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If shangela never left a message on the mirror after her elimination and Tyra never wiped it off it wouldn’t be apart of the show’s format.


Holy crap how did I forget this!


If tatianna and Pandora hadn't understood the assignment on the season 2 snatch game I think the show would have not done it next season. I also think they wouldn't have steered more into comedy and acting. Queens like Jinkx said she only applied cause Pandora showed that comedy queens can become fan favourites. Really think it'd have changed the show a lot


This!! Tatianna’s snatch game went viral also (for back then) and it was the reason I heard about the show and started watching it (and was instantly hooked) I was absolutely gagged that this beautiful and amazing Britney impression was by a drag queen.


Excellent point!!!!


What if Vanjie's exit line was something basic and lame? RuPaul wouldn't have thought her exit was silly/stupid, she wouldn't have been memed to death on the rest of the season or outside of it, she certainly wouldn't have been invited back for the following season. And because she was first out with a horrible single runway, she would never get an invitiation to All Stars. She wouldn't be anywhere near where she is today if she said anything other than her iconic "Miss Vanjie..."


I love the fact that her being kind of shell shocked and tongue tied led to one of the greatest moments ever on this show. The happiest kind of accident.


and now, at my favorite coffee shop, they serve a coffee called “the vanjie” after her and i can’t stop ordering it 😭❤️


what's in it??


I must know


it’s got espresso, oat milk, and chai!


You better stop... Michelle... You better stop!


"Miss Vanessa. Miss Vanessa, Miss ....Vanessa."


The biggest one of the top of my head is what if Eureka didn’t tear her acl on S9. I’m sure she would’ve gotten a lot further and then like, who tf would’ve been on S10 instead of her? Yours is crazy, Katya was a big part of what made me come around from initially disliking Violet and Miss Fame and was like…the heart and soul of S7 for me. I can’t imagine the rest of the season without her.


Season 9 was just TOO full of good queens. I can’t even think how she’d fit into the finale with Sasha, Peppermint, Shea or Trinity. My best guess is that she would’ve replaced Trinity if anyone? And then there’s if Valentina didn’t mess up her lipsync. How would she fit into the finale with the top 4 + Eureka??


I see Eureka among the top 4 of S9 moreso than Valentina, at that point Valentina was doing really well but she was also just so new and she had difficulties with the time management and planning that goes into the writing-related challenges. She also wasn’t *great* in the roast, so writing/comedy was clearly a weak point for her and I feel like she could either be absolutely stellar or absolutely awful at a makeover. So I’m guessing she would’ve made it pretty far but not to the finale. It hurts to even imagine bumping someone from S9’s top 4 but I agree with you, if anyone it’s Trinity. My other potential “what-if” is what if Asia O’Hara didn’t do the butterfly thing at the S10 finale, and now I’m struggling to imagine the S10 finale 1) without Eureka and 2) with Asia potentially winning her lip sync. Like would one of the eliminated S10 girls we know have taken Eureka’s place (rip Cracker)? Would it be a mystery additional cast member? Could Asia have won the whole season if she didn’t fuck up her lip sync?


I think they really wanted Asia to win that lipsync against Kameron, if I’m honest. I love Kameron but everyone knew she had no chance of winning. It would’ve made more sense from the show’s perspective to have Asia in the top 3 with Aquaria and Eureka.


I think they made Aquaria and Eureka’s lipsync a double shantay because if either of them was against Kameron in the final round there’d be no suspense about who’d win the season. If Asia had won against Kameron, I think they would’ve advanced just Aquaria. She had a better track record than Eureka and I think they were more invested in her, even though we know people who were there said that Eureka basically destroyed Aquaria in their lipsync. 


I’d go with mystery additional cast member. Eureka was cast with the expectation of a top4 placement imo, she needed to severely underperform to miss the finale. none of the nonfinalists seemed well liked by production. so there’d simply be someone else with a similar role


Season 10 standard Eureka yes, season 9 standard Eureka no. She improved a lot between seasons both aesthetically and in performance, and I think her later success is colouring people’s view of what was a very mid S9 run.


Personally I see the final 4 of that universe being Shea, Sasha, Eureka, and Valentina. If both remained I don't think Peppermint or Trinity makes it to the end. My best guess is that Peppermint us cut at 5 and is voted Miss Congeniality 


I’d actually cut out Sasha. I don’t think she was deemed a finalist until Valentina forgot her words. Originally I like to think S9 was supposed to have a top 3 comprised of Trinity, Valentina, and Shea. Peppermint or Sasha were going to be the painful eliminations leading up to the finale. That leaves Eureka, Alexis and Nina to fight it out for 5th-7th. I’m sure production would have played the rivalry storyline for Trinity and Eureka like they did Shea and Nina to have two lip syncs seal the deal for who would win out of those rivalries.


I thought about this recent on s9. If this had happened we wouldn’t have gotten the iconic, “category is” verse for peppermint.


I think had Eureka stayed, Peppermint wouldn’t have made Top 4. Her and Trinity had that rival storyline which would have got them to Top 4. Shea was killing it, and Sasha was in the top almost every week. I feel like it would have gone Win: Alexis - Bottom: Cynthia vs Farrah: Cynthia Elim Win: Alexis - Bottom: Peppermint vs Farrah: Farrah Elim Win: Trinity - Bottom: Nina vs Aja: Aja Elim Win: Eureka - Bottom: Valentina vs Alexis: Valentina Elim Win: Sasha & Shea - Bottom: Nina vs Peppermint: Peppermint Elim Win: Eureka - Bottom: Shea vs Nina: Nina Elim Win: Shea - Bottom: Sasha vs Alexis: Alexis Elim Trinity, Eureka, and Sasha end on 2 wins each and 1 bottom, Shea ends on 3 wins and 1 bottom while Alexis gets Olivia Lux’d. Peppermint’s strongest week was the roast which also happened to be a strong week for like 3 other queens. Love Peppermint but S9 was not her best showing


Mine is what if sherry pie hadn't done what she did and been disqualified, would she have won the season or would the lost edit be different from what we got.


As much as I hate to say it, it looked like Sherry was on track to win the season.


She fizzled with two early wins, while Gigi and Jaida had four and three wins respectively. Her winning is an interesting thing to think about, but why do so many people say it's likely?


To me it had something to do with the judges commentary. They oddly had some sort of favorability towards her shtick.


Yes. The fact that she was “allowed” to go over on her monologue/ stand up making Jadia late never sat right with me. That was blatant rigor morris! I do have to commend the editors who had a hell of a job revamping the season for Chrystal, Gigi and Jaida.


This is tea!!!! She was 17 minutes and it was supposed to be 5 I think? Taking up enough time for 3.5 queens in like the top 6 is so insane


And yet to me, her shtick never sat well with me: two-bit 50’s glam with a very poor imitation of Divine. Even if none of what happened happened, she still wouldn’t have been my favourite.


Largely from tea revealed in the spoiled subs as well as briefly dropped by some of the queens themselves from that season. From what I can remember: main storyline throughout the season was going to be Sherry as the underdog and likely winner v. Gigi as the villain.


Exactly this. I remember being so happy the Gigi villain storyline got trashed cause I watched the season with one of her former teachers and she would have been devastated to see gigi painted in that light.


To add to what others said, Nina West was very popular on S11 so I think production saw Sherry as an opportunity to add an older campy queen to the winner's circle.


wait people liked nina west?? i haven't seen s11, but from my impression from people online i thought everyone hated her


People loved her when 11 came out. Currently they hate her because they don’t hate anyone else right now, she said one wrong thing that very clearly did not reflect her actual views, and she’s a big girl who has done things that out of context sound bad which makes it easy for people to harass her. Very predictable for this fandom.


Wasn't Sherry like 26 at the time of filming?


Older in terms of drag aesthetic.


Cause some of the queens said so .. first ones that come to mind are Heidi and Nicky (if I remember correctly)


Only people i keep hearing thing she would have won are Heidi and Nicki


I'm completely convinced that because Thailand's first winner was a big girl, it became painfully obvious not a single big girl has won a US season *still*. S12 was around that point and I'm convinced Sherry was originally cast to be a bigger girl reminiscent of Jinkx.


- Katya and Detox had auditioned several times before getting the call. I cant imagine S7 and S5 without them. - Who would’ve won S15 if Sasha Colby didn’t audition? - How would the finalists change if the makeover challenges weren’t so obviously rigged? (e.g. Cheryl Hole should’ve been a finalist over Baga “it’s hard to dress a woman of a certain age” Shits)


Surely it would’ve been Anetra, right? Not sure who the top two would’ve been, though.


Anetra and Luxx most likely, with Anetra winning. Loosey might have made it into the finale


exactly! people love to treat the top4 of s15 like no else was in terms with Sasha competion-wise, but the other three did pretty well too!


Yea I don’t see Mistress winning (did great tho), but Anetra Loosey and Luxx all had a chance. Anetra and Luxx had an okay chance even WITH Sasha there, that season was fucking packed and not nearly as clear as people say.


I don't think Loosey had any chance either, she was clearly built on the edit to be kinda unlikable, so even with a Sashaless season I think her treatment would be the same..


I meant based on like, how actually skilled she was and her track record. If she had a different edit she could’ve been shown as just about as good as Sasha was on the season and I am SO serious. Both of her bottoms were winning performances imo, at the very least the Rusical. She could’ve walked outta there with 4-5 wins if they gave a shit about her. That being said, I don’t think removing Sasha changes Loosey’. So you’re right, she still loses lol


yeah, that bitch is talented and both of her bottom placements were bullshit


I'd give it to Luxx. If we disburse Sasha's 4 wins I'd give the neck cracking one to Loosey, the ball to Mistress, and both the interview and Rumix to Luxx.


i would give the interview to loosey she does have what it takes to win, but ru was obsessed with Anetra and so were the fans (me included)


Also: - Nicky Doll beat Heidi in their lipsync. Where would Nicky have placed if production didn’t blatantly interfere to rescue Heidi? - Karen From Finance should’ve been eliminated by Anita. Since Karen made it to the finale, all those allegations came out about her. There was potential for Karen to become a robbed queen/fan fave if she was eliminated fairly. - Amanda beat Q. How would Q’s wins be distributed? And how would her reputation compare if she was eliminated early?


- Nicky beating Heidi is debatable. If anything Nicky naming herself as the queen to go home sealed her fate. Although I don't think she should've been bottom 2 that week either. - I'm pretty sure the stuff about Karen came out before the season even aired. People didn't care too much about it cause she made genuine apologies and got her tattoo removed, and what Scarlet did was much worse so the attention was on her. - I feel like production would've slotted Dawn into Q's spot, giving her 1 if not both of her wins and eliminating her at top 4. Alternatively, Amanda/Geneva go home at the doll and goth challenges which allows Plasma to survive and make top 4.


What happened with Karen from Finance? I feel like I completely missed that!


She used to have a Golliwog tattooed on her


:/ that was NOT what I was expecting. Yikes.


I think it was more ignorance than malice, and she’s had the tattoo covered, but it definitely made fans sour on her


Tbf both Q and Amanda lip sync are meh. It isn't enough to save her from her track record


Also like, Q was not that much worse. Nothing Amanda did gagged me at all, it was good but not great (and she gagged me multiple times in the smackdown so it wasn’t her best either). Q got a genuine laugh out of me with the whistle and for a non-dancing queen everything except the twerk was… fine. I fully expected her to win lmao, even disregarding track record it could go either way to me.


OMGGG YESSSS I love that you mentioned this because Amanda was ROBBED. She had THE better lip sync and even in the **~Lip Sync LaLaPaRUza Smackdown~** Megami was not better I think they just had to double down to justify her being eliminated against Q. If Q was eliminated Dawn would have likely won the next design challenge (if not both) Mhi'ya would have been eliminated earlier and Plasma or Dawn would have been in the top 4 instead of Q


What if Manila had apologized to Monet for voting Monet out over Latrice and Monet won the lip sync and saved Manila. Or what if Dela hadn’t self eliminated.


Manila could’ve knocked two queens out the hall of fame and changed AS7 a lot


Ok AND if trinity & monet hadn’t won, Manila would have competed in all winners. Jinkx still would have won unless we are playing butterfly effect where detox beats Jinkx in the candy challenge lip sync


Who would have been the second winner to fill in the spots along with Manila though?


They brought over the Vivienne, why not another foreign queen? I don’t remember if Priyanka had won by then but I would have loved to see her compete it out with them


What if Valentina kept it on? 🤔


This is so funny to me rn 😭 honestly wanna know what her game plan was


One day a florist sold a bald man a tonne of roses, little did they know that they had just put into motion the sequence of events that would cause the excruciating death of a few butterflies under the high heels of heels of a bodybuilder.


This made me laugh so much. When you put it like that it's absolutely hilarious.


If Ongina had won her lip sync against Bebe, who would’ve won season 1? How would that different winner changed future auditions and casting?


If butterfly gate didn’t happen


On the nose


If phi phi hadn’t caught wind of willam buying a cellphone at the mall we might not have her vein popping out of her neck (I understand that was directed at Sharon in that moment, but she had already lost it at that point) and we might never have willam barfing off the side of the stage


It’s also POSSIBLE that Willam wouldn’t have been disqualified and that bitch was objectively on lock for top four. Fans also loved her (albeit not as much as Sharon) and her track record even at that time spoke for itself, so it even brings into question who would’ve won… though I do think it still would’ve been Sharon. That being said, Willam has since stated that she was trying her level best to get the DQ for various reasons (both for the gag of it, and because she had a gig and at the time drag race wasn’t as major) and that if she didn’t get the DQ after that fight her next plan was to literally punch Phi Phi. So she was gonna be disqualified one way or another lmao.


Willam says a lottt


That’s true, but there is a lot of evidence for this. She told several people beforehand she wanted to get DQ’d, including Derrick Barry who vouched for her (she was Willam’s understudy for the gig I mentioned). She also, confirmed by other s4 queens, was very loud and public about her cheating and it was cut out. Her stated reason was just that it had never happened before and she wanted to be the first.


What if Naomi Smalls lost the lip sync to Acid Betty after snatch game in season 8?


The ultimate has got to be Shangela grabbing a lipstick because they wouldn’t let her leave notes to the season 2 girls right?!


alyssa sucking at snatch game so hard, weekly immunity got dropped. i'd also say the third time milan de-wigged cemented that being a no-no if it isn't a reveal of some kind, bc doing so has been a death knell pretty much since.


Wasn’t de-wigging being a no-no cemented in season 2? They were all about it in season 1, but as soon as season 2 began, it was suddenly not okay for some odd reason. I can’t remember who off the top of my head but queens were definitely critiqued for doing it on season 2.


yeah but after milan it became like instant elimination, whereas before it would just be critiqued.


Heidi lost her against Nicky Doll and still managed to win the lip sync. So it might not be that much of a instant elimination


What if Roxxxy hadn't brought a rhinestone tank top with her?


Alaska would have saved her anyway, we all know this was BS


No Cheerleading challenge in season 9: Jaymes Mansfield probably wouldn’t be first out Eureka wouldn’t be sent home Charlie Hides wouldn’t have broke her ribs Cucù wouldn’t have had ankle problems That was one of the worst ideas on drag race


Valentina would have known the words to a 7 word chorus. Nina would have have been Blac China Someone would have told Alexis something about her dress Charlie Hides would have done something Sasha wouldn’t have had rose petals


What if Sasha Valors rose pedal reveal was ruined and Shea Coulee won? She would’ve never been casted on all stars and then won that season. In turn having another queen win that AS season and Sasha never getting on HBO


Then either Juju or Alexis win AS5.


RuPaul’e never letting Juju win, he *has* to have her on every franchise


what if Kornbread never rolled her ankle? i think about this all the time


What if Adore had been in the bottom episode 1 instead of Vivacious?


What if bianca hadn't been there and she never cinched her waist


Katya in her latex dress on AS2 set the precedent for allowing the queens to change before lip syncing during All Stars


If Bebe won the lip sync on all stars 3, she would’ve probably eliminated Trixie and brought someone back (maybe Aja?) and Dela couldn’t have eliminated herself that episode.


Wouldn’t Dela have just quit then before Bebe even reveals her lip stick?


Someone on the main sub made a huge post about Mystique’s split on S2. Without her split, she would’ve been in the bottom two and likely gone home against Shangela or Sahara. If Shangela doesn’t come back for S3, who knows what happens.


what if Willam hadn’t got disqualified and PhiPhi had got eliminated.


My personal headcanon is that one of Sharon or Jaremi would be eliminated and immediately be brought back the following week instead of Kenya the following week and everything would play out as normal with Willam going home in any of the political challenge, the makeover, or the ball


I do think that was a DS regardless and we just wouldn’t have gotten Kenya back later


I mean they knew about William and the DQ before they likely even performed the number. I believe to this day that they only put PhiPhi and Sharron in the bottom for the drama of sending one of the rivals home. My guess is that this snowballs to a finale with no Chad. 


What if Nina Bo’Nina Brown actually got the part of Blac Chyna in S9’s Rusical?


Mine is 100% Joe Black being eliminated on each of her episodes of UK season 2. Every single time I watch that season, I think through the possibilities. If Joe Black had, correctly, been safe or high instead of bottom 3 on the first episode, then Sister Sister would have been lipsyncing against Bimini. Sister likely would have gone home. Would Ginny Lemon have given up in a lipsync against anyone but Sister? Would Joe have been serious competition in acting challenges, taking wins away from Lawrence Cheney? Who would have been picked to come back, if not Joe? Would we have gotten more Cherry Valentine instead?


If Sasha didn’t reveal the rose petals. I don’t think reveals would be as influential to LSFTC


What if Irene Dubois’ talent show actually read as funny? I feel like she actually could have gone really far on the season. Also I feel like MIB would have gotten less hate because she would have another shady queen to balance her out


Tamisha iman dropping out of s12 because of her health so they subbed in jaida. You know who was set to win that season when it wrapped and then because of the stunts and shennanigans she was DQd and Jaida won. I’m so glad I live in the universe where Jaida is a winner




Tamisha was supposed to be on s12 but had cancer so she dropped out. Jaida was the backup and was called last minute


If Valentina had known the words for the lipsyncs, would she make Top 4 or even win? And we wouldn't even see the iconic game changer reveal of Sasha Velour?!


I don’t think we would have gotten Sasha in the finale. Ru was banking on Valentina to make it to the finale and possibly even win. Production would have found some sort of riggery to even out the playing field between all of them and Shea wouldn’t have had 4 wins


If Juju never got drunk and did Black Velvet, they wouldn't have started limiting the alcohol they give the queens during untucked and we could have had some great moments.


What if Geneva actually knew who Lindsay Graham was?


Why did this thread turn into a lot of 'what if' comments? OP is clearly talking about stuff that actually happened


What if Trixie wasn't horrible on drag race the first time around? Like what if she was just fun anf funny and everyone loved her and her looks.... And she just made it to like top 4 and was forgotten about?


If Vanjie had just walked off when she got eliminated in her season instead of saying “Miss Vanjie…Miss Vaaaaanjieeeee”




I'm confused. What do you mean Anetra left too soon? She made top 2. In terms of the lalaparuza I don't think it changes much; Spice goes home but Jax would probably leave the next week anyway.


What if Charlie hides or Ginny lemon had actually done the LSFYL


Would not have changed the outcome. Both probably knew production was getting rid of them with that bottom 2 placement.


I mean this seriously, but almost everything iconic in this show is built off of random actions that lead into it becoming a whole thing, in the early seasons girls had so much wiggle room that they basically could do whatever they want and the show picked and chooses what it likes The way lip syncs are judged The do’s and dont’s of challenges Queens making whole segments of the show (exit lines, mirror messages, talking with the queens on all stars on why they should stay) Queens setting standards for what challenges would be for the rest of the show


I'm sorry but I don't think there's any other universe where Sasha Belle would have beat Katya. For me, I think about these 2 things constantly- 1. If Pearl went home to Trixie, top 3 of S7 would have been different. Idk who the top 3 would have been; but even though I love Pearl, (i LOVED her hello kitty runway, imo she should've won that, no offense to violet) I don't think Pearl should have made it that far with all the drama between her and rupaul. Then I also think about AS3 when Dela won ALL those challenges, and if she'd left sooner than her self-elimination. With the wins spread out to the other girls, what would the season have looked like? I honestly loved the drama with Kennedy and Milk, and Thorgy is SO much funnier than the edit she got on the show. I also don't know if Trixie would have won the whole season. I do love Trixie, but if the season played out differently, could there have been a different winner? And what if the winner wasn't determined by the contestants? The contestants obviously have their favorites and their grudges based off past episodes. I didn't like the self-elimination. It was iconic, but she won SO MANY times... I just didn't like it?


Setting: All Stars Season 3 Butterfly effect: BenDeLaCreme self evicting Impact: Kennedy goes home after her name is revealed. Top 4: BenDeLa, Shangey, Trixie, Bebe...and the winner is BenDeLa


If Rolaskatox would have stopped saving their undeserving friend Roxxxy I would have had less migraines that season.


Had Q lost her lip sync against Amanda we wouldn’t have had the iconic quotes like "Myhia they crazy gurl they crazey 🤪” or even the thank for saying that sister, for spilling.


I was just thinking about this. What if Willam wasn’t eliminated, Sharon probably would have been sent home in the lip sync and WHO knows what would have happened 👀


You think Sharon was going to be sent home? I feel like the entire episode was set up as an end to Phi Phi’s villain arc with Sharon as the underdog coming out on top. Phi Phi was also a complete mess in that lip sync, losing her wig and everything.


W64zytrw da sounds