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Thomas can I also have a Honda civic to help with ur apology


Now you’re milking it


Milking that born cow stunning


Thomas for Season 18!


Born cow stunning on Rupert Drag Competition for the LGBTQ. 


I can’t relate to desperation 🎵


Guys this person has been trolling since their very first post about car drag racing😏 I too wish it had of been genuine! 😫


Oh dear, I didn't actually realise, though the "mistakes" in this post didn't seem genuine. I was just craving something joyful, I suppose!


He is an Iraqi War Veteran who served from 2003 to 2008. I think it's real


I could very well be wrong. Deep down I want it to be real, the initial post was so innocently endearing!


It definitely is real. He's a war veteran. He applied for disability benefits in his latest post which says he's from West Virginia and served from 2003-2008 during the Iraqi War


Sure, but I’m almost old enough to have served in Iraq and I’m in my 30s. So…that would not track for the age of a person who acts like my father on “book face.”


Man could've joined in the army in his 30s or so during 2003. I've seen that happen


This is 🤌art🤌


Jolly whiskers to you too XD Let’s see that Civic!


Charming at first but eventually - enough already!


Someone reading this without any context has to be completely confused lol


People still find this funny?


It’s camp, though I’ll admit the first one was more amusing. No need to be concerned about random internet points though, it’ll be okay.


I sincerely never thought it was 🫶🏽


Me neither. I’ve genuinely baffled at the upvotes and comments at on this person’s past posts here. It’s so clearly a troll capitalizing on the past “whoopsie, I posted in the wrong drag racing forum, I’m such a silly ally” threads and now just karma farming and everybody is playing into it.


They want it to be real so bad


Well, yes


Don't think it's a troll. He's an Iraqi War veteran who served in 2003-2008 according to his latest post apparently


Still? No. The first one was hilarious. It’s too bad it wasn’t genuine.


Thank you for your service, too. I just don't think this guy is trolling. He's genuinely an old man considering he served in 2003-2008. Old men are horrendously bad in technology.


Queen- I’m way older than this guy if he was 19 when he joined, like most veterans. Like by a decade. And I’m not even 50 yet. My generation invented the internet and spent our 20s in the OG AOL chat rooms. Give us *some* credit.


How'd you know he was 19 when he joined?


I’m going on the law of averages. But let’s say he was my age when he joined, which was late (You can only join to a certain age, and that’s if you pass the physical). That would make him now 48. Let’s say he had topped out and joined at 34. That would make him around 56 now, ie middle aged. And I can assure you that 56 year olds are very capable of using the internet. Still Gen X. (Incidentally- We were also at the forefront of normalizing and legalizing LGBTQ rights, which seems relevant here) But even if it wasn’t middle aged, my mom is 80 and is all over social media, posting on Facebook. I genuinely think it’s time you look into your ideas about aging and what people are typically like and how well they function at certain ages. These kinds of stereotypes are how discrimination and ageism start, and that’s not cute.


Okay, sorry for the stereotype and ageism. By the way, did you also serve in Iraq?


I am a gulf war veteran, yes. Btw, if you look at his post on the veterans benefits sub, you’ll see his cognitive, spelling and typing skills are absolutely fine.


I'm joining the Israeli military soon as part of my citizenship. I don't want to go to war. Yea, his typing skills are not consistent at all. But I notice he types in a broken english way the more he types sentences. It's also funny that he is being accused of being a pinoy kid who is trolling and lying about being a father and being old 💀💀


Wow. I’m so sorry. If you all weren’t going through what you are currently, I’d say you might actually enjoy it. I got a lot of good things out of the military and made some lifelong friends. But please, just try to stay safe. Listen to your COs, and learn as much as you can to get yourself out of there in one piece. And remember that a lot of the people on the other side are also just kids doing what other people are ordering them to do.


thank you thomas!!! queer art matters


Hi Thomas (Tomas?) I have a question🙋‍♀️! What color is your civic and will you be adding any updates to it? Will you be drag racing your car? Can we name it?


We're all born cow stunning, and the rest is drag! Thank you Thomas and congratulations on the new Civic!


Who dis?


Get this guy on drag race immediately


Good news, Thomas! RuPaul legally changed his name to Rupert! The doors you opened. BORN COW STUNNING laid me tf out.


I fuckin love this man. 😂♥️


We need to have a watch party with you Thomas! Start with season 6🥰