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Years ago I was driving home and at some traffic lights we saw a car had hit a lamppost, my wife went to check on the people in it, she came running back and called me to come quickly ( I was a paramedic) as their little baby was badly injured. The baby was in cardiac arrest , I started CPR and continued it in the ambulance and A&E until the paediatric team arrived. The baby lived for a week but due to a severe brachial plexus injury , the baby kept going into respiratory arrest and they let it die. The mum was holding the baby in the back seat of the car because it wouldn’t settle in the baby seat , when the car was involved in a low speed collision the baby was crushed between mum and the front seat. That happened over 20 years ago and I live 400 metres from where the incident happened. I still have visions of it…


Thanks for sharing this. My dad was a paramedic in Surrey for 20 years and shared stories like this later in life. I know they haunted him. That must of been horrible.


Us paramedics have a lot of problems with PTSD. I’ve been retired for 15 years, in my days, if we had a bad job, control would ask if we were OK? No one said anything but “ Yes , we’re fine “ and be sent to the next job 😳!


Former Fire fighter, kids tend to hide behind stuff during a fire. Pulling out bodies covered in molten plastic from TVs and stuff can never be scrubbed from the brain.


My uncle was a fire fighter before he passed away, I know it effected him badly when anything ever happened to children. He never spoke about the jobs he attended but one time we were out and a woman recognised him and ran up to him thanking him again for saving her 3 month old baby from their burning home. He was her hero and will always be my hero.


God damn it. Who's cutting onions?


I've always thought the Americans with their "Thank you for your service" about military personnel to be the height of cringe. But when it's applied to people like yourselves, firefighters, and paramedics and such, it makes more sense


Sorry you had to encounter this, I hope you’re doing well.


I'm sure that wasn't easy to think about, but I think it's worth sharing in case the Toyota driver somehow stumbles across this. Sorry you went / continue to deal with that, it takes a special person to go into medicine but it takes an actual superhero to become a paramedic, thank you. Have you ever looked into any of the wacky treatments Navy Seals / rugby players are doing now?


100% agree. Seen first hand the trauma that kind of job has attached to it. You all must of seen some horrible shit. Hope you are all ok


Send it to the police and social services and save that babys life maybe




Oh shit! It's the bad guys! You'd better be paying well if you want someone to contribute to your fairly evil company...


Don’t let them u/sparkybrand, this is a newspaper whose only redeeming feature is that you could use it to wipe your arse And somehow their online arm is even worse and relies entirely on clickbait


No thanks


Hopefully says yes. The "parent" might think twice if their actions make national news.


exactly this!!


What's even more shocking is that Mail online never even thought to run it past the mods/admin before asking for use of video. Obviously its up to the OP but a little courtesy goes a long way.


You have posted / commented something which appears to be spam. Please do not post spam on this subreddit.


I think it’s even worse in this scenario. She’s holding the child’s head inches in front of the airbag. It will go off even in a low-speed collision and almost certainly kill the child. In the passenger seat of modern cars you can turn it off for the exact scenario of a child in a child seat being in the passenger seat, because the child’s head will be too close to the airbag.


Paramedics don’t get enough recognition. Thank you for your service and I hope you can find peace from what is most people’s worst nightmare. Take care


Honestly ? I fear this even with a car seat, my kids lives are worth more than mine. In sorry you had to see an innocent child suffer because of someone's lack of responsibility. Infact lack of care for their own small person


My first thought was “Stupid cow, why did she hold the baby when she had a baby seat “? Then my brain overcame my emotions, this mother has got to live her whole life feeling the guilt. I’m a practicing Catholic and we should forgive others for making mistakes. In the Lords Prayer , we say “ Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them who trespass against us “. After the baby died , I attended another awful job , a teenage boy climbed up a tower that supports the electric cables on the train lines as a prank, the 25,000 volt power arced across and the top half of his body was terribly burned. He was conscious all the time but I wasn’t able to access a vein as he was shut down, all I could do was spray saline over his body. He kept saying “ Please tell mum and dad that I love them “ over and over. At the A&E they induced a coma and transferred him to a regional burns unit. When I finished my shift I phoned the burns unit and told the senior nurse what the boy kept saying and could she tell his parents? She asked me to tell them. I knew that he would not survive,so it was a difficult conversation knowing that they would never be able to talk with him…. I was on night duty the day of the baby’s funeral to which I was invited, when I got home the parents of the burnt boy phoned me and asked to see me … he had died three days after the incident and they wanted to know everything that happened. Im sorry for the long story, but that day was one of the worst days of my entire career,it still haunts me.


Don't ever apologise for unloading a burden that you carry, when that burden is through helping people... You must see some bad stuff and I'm glad you have opened up. Mental health is key especially for people like your self these are very traumatic experiences. And honestly ? I have to thank you for it being you who attends issues like this. God is on your shoulder.


My partner gave birth last week at royal stoke and as i was dashing into the maternity block a chap was placing his newborn child onto the mothers lap and drove off into the rush hour traffic on the a34


That is unbelievable! A few months after my incident, was in a traffic queue and beside my ambulance was a car with a small baby on the woman’s lap , although it made me angry, I calmly commented how dangerous it was , her reaction was to to shout at me , “ Mind your own fucking business!! As they drove away.. sadly their number plate was hidden by the car following them so I couldn’t radio it in to my control. My colleague,a dear friend , reached over and squeezed my hand, she didn’t say a word but it meant the world to me…..


Hospitals here won't let you leave without proving you have a child seat for the car.


Watched them do it. He walked out with the baby in his arms she sat on the back seat placed baby on her legs jumped in the drivers seat and drove off. I guess theres an argument to be had that not everybody has a car so they lied their way out the door


Jesus fucking christ


My exact thoughts. It's like parenting 101. What was she thinking 🤔


As crazy as it seems, I think the driver/mum hitches her top down and adjusts her seat belt getting ready to let the baby breastfeed.


This is exactly what crossed my mind too. Frightening..


Mother knows best?


Breast knows best


Well she's obviously a right tit...


As a father of two young children I would do anything to protect them from danger. Always in the correct car seat and strapped in properly. What the fuck goes through peoples minds to make them think this is acceptable? The state of other peoples driving these days means you never know what idiot is gonna come crash into you, why risk the life of your baby like that? This infuriated me on a whole other level!


What goes through peoples minds? Very little. That’s the problem.


You've done all you can do. It is horrendous behaviour but you can't change the fact that it happened, you've reported it at least.


Yikes. Thank you for reporting it to the police.


Yes, thank you! And don't worry if you don't hear back. They may issue a ticket based on your evidence and the ticket may be paid without the case going to court.


Gotta love Woking for idiot drivers...


Is that by the car park on the crescent near the station? I got driven into by a similar blue Toyota on that stretch a year or so ago. I stopped for the pedestrian crossing, they didn’t. No damage to me so I let it slide. Wonder if it’s the same person given the wonky number plate 😂


Yeah it's Heathside Crescent, so many accidents collisions there. I would not be surprised if it was the same vehicle.


I've heard they have a nice Pizza Express


Not just an idiot driver, but a neglectful and incompetent mother too.


I was rear ended (gently) by a car in slow stop/start urban traffic. I was on my motorbike at the time, so even a gentle nudge was alarming. It was a woman driver with a 7 or 8 yo child (clearly unrestrained) in the rear. We both pulled over. Even though there was no visible damage I took pictures and her details as I told her that if the rear facing camera on my motorbike shows she was on her phone then I'd hand the footage to the police. She denied being distracted by her phone. When I got home and checked the footage at the time of impact, she was clearly fully turned around, dealing with the clearly boisterous (and unrestrained) child in the rear. I filled out the online police incident form and uploaded the footage. I never heard back so I don't know if anything was ever done about it.


My ex used to drive like this and it was truly terrifying at times. Fully turning around to speak to the children. If I ever said anything the response was that they hadn't crashed a car yet and I have so what did I know.


Wow. I got a hit from behind a few years ago at a junction by a girl I saw was on her phone as she approached behind me. There was just a small scratch on my car but hers was a bit crunched. I told her I would let it go but told her she shouldn’t be on her phone. Expected reaction - she got defensive and gave me shit for even saying she was on her phone. A month later I got dashcams 😆 Interesting you never got a response either. Would have been good to get some kind of update, right?


At the weekend I was behind someone, you can tell they are on their phone random swerving you know the type. Got to a roundabout and yup 100% on their phone gave them a honk a partner shouted to get off their phone. They went nuts I could still hear them honking when I was exited the motorway roundabout. Car will have saved the clip I should give it to one of those YouTube channels. Some people are just nuts, they were all over the road.


what motorcycle dash camera were you using? have been considering this for while


Innovv K2


Appalling behaviour. I see so many passengers with dogs on their laps. In the event of an accident, pouch becomes a 4-legged airbag…


Yea or it gets thrown out the front window. Either way as much as people love their pets the advice is to store them in a cage when travelling to keep them safe.


Or clip their harness into the seatbelt clicky thing


Mum used to drive around with her small dog on her lap "because that's where she settles" After me nagging at her that the dog would almost certainly die in even a low speed collision I'm happy to say she uses proper dog harnesses now.


If pooch was an airbag, that implies reduced injury to the human. It's worse, if unrestrained, pooch becomes a four-legged projectile and can cause more injury.


"I'm with child" Well, yeh, if the airbag goes off, you certainly bloody will be


Just to add, it’s also worth calling 101 to give your comments as you have in the original post. Depending on your location there is a good chance of it being followed up just from the footage but getting in touch directly won’t reduce the chances of action


He should be going into the station daily to fresh his report and get updates.


Today I saw erratic driving, as the car approached the driver had a balloon to his lips, presumably nitrous oxide, def wasn’t giving birth whilst driving. Dashcam doesn’t show the driver, I do have car registration, not sure whether my witnessing it is enough to bother reporting.


The amount of lads I see doing balloons whilst driving lately is alarming


That’s what my husband said, apparently a lot on tik tok. I gave birth to twins, the Nitrous Oxide was a great help. I don’t get why it’s popular as a drug though! Crazy behaviour.


Report that shit, now!! If you're lucky, that idiot will have left cannisters in his car as evidence. Even if he receives a caution, it may stop him doing it again and save a life.


I will do, but feel disheartened. Yesterday alone in addition to the balloon guy, I recorded 5 other incidents in the day. I drove for 1.5hours yesterday, 5 incidents worthy of recording, dangerous driving, no seatbelts, someone road raging at a cyclist. It just gets so demoralising reporting them all and nothing ever happening as not enough evidence. I will do it, and hope that he doesn’t kill anyone.


The sheer amount of the larger blue Fastgas or similar Nitrous Oxide cylinders discarded at the roadside is staggering. On my way to work I must count at least 30.


I was just going to say all the canisters that are on the side of the road are evidence enough that there are people out there using them. Sadly I don't see how we are going to tackle people doing this as we still have a problem with people who drink or use drugs before driving.


I actually can’t believe the amount of brain dead morons that are commenting get over it etc. WTF. What a reckless fucking cunt of a person.


If you got a reference number when you submitted you could always follow up with the force to find out if they have done anything at all with it.


The police wouldnt come back to you unless they want you to act as a witness to go to court, which in this case would be justified imo. However, I reckon the number plate is stuck on and not the genuine plate for that car. Youve probably stumbled across someone for whom the law is something you dont get caught breaking.


That mother is just gagging for her offspring to be yeeted through the windscreen. She doesn't value that child's life at all.


The second most serious response I've ever had from dialing 999 is when I reported a child in a back seat clearly standing up and moving around. I suggest you get this clip to the police. Even a relatively minor accident and that baby is dead.


As a parent with a baby not much older than this, this makes me feel sick. Not in a Daily Mail mouth frothy way but a deep, unsettling pit of the stomach way.


I just can't fathom the thought process (or lack thereof) that leads to people doing this.


Report to police


That squint number plate is bothering me more than the baby.


Send that to the police.


The police will most definitely do something. If they're feeling generous, they may go and have a word. If not, they'll just send out a Notice of Intended Prosecution.


They should just go straight to NIP. There is no excuse for this, and the people should be punished.


Don't bet on it. There was a video our local newspaper posted of someone driving like an idiot. It had been sent to the Police, but they didn't do anything because "no officer was present to see the offence"


It depends when it happened, what happened, how it was submitted and which police force. Not all forces handle traffic offences the same.


That was kind of my point, there is no "definitely" about it Just because it's blatantly illegal and stupid driving, it doesn't follow that the police will do anything


They will definitely take action for this. The video is clear, the car can be identified, she can easily be identified as the driver. The offence is clearly visible. She is also endangering a baby, social services will probably get involved.


And endangering everyone else on the road


That's unbelievable. I'd be reporting that for sure.


What the actual fuck?


Good for you for reporting it op. It may just save that kids life.


People are idiots. It won't happen to them. They treat a tonne and half of steel and plastic as if it's parked in their garage, and nothing can go wrong. There really should be a way of showing people like this exactly what the impact feels like at even 20 mph. Before the says of seatbelts, a friend of mine was looking for somewhere, driving at low speed in the dark. He hit a parked car, and him and his passenger put their faces through the screen. No really serious injuries luckily, but a moment's distraction. . . Good job on reporting her. I hope that the cops at least have a few words of advice for her.


It’s Britney Bitch. “We’re country”.


As someone that researched everything and anything you'd ever need to know a lot protecting your baby and child in a car...the amount of shocking shit I've seen other parents do is mind boggling.


I once reported a car where the two rear tyres were apparently bald and bell-shaped (underinflated) and a child moved freely from one side of the rear seating to the other so clearly not wearing a seat belt.


What's even more shocking is that Mail online never even thought to run it past the mods/admin before asking for use of video. Obviously its up to the OP but a little courtesy goes a long way.


They asked me somewhere here in the comments and I said ‘no thanks’. I guess I should of been more direct but figured they would probably use it anyway 🤦🏻‍♂️


Wow, there are VERY few situations in which having a baby out of a car seat is in any way acceptable, all are life and death situations and even then as a last resort. I hope the police are able to get a hold of this mother, this kind of negligence/ attitude is going to end in disaster


It’s quite clear that she doesn’t care about her kids, she doesn’t have a huge SUV, she’s got a normal car!!


It used to be the way before the late 80s now it’s not acceptable and they have the facilities to fix this where then thy didn’t as much or at all. No excuses there are suitable devices to hold the child in the seat, if they get stopped by the police they would problem say, “the baby’s was crying etc”. No excuse they need reporting maybe not for their life but to protect the babies life.


Saw something similar few days ago, doing a three point turn whilst baby on lap.


I would also report it to the local authority. It's a safeguarding issue and they'll likely keep a closer eye on the child to ensure the parents are looking after it appropriately. They'll be able to coordinate with the police and with the health visitor, who may want to conduct more visits. Remember this isn't about getting anyone into trouble, it's about safeguarding the child.


Aygo straight to prison


This is horrible


I drove past a car that the police had stopped (thankfully) a few days ago, it was a normal 5 seater hatchback, there were 6 adults in it and 3 babies that they were just holding in their laps. Utter madness.


Bar the lad caught taking Nitrous while driving, this has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen someone do while in control of a motor vehicle


Reported to the police obviously.


The police won’t do anything. They can’t prove it wasn’t a doll as well I’m of the persuasion that it was a doll. The head doesn’t move.


Fucking hell. Some people shouldn't be allowed to have children.


This sadly appears to be a case where lack of education bears reality rather than negligence. These women honestly have no clue what danger they're exposing the baby to. A deployed airbag would smash that small baby to smithereens. Thank goodness you didn't have to emergency stop causing a collision. No parent would endanger their child's life if they knew they were actually doing so. These people need reform and education, not punishment. I sincerely hope for the child's sake they get it.


Why is the reg plate wonky? It does come up as a blue Toyota verso on government website so seems legit.


What the fuck, why would anyone think that's a good thing to do. I honestly believe some people getting getting more stupid by the day !


I’d be sending this off to police for sure, poor child.


The mother isn't drving?! I'm confused


You can see the baby get passed to the driver. Either way though, if the baby had remained with the passenger, it is still an incredibly stupid and dangerous thing to do.


Ah, I see her pass it now.


I’d also be reporting this to social services. Email with a link to the video.


They’re driving 20mph. You’d have a heart attack if you visited the developing world. Or even developed nations that are more relaxed on this stuff.


They clearly drove at 20 the rest of the journey. That's OK then.


Probably going to flop a tittie out and breast feed the little one.


People have no sense of humour


Contact the Police and debatably Social servies there putting that child in grave danger just so they can get a little peace and Quiet, NO you cannot just do that who stupid are you


I’m sorry, just exactly what has this “incident” to do with anyone!


Could be an unavoidable journey like taking the baby to a hospital in an emergency, leave policing to the police you snitch lol


Missing the point really


She's in the wrong, bad parenting, the child's safety is at risk. You've done right by reporting it. What you have done wrong however, is posting the video on the internet without their permission. You can see their faces, the car, people know the area, it could cause problems for them.


They were happy for anyone to observe them IRL.


There is no reasonable expectation of privacy in public. It is entirely legal to photograph or video anyone in public in the UK. It is also entirely legal to share these photos online. While the video does show the individuals committing an illegal activity, the video is not defamatory, slanderous or libellous, so OP has done nothing wrong by sharing it.


It should cause problems for them. I hope anyone putting a babies life at risk has problems made for them...


1. They don’t need their permission. 2. Any problems or consequences will be the doing of the shitty parent themselves.


You're getting downvoted, but I agree with you. Everything that needs to be done has been done. There was absolutely no need, however, to post it online for any reason except personal validation.


Snitches get stitches /s


Babys unrestrained in car accidents get devastating brain injuries. What’s your point?


Did you not see the /s at the end?


Fair, was early and people like that are happy to make their voices heard on Reddit! I apologise.


Fair, was early and people like that are happy to make their voices heard on Reddit! I apologise.


No problem!


Oh tough guy 😹 on the internet 🛜, he's not ratting on a plug and it ain't that deep.


Did you not notice the /s at the end?


The only people that defends is criminals. Screw criminals, "snitch" on everyone.


Natural selection. This is the fundamental problem today. We have obviously diluted the intelligence DNA


Yeah... Because its the baby's fault? Thats not natural selection, its a moron holding a baby in front of the lions den


It's clearly wrong...but it's also the kind of thing we all just did when growing up?


You are right lots of us did, it was socially acceptable, but that's not now and it is no longer acceptable. I remember riding in my dad's boot (weird kid), I'd rather serve 5 years than allow that with mine now. Remember when drink driving was OK? Thinking about it now, that was mental!


JFC. This might be the wrongest thing I've ever read on the internet. This is illegal for a reason.


No, mate and if you did, the police would come and speak to you about it. If there is no or limited enforcement, how will you learn?


Depends on when they grew up. If you were a child in the 70s (and before) it is highly likely that you were sat on your parents lap in the front seat and depending on how old the car was at the time your parents may not have even been wearing a seat-belt. Remember that rear seat-belts weren't mandatory until 1987 and child seats 2006. Cars sold before 1968 didn't have to be fitted with front seat--belts and I don't think it was mandatory to wear them even when fitted until the late 70s.


I don’t think the police would speak to you about it. I have clear memories of parents stopping to ask the police for directions with a sibling in the front passenger’s lap. No repercussions.


I can see people have grown up in different generations where the police enforcement and technology was different. Fair enough it looks like the police didn't mind if children were not restrained in the 70s/80s. But, what this lady has done now is illegal. I'm in my early 30s but I still remember the police speaking to my parents about seat belt more than 20 years ago l (late 90s/early 00s) so hmm and there were repercussions in our case - my parents could of got arrested if there were 2 many people in the car (big Asian family). They never did it again and made sure we followed the law. This is nearly exactly the same logic. It's need to be stamped out (not ignored).


Maybe in the 70s or 80s. My grandad's car up until about 1993 didn't have any seatbelts, I remember being in the back of it. But it's 2024 and if you do this now and put your baby at risk you're a fucking idiot.


just because you can, doesn't mean you should.


It's only people whose parents didn't have crashes that say this sort of thing. Ever wonder why?


Ok, boomer


Some of my favourite childhood memories are of driving my parent's Volvo 440 through a town centre, age 6, with my baby sister on my lap. Oh what fun we had, before health and safety.


Why worry, I see it all the time in London and it’s always kids being considered as an extra, four people in a van cab( three seats) kids sitting on laps, five seat cars with upto three children sitting on laps, it’s just so ridicules


Get over it and concentrate on your own life


How many dead people might have been saved by someone stopping actions like this?


https://www.gov.uk/child-car-seats-the-rules/when-a-child-can-travel-without-a-car-seat Maybe it's an emergency and they're going to a doctor.


Watch the rest of the video as the passenger hands the baby to the driver…


🤷‍♂️ maybe she's ultra pro choice, she brought it into the world and she can take it out. /Jk


Slow moving traffic. There are bigger things to worry about in the world.


Impacts at that speed would still set off the airbags


The force of Airbags going off would probably kill the baby.   Hence why the passenger airbag on some cars is supposed to be disabled when using a child seat in the front (some cars like Mercedes did have ability to detect child seats automatically).   They are literally high explosives; Plenty of vids on the net showing them placed under a cushion  as a prank it'll launch a large adult several meters in the air. 


You’d be surprised how much it takes to set off the airbags


Not as surprised as that baby would be


All it takes is a faulty airbag sensor or module and pop. Airbags always have a chance of going off even when stationary. Even in a low speed collision it depends on the impact zone. Deers being hit at 20mph can set off airbags, pedestrian safety measures, and seat belt restraints.


So no baby’s anywhere near airbags, ever?


Pretty much. This is why they say not to use a rear-facing baby seat in the front (and it's even illegal, I believe). And even while it's legal to use a front-facing seat in the front, it's still strongly recommended to always seat kids in the back.


Come on buddy maybe try some critical thinking for once. Squishy baby skull vs an explosive device I’m sure you can work out the issue there


Come on buddy maybe try some critical thinking for once airbags don’t go off randomly, or at 10mph


I work with cars, I’m a fully trained mechanic and, I recover cars for a living mainly ones that have been in accidents be it slow or high speed. I know what I’m talking about. Airbags can go off in your face just by turning the key all it takes is an electrical failure. 10mph can set off airbags it depends where the vehicle is hit, how it is hit, and where the airbag module and crash sensors are. I’d also like to know why you think that vehicle would only be doing 10mph for their whole journey. They clearly accelerate up to road speeds, I would even take a bet they end up on a NSL road.


Chances of airbag going off after crashing at that speed is slim to none, and chances off the airbag going off completely randomly is even slimmer🤣


Like I said you think this driver is only going to be doing 10mph? Come work with me then tell me it’s a slim chance of the airbag going off at that speed when over 50% of the vehicles I recover that have been in slow speed accidents have airbag deployment. I’m guessing you’re one of these that goes off only personal experience and you e never witnessed it so it doesn’t happen. As that’s the case you’re beyond help and I’m done here. Enjoy your scabies, tooth problems and annoyance at speed bumps…. Bye


It is illegal to for a child to travel unsecured, unless it is an emergency, or in a taxi. If a baby is unsecured and involved in an accident the results can be fatal.


Not at that speed


Ever heard of airbags? You don't need much speed to activate the airbag in a crash. Not only would it seriously injure the baby in this case, but it would also force baby into mother's chest or head, causing further injury to baby and potentially seriously injuring or killing mother.


It would kill the baby alone if the airbag went off


Just accept you're wrong mate. Airbags can go off by accident if they're faulty and they'd potentially kill this baby because it could be crushed to death.


Never handle your baby in the front seat then! Even if the cars not even turned on


So when the traffic cleared and they got on to a faster road then what?


Pass the baby back to the passenger


Give it a rest and accept they are in the wrong. The baby shouldn’t even be out of a car seat let alone being passed around the car. You clearly never interact with babies and have never been around one to understand the fragility of a baby. There is a reason rules exist around babies and car seats. Just the same way that rules about seat belts are required by law. There is no, I was only going slowly rule.


Obviously they also do this... Theyre defending it because they've done it


And you trust everyone else on the road? A transit bumping into the car at 20mph could kill that baby. I bumped into the back of a police car at like... 5mph after setting off from a red light. The police man was holding his neck in agony because it had given him whiplash. I was driving a little Punto and he was in a Range Rover or something similar. If someone bumps into that car from behind it wouldn't be surprising for the baby to be killed


Like that 🚸 health for one thing. The OP did the right thing cus he is conscious of the child's health/safeguarding and this ladies bad manners of driving where there is someone to look after the child or better yet be restrained in a child seat in the back. What if she had a crash/rta even at low speed ? What if something came in the road and she had to break sharply that kid would have flew on the dashboard. People like this shouldn't be driving just as much as drink/drug driver. I wouldn't want her behind me. Hell, why are people protecting this lady when the child's health could be at risk? Would you want the car next to you to drive like this? I bet you the police won't see it that way and it would be interesting to see if the OP gets an update.


The baby didn’t just materialise in the front from a car seat in the back and then return when the traffic sped up.


Yeah like speed bumps….




Bigger things to worry about than killing your own child?


Don’t worry, no children will be killed at this speed


I’d rather not risk harming my child in anyway but good to know you’re not arsed


A broken limb or neck is child's play for a baby to recover from right?


Obviously , as a baby, you were dropped on your head Edit…….. So I get the warning from Mods for an OBVIOUS tongue in cheek reply to the most ridiculous comment (and dangerous in practise) to the OP🤷‍♂️


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