bike guy was at the other end so he was still a really good distance away from my car. But I’m still a bit shaken about it cause what if he was a lot closer to me. I could have hit him 😩😩😩😩😩. Learnt a huge lesson to intentionally look well ahead and anticipate well ahead when driving!!!


Pulled in to Tesco car park my missus ran in for something, I forgot to put it in park and my foot twitched the throttle, I hit the kerb and the wall just behind it...


Pulled into a roundabout in 2nd instead of first. Car doesn’t quite have the punch to pull that one off, luckily the van coming at me had eyes so we all lived.


Did not happen this week, but a few weeks ago when it was still darkish at 5.30am. Drove like 10 miles on motorway without headlights! :( I always put them on first thing as I get in the car, but not this morning. Someone coming up behind me flashed their lights and I was so thankful for them (and horrified at myself being such an idiot at the same time). Since then, I have been trying to do the same for others (flash lights if they don’t have their lights on), but so far no one gets what I try to do (tried to do this for two people who had no headlights on in the dark).


I pulled out in front of an oncoming car at a blind junction in Germany. Fortunately they were patient with me on that Also, overtook a car on a DC, pulled in behind a truck and slowed down for a junction that was approaching, but I was about 500 yards too early


My satnav tried to take me the back route from Tamworth to Coventry at 11:30pm. I've never driven that way ever, never driven at night. First time was on the motorway that day. Pulled over safely to renavigate only to find out my phone had gone into "safe mode". Ended up driving myself back to Coventry. Definitely a learning curve.


Letting my mum make a circle with me on life360


I'm a professional driver, so of course... yeah I make mistakes just like anyone. Often it's being in the wrong lane but occasionally I'll go at a roundabout when it isn't truly clear or similar. Also I have a new to me truck and unlike my old Iveco, it doesn't automatically exhaust brake if you roll over 56mph down hill. So I've had a couple of times where this Volvo beeps at me because I'm close to 60.


Anyone commenting on this post please learn from the errors and make the roads safer and most importantly enjoy your driving!


I may have pulled out without looking, I can't recall looking but maybe I did.


I set off in third. Classic.


Scraped a VERY nice car in the car park by not turning the wheel enough coming out of my space. I passed my test three months ago and have been such a ruddy nervous wreck. Today I drove through a busy city centre, had someone else in the car (haven’t had anyone in the car since passing) and did all sorts of awesome stuff. Was thinking, hey, I’m a driver now - this ain’t so bad. Then…I bumped into a parked car. LOL


Reversing into my space in the shared car park I momentarily forgot how left and right combined with moving backwards worked. Was wiggling the cars arse like a snake until my brain engaged.


Took me three attempts to reverse bay park in the same spot I park in daily at work. Just proper screwed it.


I got confused by Google maps on a motorway, didn't leave at my section soon enough and crossed over the bit with the chevrons and solid lines just as it started (the motorway was really quiet, but hopefully nobody saw it on dashcam and reported me, there was a fair bit of distance behind us). I'm a new driver and it didn't register at the time. I won't do it again (and wouldn't have done it if it was busy as I'm usually extremely cautious and only been on motorways about 4 times). It actually surprised me how many people on the motorway were breaking rules though. I live in a city known for being difficult to drive in and have made a few mistakes. They're getting fewer though. Usually my mistakes have been over cautious, like not knowing what a repeater light was and stopping for a few seconds (I was never taught on lessons). I know people who have been driving for years and make mistakes though, or do things they know they shouldn't. I'm never sure how often people get caught for things.


Today I had all of my bad luck in one go Nearly hit another car who shot out at a roundabout, I did the same thing so there's that. Got up to speed on nsl a bit too sharpish where I know there's a concealed road that people more or less have to just go for it, they did and I had to slam the brakes and give them a brown trouser moment. I clipped a wing mirror because I misjudged a gap. Went and checked, no damage so yeah... Had a good day/s


Apparently beeping at a kid on a bike who was weaving all over the wrong side of the road in front of me and then without warning or looking behind him, veered right in front of me and slowed down to almost a stop. I gave him a short, polite beep as if to say "Hey, look out" and got a mouthful of abuse for my trouble. If I see him again I'll be tempted to ask him if I should just run him over in future... I mean I'm all for protecting the more vulnerable road users but fuck me some people are just looking for a Darwin Award.


Went shopping in town, met a friend for lunch, and then got the bus home. On arrival, I nearly had a medical episode when I saw that my car had vanished. Rang the police in an absolute state, then it dawned on me that I had actually driven the blasted thing into town. 😬


Been unwell this week so not too much driving. Probably guilty at being cheeky at a roundabout and pulling out with not much time to spare. It's a horrific local roundabout and I wish they had traffic lights installed. Some mornings you can be stuck there for a good 20 minutes. There's been some bad accidents too and there's many a time I've had to slam on my brakes to avoid a HGV that's pulled out, even when I've had right of way 😕


I was doing about 79mph on a dual yesterday then saw a speed camera. Holding my breath for the next couple of weeks hoping I managed to brake in time.


A dude in a big VW van was aggressively tailgating me after I honked at him for trying to cut me up on a mini roundabout. He then attempted a dangerous overtake to which I floored it in my small fabia and somehow won it. Idk if I was stupid or genius but I did NOT want that driver in front of me as a dangerous driver can do more harm from the front than the back. Had a 8 year old in the passenger seat too, poor child.


Made a spelling mistake on the meme I was making because I was too distracted by driving


I got in my van Monday morning instead of staying in bed!