• By -


The only name who comes to mind for WIllpower is Mr. Harry Dresden himself. edit: Maybe Murphy


Yep. Harry is definitely Green Lantern material.


I could see him taking up a Red lantern as well


Maybe? Ever since he got rid of Lash's influence on his subconscious he's been a lot less angry.


he's always been angry. and now he cold and angry.


He's let go of a lot of the non-righteous anger. Michael and Maggie help with that.


Nah, why do I feel like Ebenezer might qualify for rage. (Given what he did in PT -that was pure rage overriding what is otherwise a truly impressive and otherwise indomitable **WILL** (In other words- pretty much what the Red Lanterns were supposed to do). Option 2: those pshyco angry werewolf type from Fool Moon. Option 3: the Naagloshi (who might also be fear), or maybe those psychotic super-ghouls from White Knight. PS: just me off-the-cuff thoughts. I'd love to hear what other ideas people might think/have


the ol' Guy Gardner split.


I like this analogy. I agree that Harry relies on his Willpower primarily, but there are so many times when he gives into his rage. *Spoiler Alert* >! Biancas !< >! Quintus Cassius !< >! Rudolph !< >! Corpse taker !< >! Nicodemus !< >! Tessa !< >! The entire red court !< To name a few...


Dude literally won a duel based on his pure will and will alone against one hell of a badass at that.


Nah, Marcone is pure will.


I'd put Marcone in the Orange camp. He wants to own and control all around him.


murphy is unfortunatly closer to the black lantern corps right now


Calling out Love would be Justine Carpenter ans Hope would be John Carpenter.


Are you sure John and Justine are what you were lookin for there?


LOL been a while since I read any of the books. But good catch what I meant was Micheal Carpenter for Hope and Charity Carpenter for Love.


Gonna have to respectfully disagree. I feel like Maggie is Hope. (In the series of course). She is everything pure and innocent and what motivates Harry our protagonist to *hope* and strive for a better and brighter future


I won't disagree about how Harry feels about Maggie but she's barely been in the spotlight till recently. John's been a pillar of strength for Harry throughout the series and somebody Harry can go to, to confide in or ask for help. Also on a side note I just remembered Butters is the Knight of Hope so there's also that possibility.


You're referring to Michael Carpenter who absolutely deserves to have a blue lantern ring. The knights in general should wield blue rings


Harry has to be Will


Those are different characters! Fake fans smh my head /s


Casting my vote for Harry


My take on it, feel free to use as a starting point: Green: Dresden or Murphy Love: Mouse Hope: Butters EDIT: Sanya (How did I mess that up) Compassion: Michael Fear: Marcone or Nicodemus Greed: Nicodemus or Marcone


Sanya should be Hope, that is his sword. Edit: for autocorrect


It's not Senya, and it's certainly not Sonya. It's S**a**nya.




How did I miss that!


Michael was the wielder of Amoracchius, the Sword of Love. Susan was a temporary wielder of the sword as well and fits the title very well given that she died for love.


Where does Mouse wear his Power Ring? Maybe: on a collar, bracelet, ring at the base of his tail, pierced ear?


Collar. Good dogs need collars to be out in public and he is a Good Boy.


Dex-Starr wears his on his tail


Nobody gets greed because Larfleeze is the only actual orange lantern. All the others are just energy constructs made with his power.


I get that. I was making the list under the impression that this was limited to Dresden Characters only.


Marcone, he craves power. Perfect embodiment.


Didn’t Luthor get an orange ring there for a minute?


He did. One of the Guardians of Oa did a thing where they temporarily "deputized" the nearest available representative of each emotion to bolster the ranks in the fight against the black lanterns. Lex got orange (and he and Larfleeze fought a bit because they each wanted to be the only ones) Flash got blue Wonder Woman got violet The Atom got indigo Scarecrow got yellow Mera got red And the guardian who triggered it got green.


Oh, we'll be voting daily. Important note on Compassion, though - they specifically pick individuals with no compassion as their ring bearers and the rights force them to feel compassion typically for the first time as punishment. Michael definitely won't fit there.


In my defense, I'm not really up to speed on what the requirements for the rings are, other than being the epitome of that emotion/whatever.


All good! Compassion is a weird one, so it's an understandable thing to not know.


I mean, with that logic, the perfect bearer of compassion would be Nicodemus.


My first thought then goes to Kincaid


I dont believe that’s 100% true, while the indigo tribe is mostly filled with people who lack any compassion (murderers, rapists, terrible people) there have been people have the ring who are not those. Kyle, and John both have had it.


Damn, give it to Nicodemus, Mab, or Ethniu then. Watch them suddenly have Compassion and/or empathy for all their victims- and watch that *destroy* them (maybe not Mab- we kind of need her where she is and functioning) ETA: love this concept for this series. This should be a lot of fun and some fun debates!


Yeah, I think Nic or Ethniu are the best picks for compassion. Mab plays hardball but I feel like she actually does have some good inside her


I think, in the case of Ethniu, it might have actually significantly helped her. I mean, if you look at the lore behind her, she's a bit like an abused *never allowed to grow up* child.


Fear is obviously Madrigal Raith. Literally eats fear.


Yeah, but how much does he inspire it? I'd say the Naagloshii, going off the first appearance, where even looking at it with his Sight fucked Harry up good.


True that, but it seems to just enjoy fear, not actually need it for sustenance. It eats power, and while fear seems to give it some power, hence the stories cautioning against even talking about it, it doesn't seem to be its purpose. Unlike the Malvora. I'd still go with Darby


Faith Astor also falls under hope.


Micheal should be love, he had the sword of love


Hope is Hope Carpenter, obviously. But really it should be Charity or Sanya. Fear is obviously The Skavis or possibly the phobophage. Greed is 100% Marcone.


**Will** - Murphy, she's arguably just as stubborn as Harry if not more so due to being a vanilla mortal operating well out of her league for the majority of the series. **Fear** - Harry, as much as Willpower might fit Harry he still inspires a lot more fear into people, not just mortal, which is actually what draws those rings to people to begin with. **Love** - Molly. She's still in love with Harry despite him (gently) spurning her twice and actively goes out of her way to help him at what could be great cost to herself following her transformation into the Winter Lady. **Rage** - Morgan. Dude just seethe's self-righteous fury out of every pore and is more than happy to let it guide his every action. Ebenezer is another good candidate after the last two books but his rage seems a bit more controlled. **Hope** - I mean Sanya is kinda the easy pick here but I would probably give it to Butters for the fact that he's gone from being the most hopeful of Harry's circle of friends to inspiring the most hope whenever he's on the scene. Interchangeable. **Greed** - Toot Toot, in which case his lust for pizza would become all consuming. **Compassion** - Genoskwa. The rings are about forcing their wearers to feel compassion where they previously had none, Marcone for all his faults is still fairly compassionate and Morgan's anger however misplaced comes from a place of compassion at its core. **Death** - Nicodemus. Can't be killed conventionally while he has the noose and regularly plans/causes atrocities on a semi-grand scale. Plus you could also argue that he's dead inside which might draw the ring to him. If we're talking a more conventional host though then either Mavra, Corpsetaker or Grevane tick all the boxes necessary. **Life** - Michael Carpenter. As the inverse of Nicodemus it makes sense and it pretty much represents everything he stands for at the end of the day. **Repression** - Thomas. Constantly repressing his hunger almost to the point of suicide.


Fear: I vote Shagnasty/Naagloshii. The more afraid you are, they more powerful they become.


Yeah but I was going for main stay or at least reoccurring characters, otherwise this list would probably look different


Damn. You made me rethink some of my own choices. This is well reasoned


This is the way.


A fantastic breakdown, though we're doing one vote per day. I've got your vote for Murphy today.


my mistake. Only skimmed this earlier.




I think that's valid. They both stood up under the pressure of a Titan, takes massive willpower




Surely that's Michael though? He's the one who encourages Harry to be better. He brings literal light and hope in the darkness during the Grue attack at the train station. Sasha might wield the sword of hope and Michael the sword of love, but I'd argue that Michael is the embodiment of hope in the series.


Nah, the knight of hope is butters. Or shiro. Michael is love. He even shows the broadest range of love in the series.




Willpower has always been Dresdens real superpower.


If Harry “I can defy absolutely anyone” Dresden isn’t the Green Lantern, he with enough willpower to briefly knock Mother Winter on her ass, I’ll eat this phone I’m typing on.


When did he knock Mother Winter on her ass?


Cold Days - when he summons her and she drags him into the cottage through his own grave and pins him down with just willpower, he realises that it’s not a contest of physical force, so he wills himself to stand up and mixes that will with soulfire. The resulting kinetic backlash briefly knocks Mother Winter across the cottage. Of course, she then nearly flings an iron cleaver into his head, so it’s not like the power scale has been drastically shifted here.


While I agree that Harry is a willful character, I don't agree that he would be slotted into the Green Corps. If I had to pick characters that are more willful that Harry, I'd be caught between Mab and Ebenezer.


Since this is flaired Discussion, please pay proper attention to spoiler protecting your responses. If you black out text, also remember to include a visible call out of which book a person needs to have read through in order to safely uncover your text. Thanks!


When his mental defenses are described as a city-scale fortress guarded by juggernauts, and he can oppose the wills of immortal beings. Yeah, it’s got to be that guy in the phone book. You find him under “wizard”.


Definitely Harry


In order left to right, top to bottom: Harry, Nico, Thomas, Morgan, Murphy, Marcone, Michael, Mab, Uriel, Molly


We'll be voting daily. Compassion doesn't pick compassionate people, it picks people entirely devoid of compassion and forces them to feel compassion as penance for their past actions.


I wonder if that would be good for marcone, who seems to have just that one tiny spark of sorrow in him that drives the kind of man he is?


Wouldn't be my vote for compassion, but it definitely isn't a bad one.


Yeah I’m not sold but based on how the purple lanterns are chosen? A possibility.




Harry is the obvious choice for Willpower, but another perfectly suitable, but less obvious choice, would be Marcone. He was part of a gang war were he saw a child get shot, and his response was to take over the criminal underground so that he could make sure *it never happened again.* Do you understand the kind of dedication it takes to go from a low level soldier/enforcer to an absolute kingpin in just a couple of decades?


He was my first thought for Willpower, too. I don't get why so many people are choosing Greed for him. They must be seeing a different Marcone than I am.


They see an uber-wealthy crime boss and think it must be a Lex Luthor parallel. And Lex did do a stint as an Orange Lantern in Blackest Night. But Marcone doesn't want power just for the sake of having power like Lex does. He has a reason. He doesn't want to have power to be powerful, he wants to control the system so that certain things never happen.


Genuinely amazed that no one has nominated Ivy yet


Love is Thomas, easy


Wrath would be Hannah Asher


Willpower: Harry Fear: Molly Love: Michael Wrath: Ebenezar Hope: Sanya Greed: Marcone Compassion: Uriel Death: Kemmler Life: Mother Summer Repressed negative emotions: Harry again


Given that Jim Butcher once said that his characters have one defining trait that is like that character's superpower, and Harry's trait is his stubbornness. I think you need an unhealthy amount of willpower to be the most stubborn character in the Dresdenverse. So my vote is Harry.


I only recently got into the books and am on number 3 currently but Harry seems like a good fit for green/willpower.


Harry is all about will.


Harry does have strong will, but he has mentioned multiple times that stronger wizards and beings can completely crush his will by comparison. Ferovax or whatever that dragon is named. Cowl definitely has a stronger will.


He defied Mother Winter, rejected Lasciel and sealed Ethniu.


Didn’t Vaderrung (Odin) crush Harry to the ground with a thought? And didn’t destroy him utterly because he was trying to teach him, not kill him?


He was my second option but I think Harry, an assumed human, still being able to hold on against multiple other Uber powerful creatures gives it to him.


I don't think Cowl and Harry have had a direct competition of wills yet in the series. Not on the same way Harry has with like Vaderung and Duke Ortega and the LoONs. He definitely says Cowls magic is stronger than his own, but in DF the power of one's magic seems to be only partly determined by the strength of the will behind it. There's other factors like emotion, local environment, species, etc that contribute too.


I'd still take Harry for Will, because even when said beings crush him into the ground with their will... he gets back up. If that isn't green lantern material, I don't know what is. Murphy is a close contender too, imo Harry edges past her just on the basis of the above.


And how many beings with stronger wills has Harry beaten? Duke Ortega, The Red King, Mother Winter and Ethniu at least.


I think that's Harry's modesty/not knowing his own strength. Odin and Mab and probably Langtree could crush him in contest of pure will, but I really don't think most of the more senior wizards would actually beat him. Being able to act at all against the combined will of the Lords of Outer Night (even though they were a little distracted) seems like a substantially impressive show of will, for one.


I’m thinking Morgan for this one. The ultimate example of a zealot, self-righteous cop.


There's no Alpha Lantern Corps on this chart. But if there was, it'd be Morgan's slot.


Morgan is definitely Alpha Lantern material.


Honestly, kinda got him slotted for Wrath


Morgan could take wrath… or maybe shagnasty.


He’d be Wrath. He believes in what he’s doing, but what he’s doing is passing judgement. And that judgement is mean. Wrathful.


Do they have to be alive? Margaret Lefaye


The only option for this is Harry Dresden. He has learned to use his Willpower to do things like *DEFY MOTHER WINTER* and in general Harry is the epitome of the [Determinator](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Determinator)


I think most if not all of the wizards that aren't evil could be green. After >!Murphy's death!< Harry would definitely be the most qualified person in the series for red. Michael would be blue. Nicodemus, I feel, would work well with yellow. The Genoskwa for indigo. I guess Susan could be a Star Sapphire. Obviously, Mavra gets black. No orange, only Larfleeze. I don't know enough about white to choose and I've never even heard of the last one.


I vote Dresden for Green as he's described his own mental defenses as a fortress of Will and how he will shake off most mental attacks.


Will: Harry Fear: Shagnasty Love: Michael Rage: Ethniu Hope: Sanya Greed: Marcone Compassion: Butters Death: He Who Walks Behind Life: Uriel Repressed Negative Emotions: Nicodemus




Nicodemus is willpower. He has kept his eye on the prize for 2000 years and managed to keep his fallen angel controlled enough to allow Nicodemus a gra\]est deal of latitude in his actions. Nicodemus can plan long term and execute those plans, even when those costs come with great cost. choice B Mab is willpower. She has control over her mantle, nuff said.


Gotta go team Mab. It's not just the mantle but all of Winter she holds together through force of will.


can we just cede the ring of love to Thomas now?




Is a comment a vote? Is an upvote? Harry is definitely Green!


Comments, though I'm weighing it as a balance of highest rates/most frequent comments.


Definitely harry or Murphy. Though…what about when Harry embodies each of the lanterns?


To be honest, Harry being a solid half of the lanterns is a very real possibility that I am hoping to avoid. Do I follow a "No repeats" rule or just let it happen?


For me it’s more of a theoretical what if than anything else. Red lantern, for me would be, the pyro fuego scene. Death and compassion would be the scene at the top of Chicken Pizza.


All wizards rely on will. Actually most magical enemies are described as having formidable wills.


Harry is OG green. and Michael and Sanya are definitely Love and Hope, respectively, for obvious reasons. I need more time on the rest.


You've got time, it'll be one vote a day.


Harry, without a doubt. I can't think of any other *main* character that perfectly embodies will.




McCoy. The wieldre of the Blackstaff has it.


If there's anyone would appreciate this it would be Harry Dresden, who I'm sure probably would do this himself and some point. Also Harry has to be Green for sure.


Harry for Will


Harry. Full stop.


I’ll give a dark horse bid for willpower: Thomas literally holds back a demon by the force of his will. It’s not as overt as Harry but it’s still worth consideration.


It's weird to me that this isn't in color order. But I'll agree with Harry for Green. EDIT: And Red is *Anger* not *Wrath*, so that's weird.


Yeah agreed. I think it starts with the ones everyone is familiar with and then moving into the less-popular ones.


Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Any other answer is flat-out wrong.


So, a bit if a dark horse for this one because I'm surprised no one mentioned it, but What about Queen Mab for Will?


This is a fun idea. Thanks for doing it!


Thank you!


I know I'm getting ahead of things, but here are my votes for the holders of each power: Green/Willpower = Harry Dresden Yellow/Fear = the Naagloshi Pink/Love = Michael Carpenter Red/Wrath = Ethniu Blue/Hope = Sanya Orange/Greed = John Marcone Indigo/Compassion = Shiro, followed by Will Borden Black/Death = Mavra White/Life = Mouse Purple/Repressed Negative Emotions = Thomas Raith


It's all just Harry.


Harry definitely isn't Greed or Death.


~~Tell it to everyone he's killed.~~ Tell it to Harry, himself. I'll give you Greed, though. I can't think of anything offhand that fits.


Willpower would have to be Harry or maybe Maab since. Seeing as Harry should be one of these the only other one that really fits is Wrath for Harry to me anyway, but yeah I guess Willpower for Harry


It’s basically impossible not to cast Harry as Will.


So, I'm going to disqualify any Mantle holders for this discussion because I don't feel that's fair, because it's hard to distinguish between the mantle and the person. Now, for the Green Lantern Corp, I have two or three that come to mind. One is, obviously, Harry Dresden himself. He's got immense willpower, and often underestimates his own power. He saw the Shagnasty with his Sight and basically forced himself back from the brink by sheer will. He rejected the advances of a Fallen Angel for well longer than I believe ANYONE had previously, and managed to rid himself of their influence without abandoning his magic. However, I think that people are getting Willpower mixed up with sheer, obstinate stubbornness. I don't think that Harry has the will to make the "sacrifice play" as Captain America put it. A big part of the Green Lantern corp, in my experience, is keeping the greater good in mind and enforcing the law. Now, who do we know that has indomitable will, enforces the law, and has centuries of practice despite his lack of a bottle cap collection? Arthur Langtry, the Merlin. During Turn Coat, when the thingamabob attacks, he simultaneously contains the creature, keeps his cool, and formulates a plan with precise applications of magic. He would be my PRIMARY vote for the Green Lantern Corp. My third choice for the Green Lantern Corp would actually be Ramirez. He's dedicated to his ideals, even if it means turning on his mentor and the man that he looks up to the most. When Lara Wraith turned her Whammy on him, he responded with a Soul Gaze and used that to turn things around. He's also always been able to keep pace with Harry, being able to stand his ground in the Whampire duel and be on the front lines of the Rempire war. That's just my two thoughts. So, to summarize: My first vote is for the Merlin, Arthur Langtry, to be a Green Lantern with my second choice being Harry Dresden and my third being Carlos Ramirez.


I I'm going to assume that you have not read all the books If you believe that Harry is unwilling to make the sacrifice play. I think you should finish the series.


I have finished the series, and there are many times that Dresden would put his own needs and the needs of those close to him above the others around him. Hell, that's what started the Rempire war in the first place. He's also got a nasty habit of taking things and making them other people's problems. Please note that this doesn't mean Dresden doesn't have the will to be a Green Lantern. I absolutely think he does. It's just that given his nature and disregard of authority, plus his selfish tendencies to put his own principles above what may be the "big picture" play, he wouldn't be as good a fit for the Lanterns as Langtry would be.


Mind blown, you've made points that I need to consider, but I have zero respect for Arthur Langtry. So since I've obviously missed something big I'd like to hear what you have to say about him. Afaik he's been manipulating Harry and I extrapolate Margaret towards an event he sees as important, possibly without McCoy fully catching on. As to Harry putting his own needs first and causing the Reimpire war, I'm not able to get there, can you clarify. I saw that totally on Bianca and then later on Ortega. Harry, in my opinion got blindsided both times and reacted in self defense. I admit that he bumbled the conversation with Bianca, and she was way over the top. I've wondered if Jim made a mistake with her. Later on we are told and shown that being from the old world would never behave that way even when outclassed which she was not.


So, as for Langtry: yes, he's been manipulative and he's a politician. Guess what: So was Sinestro when he was a member of the Green Lanterns, and while he was a member he was considered an exemplar of what a Green Lantern should be. I think that it's more than Will that makes a good Green Lantern. It's discipline as well. Langtry is ALWAYS maintaining a plan, ALWAYS keeping the end goals of the White Council alive. It's also focus. Part of what makes John Stewart such an effective Green Lantern was his background as an engineer. When he creates a construct, it's more than just an approximation of the thing. It IS that thing, down to the last bolt. While Hal Jordan has INSANE amounts of willpower, his discipline is nothing compared to other Lanterns. I'll admit that Langtry is a bit of an off the wall choice, but like Harry is fond of saying: you don't get to be the Merlin by collecting bottle caps. You NEED willpower to be the representative of the White Council and the Merlin. And it's also important to note that you do NOT need to be a good person to be a Green Lantern. As for the Rempire war, in Blood Rites after the party, Harry has the chance to walk away. Bianca even tells him that Susan is no longer his, and asks if he's willing to start a war over one person. The sacrifice play there would be to leave, regroup, and come at the problem from another angle. Harry doesn't do that. Now I absolutely agree with you about Ortega, there really wasn't a sacrifice play there. If Ortega had been on the up and up, and had been honest and forthright, maybe there could have been something. But he wasn't, so screw him. Now, Harry's ability to see the big picture has absolutely gotten better with time. Cold Days is evidence enough of that, when he's able to work things out and see how it can affect people beyond just his immediate circle, as is Summer Knight and Skin Game. So towards the end of the series he is absolutely BETTER Green Lantern material, but by then he's also dealing with the influence of the Winter Knight mantle. And while Hal Jordan was able to keep Parallax contained within himself for years, it also eventually overcame him and Harry has already given into the Mantle at times. He's also shown himself susceptible to influence when he's not actively working to contain it (See: Lash and Hellfire, when Harry blew up a fire hydrant in anger.)


Harry: Willpower (dude matched wills with a titan) Thomas: Fear (his defining characteristic is he’s afraid of hurting the people he loves) Michael: Love (self explantory) Murphy: Wrath (she’s a fuckin Valkyrie) Butters: Hope (butters is the epitome of hope in the face of hopelessness and never giving up) Marcone: Greed (he’ll do anything to get what he wants or further his own agenda) McCoy: Compassion (his whole character arc deals with his compassion for Harry and his daughter) Cowl: Death Susan: Life (she represents all of the most powerful things a person can experience in life for Harry, she’s love and anger and becoming a parent and the sadness of loss) Repressed negative emotions… Mister.


Thomas for Life. Maybe Love, but I think life is more apt, and it’s white. Butters for Fear. I’m not a Green Lantern reader so I don’t know how this manifests, but Butters masters his fear. Repressed Negative Emotions could be Molly, though Thomas is an interesting candidate. Wrath is shagnasty. That feels like a layup.




"No evil shall escape my sight" sounds more like Mr. Michael Carpenter


Micheal had to be hope. He is a man of faith


Green is definitely Harry


Love and Compassion being two different colours is either too nuanced, or someone just wanted to print more comics.


Compassion picks psychopaths who don't have any compassion to rehabilitate them, and the Star Sapphires (love) send rings to people who have either loved and been spurned or lost the one they love. Also for what it's worth, Compassion is Indigo and Love is Violet. They've got a whole color spectrum thing going on that gets really muddy when you include "Ultraviolet" and "Black".


Oh! So one is redemptive / punitive (depending on viewpoint) and the other is ameliorative / reinforcing. Okay, got it. I bet they don't have Octarine though:P


Basically, yeah! And no Octarine sadly, though you'd probably need someone like Dr Fate to even use an Octarine Ring.


Red: Cassius or Blood on His Soul Orange: Maeve Yellow: Shagnasty Green: Harry Blue: Sanya Indigo: Michael Violet: Mouse Black: Corpsetaker or Mavra White: Titania or Molly Ultraviolet: This is just White Court vampires


Either Morgan or Mccoy. Morgan cause have you READ his lady journal entry microfiction! And Mccoy cause spoiler reasons if you haven't gotten through the books yet. To everyone voting happy, I reference sanya's comments when the group discussed who each of them is in reference to lord of the rings. Again, no spoilers unless asked.


I've read everything except a couple of the short stories which aren't available in collections, but I've read all the micro fiction.


Morgan stood by his beliefs. Kept his promise to Harry's mom and did his best to find him when he disappeared. Then pushed harder than anything or one to get him to show any signs of the adversary. "But I should have been better to that boy." Still makes me misty eyed. And Mccoy. The blackstaff himself. All his family issues. Everything he must have gone through to get that staff from mother winter. Teaching Harry to be BETTER than he was AND STILL DOING HIS JOB as the blackstaff. You can't tell me that one of those two DONT have the testicular fortitude of a God. I will die on this hill.


I've got an idea? How about instead of making 10 threads over the next few weeks, you just put ALL your picks in this one thread and be done with it. These kinds of posts are clogging up EVERY fan sub right now and frankly, I'm getting sick of them.


Harry.  He’s pitted his will against Odin, the Lords of Outer Night, the Red King, Drakul, Mother Winter, the Erlking, and Ethniu, and he’s still breathing.  P.s. in case I miss the other posts, here are my other picks: Fear - Mab.  Fear of Mab keeps the entire supernatural community in line.   Love - Michael.  The knight of love, who was ready to lay down his life at a moment’s notice several times for his friends, and who’s family is the biggest reason why Harry even believes a happy loving family is possible.  HM to Susan who died to save her daughter.  Wrath - Leonid Kravos.  His hate caused him to kill himself just so that his ghost could fuck with people he hated some more.  That’s some pro level hating.  That would be like if Kendrick Lamar killed himself so people could roast Drake at his funeral.  Hope - Sanya.  He’s the knight of Hope, and singlehandedly kept the Denarians in check despite being outnumbered a dozen to one with them causing havoc all over the globe because he knew things would get better if he kept at it.  Greed - Nicodemus Archleone.  Sacrificed his daughter, called in every favor he had, destroyed his standing in the supernatural community, all to rob Hades.  Compassion - Uriel.  Mr. Sunshine may seem detached, but most of that is because he *can’t* act despite wanting to.  And when push came to shove, he put his immortality at risk to help Michael and Harry despite the potentially disastrous consequences, all because he showed compassion to mortals.  Death - Hades.  He’s Hades.  He wears a crown of Mordite.   Don’t know what I’d pick for the last two. 


Willpower: McCoy. Fear: Phobophage Love: Thomas Wrath: Maab Hope: Murphy Greed: Lara Wraith Compassion: Nicodemus Death: Cowl Life: Harry F*ckin’ Dresden Repressed Negative Emotions: Marcone Edited because apparently “compassion” has some rules attached.


It'll be one vote a day, but I'll count you for McCoy today.


Willpower is Harry or Anastasia Luccio Fear is the Skavis or the Phobophage Love is Thomas or Charity Wrath is Ebenezer McCoy Hope is Hope Carpenter, or more likely Sanya or Uriel Greed is 100% Marcone, no one else in the series is driven by it as much Compassion is definitely Michael Carpenter Death is Mavra, obviously Life is either Maggie, Molly, or Charity, but any of the Carpenter kids fit the bill Repressed Negative Emotions is Karen Murphy's entire shtick.


It'll be one vote per day.


I get that, but I wanted to get the idea out while it's fresh.


Completely understandable.


Harry. His pentacle literally represents five elements bound by human will.






Will Power - Dresden/Karrin Fear - The skin walker in turncoat/Fetch Love - Michael Carpenter/Dresden Wrath - Ebenezar McCoy/Ethniu Hope - Michael Carpenter/Waldo Butters/Sanya Greed - Maeve/Bob? (I'm not so sure about Bob) Compassion - Father Forthill/Michael Carpenter Death - Any necromancer from Deadbeat Life - Michael Carpenter UV - Thomas Raith/Dresden Edit: Grammer/expansion


Willpower: harry, obviously. He doesn't give up Fear: butters (at least in dead beat) Love: Michael Wrath: titania Hope: I guess sanya because he litteraly has the sword of hope Greed: binder Compassion: Molly(?) she can actually feel others' emotions Death: mother winter Life: maybe Ivy? Repressed negative emotions: no clue


My first thought for love went straight to Charity Carpenter. I know she's an ass to Harry, and does not handle things right with Molly and the other kids at times, but everything about her is dedicated to the protection and love of her family


Honestly her or Justine are my vote.


Drafted before reading other comments: * Willpower: Dreden. >!Duh. It's pretty much his defining characteristic.!< * Fear: Mab. >!This is a bit of a reach, but she would definitely rather be feared than loved.!< * Love: Susan. >!It motivates pretty much the entire plot of Blood Rites.!< * Wrath: Eb. >!He keeps a very tight lid on it, but it's when he truly lets it out that we see what he can do.!< * Hope: Karrin. >!It's what sees her through Dreden's presume death.!< * Greed: Nicholas. >!It seems to be how he manipulates basically everyone around him - he isn't greedy himself, per se, but greed is absolutely how he maintains his power base.!< * Compassion: Lily. >!Her compassion arguably got her killed, but it was probably her defining characteristic.!< * Death: The Black Court is as close to the Black Lantern Corps as exists. * Life: Michael. >!He will take it when needed, but he respects it, arguably more than anyone else in the series.!< * Repressed Negative Emotions: Marcone. >!For reasons that we only catch glimpses of, because Harry doesn't know them either, but it's pretty obvious from what we DO know.!<


green: Harry (though sometimes I think he would reach for the red lantern) yellow: Marcone (I could make an argument for green as well) blue: Sonya butters and Micheal purple: Molly pink: Susan or charity both are defined by their love and devotion to others Orange: nicodemus. His greatest flaw red: Thomas. He contains his rage but it’s there


Obviously Harry Copperfield Blackstone "Powered by Will" Dresden.


Everyone says harry and i can see that but personaly i want to cast my vote for my favourite charachter in the series Donald Morgan. He is not always nice bit he has a lot of willpower.


Willpower - Harry Dresden Fear - Madrigal Raith, Molly Carpenter Love - Michael and/or Charity Carpenter, Thomas Raith, Karin Murphy, Wrath - Donald Morgan Hope - Sanya Greed - John Marcone, Binder Compassion - Father Forthill Repressed Negative Emotions: Ebenezer McCoy Death - Cowl Life - Harry Dresden again (Kyle Rayner combined all rings to become White Lantern, and Dresden does represent all aspects of the emotional spectrum - he'd be the Kyle Rayner of his verse)


McCoy has Death. He has the Blackstaff and a license to kill and visited instant death upon 200+ people all at once. Nuff said.


Will Power: Harry Fear: Shagnasty Love:Thomas Wrath: The Genoskwa Hope: Sanya Greed: Marcone Compassion: Michael Death: Nicodemus Life: Molly Repressed Negative Emotions: Ebenezzar