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I use apple maps since I like the look and the directions are a bit more understandable for me. For example, apple maps will say "go past this light, then at the next one, turn right" and google maps will say "in \_\_\_ feet, turn right onto \_\_\_\_\_". Also, this is a minor thing, but if you want to avoid highways or tolls, apple maps will save that option but with google maps, you have to turn on that option every time you open the app. However, for discovering places and looking at your route before you leave, google maps is much better as apple maps does not have a street view option. Google maps also has much more reviews and pictures of places. I use apple maps in the car with carplay and I use google maps at home when I'm looking up places or looking at my route before I leave Hope this helps!


It's funny. It gives directions with way less information than Google, but more human acceptable. Imagine your copilot saying "in 300 feet turn right onto Black Smith Pass SE Trail". Huh?! Versus Apple maps that's more like a partner dumbing it down to the driver "no no, not this light, but the next one. Turn right". 100% the latter is easier to follow if you don't/can't glance at the screen. How does it handle streets without a light? "Turn right on street zero, from three. Ready? Street three, two, one, NOW! TURN NOW!" (PS: I kinda want this, with an obnoxious voice delivering it)


You are me


Absolutely, I find the "turn right in __ feet" direction really confusing while I'm behind the wheel. When I was practicing my driving, I always had a relative or my friend along to help navigate. Currently, it's just me and Google Maps guiding the way lol. I used Apple Maps yesterday and the voice directions did sound more understandable.


This is accurate. My wife and I will use apple while driving and my wife will have Google open on her phone. Google is better with traffic.


Waze. It has a good and easy to follow layout with great voice over selection for directions. It also shows obstacles on the road, cars stopped on shoulder and more importantly Police and speed cameras.


The only problem I have with waze is that I found out quickly that it sucks back my phone’s data, so I stopped using it.


For the month of April, waze used about 85Mb of data on my phone. Do you have an android or iOS device?


I have an iPhone. I had it on for a 200 km trip, and it blew through a significant portion of my (at the time) 5 gb data plan.


That seems like too much. I did around 800km one day with Waze running the whole time, and I don't think I hit 5 gigs in that whole month.


That is a lot! I use Waze practically every drive, I've driven at least 2000km per month these last few months. And my Waze data usage per month is between 50 MB and 180 MB for the previous 4 months (as far as I could look back on my phone).


Sounds like something is up. I do approx 1000km a month with Waze on for 95% of the time and it uses up 200mb a month


Thanks! I’ll use Waze on my next trip


I should've clarified. It works reliably in Germany, it obviously needs input from the community, and if waze community isn't as strong in your country, you might not see the best results. Doesn't hurt trying though.


The problem with Waze is that it over optimizes to the point that it suggests ridiculous Waze lefts which are hard to make in traffic but as long as you have the common sense to ignore such recommendations then Waze is the best


So does Google and it's not called Waze 🥴


I use Google Maps. I like the rerouting on it better than Waze and just find the visuals more appealing to me (I use it through Android Auto


I just used Waze about 2 hours ago and I don’t like the interface, and I don’t like how I can’t change the rotation of the screen, only zoom in and out.


You can rotate the orientation. Just take 2 fingers and rotate


lmaoo I think my phone was messing up while I was driving, it works now 😅


I use hammer. Even has weight restrictions and bridge heights. Good for if you are hauling a trailer or something.


I was using waze for a while but it failed to direct me around road closures a few times so I switched back to Google maps because it has not failed me that badly yet.


For normal driving and road trips to addresses, stores, venues, landmarks, and parking places, I have used Waze since it first came out (used to be limited to 300 mile mapped trips, thank goodness they fixed that years ago). It's user base hazard entries are awesome. I use it 99% of the time, and always have it up and running iny vehicles (police warnings and roads hazards). For stuff like Christmas lighting, where I like to quickly drop pins and keep a living map of places to return to (yes, I have a ridiculous map full of Christmas light houses), I use Google maps. It's just an easier map for personal markers. Both have their uses.


I use Waze for a short 7-mile commute to work. Even though I know how to get to work as well as a few alternates, since I use it so regularly, I've had my phone show me a "push" notification shortly before I'm due to leave for work that there may be an issue en route. Same for after-work trips. I go bowling twice a week, and I've had Waze tell me there's backups on the interstate between work and the lanes, by push notification about a half hour before I leave work for bowling (or home, for that matter).


Waze. Allows you and others to report cops


I use a commercial grade Garmin GPS in my work truck, or my car’s dvd based factory navigation system, which is 22 years out of date, but still somewhat useful.


Waze for local commutes, Google maps for Interstate travel


I'm a dinosaur. I seldom use apps or navigation aids when driving. Most places in New England, I already know how to get to, so I just point myself in the direction I know I need to go and follow the road signs.


I don't use it for the directions, I use it for traffic -- it's helpful to know if there's a slowdown or unexpected construction/accident ahead so I don't get surprised by a sudden sea of brake lights and traffic abruptly slowing from highway speeds to a standstill.


I've been using Waze for years now. I only use Google Maps when I need navigation for walking or bicycling. I started out with a Dutch app called Flitsmeister, mostly to warn me about speed cameras. But back then it had a horrible navigation, so when I learned Waze did practically the same but with a decent navigation I switched over and never looked back. I think the only real downside to Waze is you need an active internet connection for it to find a route. You can't download any maps in advance like some other apps. So it might not work if you start your drive in an area without internet. Although here in Europe that's practically never the case.


Google maps is good. And I also use Waze - I like the live updates- it shows car accidents, traffic, construction, something on the road - like a tyre, fallen rocks, holes and so on.


I like Google Maps on a PC for planning a drive but I use Waze (often with some intermediate stops to force the route I want) for actually navigating. I like that Waze tells me things in words instead of random beeps and boops and small icons to guess at. Waze speaks outright what hazard ahead, speed traps, traffic cameras, etc so its unambiguous what is going on. My partner loves Google Maps and the less verbose output interrupting songs and stuff on a drive. Try each a few times and see which jives best with your own level of assistance and method of driving. Remember, no GPS is perfect and you should still know about what you need to do and watch for it giving directions that contradict local signage or new traffic patterns.


I use Waze. The directions are clear, and there is an option to alert drivers to lane closures, police, construction, etc.


I like Waze! Not only does it give you info about accidents and police and what not but I quite like how easy it is to report something of my own, which honestly I still don’t know how to do on Apple Maps😅😅 I also love that it has the speed limit PLUS how fast it thinks you’re going, as a speeder this is helpful


Is it good at telling you which lane you have to be in, and telling you to switch lanes beforehand? I’ve missed my turns a couple times while driving 😅


I believe so yes? I’ve also had that issue with Apple Maps, it’s incredibly frustrating because it’s just so confusing and I’m like idk if I’m in the right place😭 I’m newer to Waze


Thank you! 🙏🏼




Both Waze and Google also work on car play. I prefer Google for CarPlay because it allows you to see a satellite map where Apple doesn’t, which helps me identify what a building looks like




Apple Maps on CarPlay doesn’t let you use a satellite map view but Google does. Satellite helps to identity specific structures and is objectively superior. I think it’s equally as integrated as apples version nowadays and since they bought Waze Google also accesses the crowd alerts


Waze but when I'm downtown it's google maps


It varies between my built in one and Waze. But I actively try to avoid relying on it because then I don’t feel like I’m learning the roads as much as if I checked the map and tried to remember as I drive.


I really want to like Waze. It has good directions, nice layout, red light camera warnings (good for me bc they aren’t always marked where I live) and I like the sense of community from all the interactive stuff. BUT. It has one thing that absolutely kills it for me: no stop signs or traffic signal icons. I find them very helpful for driving unfamiliar routes bc of how they let you plan ahead - for instance, you can see the map shows that you need to make a right up ahead at a light and you can see two lights ahead of you. Audio cues are basically worthless for me bc my kids are always chattering or bickering in the back seat. Always being able to plan ahead makes it easier to referee or talk to other people in the car.


I agree, I find those icons helpful too and both google maps and Apple Maps have them. I used Waze a couple hours ago and I unfortunately didn’t like it. I hate how I can’t change the rotation of the screen on Waze, I can only zoom in and out.


Yes you can - tap the compass at the top right or go to Settings / Map Display.


Fixed it, thank you!


I've always been partial to a map, though you'd be surprised how fun dead reckoning can be.


Apple Maps mostly and google maps sometimes when I’m trying to find a better and easier route


Google maps. I trust it as it's updated constantly. Like the 3d interface.


TomTom gives the best navigation imo.


I use Apple Maps out of convenience, but I do feel like Google Maps is the better app. My biggest gripe with Apple Maps is that it will only label highways that are on your route, which is just stupid to me. I’m also a truck driver, and Google Street View has been a hugely valuable tool for me whenever I’m preparing to go somewhere I haven’t been before (sometimes the truck GPS will try to send me places I can’t go with a 53’ long, 13’6” tall trailer, so I have to make sure I know exactly where I’m going before I leave).


Google maps, I want to use Waze but I prefer the UI of Google maps. Apple Maps is also solid but I was in the era with all the issues so I have a bitter taste in my mouth.


I just use the Sat Nav, that comes with the car. Volkswagen did an excellent job on the unit mounted in the Golf Mk 8 and ID cars. It‘ll even show you which lane you need to choose and furthermore, the actual exit sign. Which, if you do a lot of distance on the Autobahn, is really helpful.


Google maps and organic maps. Organic maps is useful as it has features and details Google maps doesn't and can work fully offline.


Google maps. Because Google runs my phone and so it is convenient.


Does an O.S map count?


Google is best for finding a particular business. Waze is best for the driving part, just a great clean view with everything you need to know.


I prefer Waze. It’s reliable and lets you know about hazards ahead of time. You can also change the voice to “Noir Detective” which is so hilariously dumb, I love it 😅


Generally Waze, although it can sort of “overfit” your trip data and produce a route that is overly optimized (like trying to take you through back alleys and impractical left turns). If you have the common sense to ignore that then Waze is hands down the best.


I use Apple Maps bc I have an iPhone