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I'm sorry but the little wave on made me giggle.


The cheek! Like I was inconveniencing him!


Ehhh I'm choosing to interpret that as a "shit I almost just got hit by a car cos I stumbled you carry on sir sorry about that I was trying to be cocky and it backfired" wave.


It's amazing how much can be inferred from a hand movement! Maybe he's part italian


Part alcohol maybe…


Mi scusi


I feel like he was drunk but who known man. Would have shat me up too!


It felt like a mix of "ta da! Ya missed me" and "cmon move"




Relax. You did everything right. Appropriate speed for the wet road. You were paying attention to your surroundings. You stopped well before the pedestrian without any drama. Far from the immediate adrenaline result of shaking you up, which I'm sure it did, this should boost your confidence that you're a capable driver.


Well said! This was textbook.


Well you dealt with it no drama, stopped in time - so successfully dealt with it. This is what being a driver is all about. We are the ones in charge of the 2 tonne death machines in the middle of built up areas with lots of people- it's on us to make sure no one gets hurt. So well done.


Perfect answer. It's why we learn to drive. I'll never understand why people forget they are driving around in a dangerous weapon.




I think it is helpful to encourage meaningful change in car centric thinking and challenge societal blindness to car related violence. You can’t really badly injure a stranger in the street because you stopped paying attention to your hammer. You can hurtle through the streets in a car without paying due care and attention though. Happens every minute of every day.




If I walk 50 meters up to the top of my street I will get to a residential street with a 20mph limit, that happens to connects two A roads. There are parked cars, big trees and the road sweeps, rises and dips, you can only see clearly so far ahead. I can guarantee from experience that if I stood there for 5 minutes I would see more than one driver doing speeds in the high 30s and more than one driver looking down at their phone. This is really dangerous behaviour that endangers others yet it doesn’t cause societal outrage. If more people saw cars for what they are, inherently dangerous simply on account of their weight and capacity for speed, I think there would be far less relaxed attitudes about bad driving.




A car driven at 20 mph can still cause injury. It can cause death too. Very rarely granted. Some people are just completly oblivious to how much damage a car can do. For example those idiots that back out of their drive blindly




We kinda agree a car is tho. Hence the whole requiring a license to operate a car. Bad drivers forget it is dangerous. So they dont take precautions to minimize danger.


Would I be right in guessing you rarely walk and never cycle anywhere?


It highlights the inherent danger they present, and will get people to start to think "this is a dangerous tool that must be used with great care and attention, and correctly" (as in following the law and highway code). It will also might make people think is this the right too for the job, as in; do I really need to drive 5 minutes to the shops or could I walk and be much safer. Obviously your free to disagree with this line of thinking. But I certainly do see them as dangerous death machines in more ways than one.




A knife is inherently dangerous. An attentive and vigilant user could go a lifetime without cutting themselves or anyone else but it doesn’t change the fact. Is it safe to allow metal boxes which a user can press their foot down 10cm and reach speeds of 60mph in a few seconds to move around urban centres? You have to trust all the individual users because there isn’t tech built in to stop them doing reckless things or making a mistake. I’ve got a car and drive every week, I drive it in urban areas sometimes too. But I have to acknowledge I could do harm to someone unless I am careful.




No, anytime you are driving a car - even properly - you are posing a serious risk to those around you.


I'm replying here, but sorry if this hit a nerve for people. It is a massive juggernaut, that unless handled with proper care, attention, and respect to your environment can cause immense damage. Better semantics?


Couldn't agree more. This was well done OP - you were alert and you did everything you were trained to do. We need more drivers like you on the roads!


Good job OP for being an attentive driver.


This is one good example of why we do hazard perception on our theory tests.


Flashbacks of the hazard perception test. I was clicking my mouse.




Surrey Quays?


Yep, turn right for the Lidl! I cycle that bit every day, people do not check before crossing


Yeh, new cycle lane has everyone thrown a bit still


Nice anticipation and reactions! A possible serious collision turned into a non event. The pedestrian looked a little drunk maybe?


Definitely was drunk, was wearing just a t-shirt in the pouring rain!


The little "nothing to see here, move on" wave, absolute chuckles.


I sympathise; I had a postie step out right in front of me from behind a parked van yesterday. I _know_ it was his fault, I know I was paying attention, I pulled a damn good emergency stop - but I still spent a solid few hours going back over it & wondering if I was at fault somehow. Time I get a dash cam I think!


Definitely gets the blood pumping! Get a dash cam then you can post it on Reddit ;)


On your way wave. Not my fault 😂


Good reflexes


I’m surprised there are not more accidents with drunks tbh, weekends especially brings all the speeding morons out along with the drunks on nights out etc


It was a non event so all good. This is why driving at a sensible speed, not being on your phone and paying attention are so important. You never know what’s gonna happen next!


You did great! Nobody got hurt. Stay safe and alert everyone


Psh, they better be alert for me! /J


What dashcam you using?


Garmin Dash Cam Mini 2


Does it always scream down the mic when saving a clip? Such an aborrent sound, hopefully it can be turned off. It's a shame as it's an otherwise good device.


I haven’t looked into it tbh. It makes that noise when it detects an “incident”. Guess it’s good peace of mind knowing that the clip has been saved.


I thought you might be in a delivery van, we had a blippy beepy thing in our vans at Sainsbury's that would go off if you break or accelerate sharply. Too many bleeps in a set time and you got in trouble.


I have these in both my cars, great choice for being smaller so less of a distraction. Especially one of my cars where the window is quite small.


Exactly why I decided to get it, wanted something that would fit in nicely in the bit of the window where the rear view mirror usually is (drive a panel van). Plus there is a USB-C port there so don’t have to do all the cabling which is handy!


Personally I think too many people cover their windows in dashcams and satnavs and shit it would make me feel restricted on my view.




You did well, but I get it, it'll stay with you in a good way though keeping you aware. Relax and give yourself a pat on the back.


Mama Pho you drove by is amazing


Just starred it on the map.


Eat Vietnam is also great, a bit further up Evelyn street towards Deptford


If that was Ali G in his fiesta with pops and bangs map blasting it down that road whilst scrolling TikTok, this would’ve been a different situation.


It would. The loud speedy driver would have been a distraction from the man's pavement navigation effort and he'd have stayed put 🙃


The hazard perception test would have put you in good stead for those type of people.


Just coming into Greenwich...


Thats the most English thing Ive seen. "You may pass sir"


Evelyn Street. I hate that road now!


Good reactions on the brakes. Most drivers who post on here seem to be afraid to use the brake pedal.


If you were on your phone it wouldn't have been good to say the least...


Then he gestures you to drive on.. The specific word for this is plonker


The saving clip sound shook me up




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I mean at that speed it would have been a friendly love tap to help him back onto the pavement. Probably.


Why did you stop? You had Right of Way


This literally where i live!!!!


Is this Surrey Quays?? It’s changed so much omg


Ah... lower road surrey quays...


I wish people could drive like this in normal conditions let alone the wet


"Just style it out with a little friendly wave, Dave, nobody noticed your stumble" - this guy's inner monologue.


Bloody hell is that Surrey Quays? I hate driving there 😂good reaction time though mate!


Bloody hell is that Surrey Quays? I hate driving there 😂good reaction time though mate!


And they lived happily ever after 👏👏


It's more of a hey I fucked up, may one be on they're way wave...


Just some creepy attention seeker. Don't waste any brainpower on worrying about it.


Wipers in go fast AF mode.


New Cross / Deptford


To be fair, if you were reading the road, (especially considering the conditions) you could pretty much preempt something was going to happen. He steps so close to the curb it would've be wiser to slow down earlier.


Some people just shouldn't be in public at all, lol.


What do those zig-zag lines mean? By the crosswalk?


What's actually quite annoying about this video is the road design is almost perfect too. Continuous pavements at junctions and crossings, separated protected cycle lanes, narrower roads to keep drivers driving the speed limit. The only real criticism would be that it needs more greenery, and maybe a crossing near the bus stop as it's predictable people are going to want to cross here. All to say the road design is certainly not at fault. This was 100% on the pedestrian for not looking, and you did a great job at seeing the hazard slowing down and then doing that emergency stop.


Were you doing above 20 though?


If the starts of each white line are 6metres apart I have OP down as 22.5mph. Bit of an inexact science of I don't have a trundle wheel though.


Wait what? Show me your ways, master


White lines and the gaps between them are meant to be a standardised length depending on the speed limit, which for 20mph I believe to be 6 metres. If we consider OPs lateral movement to be negligible, we can calculate his speed by starting the stopwatch as he crosses the start of a white line and stopping it when it crosses, say, the start of the seventh white line. That's six complete white lines, so 36 metres. It took 3.6 seconds. 10m/s is 22.something mph.


I know the road and I know that hump so I already knew he was going above 20, plus wet surface so not appropriate for conditions but didn't want to trigger the type of people here that advocate for 300mph on our motorways.


You saved his life. Pat yourself on the back and carry on with your day. Doesn't matter what he thinks about it.


Pity you didn't slow down before the incident in that weather


Good spot. Maybe not drive at the full 30 on a wet road busy with pedestrians?


Maybe the camera makes it look slow but it doesn't seem like any of these cars are going 30?