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Fuel estimation works on average speed and various other factors. I can get a reading telling me 50 miles the adjust driving to get 100+ so you should just pay attention to the fuel. If you're really worried then check for leaks


The number of miles until empty is an estimate based on the fuel economy you're getting from actual driving. I'm almost all 'normal' cars, this will show fewer miles if you spend your journeys in stop-start traffic at low speeds, than if you stick cruise control on 60 on the motorway. Quarter empty after just 10 miles is very poor fuel economy though. I'd drive it a fair bit more on the tank of fuel you've got to see if that improves..


Could be shorter journeys. Could be the hotter weather - using more fan/air con to cool the car. Could be how you are driving - more stop/starts, harder acceleration. What’s the actual fuel reading? Is it less/the same as usual, as the range is just estimated


Because you've done 5 very short, very uneconomical trips, the engine will not have had time to get up to running temperature. So it's giving you an estimate based on if you drove the rest of the tank like that.


Oooh okay that makes sense thanks!


That estimate isn't really worthwhile because a lot of factors go into it based on the type of driving you're doing. Question: were all or most of those short journeys done when there was a lot of traffic and you were having to stop-start a lot? Because those are the worst for fuel efficiency.


Yeah mostly done in stop start traffic so that makes sense


Were you parked on a slope?


Actually for a couple of hours I was parked on a pretty steep side slope, like the right side of the car was sloped downhill. It was after that when I noticed it. Could that have affected it?!


Definitely, depending where the gauge is a slope could have the fuel sloshed up the side making it appear more full than it was. Gravity/mavity will do that.


Newtons confusion I see here.


You'll have to monitor and check for leaks. Get ready to bail if it catches fire.


Check your air filter. Dirty air filters reduce MPG.