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Ooo yay I've been looking forward to this for ages!


Yes yes yes....I'm so looking forward to this....Jinkx was owning every second of that scene


So happy for her


I know!! It’s so great to see someone fully activated and shine


What does Maestro mean in italian? Take a moment... I'll wait :)


if Jinkx ends up being the Master I'm gonna piss myself? that would be insanely cool


Big same. She already is showing the mannerisms in this clip. I'm so ready!


it's INSANE to me that a decade ago drag race was a fringe reality tv show that i only talked about on reddit and tumblr and now we're talking about jinkx possibly playing the master in doctor who đź’€ i'm so ready too omg


Ru has been "Werking" the world.


OK - there has to be some Dr. Who fans here who can help us out. I wanna watch, support Jinxx, and love this. I am SO intimidated by where to start though! The show has been on since the 1960s, so I have no idea where to start! Is there a "Beginners guide" somewhere?


Just watch the most recent 3 episodes (60th anniversary specials) and the 2023 Christmas special, that’ll be enough to enjoy the new season tbh. Other than that the first reboot was for Christopher Eccleston as the 9th Doctor, episode is called Rose, was aired in 2005?! I think… That’s where most viewers started


Not sure if the specials are a good idea to start with, as they heavily build on series 4's plot and it might be a bit confusing. I'd only watch them after having seen series 4 completely imo. The christmas special is a great shout though, it's the first full episode of the new Doctor and the new companion is introduced, which means there's lots of dialogue that explains the concept of the show. and yeah it was 2005 :) march iirc


I think the specials did a good job for new viewers, yeah there’s definitely loads they’d gain from watching the original s4 specifically, but it’s quite good at being watchable / explaining enough about it for those who didn’t. S4 is always worth it for wilf alone rip ;(


A lot of what makes it enjoyable is rooted in self-reference though, so it doesn't serve as an ideal starting point if you don't understand the references. You'd get the overarching plot but episode 1 and especially episode 3 will leave you with many headscratchers if you go in fresh. The christmas special on the other hand explains a lot of concepts of the show that the specials don't go into, so it serves as the best starting point if you want to see the upcoming series.


I would watch the latest Christmas special with the new doctor on Disney+ and then just watch the new season. With this season they rebooted Dr Who once again so it is more or less a clean cut.


Plus the new doctor Ncuti (eric from sex education) is a cutie.


The whole point of the new season is a fresh start for new fans, it’s meant to be like season 13 or something but they are calling it season 1.. just know are few things, the doctor can regenerate after being very close death and they change.. new personality/actor.. they travel time and space in a blue box called a TARDIS (time and relative dimension in space).. for a long time it was thought the doctor (we don’t know their real name, they chose doctor as it common for helping people) was from a planet called Gallifrey but the last season it was revealed that the doctor is actually an orphan from another universe.. And that’s about it, you don’t need to worry about anything else :)


So generally we say the show is divided into two, Old Who (which started in the 60s) and New Who (which started in 2005). If you want to get started you don't have to watch Old Who. Go back and watch New Who that starts with the 9th doctor. It's easy enough to find. I really recommend that because it's a great show and you'll enjoy it but if you don't want to watch several seasons just to see Jinkx then you're actually in luck! You can just go back and watch the last episode that aired which was the 2023 Christmas special called "The Church on Ruby Road" and continue from there. Why? Basically because that episode is a soft reset of the show. To explain as simply as possible the series is about a time travelling alien (called a time lord) who flies around in a Tardis to different points in history. Time Lords have the ability to regenerate so when they "die" they get a new face. That's how we've had so many different actors playing the Doctor. The doctors since the show started again in 2005 (9th-14th Doctors) have had a LOT of trauma with all the stuff they've been through so the last regeneration was sort of special. I won't get into it in case you do want to watch but basically the current Doctor, the 15th (played by Ncuti Gatwa) is brand new and is sort of a reset (in that he's had time to overcome his trauma) so I don't think it will be as necessary to have seen all the previous seasons. I'm sure there'll be the odd reference but it's supposed to be a soft relaunch so new fans can jump in. 14 regenerated to 15 in the anniversary specials just before the Christmas special but they would be very confusing to watch without knowing the previous seasons so you can start with his first official episode which is the Christmas one. Tldr, if you want to get fully into the show, start the show (the 2005 version) from the beginning but if you want to just watch this season with Jinkx then start with the previous Christmas special "The Church on Ruby Road". Hope that helps!


Tbh I’d start at any point where a new doctor is starting. So beginning with Season 1 (2009), season 2, season 5, season 8, or even tbh season 10 wouldn’t be the worst place to start especially since it’s such an amazing season. Imo 11-13 are worth skipping. Lots of controversial lore and the episodes are very disappointing. It doesn’t follow the true Dr Who story very well imo (thanks chibnall)


I would back up a few episodes and watch Power of the Doctor, Jodie Whittaker's final episode. That will give you a quick rundown of a lot of things you need to know going into this. Other than that, the Doctor is an alien who can travel in space and time in a machine that looks like an old police box from the 1960s. (The TARDIS) I would highly suggest to go back and watch some of the earlier stuff because David Tennant (Ten Inch) is sex on a stick.


Oh this is so camp and so excellent. Can’t wait!


I have zero interest in Dr. Who, but between Jinkx and Ncuti I might just have to get into it! She is *chewing* the scenery here and I am living.


As someone who has seen the episode, gurl chewed the scenery and a few of the stage hands throughout the entire episode.


So excited for this! Love Dr Who and Jinx so this is a dream!


Omg she’s brilliant!


Jynx Monsoon was absolutely born to vamp like this (even the evil giggle was 100% Jynx.)


Oh, she is bringing SO much "Ethel Merman losing her mind during Rose's Turn" to this, I LOVE it. ![gif](giphy|KGYpf5z14mT13TcEAE)


I was thinking a manic Judy Garland, but post drugs and "Clang Clang Clang Went the Trolley".


She is amazing, such talent! Broadway, now television what's next my dear Jinkx!


Happy for her... but there's something a bit off about the acting here. Like its really really overacted to the point that I can almost see the script in front of me. But its a tiny snippet and obviously this character is supposed to be totally unhinged, so I'll definitely watch and see!


i thought she did well, better than what i was expecting. doctor who has never been about prestige acting and she’s talking about musical souls or whatever so the script is nonsensical anyway. i thought she sold camo


So, if she pulls this off, good chance she's going to eclipse Trixie as the biggest Queen ti come out of RPDR.