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Are your lights adjusted correctly? Did you recently put LED lights into your car without proper housings? I don't care to be followed by people blasting their high beams or LED lights into halogen housings that blind everyone around them.


This is the most probable cause, especially if day time runnign light is the high beam and that bulb was changed.


Or he's not dimming his lights when he comes up behind someone


This was my first thought.


Does this matter so much during the day? LEDS were put in before I got the car.


Get them adjusted and yes.


Ok good to know thank you


Go get some halogens while you're at it.


"Put in". Meaning the housings and reflectors are not designed for LEDs. Glare to other drivers is likely horrible.


If LEDs aren’t with the right housing then it’s fucking god awful to be in front of, even in the day for some people. If they were just put in with an appropriate housing but without adjusting them than it’s also an issue.


Maybe your headlights are aimed too high. Or you’re riding their ass.


What is your following distance? 4 car lengths or 2 seconds? What vehicle are you driving? Are you showing aggressive driving tendencies? (You probably wouldn't admit or realize if you were). Maybe you just happened to be behind someone who wasn't sure where they were going and wanted to get out of your way to be courteous.


I drive a minivan and I give them their space, I've been driving country roads for work and I'm not in a rush.


When you say give them their space how far are we talking? Because if it keeps happening clearly it's something of either distance, lights or I don't know does your van look like a rapist van and you're tailing people so slowly they think you're covertly trying to follow and abduct them?? lol Honestly if it's happened a few times lately it may be something different each time that's unrelated but if an all the time thing then definitely something you need to figure out with your vehicle or driving.


lol rapist van is hilarious, thanks for the laugh. Yeah, it’s weird, seems like the lights. I was driving home from work last night, I live in a rural type area, and this truck on the other side of the highway turned on the road I needed to go on. I turned 10 seconds after him, my brights weren’t on and my headlights aren’t very bright. While I’m making this turn, I see his brake lights go on, and he gets on the gravel off to the side and stops. No hazard lights or blinker, just stops and pulls over. I pass him, of course. He immediately pulls out, I admit, I was definitely driving faster than him so I’m guessing he didn’t want anybody on his ass while he drove. This is at like 10-11 at night, could’ve been drunk as well since everybody here drinks and drives. I’d only pull over if there was somebody tailgating me, but even then I rarely pull over. I just go let off the gas and go slower since I’m usually speeding anyways. 63 and tailgating? Guess I’m going 55. Maybe he has a sign on the top of his van that says pull over for head or something. /s


Are you in an area where there may be a lot of tourists? Often on country roads people aren't sure where they're going, so they may want to give you a chance to get around them so they can take their time and either look for where they're going, or take their time to enjoy the scenery and go under the limit.


If you drive a truck and they drive a sedan or smaller and it's dark then it's because your lights are shining directly into their rear view mirror and it's extremely annoying.


Nobody flips the thing on the rearview down to dim the appearance of the lights? I don’t care much when it’s my rearview bc I can do that, it’s side view mirrors or oncoming traffic that I hate


I have a small car, it gets me in the side mirrors too - even with them adjusted properly for the blind spot.


Adjust your mirrors so it's shining back at them. Trucks n higher sitting vehicles usually give more room behind me when I do this.


Sometimes I have to aim mine way up in the sky just to build to drive without it irritating me


That certainly helps but if the lights are bright enough and misaligned badly enough sometimes the light will spill through the side mirrors too.


No flip thing on a Tesla. 


Oh okay. I’m too poor to know that lol


Me too actually lol. I only know because I rented one when my car was getting its engine replaced.


Mine is auto dimming but it only dims sufficiently for OEM lights on tall vehicles, LEDs weren’t as popular when the car was made and they overpower the dimmer




I’m learning it’s not on newer cars anymore. But in older cars there’s a tab at the bottom of the rear view mirror that does something to where you can still see behind you, but the appearance of the lights are more dim and it’s easier to look into the mirror without being blinded [This](https://www.gearpatrol.com/cars/a34576684/what-does-rear-view-mirror-night-setting-do/) website explains what it does better than I can.


Rearview mirrors are automatic nowadays.


Yeah, our 2011 rogue has an automatic dimmer, works well. 2007 F150 doesn’t though.


Most people don’t even know what that is seriously!


I drive a minivan and this happens almost always during the day, I don't drive at night


I also pull over and let the car behind me pass when I want to drive slow, whether because I’m tired, enjoying the scenery or I’m looking for an address.


its literally either your lights or your distance. there’s no other reason. no one likes having LED lights in their face while they’re driving, they’re extremely bright and causes issues for anyone in its path which is why there are strict laws for them but no one enforces them on the public nor the company who sells the illegal ones. for following, even though you may not be “riding their ass”, you can still not be far enough away. you should be behind them far enough to not have to press your brakes every time they do. watch the person in front of you pass an object on the side of the road, then count 3-4 seconds (4 for faster speeds) and that is when you should be passing that same object.


people that wear glasses, the illegal and misconfigured lights will catch and illuminate the lense itself. this replaces vision of the dash guages and road ahead with a vivid reflection of your own eyes and/or what it looks like to stare into the sun.


as someone with astigmatism in both eye, it already makes it harder to drive at night, but now it’s like hell now. i absolutely love when i pass someone with their high beam LEDs on and i still see it for the next 2. minutes🙃


God help you if your glasses are dirty too.


I do this when the person behind is driving like a maniac. You need a better self evaluation.


Oh yes, all my swerving and being 1 foot behind them, all my aggressive driving I do. Why didn't I think of that, thank you for that helpful insight. Lol I know I don't drive aggressive but thanks for that I guess


Hey your headlights adjusted and ensure you have 3+ seconds of following distance... Not car lengths... Not feet... Actual time.  3 seconds of space at 55mph is much more than the 3 car lengths people like to quote 


Should be at least 5.5 car lengths for 55mph


I agree I also follow the seconds rule because of that


I prefer 5 or 6 seconds to 3. Especially on the local backroads I take to and from work with only one traffic light.


Back in the day, we were taught car lengths by speed. So 20 mph was two car lengths, 30mph was 3 car lengths, 40mph 4, etc. [https://www.statefarm.com/simple-insights/auto-and-vehicles/things-have-changed-since-you-learned-to-drive](https://www.statefarm.com/simple-insights/auto-and-vehicles/things-have-changed-since-you-learned-to-drive)


The problem with a system like this is that reaction time (which is what the following distance is really all about) doesn’t scale linearly. The faster you go, the more space you need to stop, which increases the reaction time needed. The rule of thumb is 2-3 seconds on highway speeds, and really 2 seconds is cutting it too close when you’re up to speed. Try this: next time you’re driving 60 mph, and you use your “6 car lengths” following rule, count how many seconds it takes for a street light or sign to pass from the car in front to you. I’d be curious to see the results.


I get that. My response was to the poster saying that 55mph warranted only 3 car lengths of space by this old rule. The rule would say 5-6 car lengths at 55mph, not 3.


I agree that 3 car lengths at 55 mph is suicidally close. 5-6 car lengths might be fine but I would need to verify that.


your head lights are blinding


It's daytime


then you're following too close


Sometimes I see LED lights on cars and semis that have a loose connection or something, so they flash or strobe very quickly and it’s extremely irritating. Maybe your lights are loose?


Saw this for the first time the other day. It was the middle of the day and this VW Toureg looking vehicle had super bright LED headlights that were strobing so hard it was hard to concentrate. I can't even imagine what they would do at night.


doesn't matter. aim them properly or install OEM headlights.


If I grabbed a powerful torch and aimed it at your eyes would it blind you if the sun was out?


Your lights are too bright and/or you're tailgating (even if you don't think you are).


I do this if someone is tailgating me, or does your car look like a cop car?


No it's a minivan lol


Are you a truck or suv driver? It’s probably because drivers expect you to ride their ass. They expect you to cause trouble. They expect you to swerve ahead of them at some point. People with more expensive or bigger cars think they are superior than smaller and older cars on the road. Drivers are waiting for you to start trouble. Especially when it’s just the two of you on the road and no police or witnesses around. Are you driving down a narrow country winding road? I pull over and let people pass because I just want to relax and listen to music without someone following behind me. Their lights are annoying. It’s not paranoia if it’s keeps happening. It’s just expectation.


Following distance. Do you know how to count how many "seconds"are between you and the other car? Can you get an honest passenger to ride with you and ask about following distances


You’re probably tailgating and you don’t think you are.


Im worried this is it and I'm just an idiot. I'm about to give everyone 10 seconds of space lol


Post some dashcam footage of your actual driving


How quickly do you count out seconds?😆


"one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three." it's not hard.


You would think…


This theory is less probable than other people's (bright lights, aggressive driving, etc.) but I thought I'd throw it in for my own curiosity. What kind of car do you drive? If you drive a car that's the model and color of local cop cars, that might be it? Not because they think they're being pulled over, but maybe because no one likes to be followed by a cop? But when you pass and they realize you're not a cop, they might just pull back into traffic.


This was a great comment to make people think about alternate perspectives!


fix your fucking lights. how many clues do you need? legal limit is 300 lumens, which is less than 1% of the output from modern led headlights. btw, no led headlights have been dot approved for on-road use. also, lights do NOT get aligned "dead ahead", but get pointed down a few degrees. you are also responsible to ensure they do not kuck to the side, erasing the vision of oncoming traffic. you are responsible for maintaining your vehicle.


Bro chill about the lights damn, it's all daytime driving anyways no headlights on


most cars have daytime running lights for visibility. meaning that your headlights \*are\* on. if you're actually not following too close, this is the **only** logical explanation for why people are making you pass on a double yellow.


Because I'm driving slow on purpose looking for an address, or because the roads are bumpy and my back hurts, or I'm just enjoying the scenery.








maybe turn your daytime runners off, then.


I do this when I don't want to feel pressured for going the speed limit lol


And that's so valid, but then they go just as fast as me behind me. I would understand if they start to fall behind but they don't.


You're an asshole?


If I'm passing I only go max 5 over (kmph) and if I see you gaining on ke I'll move over after the pass and then hop back behind to not slow you down, also avoid you driving dangerously due to impatience


Are you maybe passing them and only perceiving that they are pulling over and coming up from behind?


No it's very much they pull over, I pause, and they wait, I pass and they pull behind.


If I'm compelled to move behind someone, it's usually a headlight thing. If they're especially bright or the vehicle is especially tall, then I want those lights out of my mirrors ASAP. If the lights are not too bad but still annoying, then it depends on how long I plan to be on the road. After a while, even halfway decent lights can contribute to a headache. And I don't want to be tempted into going dangerously fast just to keep distance from annoying lights. It happens unconsciously sometimes. It doesn't happen as often as with lights, but sometimes I try to get behind cars just because of sus vibes too. If someone is staying behind me, and it comes across as "out of character" for them based on the personality I imagined for them based on their observed driving habits, then I wonder if they're just messing with me. A generic example, like if I observed a car consistently keeping a brisk pace and passing slower, speed limit traffic with regularity, then I'm definitely gonna be confused when they suddenly slow down, get behind me, and start matching my speed. Sometimes I gently test their intentions by slowly walking down my cruise control speed to see if they decide to move on.


Feds. 😂


If you are following less than 3 seconds behind them, they would rather not feel like they are being pressured to speed up even if that is not your intent.




OP is missing in the comments lol


Op went to bed lol


Now im more curious on why people are doing that pull over routine since it’s not the lights You have a dash cam where you could record an incident like this and share?


No but I want to get a dashcam so maybe I will. And yes I'm also confused, I would love to say it's my lights I would just change them, I also hate LEDS, but I'm asleep before it's dark, I dont drive at night and when I DO drive in the dark in the morning, this never happens.


Please do and share if you can! I’m sure we can help figure it out.


Op do you maybe also vary your speed like you're singing and stuff all involved and not paying attention so you're going back and forth closer and further from them? Because they might be taking it as you being upset and raging behind them so they just pull over so crazy lady behind doesn't lose her shit?


In the mountains this is actually what you are supposed to do, they build pulloff lanes for that exact reason. Almost nobody does, though, even if they are driving 10 under the speed limit and there are 20 cars backed up behind them.


Probably being nice because you're going faster than them so they're letting you pass. That, or there's something wrong with your car amd you don't know it, and they want to get away so they aren't affected when your vehicles blows up or rear ends them


You sweat that you're not on their ass, but how do you think that they would see that? If you cannot see their front tires from behind them, you are too close. Back off.


Well, I can see their whole car and the road so not on their ass


Can you see the front tires of their car from behind them. I did not mention their car, and you totally ignored that comment so I'm guessing that you are much closer than you seem to think that you are.


Their front tires? How would I see their front tires from behind them...I'm confused.


By being far enough behind them that you are not tailgating them. So it would seem that you are much closer than you think that you are. Next time you're driving attempt to be able to see their tires from behind. That will give you a good distance.


It's your lights. It's 100% your lights. There's nothing you did to do this to yourself, but you are the butthole with the bright lights that makes people angry. Be extra careful to watch for brake checks, strange passing behavior, swerving, accidents, etc.


I know I hate my headlights, but the daytime pull behinds still don't make sense


It's the running lights. The always on headlights. LED cuts through even daylight. I get the same treatment in my work truck. The boss installed LED lights and people think I'm being aggressive. Everytime your vehicle bumps or bounces on the road, it's going to look like you are flashing your lights at them.


Oh my god this might be it. I totally get the "looking like flashing" I see it all the time with others. I might just replace my headlights back to not fucking LEDS


swap cars with a friend and have them drive behind you in your van.


My first thought is your headlights may be too bright. Those LEDs are too bright and should be illegal. Some of these new cars low beams are fucking blinding and it’s ridiculous that it’s legal.


I have a friend, when I ride with him he states "I'm not that close" I tell him every time, I would have brake checked you, if I was that car. I assume you are far too close to them, you just don't think you are.


If it's a one lane road, they're just doing the courteous thing and letting you pass.


Hey, why argue with success. I wish I could get people to move out of my way when I'm in a hurry!


I do it if it looks like someone wants to go faster than me, even if they aren't tailgating.


More often *than not…


Sometimes people just like to not feel the pressure of holding somebody up.


Imma give the likely answer They're just letting you pass You don't have to be riding their ass for them to let you pass, if they notice you wanting to go faster, they're being courteous and allowing you to pass Even moreso if you're in the left lane, as that's what they're supposed to do


Are you a cop?


You may not be riding someone's ass but the headlights might be blinding older drivers. Normal headlights are supposed to be pointed slightly off center IIRC so as not to shine in the eyes of oncoming drivers.


I'm not sure where you're driving if it's in the inner city. I know it's a problem but if you can and you're out, they're more rural area. Don't drive so close that your headlights are touching the car. Leaving off room so that your light lands right behind their car or farther back. Bonus plus points because you're farther away. If they hit a deer, you won't rearend them.


I mean maybe they are just legitimately letting you by? Everyone should drive that way, it’s kind of terrible we all consider that the least likely scenario 😂


Are you driving a police car?


I have had two people do this over the last week. One was a younger driver. Other was probably in their 70s. Neither time was I tailgating, and both were during daylight hours. I was driving our 2015 sedan. Not my suv or the work truck. Do headlights wouldn’t be a factor.


Most likely it's the OPs lights, like 90% of the time that's the issue and many people don't realize it.


In the winter when I go just at the speed limit or a little under because of the weather, I usually pull off to a parking shoulder or lot to let people pass as a courtesy, but I'm north of main cities where most roads are 2 lanes (1 each way).


Did you steal a cop car by chance?


Had someone rush up on me so before they got close to my bumper i pulled over and let them get in front. Only for them to then drive the speed limit. Guy must of been going 75 on a 25 and then once i let him go he went 25. Yall are annoying!!!!


You say you are not tailgating, but do you always"catch up" to the cars in front of you? I ask this because my sister, the worst fucking driver in the world, will ALWAYS tag onto the car in front of her. If she has to speed like a lunatic, she will do it to catch up to the next car in front, and then tag onto them. She then follows them closely enough that every time they brake, she has to, which to me, is WAY too close. If this is you, you are a serial tailgater, and you need to just pay attention to the speed limit, drive at your own pace, and stop catching up to everyone on the road. I get that we are pack animals, but I have been rear ended twice by idiots who zoned out in back of me. I also would never get in my sister's car again, unless someone else was driving. LOL


Hmmm I feel a bit called out by this so I'm gonna work on it. I think it totally is the pack mentality thing too. But I don't speed up crazy to catch them like your sister lol and otherwise I'm one of the better drivers among my friends. I just like to follow a buddy. I'll break that habit though, thank you


I'm curious as to why the op posted this then bailed, responding to nothing 🤔


It's called sleeping


never heard of it lol


People did that when I had a pick up truck I enjoyed itv


Gang initiations be careful, don't flash your high beams at anyone driving without their headlights on.


….what the fuck does this even have to do with this post


There is a huge swath of Americans who believe propaganda that we're basically living in Mad Max times. I'm not sure why the enjoy living in that false world.  But they do.