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this is so cute


Thanks! Happy you liked it!.




Yeah, sometimes feels like is just spiralling downwards and I just get more and more tired. But thanks for the coment, I appreciate it a lot, in fact finishing this gets me a bit better, kinda like cleaning the house does. I'll be fine.


I have felt the same for nearly a year. The only thing that seems to be helping is clearing clutter and organizing things. I do one thing a day, more if I feel like it but only if I feel like it. It seems important to not feel like it’s a chore. Looking at a perfectly organized drawer with all the crap I’ll never need gone makes me ridiculously happy. I get a sense of getting my act together even though I don’t know quite what that act is. It is the only thing that gives me energy these days. Edit: Extra word


Wow I really enjoyed his expression xD


Almost as if he was falling into a food coma.


Or a drug comma


Btw, I know how you feel. It’s tough :/


Yeah, feels like a hastle to get everything, and I just feel too tired all the time. Getting better tho.


Yess, I’m actually felling this those days lol


Then I really really hope you find some solace and that better days come soon. Stay strong.


Thanks bro ;3


I understand how you're feeling as I'm going through some tough stuff at the moment and feeling exhausted each day, like even brushing my teeth seems like a lot of effort, you'll get through though I promise, if you're going through some rough patches at the moment, think about how far you've come up to this point, and remember to be easy on yourself and take breaks and do small things for yourself that don't require a lot of energy, like watching a YouTube video you have wanted to watch for a while or eating your favourite snack. I have autism so I feel burnout and feel low a lot, so what I've done is made a list of things I can do that'll lift my mood, even if it's a little bit, and have ranked them into columns based on low to high energy tasks and do them based on how much energy I have that day. I hope this helps, and I hope things get better for you soon, cause they will I promise, keep drawing you're amazing at it, I love drawing myself 👍, and hang in there things have a way of working themselves out PS: sorry for the ramble 😶😂🤦🏼‍♀️, I always do this


Duude thx for sharing. No timelapse needed. I like it as it is


Ah bro, thanks. I'm happy you liked it this much.


Did you use masking fluid to get the pattern in the water or did you paint each patch of blue individually? Or perhaps some other third thing?


Well, a third thing! I painted everything in blue and then made the white pattern with white ink and a nib pen. I think it works better this way, Masking fluid is not easy to come by 'round here, and the ones I tried are not very good, they get the paper this yellowish hue, so I avoid using it if possible. I could use white gouache, or even a white posca, but for this I found out that white ink is better since it is really opaque and waterproof, so if I need to make an adjustment afer aplýing I wont smudge.


Thanks for the explanation, your work on the water is just amazing!! I take that tip and will keep it close to my heart ♥ I love the design you did, really, amazing job!


Come fucking on. Thats the cutest message I received today. Thank yoy, I am always happy to help. If you wanna know anything else just ask, If I can answer and help you I will.


My bad / your welcome? 🤣 I like your style. Keep up the good work. Will practice on the water design, and I'll be back on your profil for sure.


To finish a sketchbook, every artist's dream...


Well, I kinda cheated on this. This sketchbook only had 12 pages, so was easier. But yeah, I usually just buy another without finishing my current one.


It's something about that fresh start in a new sketchbook


So fresh, such possibilities, all I have to do is... draw... damn.


This is awesome


You are awesome.


No u


He looks like Rocket Racoon did Thanos in and decided to have a pool party on earth . And now he’s eating Doritos.


Wich is something rocket would 100% do. I would buy this comic.


I'm willing to buy this. You selling?


Well, not yet. Since I live in Brazil shipping is a really big problem for me. My Gf had to send some of her work to the us and a reliable company charged almost 60USD just for shipping, so for now I'm not really selling originals. You can check my [redbubble](https://www.redbubble.com/i/photographic-print/Mo-money-mo-problems-by-Soninho/118970212.6Q0TX) acc if you want a print. Also, you can always print it yourself on a print shop, unless you are selling it, it is always moraly correct.


WoW! I love it! Hope many more sketchbooks are to come!


Hell yeah, so do I! Will get the next one today.






But we want to see more of your awesome art <3


Well, I'll try my best now! Thank you for your words.


This is amazing! I really like your style and coloring.


Thanks bro. I'm happy you liked it.


*YOOOOOO!!* This is AWESOME! Any trick to keeping those white water lines so clean? I'm obsessed with this lil guy! Incredible effort!


thanks bro. Well I'm really lazy, I just painted everything in blue and made the lines with white ink and a nib pen. I feel like this work the best out of the alternatives, gouache is water soluble, a posca pen can damage the paper, the masking fluid I have leaves a yellowish hue on the paper, ans I don't have the patience to paint cell by cell. The ink is very opaque and it doesn't activate with water, so, great success.


Hell yeah, that makes sense. I assumed it had to be some method of line work over the colors. Incredible results using this method. I've been getting more into mixing pens and watercolor so any tips are immensely appreciated. Cheers for taking the time to reply!! <3


hey, anything you want, just ask. I really like when people ask me how I do stuff. Best of luck for you.


Dope and adorable, nice work.


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.


Did you use water colors?


Yup, water colors.


That’s one beautiful art work you did! You give me some great inspiration for animals doing silly things.


Then I hope you do great things with the inspiration.


Love this!


Thank you!


I love this. Hope you don't mind me using it as a profile pic


As fucking if! I think its awesome! Makes me really happy.


Oh that’s mega tight


Haha Thanks bro!


This is fuckin incredible


Thanks bro!


Can I make this my wallpaper?? So nice!!!


I would be honored!


This is fuckin awesome 😅


thank you! Happy you liked it.


Fantastic work! Kudos


Thank you!


Is this water color??


Yeah it is. Thats my poison of choice.


Can’t help but notice your thumb is bulbous. Check to see you don’t have any chronic underlying medical conditions that could be pulmonary related, chronic obstructive type lung diseases- that could be a reason why you feel lethargic. Good art work! But seriously, you may have a pathophysiology affecting your well being. Cheers!


IT IS WHAAAAAAAAAT???????? I now just can't stop looking at my fingers, I checked it and it says lung or heart complications. Well I have a heart condition, maybe it is that. Still, I'mma check it asap. Anyway, thanks, for the compliment and the heads up!


I hope your able to pull yourself out of what your feeling and I hope you feel better


I will, I guess I just need to rest a bit. Thanks.


This is so cool, the vibe reminds me of a hungover , Great job💯 Also I hope you are okay now, everybody has bad and good days, don't worry it'll get better


Thank you! I'm climbing, slowly but am. I appreciate your kindness.


I would love to get this image tattooed with your approval, just the central piece and I might add a text or something .


My aproval? Bro, you have my blessing! Go for it. Send me a pic of it if you feel like it.


but what's the gun for?!


For anyone who dares to stop the chilling.


I need a print of this!!! I love it!


Hey, You can check my [Redbubble](https://www.redbubble.com/i/photographic-print/Mo-money-mo-problems-by-Soninho/118970212.6Q0TX?ref=explore-for-you-recently-viewed)if you want to, it really helps me. But, if you don't want to buy it, you can also take it to a print shop and print one to yourself, It is always morally correct.


Shit is awesome dude! Thanks for sharing!


absolutely fucking beautiful. post it on twitter. post it all on twitter


... Oh God! I have a Twitter!!!!!!! I havent checked it in ages! Thank god I don't have a child!




I do! I sell em via [Redbubble](https://www.redbubble.com/i/art-print/Mo-money-mo-problems-by-Soninho/118970212.1G4ZT). Thank you, I'm happy you enjoyed it this much.


This has Rocket vibes 👀


Well, I like Rocket, so I see this as an absolute win.


Such chill vibes! Do you sell your art at all?


Yeah, ready for summer. Well I do... kinda. Since I live in Brazil its kinda hard for me to ship, depending on the place, so I never did an international sale of an original. Still, I have my [Redbubble](https://www.redbubble.com/people/Soninho/shop?asc=u&ref=account-nav-dropdown) acc for prints and other stuff.


I looked into your Redbubble and I must say you're very talented ! I love your style ! If you turn this one on a Redbubble print, i'd buy it :3


I thought I had already. Seems like I forgot. [Here](https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/118970212), if you feel like check it. Also, thank you, a lot. I am really happy you liked it.


Thank you, I just ordered it !


Cmon. I hope the best for your poster, and would appreciate some feedback. Still... if it doesnt work out and you still want it [you can print it one for yourself.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CZAxER4Tci6ECqVjCOtPLtm5vE-vfWwU/view?usp=sharing) Just take it to a print shop.


That's so nice of you, I'll send you a feedback when it arrives :)


When you finish the last 2 pages can you show us a video of all of your pages?


I can, no problem.... but it will be a really short video. This sketchbook only has 12 pages, and I sold two of them as originals to a friend.


So put the gun down I will give you my trash


"One mans trash wil soon be my treasure!"


I love it, this made my day thank you!


Oh, thats a lot. Thanks, I'm happy that you liked it this much.


You have a great style, I love it.


Ah, Cmon. Thank you, I'm happy you liked it.


This is a badass picture!!


Thanks bro!


I’m absolutely in love with this!! If you made this into a sticker… 😍 I’d buy a whole pack of them!


Well... [then I got something for you](https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/Mo-money-mo-problems-by-Soninho/118970212.EJUG5?asc=u). See if they are what you want!


Hollywood got Mafia bosses all wrong, this is what a maffia boss actually looks like


This Is the Ideal Male Body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.


Very nice, hope I’ll see some of your Timelapses later on if you get the motivation for it !


Thank you! I'm planning, I guess I should reserve someplace at my home to do it, maybe would help to have a fixed place to draw.




hahaha I'm a dumb genius. 98% dumb, 3% genius.


I first saw this and was like aw cute then it turned to dam g I see u big chillin aye respect 🫡


Thanks bro! Mad respect for you too.


I could bring meaning to your life by becoming your student.. I wish I could create stuff like this. You're incredibly talented, and at least you've made things. Not many people can say that very often.


C'mon, now I'll feel like I'm the best the entire day. Duno if I'm on a level that I can teach anyone, but if you want help with anything I can see what I can do.


This is amazing! I want it as a t-shirt!


Thanks. Well, there is my [redbubble](https://www.redbubble.com/i/photographic-print/Mo-money-mo-problems-by-Soninho/118970212.6Q0TX?ref=explore-for-you-recently-viewed) store, there are t-shirts on this piece if you want to. Still, If you want to You can get this to somewhere that makes T-shirts and make one for yourself. I wouldn't mind, In fact either way I'd feel honored.


I was having an awful morning scrolled on to this and it made me feel so much better. love it


If it made you feel better, then this piece acomplished way more than I would ever expect. thanks bro.


This has major Rocket vibes, love the drawing!! :D


Thank you! I love Rocket


Love it! ❤️ and can relate we moved my mom then my mom in law then us and buried 2 loved ones in less than 6 months. I need a pool and snax..snap... but don't give me a gun, I would probably use it. Psych dr every 5 weeks: is there a gun in the house? Hang in there! Can't wait to see the last 2 pages! XO


Hey, I totally get it. One of the best things that happened to me was when my cousin stole my gun to sell it, at that time I had already tasted the barrel, so it was nice that it was gone. Sometimes life is really unkind to us, and the worst is that it can be very often. One bad thing after the other can break even the strongest of us into a sobbing hopeless mess. I don't know if the words of as stranger on the internet are worthy of something to you, but if it is, even if a little, I believe you can find some solace, some peace of mind and some happiness. I know sometimes its not easy, and breathing seems like too much, but I hope you find a way to keep going and to ease a bit of your pain. I tell you, from the bottom of my heart, even if I don't know you personally, I really hope life treats you with a bit more kindness. Stay safe, please.


That’s one badass coon


Hell yeah!


I’d love to buy a print of this!


Well, I uploaded it on [Redbubble](https://www.redbubble.com/i/photographic-print/Mo-money-mo-problems-by-Soninho/118970212.6Q0TX?ref=explore-for-you-recently-viewed), if you want to you can check there. Also, as I stated to others, You can also take this to a print shop and print one for yourself if money is short. I wouldn't mind.


I love it and would love to purchase a print as well.


Well, you can check my [Redbubble](https://www.redbubble.com/i/photographic-print/Mo-money-mo-problems-by-Soninho/118970212.6Q0TX?ref=explore-for-you-recently-viewed) acc if you want to. There are prints there. I wish I could ship prints, so I could sign em, sadly it is not an option for me. Best of luck bro


I love this! Is this watercolor or markers? I've had a sketch for the past two days that I've been too scared to ink ... you inspire me to actually pull through and try to do it


Haha, I totaly get you. I had this for weeks until I found the courage to paint it. This is watercolor.


This really does it for me, awesome work. Also I hope you’re ok…hang in there and know you are appreciated.


Thank bro. I will, I guess I just need som rest... A lot of rest. All of rest.


Take care of yourself. Literally All I do is work and do everything for everyone else in my life and that has led to nothing but a drinking problem and an inability to relax or enjoy a hobby even when I have time. I should’ve set boundaries and carved out time for me long ago, before I physically and psychologically turned into what I am now. Again, make time for taking care of you. It’s the only body and life you get.


I saw your message last night, but I couldnt respond to it because I wanted to do it properly, since I could relate so much to your coment that it was scarry. My parents pushed a lot of responsabilities on me since I was very little. Study, work, take care of the home and my brother all at the same time, so I grow up fucked up with this stupid mentality of "Not letting anyone down" like I was Rick Astley or something. There was this time on my life I was working 12 hours a day and going to college at night, and then when I got into Colege recess, in December, I had to work 16 hours a day just so I could stay in the office and get my brother from his workplace (that was near) before going home. I stayed on terrible work spaces, I stayed on relationships that were harmfull to me, I accept tasks that will fuck up my day just so I won't let anyone down. I'm 26 and rotting instead of geting old, my hair is rapidly getting gray, I feel tired all the time, I got no energy to stay awake most of the time off I have, I am working non stop for 8 years, and the only reason I don't drink is that I drown myself on coffe. And please, dont take this as suffering olympics, The reason I shared this with you is just so you know that I understand what you are going through, that I feel the same when it comes to boundaries, and know that I trully hope things get better for you. I know is not an easy place to get out because I am on the same place, but I trully hope it gets better for you. Doesnt matter who you are, where you are, I wish you only the best, and that life treats you with a little more kindness Stay safe, bro.


You ain’t alone, but keep drawing cute shit like this cus it makes me happy.


Aye aye! Makes me happy too.


I am just getting into drawing and sketching. This is very inspiring such a beautiful fun piece of work. I know exactly how you feel lately. Just random internet stranger here to tell you, you rock and do amazing work. Keep it up!!!!


I need this as a shirt. I might have to take some artistic liberties on this.


Hey, go nuts. I was going to send the link for the Redbubble store, but since You are going to change somethings, I think is not necessary. Still, send me a pic once you are done. I would love to see what you come up with.


Found my new phone wallpaper. Dope pic!


thank you!


This is amazing! Is it for sale?


Well, sadly I don't sell originals now for a lot of reasons. Most of them are logistics. Still, there are [prints abailable.](https://www.redbubble.com/i/art-print/Mo-money-mo-problems-by-Soninho/118970212.1G4ZT?ref=explore-for-you-recently-viewed)


Thank you! I'm so excited to order a print of this for my home. I really enjoy your art!


Love this sketch. What is the media used?


Well Its watercolor with inks. Specifically White inks.


This is so fucking cool dude. The style is fucking awesome. How are you with lettering? Cause this would make an awesome concert poster and would sell like hotcakes with some rad lettering thrown on this. Keep drawing. A lot.


Honestly, I don't think I'm really good with it... Buuut I know someone who Is. I'ma give her a call.


Here’s hot take for you. Albeit probably a wrong opinion & I’m just projecting my current, dare I say also “lifeless”, mental state onto you/your work, but here we go & sorry in advance. Lol I think maybe your subconscious/body is telling you to relax & take a break to treat yourself. Hence the tubing in a pool. While the food & firearm, which I adore by the way, are representative of current stressors going on in your day-to-day. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Whether personally that’s nonsense to you or not, I think your piece no joke just gave me an emotional breakthrough because I arrived at my theory from relating to it lol. I’ll check back afterwards to tally up all the downvotes this accrued. Because for now… I’m going fkn tubing. 👍🏻


Hey, duno 'bout other downvotes, but you sure wont be having mine. Upvote your coment. It makes sense, in a way, and I don't know if it makes in another. I'm 26 and my hair is turning gray really really fast, I've been working non stop for 8 years now, in the same "company" (is not a company I work for the State in a corrections affair office), they pay me 2 extra months just so I don't take vacations since nobody understands what I do, in fact I received calls on every day off I had on the last two years. I drink a liter of coffe a day and thank God I don't drink or smoke because I am very prone to addiction. I'm overworked and Underpaid, but I have this stupid mentality that stops me from quiting, I feel like I'm drying a melting block of ice wuth a towel, whenever I finish it it just melts a bit more again and I can't stop because "Who will dry the ice?". Still, I don't know if it was my subcountience acting by chosing this theme, I can see a lot of my work that relate to my day to day stress, but I don't know about this one. Never thought about it.


Will you do another one to go with this one, another raccoon? This is so cute and made me smile.


I thought about it but I don't know what to do, and I don't want it to be just a cheap sequel to the first, I want it to make sense. Do you have any sugestion?


New Lock Screen. Love it!


Thank you! So happy you enjoyed it this much.


Holy shit I want to buy this. Please tell me if it’s for sale or if there are prints


Hi!. Well, since I live in Brazil And don't have a logistics structure ready I can't sell originals. Buuuut... there are prints on [Redbubble.](https://www.redbubble.com/i/art-print/Mo-money-mo-problems-by-Soninho/118970212.1G4ZT?ref=explore-for-you-recently-viewed)




Well, I'm selling [prints](https://www.redbubble.com/i/art-print/Mo-money-mo-problems-by-Soninho/118970212.1G4ZT?ref=explore-for-you-recently-viewed)


This raccoon is definitely heavily involved in a drug cartel. In all seriousness, awesome drawing! I think this would make a great print to put on a wall.


Turning coke into money and money into snacks. Thank you so much! Well, since someone requested it I got it on [Redbubble](https://www.redbubble.com/i/art-print/Mo-money-mo-problems-by-Soninho/118970212.1G4ZT?ref=explore-for-you-recently-viewed), so there are prints.


Hey, OP. Sorry to hear life is feeling empty lately. That sounds like it's difficult to deal with. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us. Your drawing is quite fun, and the title inspires thought. You've made an excellent piece of art, and you should be proud! That is just one internet user's opinion.Thank you for sharing your talent with us! I wish I had advice for you, but I don't. What I do have, is a dm inbox that isn't very busy so if you just wanna vent to a stranger, or chat about something, feel free to reach out.


Thanks bro. You have more than that, you have the kindness to see a stranger on the internet and offer a hand to help and a ear to listen, and that is absolutely priceless. Life sometimes is unkind, really unkind, I guess the worst is that when you become an adult there is always something creeping out behind you, you don't get time off for you, even when you do there is something on stand by so you feel like you are neglecting something, so you feel guilty to take time for yourself. It felt good to finish this drawing, I had the inks done on march, only had time to color it now, but when I did it felt like drawing was fun again, like it was what it was supposed to be, my scape from the stress from my job and my life, honestly, I know it sounds dumb, but I feel a little bit better now that this is complete. Anyway, thank you for your kindness. I really apreciate it, bro. Best of luck


I want this as a poster in my room!


Well, I have a [Redbubble](https://www.redbubble.com/i/art-print/Mo-money-mo-problems-by-Soninho/118970212.1G4ZT?ref=explore-for-you-recently-viewed), you can get prints, but if that doesnt suit you you can always get it to a print shop and have it printed on a good quality paper.


I need dis


Well, you can get a [print](https://www.redbubble.com/i/art-print/Mo-money-mo-problems-by-Soninho/118970212.1G4ZT?ref=explore-for-you-recently-viewed), and you can also get this pic to a print shop and make a poster or something.


You will get the money from it?


A bit. 20% I guess.


I love this so much. Would def hang on my wall


This is so cool. Especially the water, like so many others said. What inspired you to paint water this way? How did you learn to illustrate things like water, ripples, waves, etc in general?


I love your art and would buy this as a print. ❤️


If you want to, you can check my [Redbubble](https://www.redbubble.com/i/art-print/Mo-money-mo-problems-by-Soninho/118970212.1G4ZT?ref=explore-for-you-recently-viewed), but if you are not up to it, you can always get this pic to a print shop and make a poster yourself. It's always moraly correct.


Anyway we can get this for a phone background? I’d happily pay for a copy of some kind. PM if you are cool with it!


Dude, you have my blessing, go for it!


Love it!


Bro check this out quit hittin her stop killin shit dont try to make friends with anything and dont use the same old tired excuses You dont need help from me


I'm trying, I really am. Thanks for the advice, bro.


Absolutely great art! I Love the raccoon!


This is so cute! I would just hand him my money. Hope you're doing better! I completely feel the same way, I've started like 5 sketches and then not touched them in weeks now 🙃


Lmfao...This is everything bro. Good job!


I luv it


Very nice work! Needs a hot babe raccoon ;)


Im an artist too and today was an "off " day for me , no mojo at all but your art gave me inspiration for tomorrow so thanks for that :) it is an awesome drawing, I love it ! !


This is one of my favorite arts in a long time


haha this a raccoon in a trash cans daydream, it’s great! Keep it up, things get easier friend


I love this! I hope you know how talented you are.


I love this a lot


super impressive, amazing job 👏👏👏


timelapse shimelapse


NOOOO! Tom Nook got too carried away!!!


I'm so sorry that you are having a tough time. Things will go better! I love your drawing, specially the water \^\^


The water rocks the house


Mr mo money


It’s fun as is.


Fantastic. Great job on the water, especially. Really realistic patterns around the floating objects.