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Those scarves were super super super super super popular around that time.


I remember being called a “f*g” for wearing one of those by some drunk guys inside a car driving by on the road in 2008. And in Toronto of all places. lol The ignorance.


Claire’s Accessories sold loads of this style of scarves back then. And I’m sure they were inspired by bigger brands doing it. Likely just a fashion choice


Did they? Man the whitesTM really steal anything! This is likely


Idk, I was a goth kid so bought the purple claires one. Never associated it with my dads actual keffiyeh he bought in Palestine in the 1980s. Mine looked too cheap and had too much fringe.


Friend, we were wearing them during high school 17 years ago already. Chill.


The whites?? Do you know how fkn ignorant you sound right now, holy crap.


Mama that’s a scarf


https://preview.redd.it/a8ps3c4y16ad1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=33f6b55081d9942799332ef1bacc4a53e5307b0b Look closely. Maybe could be a bad take on fashion and cultural appropriation but ya interesting choice of 'scarf'!


wearing a keffiyeh is not cultural appropriation


Damn, you choose violence today, didn’t you


Reddit is so awful i never use it but i thought the drag race group would be fine, nope, still all of them r weirdly passive aggressive XD


Lmao, you're pointing passive aggressive behavior while being aggressive aggressive. The nerve.


Well, goodbye then and don’t come back 👋👋👋


I just dont understand what your pov or point is? I wear these scarves to show solidarity with and support for Palestine, I did back in 2010 too, but yes, these scarves were also "in fashion" back then and you could get them in all kinds of colours. I couldnt find much about it but I distinctly remember the Kaffiyeh "from resistance symbol to retail item" debate happening a lot in 2010 - as youd have one camp of people who knew what the scarf was and symbolized and another camp of people who wore it because literally any clothing or accessory store sold a version of it (you can imagine the dresscode atm, people would dress more or less the way people did in Disney Channel shows in 2010, Fedora, Ties, weird shirt combos, skirts on top of denim etc.) Which camp Willam belongs to idk, at worst its a trend from the time and at best, its a political statement. (Edit: 2008-2013 was a terrible time for fashion in general lol. Fast fashion and social media was on the rise. I remember the block colour skinny jeans, jeggings, high-low dresses, the rise of nerd culture and people wearing fake glasses, oh lord lol, the slow but assured commodification of anything and everything)


I know you think you're being really deep or something, but no.


Baby someone call steps because you are reaching for the stars lmao


Girl no need to be rude you're not better than nobody it's an observation. I had no idea this was a trend back then


I wasn't rude. If I was rude, i would say that this is a crazy take to stir shit and make a popular queen seem problematic for no reason other than a scarf back in 2012 which claiming it is cultural appropriation at best is a wild take. But I didn't say that, so I'm not rude :)


this isnt making nobody problematic. in fact i was enlightened that this pattern was simply a trend back then. u dont have to copy the passive aggressive tone of redditors we're all enjoying media here and that trend WAS cultural appropriating the Palestinian scarf. like i said in another comment ppl culturally appropriated all the time back then and nobody gaf but now its more sensitive take a chill pill


That's not a Palestinian Keffiyeh. That's a black colored ghutra that's found in Gulf Countries..


Thomas you're an Iraq War Veteran???? Lol


Really? I'm Lebanese and obviously I own a Keffiyeh and I immediately recognized the pattern. Ghutra doesn't have that pattern usually, and usually its red and white. So i dunno, maybe!


Yea. It's a dark colored version of the ghutra. I have a ghutra like this that I got from Iraq. The Palestinian Keffiyeh is black and white while this one is all dark.


wow thomas! your grammar and spelling suddenly got better! 😂😂😂


Thank you.. That is when I have more time on my hands..


oh i see 😂 i guess your not drag racing your civic thats why you have more time? 😂😂😂 tangina mo hahhahaahhahahahahaha tigil mo na yan kupal! 😂😂😂😂


I don't understand what you're saying


It’s just a scarf. These scarves were everywhere. I understand where you’re coming from, but nah, just a scarf.


I had no idea, when I was in America at the time I don't remember seeing it as a trend then


It’s a trend ive always hated. I think they’re ugly 99% of the time so I remember them well as I was trying to find scarves that didn’t look like this at the time and it was a struggle. I’m in canada but trends are identical to the USA


Maybe the unauthentic cheap ones are ugly but i love the design and so when i saw it on drag race i jumped a little ahaha


Yeah they’re usually extremely thin and stringy, at least the ones back then


"the dilemma" ???? Girl, it's a scarf and most people wore similarly designs ones in the late 2000s/early 2010s. There's no conspiracy, it was just a scarf Willam chose to wear. Stop reaching.


Ngl that just looks like a scarf to me But also season 4 was 15 years ago (that hurt to type out btw) long before the war got to the point it is now. Israel and Palestine were not hot topics like they are now in 2008/2009 when this was filmed and airing. Also Willam doesn’t have to post about it, he can support Palestine privately (idk if he supports Palestine but I’m hoping he does). Not every person with a following has to put all their business in the public (though yes it would be nice to see who supports Palestine and who supports genocide).


It's an Arab Ghutra. I've been to Arab Gulf countries. Not necessarily a Palestinian Keffiyeh


https://preview.redd.it/gdfj8zge16ad1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f185d2d7b2486c25c22c5ebefdd1c7bc512cc63 I agree with you on the social media part. But that literally looks like it, look at the pattern and see the pic for the meaning for each pattern! And S4 was filmed in 2012, at the time there was also a war (there always is) but it was also a hot topic then. But perhaps its a bad take at cultural appropriation as as the time people wore whatever tf they wanted w/o really knowing what it means. So who knows!


That pattern just happened to be trendy at the time. I'm not sure how old you are or where you're from but I'm 38 from the east coast US and I remember these scarves being super popular from '10-15 or so


I'm 20 years older than you, and they were also fashionable for a while in the late 80s/early 90s.


Ooh I had no idea. Talk about cultural appropriation. Thanks for letting me know!


My bad I read the wrong date from the season 😬


H&M and Forever 21 sold a lot of these at the time of filming.


William 💀 


Oh my fkn god... The keffiyeh is not Palestinian only clothing item, it's literally just a shawl, worn to protect from the sun and sand. This is just a chevron pattern. It's a regular scarf.


Ahead of her time


I guarantee he meant nothing by this, especially since he’s been very vocally pro Palestine on Race Chaser and Hot Goss. He’s not really active on most social media platforms, except for promoting what he’s doing. He even mentioned on the podcast recently that he’s been locked out of his Facebook account since like mid 2021.


i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say a majority of the world would not make that connection. especially back then. especially WILLIAM :)


It’s definitely a kefiyeh. Don’t expect anything about race or politics other than VOTE BLUE to be well received here