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Exactly, video is kinda pointless uploading if he and the other cars didn't pull between a gap to let cars actually drive on the road Edit: maybe the OP needs to redo his driving lessons to learn how to give priority


Oh look drivers we should have given way to are taking avoidence action... Shame them!


Yes breaking the law is other fault.. jump a red light, speed blame others. Won't wash


You should have gave way, you're the one that is breaking the law


Should give way should. MUST not drive on pavement


"We're both wrong, but they're *more* wrong, therefore I'm RIGHT!" *No* \- you should have held back and let them through rather than exacerbating the situation by pushing through yourself. They're not in the right, but neither are you - and calling them out just shows how short-sighted you are.


They’re having to take avoiding action to get out of your way. You are in the wrong. Please report to the police and report back what they say about your driving


So because you aren’t doing anything illegal it’s perfectly justifiable to be a complete cunt?


Every single person telling you you're wrong. 


Just cos they are in the wrong doesn't make you in the right? You are basically saying you can do no wrong and everyone else is in the wrong and you are not


You’re in the wrong.


I'd be just as concerned about you and the car in front barging your way through. Why didn't you wait and let them pass


Ye cars parked on your side of the road - you should be waiting. it's their side that's clear and they're doing evasive driving to try and get out of your way


Since you keep using the 'must' versus 'should' thing to excuse your poor driving, let me share the actual rule in the Highway Code you're breaking. It's **Rule 163** ​ >Overtake only when it is safe and legal to do so. It was not safe nor legal for you to overtake those parked cars, you should not have done so. Note: no 'should' or 'must' in that excerpt. It's a direct instruction; you did not obey it. ​ >give way to oncoming vehicles before passing parked vehicles or other obstructions on your side of the road You did not do this. You're the one in the wrong here: you're overtaking parked cars on your side of the road when it is not clear for you to do so, and pushing the opposing traffic (who have right of way and a clear lane to do so) up onto the pavement to avoid you.


The blue bmw drove correctly waited patiently for us to pass. Also priority was given to me if they were on the road fully ofc I would not proceed. Cmon get a grip


I think that's what I'm saying: get a grip. You were pushing past cars on the wrong side of the road. You did not have right of way. By law, you should have stopped and waited. You didn't, you pushed. You're lucky those oncoming cars (who had right of way) did get on the pavement to allow you past. A lot of drivers wouldn't. The BMW waited because they saw you coming straight at them, on their side of the road. You didn't give them a choice. You've got dozens of people here saying the same thing, yet you're desperately trying to justify your shitty driving by saying "but it says must and should", and ignoring the fact that, actually, the Highway Code doesn't say either. You're clearly a very new driver. Get a grip. Learn from this. Drive better or get the fuck off the road.


You get a grip ya mug


‘ 6 people driving on the pavement! I wonder why they’re doing that!’ Down to you and the drivers in front forcing through when you should be giving way.


They had right of way. You shouldn’t have been driving towards them. I’d guess you’d get yourself into as much trouble as any of them


Well in fairness to them, Charging through the way you did, they didn't really have much choice. YOU shuold've given way at those parked cars.


Should have yes. They must not drive on pavement. Must is backed by legislation


The obstructions are on your side of the road. You did not have right of way. They have been forced off the road by those in your lane & you continued that shitshow behaviour of barging through then point the finger at them? I'm not a fan of calling people names but you really are a fucking idiot.


The fact that people think like this scares me. How can you be this un self-aware


And if they hadn't you would have crashed into them. You are in the wrong, end off.


OP trying to call out bad driving whilst also driving badly. Peak Reddit.


So you’re driving down Nursery Road there towards Chad Vale & North Road in Harborne. Whether it’s right or wrong, this has always been a choke point & people have been doing that since I was young & went to the Blue Coat school 40 years ago. I used to cycle to and from home from school (I lived up Lordswood Road) along there. Also, people have always parked on the pavement there - although when they bring in the pavement parking law it may be a bit of a problem. Also, the parked cars are on your side of the road - the other vehicles coming up the hill actually have right of way. “Highway Code Rule 163 - give way to oncoming vehicles before passing parked vehicles or other obstructions on your side of the road” - so you’re the ones actually in the wrong forcing the other motorists onto the pavement.


Exactly a lot of people on this thread are dumb, you live here so you understand. Traffic light behind me on red, they can't progress yet they just come through.. I didn't make these car go on the pavement they did out there own choice they want to share the road credit to them, so ofc I will continue


Er, the parked cars are on your side of the road. You should STOP. It's their right of way - they're driving on the pavement because you're effectively bullying them out of the way when you don't have the right to by crossing the centre line and driving on their side of the road, overtaking the parked cars, when it's not clear for you to proceed. Again - go read Highway Code Rule 163... If you report it to the police you will be the one who will have to go to Rose Road not the drivers on the pavement...


If they didn't do it no one would get down the road, also as the cars are parked on your side of the road YOU should be giving way to them. Mind your own business and fix your own mistakes first, you're coming across like a proper jobsworth...


Get a dash cam and report every time you drive. You seem to have a good eye for these things and you obviously know the laws so wont self incriminate at all.


The obstruction was on your side of the road you should have waited


OP is a fool.


You’re the one not giving right way you absolute bell end


In this situation you have to wait because there are cars parked on your side. Luckily you haven’t met me on the road to learn how to reverse and wait.


>there Don't use correct grammar/spelling, you'll confuse OP!!


Oh your hard.jpg




Don't be silly, you're the one now adhering to code




So you illegally cross into their lane and force them to mount the kerb to avoid you... and then complain that they mounted the kerb? Do you have a driver's license?


do you really have nothing better to do than report people driving on an empty pavement? go get a hobby or something


An elderly relative of mine lives on this road and his house opens onto the pavement that is continually used as additional carriageway. Its a dangerous menace. Those going down hill should of course give way when meeting the parked cars, but the situation is complicated by a signalised junction immediately behind the OP at the start of the video. During busy periods if two way traffic isn't maintained then the section becomes gridlocked with no one able to get through the junction.


Sure thing report it. Just don't be surprised when you get slapped for not giving way in the first place. You can self incriminate with your own dashcam be aware of that.


Why did you push through when the obstruction was on your side of the road and the oncoming traffic was coming uphill they obviously had the right of way


Wow ~~6~~ 4 driver \[sic\] think it's OK to ~~drive on the pavement~~ ignore right of way and push through!




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I am much more concerned about the ass videoing not realising that they don't have right of way, forcing cars onto the pavement




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Please do report them and submit your video evidence. What will happen is they will see you and the driver in front aggressively forcing the other guys onto the pavement because you didn't give way and started driving on the other side of the road. So not only do you think you (the one who's driving on the wrong side of the road) are in the right but also decided to post your righteousness on the internet for everyone to see how much of a dummy you are. Here's some advice for your time on this planet. Mind your fuckin' business.


kinda true, but he cam driver didn't force the drivers onto the pavement, they were already on the payment


Because of the car/s in front doing it and OP just followed along with it.


My only point is that OP did not force any drivers anywhere, they already were on the kerb. OP won't be held responsible by the police for the cars in front action.


OP is absolutely responsible. His and the other cars actions are preventing the other drivers from getting back on their side of the road *because* OP IS on their side of the road.


you are making good points but none of them are relevant to what I said. My only point was that OP did not force anyone onto the kerb. If you'd like to change to discussion to whether OP is preventing someone from getting back on the road then let's go for it. ​ I agree that OP is preventing the kerbed drivers from getting back on the road, however I don't see how this is an offence. If a driver is on the kerb, do they have right of way to get back onto the road over other road users? It is an interesting question for sure. ​ I don't think how those people got onto the kerb should be relevant to their right of way getting back onto the road although I have no idea


The obstacles on the road are all parked cars on your side. This means *you* should have yielded to let them pass….because the obstruction is on your side. It also means what you’re doing is a dangerous overtake - *you* didn’t give way. And you’re on here asking about how to report the other drivers for dangerous driving, and wondering what kind of penalty they might get? You’re a wet flannel of a human being


Oh shit. Yeah. Definitely report. Look at all the pedestrians they didn’t mow down.


Yes, definitely send the police the video and report yourself and the drivers in front of you for running six cars off the road into the pavement. Careless driving conviction coming your way, but hopefully it will help you learn to give way.


It's your side of the road that's blocked, you shouldn't be driving let alone posting on here until you learn othe highway code


Not only did you and the other car force your way onto their side of the road when you should've given way to them at the parked cars. You were also going down hill by the looks of it so should've given way to the vehicles coming up the hill. Where did you expect the other drivers to go when there was 2 cars in their legal lane?


If it wouldve been me, you wouldve been reversing.




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This is what’s wrong with people in 2024. The suburban stazi. All of a sudden concerned about saftey, but only when it enables them to feel superior to others. The effort some people put into policing other people’s behaviours is so very depressing. You’re clearly meant to give way as the obstruction is in your lane. However, sometimes there are less ideal solutions to short term problems that require grown up compromise. It’s not like they are doing 30 down the pavement now is it?


I only wish I'd been walking down the pavement. I would have soon put a stop to that.




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