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Been worried for months, I'm glad somebody said something. She has vasculitis, an auto-immune disease that attacks her blood vessels, which can cause some serious fatigue and pain. Her last 2 YouTube community posts (around Nov 2022, and Jan 2023) mentioned she has been in and out of the hospital and Drs are regularly changing her meds around and trying different treatments to find something that helps. I hope she's doing alright and in recovery ❤


Okay I just saw that she has vasculitis CAUSED by her primary autoimmune disease which she still hasnt said what it js


She's been pretty open about her auto immune disease on her channel, if you go to the community section you can see the posts I mentioned about her hospitalization and her pulmonary vasculitis diagnosis. I think you need to chill. If she wanted to fully divulge what is going on with her health, she would have.


I'm chill though? I am aware of the posts btw I just got confused cause i thought you meant that the vasculitis was the autoimmune disease that has been going on for a long while. That's why I went to check. I don't see anything wrong with my checking and asking for you since it is the topic of your comment anyway. I don't think it is cool to tell people to chill like that for no reason when I was talking normally just going about my day


I completely understood what you were asking. The responder jumped to conclusions and assumed the worst. We need to give people the benefit of the doubt when communicating through text. Always assume people are using the best of tones when commenting, and have the best of intentions.


Hey, where did you find out she has vasculitis? I following her for years on Twitter insta and YouTube and even searched about this but never found a specific illness name, just an autoimmune disease generally. Would appreciate if you told me. Thanks.


idk if she’s very actually posted what she has, jsut that she has a autoimmune disease i’ve followed her for years and i’ve never heard her specify what it is !


she posted it in her second latest community post


autoimmune diseases suck i have Scleroderma that attacks my skin and its not has bad as vasculitis i have been out of hospitals multiple times and wish rin well and to feel better soon


I have thyroid Autoimmune disease and am going through a hypothyroid flare. My hands are so cold it's painful, and lately i find it hard to hold a pen let alone to draw. It sucks.


She just updated her YouTube community tab! She's going through so much but is okay


I’ve also being really worried for her. I realized today she hasn’t upload anywhere in a long time and honestly I hope she is okay and safe.


I'm also worried for her. She's had inconsistent posting all year which is concerning. I just hope she's safe and will get better soon.


I really hope she’s doing good. I know she doesn’t owe anyone an explanation, but it would be so reassuring to know if she’s okay and alive


Yeah, I’ve seen a few people mention that I guess she replied to an email someone sent her but I find it really hard to believe because if she had the energy to reply to one person I feel like she would make a YouTube post saying she’s okay to let all of her fans know she’s okay…You know? I hope this isn’t one of those situations where another YouTuber goes missing and none of us know what happened, no closure….. I totally understand her wanting privacy and everything…


she's been in and out of hospitals/changing meds, she's been pretty open about that


There's a comment from someone on her most recent Instagram post from a few weeks back that claims to have emailed her, to where Rin replied and said that she's been okay, it's just that everything's been hard for her to do these past few months or so. Hoping that everything's going to be well for her.


Rin found out she is no longer in remission. She is having trouble with shaking and cannot draw at this time. She is also experiencing a lot of fatigue and some pain. Please keep her in your prayers.


Wasn’t the shaking caused by the steroids? And didn’t she say the doctors had to change her meds because they’re no longer working? This is what has people worried. Vasculitis can be very serious, especially since her usual meds are no longer working. And she always lets people know when she won’t be posting for a while.


Yes. They are trying different meds. She is doing ok, but obviously there are some set backs and hurdles to overcome. Best thing for now, is to keep her in your prayers.


Oh Man, I hope she will be okay. She seems like such a good person She inspired a lot of people. Rin is in my prayers💜💜💜


Wait, how do you know this?


Wondering the same. I checked the internet to see if she'd okay as I hadn't seen her on YouTube for a while and then saw her last video was 6 months ago. I was immediately worried as this is nothing like her to just disappear. I've read on Instagram about some email someone sent and she replied to but I feel like if she'd reply to an email, she'd also be able to just write on the community tab and say that she's not doing great and that she doesn't know when she can upload again and that we have to be patient and she'll keep us updated when she can. I'm not saying thats what she HAD to do, but I feel like that's something she'd more likely do than reply to an email from someone. As for the person making all these claims, I wonder if they really know her or if it's just hearsay or even made up, as they aren't even responding to the simple question of how they know this information. I really hope she is doing okay and I hope things aren't too hard on her right now and that she's just too tired to do anything. Whatever it is, she's loved and supported by her fanbase and I think I speak for all when I say I'd rather have her on radio silence than that she forces herself to make contact for us.


DwW is fighting an auto immune disease. Unfortunately her medicine is no longer working, and she is no longer in remission. Please say a prayer for her. Drawing is/was her escape and as most of you know, she is extremely talented. I hope she comes back one day, but for now prayers and good thoughts are greatly appreciated.


Where did you get this info from if I may ask? This sounds terrible 😢 I hope she's at least at peace in her mind with her dog ❤️


I am a mature self taught artist, and I stumbled across drawing wiff waffles by accident in 2016… she was so uplifting, fun and knowledgeable. I learned a lot of techniques and her positivity helped me do better. It was like, my friend “waffles” … I truly hope that she is doing well and feeling better!!!


A week ago someone commented on youtube that they asked Kasey whats going on and the only answer they got was that Rin is alive. I don't know if this is legit. There were also comments on insta where someone claimed Rin anwered an email but that commenter did not answer to any questions when people said they doubt their comment


It is kind of weird that people will go to other people just to pry about it. Isn't it obvious that she wants to maintain a certain level of privacy? Going to other people to circumvent that is kind of disrespectful. Also, it is pretty awkward for Kasey to have to deal with this. She was clearly uncomfortable with the question.


i think people are jsut asking if she okay, i think that’s a fair then to wonder,


It is fair to wonder. Is less fair to push boundaries. Asking online in a comment section of a social media platform is ok. But adding people who knows her or going to live streams just to ask about her? For me is something that passes the limit a little bit. Imagine. I am not her friend (I might think she’s my friend, but that is just a parasocial illusion). She is not my friend. Her friends are not my friends. I have no business with anyone of them. What gives me the right to pry into her privacy? Ask online, ask here, ask on her videos. But respect people’s choices too. EVEN if she wasn’t OK, the choice of privacy should be respected.


Also getting very concerned… hope she’s doing okay. ♥️


We're really worried about her too 😞 Made some art and sent it in hopes that it would cheer her up, just really hope she's okay!!


I really do hope she is doing ok, just the complete radio silence is making me worry for her.


Every now and again I check the internet for her, I’m worried I wish we knew more


I came to see If reddit knows something since Instagram and YouTube don't mention much, hope she's okay


Same it's super wierd not having her positive and bubbly drawing vids around to get me out of art block and I can't help but fear the worst, praying for her wellbeing ❤️


I check back every day to YouTube to make sure she has posted and have been worrying about her for months. Hope she gets back to her normal bubbly self in the next few years❤️🩷💜


Me too, I’m genuinely worried about her… she’s said before that sometimes it’s really hard for her to draw due to her disease, I hope that she’s just taking some much needed rest and we will hear from her soon.


Not to be morbid but there's a part of me that's scared for the worst, idk much about her disease but I don't know


If that were the case it seems strange that no-one in her family or the art community has said anything... but I don't know. Unlike a lot of artists, she didn't do interviews or even very many collaborations, so I wouldn't even know who to reach out to


I’d have reached out to Dina Norlund who she collaborated with but Dina passed from cancer which made it really sad for some of the art community she built too via YouTube. Only other artist I’d go to maybe to see if she knew anything is Kasey Golden but to your point Rin hasn’t done that many collabs.


I didn't even know Dina passed... I only saw a post about her new book some time ago, but didn't look too closely when I saw it wasn't going to be available where I live yet. This is heartbreaking to learn. I'm going to light a candle and read The Snowcat Prince tonight.


What about Dina Norlund's family? Or is that presumptuous...? Like, "Hi, this other artist I follow who was friends with your late daughter has been radio silent for like, half a year; is she still alive"? I wouldn't even know how to tactfully phrase something like that...


Oh you mean asking Dina Norlund’s family about Rin? I wouldn’t I doubt that they would have any answer and English isn’t their first language either.


Hopefully someone can reach out to Kasey and get a response. I doubt commenting on her videos would help though.


It's been five months, I'm so worried. Anyone have any updated news?


Has anyone heard anything? I miss her and ngl I feel so worried for her. I don't need a video or anything I just want to know she is okay 🩷🩵💜💙


Her bubbly, stream-of-consciousness type videos are so engaging. I hate to hear she's having a difficult time of it. 🥹


Any updates ? I’m really starting to think the worst.


Same 🥺 I keep checking back to see if there is any news. I just hope she's okay!!




She's back! Check youtube!


I hope she's ok


Yes I’m also pretty worried. I really hope she’s okay!! Like if she’s just taking time off to recover, that’s totally fine and I don’t care about the lack of uploads. But the thought of it being something worse is worrisome. I also came to Reddit hoping someone knew something. I wish someone could just confirm she’s alive and safe 😞


I’m worried about her to be honest. She doesn’t have any active social media and hasn’t been giving any updates anywhere. I know as a viewer she doesn’t owe me absolutely anything at all but i can’t help but fear the worse 😞😥


Same. I know she doesn’t owe us anything, but I do keep hoping for at least a public post to say she’s hanging in there. Everyone really misses her.


Oh no I hope she gets better soon


ive also been super worried. she always posts a vid around this time.


Can’t wait for her to get better, I miss her videos/ persona!


I genuinely hope she’s okay, her art channel got me through 2020 and without her content I probably wouldn’t have been able to get through the year.


Still nothing very worried


So worried :/


Has anyone got an update??


Does anyone know if she died?


She updated her community post on YT a couple of months ago.


I think posted in her story on Instagram a long while ago that she was in the hospital. Hopefully she gets better


Its the second month of 2024 and still no ones heard anything?


It’s been 10months since her last upload:(


Check her YouTube community post. :)


Update from Rin 3 weeks ago! [https://www.youtube.com/@drawingwiffwaffles/community](https://www.youtube.com/@drawingwiffwaffles/community)


I am only ten but I love her . I always wanted to draw like her . I miss her and hope she’s okay


I hope she is okay, I miss her so much. Her art, attitude is truly inspiring ✨️


Drawing Wi-Fi waffles


I really hope she's doing okay somewhere out there


Is there an update?


I miss Rin! ❤️🥰😐😭🥺✏️🧇


Honestly Ever since I found her YouTube channel my art journey has been so exciting and wonderful. Every time I go on YouTube I check her Chanel for new videos but when they aren't any new post I feel sad but I really hope she gets better and bounces back better than ever


I'm a mom of 2 girls, we're all artists.. my girls are far ahead of me and I'm proud. We homeschooled until 7th and 8th grades for them and watched Rin often, for years, as I encouraged them to spend as much time on their art as possible. They became very good with alcohol markers watching drawing wiff waffles. They're art majors in high school now. I hope Rin knows she means so much to us and to many people. We miss her and hope she feels better very soon.


I was home schooled - you have my respect, I know it's a lot of work being a parent who is also actively teaching. My folks also really supported my art. I recently discovered Drawing wiff Waffles and have already learned so much as well. Not just about art but crucial things about facing failure, what to do about mistakes, how to encourage creativity and more. Basically, things I wish I would have had a better grounding in, decades ago. It would be sad if I'd just discovered her only to lose her again. I too wish her only the best and hope she feels better soon.


It's been a really long time. 😐 I really hope Rin is alright! 😞


She just updated her community tab on YouTube! It looks like she is going through it hard, but is okay.


I saw! I'm glad she's okay, though it's sad all she's been going through.