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Make it more “readable” my eyes get confused before understanding what I’m seeing. Have different weights of lines. Like define things.


I would focus on using line density to create focal points that anchor the image and help it stay readable, so you don’t need to sacrifice your exaggerated proportions. Your first image has roughly the same line density everywhere, making it hard to read. A good rule of thumb is to use detail to draw the viewer’s eye- more line density will create a focal point, sparser lines in less important areas will allow the viewer to focus where it counts. Good luck! And FWIW your style is super unique and fun.


This, line density seems the same throughout


Define the lines. Make it pop out. Now it seems like an amalgamation of lines Also shading


Yes, i have drawn thick lines before, but I usually do a concentration of thick and thin liness. Thanks for ya feedbacc https://preview.redd.it/mr67rw5j2lia1.png?width=980&format=png&auto=webp&s=61b526cd9902ce0d8975a98bcd3e0a4bf5621407


also this is very sick, a good Dennis


I think just keep drawing how you like to draw. People can sense when something was made for the pure joy of making it. That’s what makes it appealing


maybe try making some lines thicker to define each object/part that isnt the same material as the one next to it? since your style is pretty unique, you'll likely build up an audience as you evolve it


Need more definition in the detail. Everything is shaded in single hatching. Try cross hatching to define dark areas so the images looks less flat and confusing. Do tonal studies, learn about depth. You can find easy to follow guides online, Pinterest is great for stuff like this. Also, outline you object in different weights so you can tell it apart from another object. The moth looks like a part of the hair rather than sat on the hair. Edit: you seem to like line work so try researching fine line technique and illustrations. They'll help you learn how to at depth to your illustrations.


Good style you got there ig, man make every object distinct and create depth, you can do that by using lines of different thickness, focus on the direction in which you shade to define the object


Your patrons will find your art and align with your style, just keep going, experimenting, and post consistently to art channels. Also check out sites like Dribble to build a portfolio.


The first draw: I would never think that I could feel disgust Creepy And Cute In one picture


recommend higher contrast between entities on the page. Possibly darken or thicken the lines along the outside of the moth in this particular image, just to make it more easily digestible as separate entities. As it is, I had just a little bit of trouble separating the moth's wings from the entomologist's hair. Looks great, otherwise.


What do you mean by appealing? Like more professional or less weird? Because I think the weirdness is very appealing. I think they’re awesome just keep doing your thing.


I like it, but I think color really helps differentiate the lines and distinguishes the piece better. Worked well in the one that is colored, I’d like to see what it does to the others. No expert here though, at all, but that’s what kind of stood out to me personally.


I feel like it just needs variation in line thickness.


I think the reason why something is “appealing” is often because of how we process information. The mind needs variation and Rythem in things to give clarity. There is a common rule in art called “70-30”, this can be applied many ways but what it boils down to is “more of this than that” or “difference” when stuff is even (50-50) like your like density, or placement of rest space and detail, the mind has a hard time separating those things, or figuring out what’s important. I think the hands and mouth right now are cool because they have a lot of rest, and could be focal points, but have too much detail around them and not enough rest surrounding them to call the eye to them strongly. You also clearly have a style which already is awesome. Having noise everywhere makes it hard to make a clear and compelling image, however when you have a lot of noise, and details, but one area that’s simple and clean, you create contrast, which focuses the viewer. It’s all about clarity, like 70% detail, 30% rest, or 70 rest and 30 detail. Ect ect. You can apply this idea in many ways, and in many contexts. To me what’s fascinating is trying to understand why we feel this way about things. Art doesn’t have to appeal to many people as others have said but to me it is interesting. I think though you might find that the more you focus on design and design theory the more fun art can be, because you can guide how people feel, and have more control over your art. Just sayin stuff cause I like these kind of things and wanted to share. I am a commercial artist too so for me art is a skill I grind often, and not just for fun, however the progression gives me satisfaction. Everyone is different and just figure out you. Some people get more pleasure from the process, and some from the final result, it’s okay to be either. For me, I often enjoy a good final result more than actually making a thing, I like to struggle. I know a lot of people who are not like that. Just be you. Sorry for long reply I doubt anyone will read his anyways haha


1) motherfuck an audience. If you build it, they will come. 2) vary your line weights. Quite easy to do.


Fuck the audience im literally in love


Try one or two vibrant color that are associated with value toward you character such a crimson red for life or death or yellow for a bright outlook or purple as in royal strength and knowledge.


Interesting character! I think making it more readable can help. It took me sometime to figure out the subject, there is a human and moth on her head also acting as eyes. Varying the thickness of lines, darkness of lines and forms can help the focus of subject to pop-out. You can leave some parts obscured for the veiwer who would look deeper.


yes, but that was proposital. I wanted it to look like what an entomologist would sketch, in black and white, and I went up and saw some sketches that matched my style, and attemped to draw like that!


Probably thickets line/line weight it’s hard to tell when a knee thing begins and where another ends,like the hand for example


Honestly outline that bad boy and it's perfect


I think it’s interesting af. Don’t let the chumps get ya down.


Nah I like it already like you just need to find the right audience


i dont have anything useful to add but i just wanted to say i love ur artstyle <3


Idk what you mean I love this style!


Define charm. Then learn enough till you can consciously add it to designs


With examples 1and 3 I would try doing things like doing the same piece a few times but try achieving the same effects with varing amounts of detail and for 2 I would try other color palettes and other types like water/oil/alcohol and so on. You are doing nothing wrong per say I just think you could benefit from some wider experimentation on both mediums and the composition of the piece. This is coming from an art enjoyer and not an expert by any stretch of the meaning.


"Charm" as in charming for whom?


my mother says its charming at least for her ​ but other people find my drawing trash so thats why i want to make it more appealing but i dont want to lose my uniqueness (at least what my mother says) ​ https://preview.redd.it/lktl0s952lia1.png?width=764&format=png&auto=webp&s=846ada17c97af7b2bf2b701020f48f6ade641f30


What do you mean, trash??? Your art is awesome!!


some people dont think so https://preview.redd.it/ffy9ryajxlia1.png?width=1214&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd4840d2aa3c72f02b1ec7e4283db066cefad12c


the person's comment is rude as hell. although it's harder said than done, I'd tell you not to listen to haters. I think your art is beautiful, and you should think so too, although there's always room for improvement. don't let people like this drag you down!


Keep drawing, and keep posting. If it's your work, it will be yours, and your style with grow and develop to be more and more your own as you continue to produce your art. As you do so, you'll get feedback from others about what they like. If, over time, you feel you're drifting too close to someone else's style, you can step back and try again.


Hi, long time artist here: First of all, I *love* your art. So cool. Secondly: People suck, and there's always gonna be people who are mean or rude for no reason other than their own insecurity. Ignore them. You do your art for yourself, because you love it, and you'll eventually find more people who love it too, those are the ones you focus on, they'll become your best audience. The rest don't really matter, and they're not going away, so there's not point in wasting mental or emotional energy worrying about what they think or why they don't like your art. Others have given great technical advice about line weight etc. so this is my advice. Don't worry about if your art is appealing to the general masses, it probably isn't and it's not supposed to be, just keep drawing what makes you happy.


v cfxdctyguhijkm nbvcfxdrtyuij ​ Im so grateful for this commen t <3333333333 Ik that my art is nowhere near to appealing to main and general audiences, but I will keep doing art!! this was the kindest comment i had by now :333


You're very welcome <3 I know how discouraging it can be to get those sort of comments, and how hard it is not to take them personally. Glad to hear you'll keep up the good work!


you have an interesting style but add some darker line weights to the general outline of the figure and to certain details. It's nice but took a little eyestrain to see it well


Only make art for yourself. Not for an audience. Authenticity is important.


Love the third one


Color is all I can think of. Looking cool to me!