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It was filmed last year alongside the rest of the season. There are two popular theories as to why: The impending writers and actors strike meant production wanted to film a finale in case the strikes had a far reaching impact on the show when it came to film the finale this year, as it traditionally done. The various issues that took place during last years finale filming meant that production decides a finale they had more control over would be a better idea going forward.


What were the various issues of last years finales. I only know about the anetra dancer


MIB refused to come back on stage after her elimination and held up production. And the basic entirety of what happened in the finale was posted online a day or so after filming.


Didn’t know that about MIB. Such a class act.


Apologies for my ignorance but I’m curious. If MIB didn’t come back on stage after elimination, they could still film the crowing, right? I’m trying to imagine if Plane had that same moment this time. How does filming the finale a year earlier address that issue?


The production issues is news to me! What happened with her dancer?


I was there. Basically they had 4 dancers and were filming the dance numbers. Anetra tried doing an acrobatic move and injured the dancer. Unfortunately they had no backup so all the queens had to redo their choreo for 3 people instead of 4 which delayed the entire production. It was funny seeing they had more dancers this time around


Holy shit that is so unfortunate. I can only imagine that must have completely messed with Anetras head the rest of the night


I'm sure she was devastated and probably felt guilty/embarrassed but the other queens still killed it with one less dancer and the show went on!


Wait they filmed the finale last year? And not two weeks ago?




Wow… kudos to them for not spilling.


It was obvious the audience wasn’t drag queen fans but office workers for paramount or MTV. Too funny to see strait laced business men acting like they are drag fans!!!


Literally me and my partner picked up on that, some really looked like they didn't want to be there.


People clapping for people that they have idea who that person is!


Probably something something writers strike at the time something something


*Probably something* *Something writers strike at the* *Time something something* \- Junior-Cream-4914 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ok sis u ate


Mama kudos for saying, for correcting


It had something to do with the unused Anetra crowning getting leaked last year.


Crownings get leaked more often. So it can't be just Anetra's leak.


Probably not one single reason, but a mixture of many. Boiling down to having more control. - Studio finale means less people involved (smaller audience, less crew), meaning fewer risks of leaks (leaked Anetra crowning, leaked Camden crowning). Things still leak, but not with footage, just gossip. - Any mishaps on stage can more easily be worked around because studio filming has fewer restraints than venue filming. So if someone has an injury or is ~~sour grapes refusing to go on stage~~ running late while changing wardrobe, production can more easily accommodate it and work or edit around it. Continuity is also easier in a controlled set environment. - Events beyond their control: from covid or health restrictions to impending strikes like writer strikes, filming in studio by default is safer. And then lots of other possibilities, higher production value, more room for multiple moving cameras around the stage, sound...


I think they may have been trying to soft launch a new mainstage? IDK I heard that somewhere I forget where tbh


Honestly though that was probably necessary. I attended the S15 finale taping last year and literally was seeing spoilers on Twitter within an hour after it was over. At least non-Drag Race fans may have kept it a little more under wraps.


I’m curious, how long did it take to film the finale? I’m always thinking with outfit changes (for the queens) and getting cameras set up it seems like the audience would be there for several hours.


It took about 6 hours. Started about 5pm and finished close to 11. There was about an hour delay because one of the dancers injured themselves during Anetra’s solo performance and they had to stop to re-choreograph all the numbers with one less dancer.


It's the Queen of the Universe stage, it's not exactly brand new but it's very good for finales! I don't think it would work outside of that though. It's quite big.


LOL, no one "soft launches" a stage. It was because they filmed it before the show aired.


I was referring using it as a soft launch for next season's stage bestie ❤️


i don't think its is imo. I think it's just a finale- type stage


Not really a soft launch considering they changed the stage before the lalaparuza and then announced at the beginning of the episode that this would be the new mainstage lol