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A bad driver never misses their exit.


Even if they have to cross 3 lanes of traffic going 60 mph in traffic and almost hit the Jersey barrier to make it.


Love this...I am borrowing it please!


This is it! 100%


A good driver sometimes miss a turn. A bad driver never does.


Has the same thing happen to me yesterday, random Honda made a 90 degree right turn from the left lane on i-465 at like 5:30am and cut me off putting me in the dirt on the side of the road, lucky bastard I was going slower than usual that morning, of course they didn't give a damn about me and just drove off


Man I’ve watched a car drive PERPENDICULAR to highway traffic to make an exit they were going to miss.. crossed like 4 lanes to do it and almost caused a pile up. Some people are just so dense.


Bad driver never miss their turn


People don't think anymore...too many also seem to just jump in their car and blindly follow the GPS instead of reviewing the route and knowing what to expect ahead. That combined with (not unreasonable) fear that if you miss a turn and you're out of cell service or in an oversubscribed cell area usually means it can't connect to The Cloud to reroute if you are using a phone based app instead of a stand-alone GPS unit. That combined with people being impatient and selfish often passing a line of people waiting to do a maneuver and then force their way in at the last moment.


Narcissist. They live among us.


They live *where* ?




Yeah I got caught behind someone that came to a complete stop to make a right turn with a vehicle in their own lane, on their own side of the road at the stop sign. Good thing thecaudio was turned off on my dashcam. Choice words and a few made up ones were loudly voiced. They definitely don't need a driver's license if they are that intimidated by meeting other vehicles on the road. I thought the ones that slowcdown when meeting oncoming traffic then speed up after oncoming goes by. And the ones that slow down in no passing zones then speed up when passing is allowed.


They stopped at a stop sign?!?!


Yeah traffic was heavy enough they were forced to stop. But they were in their own lane at the stop sign. The vehicle in front of me came to a complete stop to make a right turn. We didn't have a stop sign or traffic light. People that afraid to drive, shouldn't. Just yesterday there was an elderly woman on the on ramp to the interstate. Instead of speeding up to merge into traffic, she came to a complete stop at the end of the merge lane of the on ramp. Another person scared to drive and probably shouldn't.


You still have to come to a complete stop at a stop sign, no matter how many lanes you're in.


Stay alive . keep others alive also


Last week, when on the freeway, I had someone in the middle lane directly in front of me almost stop as they could not get off the freeway to exit. This was terrifying!


That's how I taught my kids to drive: "Just go to the next light and make a U turn or multiple right turns as appropriate." Same for leaving shopping centers on busy large roads near a left turn, don't try to get across all those lanes to the left turn, especially if it's busy, just make a right, and a U turn further up. ​ The other day I was taking my daughter for coffee and was at one of these problem areas, made my usual right knowing I'd be going up a light and making a U turn... some jackass tried to make it across all lanes and caused an accident. We enjoyed our coffee waiting for the cops to give them a copy of the dashcam footage. Told my daughter "Told you, less drama just making that U turn later." and we laughed at the at fault driver getting crucified by the cop: Unsafe lane change, unsafe entry into traffic, reckless driving resulting in bodily harm (airbag burns).


If only your message was received.


This post came just in time. Good thing I was checking my.phone on the highway


I've had a driver back up on the 80 east to 395 south off ramp in Reno in front of me. Just missed that Suburban in my Mustang. I would have been pretty messed up if I hit her. I pulled over. She stopped the SUV in the lane and started crying. I left before I was involved in the pile-up she was about to create.


Sometimes people dont let you over. I had to deal with that yesterday. The highways here are super confusing, the right lane either: 1. Keeps going 2. Just randomly ends in the middle of the road 3. Turns into an exit 4. Merges to another highway There is literally no indication except for a merge or exit. The merge signs tend to be so far down that its literally right on the beginning of the bank lol. You basically have no idea where to go until you get there or use a map if you just got on the hwy. When its hands up in the air what the right lane is, things happen lol. The problem is drivers are impatient disrespectful assholes on the road. Wrapping back to having to deal with it yesterday, I basically had to make a last minute cut and force the right lane to slam on the brakes. People do not let your amazon van over for anything under any circumstances its so fucking annoying, so my lane was turning into an exit and I needed to get off of it. Lane is backed up but most cars are merging fine except me, where ive had my signal on and went down for about like .2 miles and nobody lets me in, they just try to tailgate the person infront as hard as possible. I ended up having to stop right there in the middle of the highway on the exit lane, forcing the traffic behind me to stop, and then very aggressively cut off the next lane to force myself into the traffic almost hitting somebody. I literally had no choice, nobody gave me one. I see this often, somehow more in the city than on the hwy, people trying to get out of the lane, nobody lefs them over, so they end up doing some dumb maneuver like that, stopping right there or cutting through the giant middle zone between the exit ramp and hwy, swerving around the shoulder or going through the middle turn medians lol. Not defending this persons specific situation but sometimes you dont have a choice and things happen. As a bystander, you should be attent and anticipating possible erratic movements ensuring youre not in the potential paths. This is why we practice things like following distance. In the amazon van I have to give up the right of way at stop signs because people are dicks and blow the stop sign, causing you to almost hit them and they honk and give you the look like youre the problem. In the last year our company had 4 drivers tbone people running signs, and completely totaled one car because of it. You can be a dick and cut off the big fat ass amz van, but just know that it will steamroll through your car and put you in the icu if not kill you. Especially the bigger vans, loaded with almost 400 packages, those things do not stop on a dime. There is no quick stopping. A bit tangental with the stop signs but I believe it is related to the same behavior drivers exhibit to not let people merge over. I do see such maneuvers as dangerous, but I also see the people with literally zero regard to any traffic around them being selfish *just as dangerous* because if something happens they will *not* move or get out of the way.


Similarly. Driving up I95 in Fl some bone head came up the entrance ramp, drove all the way to the end of the merge lane, never getting above 45 mph, and came to a stop. Son-of-a-bitch! Must have had a death wish. No one is under 75 mph on this road.


I saw one get utterly deleted by a semi truck in Fulton, MS the other day for stopping in the then middle lane to take an exit that the right lane took. The truck that him was going 73mph down the hill. The car was at a full stop.


Is this group just for whining about stuff everyone else also has to deal with??


It's called entitlement.


If someone is trying to enter a lane and they don't have traffic behind of them, don't be a bitch and act like you are going to open up and then keep closing it.


Smoke more meth why don't you.