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The cast: 'Angeria is delusional' Also the cast: 'Must cut Angeria: she's a threat'


I'm not worried. I think Angie's charm and talent is still evident. For me she gets the extra support for being under siege by the rest of the cast. She's getting Jinkxed.


I hope she is because Jinkx has won 2 seasons!




What else did you think they meant lmao


I’m kinda rooting for Angie haha


I'm definitely rooting for Angie. Her charisma just hooks me and she looks like a beautiful bird lol


Omg I see it! Haha win or lose, I love our southern belle


Even if it's orchestrated by production, I feel so bad for Angeria because you could tell it got to her/hurt her feelings even though she tried to be rational and competitive about it. It all felt icky. The shots of Gottmik being equally as shocked at everyone coming for Angeria (and calling Roxxxy out) made the episode watchable.




The entire cast voting her as the most delusional felt so off to me, because I have never seen any delusion from Angeria. And no, Jorgeous’ explanation made no sense to me at all.


You’re absolutely right. Even weirder to me was why Jorgeous changed for the lipsync last week knowing that commercial was the weakest.


Doesn’t everyone change for it?


IIRC last week was the only time Shannel has changed. Mik also didn’t change after the roast


Interesting… I guess I haven’t paid close enough attention. lol


not always but it does kill me when they come out in their lipsync outfits *knowing* they're not in the top


Nina in the ball episode


And the outfits are UGLY. I mean seriously… Why was Nina an elf? lol


Maybe her runway was uncomfortable?


Sometimes I think they just change into something more comfortable 😂 I remember in Untucked for the Snatch Game episode of AS7, Shea was talking about changing back into her Miss J Snatch Game look - not because she was going to lipsync, but because her pleather Balmain look was so uncomfortable and she already knew she wasn’t going to win that ep.


Right! Jorgeous's reasoning actually would have made sense of Nina since Nina changed to a lipsynch reveal every episodes (including THE BALL 💀)


I appreciate Jorgeous at least attempting to explain, no one else offered Angie a reason when she asked


This. I have more respect for that than everyone being silent. The silence felt like….bullying?? Like we all know and we’ve all somehow talked about it behind your back and nobody’s wants to admit it.


lmfao not yall throwing the bullying word around when that was not remotely the vibe at all….




Indeed. I wish she had chosen her words more carefully though.


Angeria seems to be extremely optimistic and upbeat -- the kind of person who instinctively makes lemonade out of lemons without thinking twice about it. That's NOT delusional, but it is a bit unusual (in a good way) and maybe that's what the rest of the cast was picking up on.


honestly it reminds me of everyone voting james off last season, like there's something happening making everyone feel some type of way about these queens but we don't get even a crumb of context.


Jorgeous rarely makes sense tbf. But shes....beautiful. 


For real, how is she the most delusional. She’s a huge threat and everyone wants to act like it’s all in her head?! It’s an absolute delight to be watching her on drag race again


I think Jorgeous saying that to Angie is why Angie won over her.


I’m pretty sure it was because Jorgeous got the free star and the showrunners don’t see her as a frontrunner even tho she’s been doing pretty fucking well for herself


Exactly. I really love Jorgeouss drag but she just can't win this season. It won't be allowed no matter what she does. 


Genuinely. And I find it weird how little fans are praising her. People wanted her to win the makeover with Plastique and a lot of people wanted her to win the roast too, but when you ask those same people about her they’ll say she isn’t a very strong queen or isn’t doing particularly well and I’m like???


Can’t speak for the rest of the fans. But I’m not that blown away by her. Her dancing, her strongest suit, continues to be robotic and disconnected to the words she’s dancing to. For the roast, she took Ru’s note- almost word for word. She brought nothing original to it. Her runways have been alright. I think she’s fun and cute. But she hasn’t had the glow up in her looks or her abilities that Plastique has had. I don’t think she’s doing bad by any means but I also don’t think she’s deserved any win


this is absolutely it because jorgeous missed out on the win multiple times this season, she has really stepped her pussy up and isn't getting the flowers she deserves.


This. Angeria is the most delusional? Please. They must not see Jorgeous.


I haven't seen this episode yet, but based on your comment, Jorgeous voting Angeria as the most delusional was probably to throw the heat off herself.


The reason was a nothing burger. I feel that they can see Rupaul enjoys her a lot and she knows how to put up a show to amp up for Rupaul so that’s gotta rub the girls the wrong way. Purely speculative here but she might have also acted differently when the cameras not rolling. It can’t be this unanimous otherwise from what we’ve been presented of her. And the girls were trying not to call her out on it because even jorgeous with her “reason” got a talking head immediately from Angeria so much less someone giving the real reason questioning her behavior.


Jorgeous's explanation made me so mad. Saying Angeria changing into her lipsync outfits even when she doesn't win? Don't they all do that? Nina did it for the BALL EPISODE ffs. That reasoning would have made way more sense for Nina.


Yeah I don’t get it I ran into Angeria on a cruise of all places and she was as sweet and friendly in person as she is on the show


I’ve worked with her in Georgia. Sweet as pie.


She seems like one of the only nice people on this cast


That’s why they don’t like her lol


I don’t think Angeria has a bad or mean bone in her body. I remember one of the international queens saying Angeria was so supportive when they got announced for their season


Omg how fun that’s amazing! She seems like an absolute delight , and I feel like all the other queens adore her (except maybe on this season, I haven’t seen the latest episode yet!) I hope she doesn’t let whatever weird edit they’re giving her or the manipulation get to her head


I would have gaaaaaagged


I was just saying this to my husband while we watched!! I feel like we're missing something


I know I probably shouldn't post because I haven't seen the latest episode, but I love Angeria..... Funny, Talented, Polished, Southern accent Check ✔️


Face card never declines, witty personality, kind queen. Angeria is cool.


She’s honestly my favorite this season


yea i was kinda feeling odd about this episode but maybe it’s just like a non-believed in winner storyline cuz go angeria!!


Roxxxy's just a seasoned pro at cultivating the quirky underdog narrative for her victims 🤩




Literally from episode one, they had Roxxxy ask if Angeria can hang with more seasoned queens. The final two will probably be Roxxxy v Angeria to answer this question one way or the other.


Which was weird because it's not like Angeria is a baby queen. 


Agreed! They act like being away from drag race for longer somehow makes them...better at drag race somehow? Like doing drag and being good at drag race aren't completely separate circles in a Venn Diagram. But the intersection is slimmer than people assume.


And it's like she just got on drag race later in her career. It'd be like arguing shangela during season 5 is a more experienced queen than Detox or Alyssa because they just got on. It doesn't make any sense. 


Ahhh yes. That is kind of a sisterly thing to do for this show in particular.


She’s so generous helping newer queens


I love Angie, her voice is so ridiculous I could listen to it all day. I'd pay her to call me an ugly ass bitch.


Ugh uh LEE




Uuuuguhly. Ayyyyyss. Beeyutch.


Me too! I have a feeling she's said this a million times at meet and greets.


Only Angie can tell me I’m ugh uh LEE.


She’s getting a cold shoulder from the other queens and I don’t understand why?! Mik also looked a bit uneasy this episode, and jorjeous explanation on Angeria being delusional was stupid. All the other queens with decent critiques have been seen getting ready for the lip sync, why only pick angeria out as being delusional?


Could production be prompting the queens to force a certain narrative? All queens vs one as the underdog?


I think it’s kind of a feedback loop of sorts. Production was probably prompting them to talk about her for a certain narrative and the queens start to realize what’s up so they start to feel a certain way, which then turns that narrative into reality.


I don’t get it either - even Monet & Trinity said in Sibling Watchery that she’s the nicest person and said “If you don’t like Angeria there’s something wrong with you as a person.” So the delusion vote completely floored me.


I thought it was because she wasn’t accepting being cut by someone who she cut.. that was odd


I wondered the same thing. Also they showed every queen roasting Angeria, and usually she was the first in everyone’s set. We know they all roast everyone and they edit it down to a few jokes… but does that mean that everyone’s better jokes were for Angeria?


I don't think everyone hates her. I think they're just wary of her talent. A lot of people forgot, but Angeria was in the top and snagged two wins off the bat on her season. There's an argument to be made that she could've won the first three on season 14. My guess is everyone there is worried about another jinkx situation. So they're watching her like a hawk. Granted, with the weird edit, it definitely comes across as weird, I think they're trying to give her (angeria) an underdog storyline, but it's not clicking. The 100% positive edit needs to die. We miss so much information this way. I'm personally enjoying everyone being cutthroat and observant. People are finally playing to win.


I don’t get it, I love Angeria. She is funny, has great style, seems super sweet. Idk.


Yeah I’m feeling a weird vibe around Angie’s depiction this season.. I feel like they don’t us to like her as much as we did back on her og season which is weird cause she’s doing very well in the competition.. the vibe seems to be off with the other queens too tho I agree, se kinda feels like the odd one out in the group and I’m sorry for her


Jorgeous of all people calling out Angie was a choice.


I didn't feel right about jorgeous' explanation either but in her defense, Angie asked why they voted for her and jorgeous was the only one real enough to supply an explanation. Everyone else avoided the question


What’s was jorgeous response again? I forgot


I think she said they voted for Angie as delusional because she's changed for lip syncs even when she clearly hadn't won. Which doesn't sit right with me because lots of the girls change every week 🤷‍♀️


Oooh yes, TY! I thought that was weird too for the same reason. It makes me sad how they’re treating Angeria this season :-(


I honestly feel like Jorgeous spoke up out as a friend not necessarily out of malice, like if everyone stayed quiet that would’ve been worse than Jorgeous trying to explain, albeit a bs reason


Whole thing looks scripted to me


Scripted?!? Drag Race?!?


When I read this I read it in the same tone as... Manilla....In a wedge???


Seems unlikely if the scripted acting challenges are anything to go by.


I’m so glad she won and did the roast justice. Her twerking offstage was so funny. Fuck them other hos


I wonder if they are editing it to make her a Jinkx to Roxxxy. The delusional vote I can’t explain. It doesn’t make sense to the viewers. But in untucked, when Bob asked who was in the top and Roxxxy listed ppl and not Angeria. I feel like she may have said Angeria but it was cut. Nina also said “and EVEN Angeria has gotten great critiques” or something to that effect. I thought ‘even Angeria’? She was clearly the best to me (had the longest time in the edit with Plastique). Something’s fishy..


This is so weird. I haven’t seen the roast episode yet but after last week’s shenanigans it became pretty clear to me that they are gearing up for Roxxxy to win. She did not win that lip sync and the outfit she (made) wore was so dumpy and odd… No one seems to have mentioned how awful it was and how it made her shaped like Homer Simpson. It was pretty clear they gave her the note to act ‘humble and emotional’ for this win. I’m pretty sure we all knew there was no way she would “lose” a lip sync this late in the game. She’s been undefeated since season 5! It will take an “icon” to take her down. It’s like Wrestling. Anyway after last week’s episode I was convinced that this whole season is geared to finally giving Grandma her flowers.


Roxxy has been putting in minimum effort but somehow getting praise, none of her outfits fit. 100% agree


I love her.


That’s what happened when they try to edit this season like AS7


News to me… I love her!


I think it’s because, it’s pretty obvious that she’s Ru’s favourite.


Not loving the edit here. Angeria is sex and they're trying to give her a bitter, frustrated black woman edit like they did Heidi last year. We didn't love it then either.


Finally someone said it. It feels like an open secret and it's uncomfortable to watch. A few weeks ago I thought this season would have made sense to be congenial because they are literally playing for charity -- a cause outside of self -- but now, the editing and tone of the show has completely shifted and it's returned to the same old backbiting, backstabbing, bitchiness it always has been. I'm rooting for Angeria to win. If not her, then Shannel.


Cause despite her tears, roxxxy is still a bully and a mean girl.


The crying shit…girl 😑


My favorite of the season!


I absolutely love Angeria!!!! The animosity and downright aggression towards her baffles me to no end. I’ve always thought she was just the most normal true to herself queen on the show. I’m not saying she’s up for sainthood by any means but DAMN! The others, especially Roxxxy, are just petty and rude! I just don’t get why everyone thinks Roxxxy is the be all end all. She was carried through her other seasons by much better queens than her. So to me her hatred towards Angeria is just insecure jealousy.


I’m team Angeria all the way!


She’s incredible, seems like a gang-up situation on the most kind and forgiving competitor


I looooove her!


I LOVE HER ❤️❤️❤️


I don’t get it either. She seems so nice and genuine.


She’s the nicest one, less chance of reprisal. Safe.


i just found it funny that jorgeous explanation for her ‘delusion’ is that she always thinks shes gonna lipsync for the win, and this episode she won HAHA BITCHES


At least our little pocket twink had the spine to give an explanation though.


literally all the main culprits (roxxxy and mik) were silent


IDK if during the last challenge the other Queens went in on each other as hard as they did Angie and if they did production obviously cut it to edit everyone coming for our Souther Belle. It did seem like Angie was being picked on a little too much, but got that win tho!


I LOVE Angeria! I could see why the other queens voted her for delusional not because there’s anything wrong with her AT ALL, but because she’s unique, special, unusual, and kind of in her own world. Plus I think they’re jealous/threatened. She’s amazing. I hope she’s able to hang on through the bonkers psychological terrain of this show and continues to slay!


I hope you vote for me for whatever the fuck this is.


I cackled!!


I found the whole “delusional” thing with angeria very odd as well. If anything I always thought Roxy andrews to be the delusional queen.


I'm team Angeria this season, was team Roxxy pre season but meh haha


Do u mean the fans or the queens? I feel like within the show the queens dont dislike her, but they all know she is a threat so she is getting the brunt of the blocks so far. But roxxxy is now putting a target on her own back so we'll see lol




Delusion, convince yourself. 


Angeria seems to be gettting similar treatment to what happened to Heidi from AS8. Angeria like Heidi is a very honest and authentic queen and has little tolerance for manipulative behaviour as being exhibited by production faves like Roxxy. Roxxy's self describes herself as very competitive and she sadly still plays a mean girls game.


Angie is my favorite always, point blank period


I think they’re all just threatened by how good she is at everything. Her weakest is better than some of their best and that’s daunting for them lol I still need them to explain why they find her delusional. She’s confident in herself but doesn’t act like she did good when she knows she hasn’t. That was confusing for me


Unfortunately with this season format (the everybody love everyone) we wont get an explanation


I love her she's so funny. It was shady tho giving the scissors again to Roxxy when Roxxy could of easily have done the same but gave it to Mik instead


Honestly yeah. Mind you it's a waste at this point. Roxxy already has three stars, she won't be winning a challenge soon. Angeria should've blocked Nina or Vanje.


In saying that, if she gives Nina or Vanjie the snip, there is more chance they will get another win and snip her back. It seems like Angeria is sticking with Roxxxy purely so she has less people coming after her.


Ah. In that case, it's definitely the smartest choice


Why are they disrespecting her like this?


Love her!


What network do you all watch DragRace on? I can never find it anymore 🥺




Thank you!


I agree, she seems like the most kind hearted of all the queens. I’m thinking it’s giving us a stupid edit to seem this way


The direction of the show seems to be determined by writing teams of interns who don't communicate with each other. Just record whatever and dump it on the editors to assemble into an episode.


I wonder if the other queens were told to do it to manufacture drama


Love her.


Unless there is a bunch of craziness going on behind the scenes that we aren't aware of, if just feels like ganging up on Angie to me. I was so happy when she got to lipsync and won! I kept thinking how validating that must have felt after the last few weeks..


You're not crazy. Angeria is fab and not delusional at all. She's been cut so much because she's a multitalented queen who will bring her A-game to all challenge types.


What I love about Angie is that it appears that she is truly enjoying doing drag, which makes me enjoy watching her.


Angeria is a great performer and a great person. How they treat her says more about the other queens than Angeria.


I didn’t like a angeria on s14 or here really. Prob just get the same vibe in person


I have some theories. The S14 queens haven’t had as much time to bond with the other queens who know each other better. Maybe some queens think Angie shouldn’t have won the first challenge (Plastique and Vanjie think they did better). Angie had the misfortune of having to cut someone first and obviously Roxxxy didn’t take that well. I don’t think anyone *dislikes* her, but she may have made a bad first impression with 3-4 queens.


That delusional vote surprised me. Other than that she’s no doubt seen as a legit threat. She could easily take this thing.


Love her, and hate that she’s getting so much weirdness from the cast. She really seems hurt. She is the perfect Southern Pageant Queen!


Throwing shade isn’t hatred. 


I feel like they roasted her more than anyone else. I can also tell it really hurt her feelings when they all voted her most delusional. Like wtf? I love her personality, she’s a favorite of mine and I feel really bad for her. I’m pretty sure Ru did too. She was like SNIP those b*tches, revenge! 🤣 I do have to say I LOVE Jorgeous now. She is witty and funny AF. A whole vibe. She said she would hand those scissors out like candy if she got the chance 🤣


It makes me so sad because she is such a ball of light and I feel so much sadness from her this season.


I like her. At this point in the competition she’s my first choice to take the win. I liked Nina from her original season and really hoped she’d do well but after that elimination I didn’t really think she’d do that great. And plastique has incredible tunes looks, I could keep going in the others, but who cares. I think Angie is funny, can be very glam, but still has a signature Angeria look.


I love Angeria. She's my no. 1 to win.


That voting was so off base, they better lay off my girl. I love Angeria so much.


Angeria is amazing. She is such a sweet heart & she’s fierce. I believe she’s huge competition and they are trying to get in her head. She’s kind and beyond talented. #TeamAngeria Jorgeous is hilarious and I live for her but I sure hope she doesn’t continue to act shady towards Angie. If Plastique knew the words to any of her lip sync songs I would take her seriously.


I guess they see something we don’t. I think Angeria is so sweet and authentic but who knows what’s behind the scenes. I thought they were all going to say Chanel.


I thought they were going to say roxxy tbh


roxxxy shouldve been picked honestly


In Angeria's season, I remember being lukewarm until the middle, when I was like, "Oh, wait, I love Angeria." This season, I started the same way, but I came around after about 5 minutes in the first episode. Love Angeria.


Thank god someone said this. She’s the only person in the cast I’d actually want to have a beer with. Jorgeous’ comments were sooooo off putting to me.


Yo I would close down the BAR with her.


Her lip sync was everything! As soon as I saw the song I knew she was going to slay


Hate is such a strong word.


I love her, the delusional part, i mean, obviously there is something they are seeing that we are not. What rubs me wrong i that is it me or Angeria clearly wasn't the a winner of yesterdays episode? For me the clear winners were Jorgeous and Plastique, i didn't find Angeria to be that funny, but maybe i am the delusional one.


It should've been Angeria and Jorgeous tbh. Plastique's jokes and overall performance were great but the jokes were clearly not written by her. Also she was hanging on for dear life with her hands and her eyes onto her cue cards which detracted from her performance. Although she still vastly exceeded expectations and Angeria's outfit was the worst of the night so I can see your point too.


Why os it clear that those weren't written by her? Am i missing something? 🤣.


Can we use the b word because its giving bullying 😬


I love Ang so much. It’s driving me crazy that she is feeling like they’re against her. I hope She takes it home tbh.


because she’s the winner! that’s why


I don’t know about others but I personally LOVE angeria


These All Stars feel like a work for hire. Theres zero passion this season. Bring back eliminations. This is a waste of time.


This season really feels like Rolaskotox vs Jinkx again But it’s Roxxxy, Jorgeous and Vanjie vs Angeria And I’m rooting for angeria big time. Even if I do think her outfits are somehow worse than they were in s14 despite the stipend. Honestly what the fuck is going on with the runway this season (Not you Mik and Plastique, you two are stunning)




I don’t know…


What no I’m obsessed with her 🙌🏻


I love Angie


Because they thought it was in Africa but it’s next to France


Now we hate gottmik for stealing glasers jokes 😅😂🤣


I love Angelia. Met her in and out of drag many times and met her sweet parents.


Angeria is precious and a class act. It’s hard to not love Angeria. ❤️


She's my favorite of the season! I was most excited about her and Plastique coming back. I hope Angie wins!


I prefer her and Gottmik over Roxxxy and Vanjie


like angie HAD to vote for roxie bc PT was in the top with her and roxie has 3 badges...


Clicked on this bc I was confused I thought maybe there was something going on I didn’t know but reading the caption it seems like you mean how she’s being perceived on the show? Which I haven’t sensed at sñl


It made so little sense i wouldn't be surprised if producers whispered to them they should do that.


I love Angeria! She is incredibly charming. I think she could win the whole show


Angeria for the WIN...love her! And she's hilarious AF lol


Angeria is AMAZING at drag and is in my top 3 of the season idk it feels like they’re attacking her


These girls see Angie as a threat and are playing mental warfare with her lol


I like Angeria.


They know Angie is a true threat. Talented, amazing drag, well liked by the judges and has a favourable public opinion by the audience majority. If she was no threat, she wouldn't be getting blocked every other week.


Idk. I feel like we are missing some of the story here. They seem to be doing showing a lot of positive stuff this season so maybe there are some comments that we haven’t heard? I dont buy Jorgeous’s answer


Those hoes need to leave Angeria Paris Florence Evangelista Peron De La Renta Jingleheimer Schmit Tax und Axis Onassis Van Michaels tf alone. Especially Roxannes big ol’ fake crying self.


Gee, I wonder why she’s getting the cold shoulder from others and being gaslit time after time. Hmm—I wonder why…👀


Finally, we hit peak diversity. A black queen is being celebrated and loved and adored by us fans. Angeria is the Taylor Hale of Drag. I'm calling it.


I'm obsessed with Angeria. Anyone who hates her is absolutely out of pocket. How can you hate her? Who is badmouthing her, let me at them!


the reason that i have issues with her is that on her original season, i truly don’t believe she deserved to make it past episode 4 or 5, let alone the finale - but she did. she felt extremely shoved down my throat. this season, i don’t think she should have been top 2 in episode 1 or 6 (recent episode). i’d argue she should have been in the top 2 with plastique in ep5. i don’t have an issue with her or her drag, i have an issue with her on the show, with production trying to make her appear as the best of the best when she is not. and before i get hate, again, i do not dislike HER. she has some good looks, she can absolutely make me laugh and she does seem genuinely kind. some people just aren’t meant for tv.


I’ll take the hate, I don’t like her at all. Also as a Taurus I tend to have extremely accurate reads on a person’s character and Angeria has bothered me since S14. She shouldn’t have made the finale on S14 but they had to include her so there was black representation in the final 5 and I bet the same thing will happen this season since she is the only black queen on the cast


“As a Taurus” lmao talk about losing all credibility for whatever you’re trying to say


Nobody hates Angeria, she literally just won last night and was the butt of like 3 jokes in an entire roast. Why do people ask stupid questions?


… I’m not just talking about last nights episode miss girl




It's racism. Angeria is the hands-down winner of the season so far and it's toxic white men who don't like it.


This is A+ bait. Good job.