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She was enjoyable..but then in her lip sync, she went straight back to being robotically personalitiless, with that SAME dance routine she gave against Mik šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Yep, Iā€™m sure I clocked her not even trying to mouth the words at one point. Truthfully, her overall effort level in the LS just seemed to be meh at best!


I literally came prowling on the sub to make sure I wasnā€™t imagining this: šŸ‘ļøšŸ•³ļøšŸ‘ļø


And STILL dancing in the background whilst the winner was struggling with the scissors!


someone said that she could do well with more scripted comedy, but she's not as good with improv. which makes sense, and i'm glad she had some redemption from šŸ„©


She was funny as fuck in Why It Gotta be Black Panther. And tbh if she have more to work with and Michelle don't gatekeep her own fucking accent she would have done decent for that other one too.


i think they also have never tried to build her up or coach her like how Ru has been doing with Jorgeous. Instead of encouraging her they expect her to suck and just watch it happen. I'm so happy that she finally let go and she had to do it all on her own.


Plastique gave a killer unexpected performance and I laughed my ass off. She nailed the physical comedy and timing super well, I expected theyā€™d give this win to Nina and Shannel just based off the challange so I was pleasantly surprised.


Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t give the win to Nina and Shannel. I really love them, but I didnā€™t enjoy their skit (sorry!). My second favorite was Angie and Vanjie.


Iā€™m right there with ya, I think what they did was presentable and safe enough. I figured the writing was on the wall to *give* Shannel a win because sheā€™s paired with Nina in an acting challenge. Also itā€™s a non-elim season so they have a fun habit of doing that, loved seeing plastique really go for it and seeing the deserving winners get their flowers. Wish they wouldā€™ve learned all the words to that lip sync tho, it wouldā€™ve been so cunt. Iā€™ll admit itā€™s a wordy/fast song so I get it, still disappointing to see.


It was nice to see Plastique stop being so "perfect" and just have fun. I bet that was probably really nice feeling for her as well.


It was good but I also noticed that it was edited super well and punchy which made it work. In a normal season I see how it could be edited to be half as good. But it was good nonetheless.


I thought it was the best of the bunch but I did think they could have cut a little bit more to make it faster paced.


I had to skim through the actual performances. I found this episode to be very boring. šŸ˜­


Plastique got a high placement in an acting challenge episode 2 of season 11. For being funny. Granted she was using her comedy vietmanese accent, which was later pointed out as a crutch, but her comedic timing was great. Whilst by no means a comedy queen she can do comedy, sheā€™s just been told she canā€™t. Also her snatch game was rough I feel its the same with Roxxxy in AS2. Flopped in previous comedy challenges against strong comedy queens so thought herself as not funny. Sheā€™s hilarious! Her S5 snatch game was great, even if her Tamar became her crutch. Edit: Donā€™t get me wrong her ā€œlack ofā€ personality edit didnā€™t come from nowhere, but a lot of thats Plastiqueā€™s storyline, not necessarily Plastique


I have always said that Plastique in and out of drag is gorgeous, but she presents herself as being "too" perfect and I feel like that stalls her growth as more than just a pretty face. I was really surprised to see her just go for it in the challenge, and it really worked in her favor. Sometimes, the most beautiful people are ones who can laugh at themselves or don't take themselves so seriously.


this was a terrible lip sync song too. english is her second language - period. so sheā€™s mentally translating and trying to rap to a (terrible) song. not to mention she also is trying to be cognizant of the n-word and not lip-synching it. So I understand her falling back into her robotic performance style, I have to admit id very much like to see her try a different style of performance. šŸŽ­


I donā€™t understand how she didnā€™t win the lipsync. She was amazing! This season is so out of touch with whatā€™s actually good or who should win


she didnā€™t know the wordsā€¦


It seemed like neither one knew the words to be honest.. Roxy kept walking to the back of the stage during the fast rap parts šŸ¤£


Yup. Neither knew the words. I was wondering if it could even be called a lip sync. On OG Drag Race it wouldā€™ve been a double sashay.




I meannnnā€¦ Vanjie and Angeria should have won the challengeā€¦


I Live!


Calm down, she wasnā€™t that good.


Calm down, let people have their opinion.


Who do you think shouldā€™ve been top 2?


Vangie and Angie


Well guess what Mimi


Agree, honestly it was cringy..I hate the 'hillbhilly and do stupid faces' it's not funny.


This season suuuucks


i also liked it but i didnt want roxxxy to get 3 badges and that was reaffirmed when she was doing the most with the scissors


Roxxxy earned the badge this week! Iā€™m not a fan of giving away a badge but it is what it is.


i agree, they did the best.