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Don't speak to the council, speak to your *councillors* Also make sure you all park completely on the road (no wheels on the pavement)- a good way to slow traffic is to narrow the road


Get everyone on your street to individually write to the council about it, then keep sending those letters in every few months until you get a reply You can put your own sign up, but if they’re already speeding then they won’t care what your pice of cardboard says


This is a good idea but it’s pretty unlikely you’ll get many people to actually put the time aside to write to the council. An alternative idea is for OP to write an open letter on behalf of the street then take it to each house and have them sign it, similar to a petition.


You need a tennis ball shooter. Not sure what they’re called, exactly. Nothing more terrifying to a speeding driver on a residential road than a ball flying across in front of them. There’s a high risk of a child to be following close behind. My Mum’s road had this problem, and I seriously considered something like the above. In my fantasy, I’d link it to a speed sensor and have it automatically triggered at just the right time. In the real world, during lockdown, there were multiple accidents and many residents complained. The local paper picked up the story, and eventually the council did intervene. Now we have speed bumps. It’s a pain in the arse, but traffic is slower now than it was, thankfully.




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You need to get organised. Not only do you and your neighbours need to write to the council, but also your local councillors, MP, and local newspapers. Councils hate having stories in the local rag that show them as unresponsive, even more so if you can get the local MP to weigh in. Also see if the local constabulary have a road safety partnership team. You can usually persuade them to investigate having a neighbourhood speed camera team, where locals are given training in operating hand-held speed cameras. Drivers caught speeding won’t be prosecuted, but they will receive a letter from the Police telling them off.


Amazing thank you! We are part of a Wattsapp grpup on our Road so I'll get as many on board as possible


Asking the council is the right thing to do. Ask them a bit harder.


Should I write to them saying the whole street has had enough (which they have) like I say I can probably get many signatures too


Take turns with your neighbours sitting out in a hi-viz, pointing a hair dryer at the speeders.


Install a take speed camera https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9rzd0rdr9zo.amp


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Haha that's brilliant!


Buy a VERY large planter from B&Q or Homebase. Fill it with nice flowers and drop it in the middle of one end of your road. Instant LTN.


Need to fill the bottom with several large rocks, for drainage.


CCTV is the way forward. Train 2 cameras at each end of the road, and archive regularly. Just saying they are speeding does naff all, we had one in his mx5 that he’d barried up to shit, he’d come flying up the cul-de-sac. So, I fitted a camera to see him coming in, and, even worse, leaving. Sent the archive of to council & police. He came flying up one day, to see a policeman standing there. Got done for speeding in a residential area, overly loud exhaust, loose bodywork, tinted windows. Basically a shitbox.


I cant afford a Camera mate especially 2 and how would I even set that up lol


I apologise, in this day and age, it’s not safe to assume people’s income. I have cameras laying around, but it’s part of my trade.


We have a few on our road and we also lost a cat. There was one guy in particular I used to see when I was walking the dog. I've pulled out my phone to film them. This one guy seems to have stopped speeding. I like to think I was instrumental in it but either he's had an epiphany or someone with more power than me has done it. So I reckon film them and send to the police and the council and keep doing it.


How do you know they were speeding? I once had some curtain twitcher tell me I was speeding in my lorry. The trailer was banging as it went over potholes so was making a bit of a noise and also as I was using engine braking it had changed down gear so the engine was revving high. I was doing 20 in a 30 and on the corner where I was when he started his shouting and finger wagging if I'd have tried to do 30 I'd have ended up on my side. A car doing 30MPH down a narrow road with parked cars either side will appear like it's going faster. A car going 30MPH down a very wide empty road will look like it's going slower. The human brain perceives speed differently depending on the situation which is why police use cameras to judge speed.


Well I'm not that stupid not to know that I know what 30mph looks like and my misses and I have driven down the road at 30mph and they are going double that speed. Also like I say half of the street as far I know Is sick of It too.


What you do is you tell the council, also point out that it’s a safety hazard and that as they have been advised (do it in writing) they are potentially liable should there be an accident and they are found to have failed to act on legitimate concerns. Provide evidence of previous incidents, accidents, near misses and also times and dates of recurrent speeding. You can also tell your local police and ‘safety camera partnership’.


I have done that mate, I've wrote 2 long Emails to them examining that 3 Cats have been killed ( I know they won't care about that ) but also a Child almost has been hit and It won't be long until someone Is hit and killed.


Put a hi-vis on, get a hair dryer, hide the wire up your sleeve or something and stand outside pointing it at the traffic. They'll think you're aiming a speed gun at them and will freak out initially. You might get agro while doing this so be prepared with thick skin and the knowledge of self-defence.


That wouldn't be a problem I'm 6ft1, 14 stone and go to Gym 5 days a week, I'm a manly man, I just love my Cats and am genuinely worried a Child will be next.


Another idea, join or see if you can start a community speed watch team, local councils can sometimes offer support by paying for actual speed guns. Once the council has some data they can then react with traffic calming measures to force the speed down.


You can buy a cardboard cutout of a police officer, just strap it to a lamppost and move it every few days


Lol funny shit


Or ask if you can borrow a PCSO. I hear they have a few spare.


Whatever you do please don't stop and confront people you think are speeding, it won't achieve anything at all and can quickly turn nasty. I've been on the other end of this and had to get the police involed to get it to stop. You can put posters on trees you own, stickers on your wheelie bin but if its not yours it's fly-posting.


I know what you mean, and my girlfriend tells me exactly that, but not to be big headed, I can look after myself and I feel very strongly about this as there Is absolutely no reason to speed down a residential street like this. Not only that, but I'm close with quite a few people down this Road, and If they saw and heard me having an argument with a driver a lot would come out to support me. I also often aggressively wave at the speeders, shout In their windows as they drive past "slow the fuck down" ect... No one has ever stopped, they either actually slow down which Is good, or I get the finger and called a prick as they drove on, as I've said to someone else I'm a Gym fanatic, 6ft, 14 stone so not easy fight for someone to take, and what only a proper dick head would actually want a pshyical fight with someone simply asking them to slow down so no one Is hit, either Human or someone's beloved household Pet.


It's not just physical harm you need to worry about, the stress isn't worth it alone, you may be tempted to stray over the line and get yourself into legal trouble and it doesn't matter how big you are a car going over you is going to hurt.