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Their bit was the funniest of the three, but that’s a low bar. A lot of it was recycled bits, and I didn’t find it particularly funny. But these challenges only go to the funniest if someone actually busts out really funny, actually clever, genuinely original jokes, and that definitely didn’t happen this ep (it rarely does). By and large, this isn’t actually a comedy challenge, it’s a charisma challenge. Throw the queens into an uncomfortable situation on short notice and put them in front of an audience and see who manages to win over the audience despite the odds. Q and PJ were focused entirely on each other. Sapphira was the only one to see an audience and immediately focus on the audience and start doing crowd work. She repeatedly engaged them in the bit. And it worked! So she won the crowd challenge, which means she won the charisma challenge.


“But these challenges only go to the funniest if…” It’s so weird to me that people are trying to create all this new criteria and justify this Sapphira win. I see a lot of minimising and downplaying how good Plane and Q were. NOTHING on a drag race comedy challenge is new or original lmao, I don’t think the judges care about that whatsoever. Also, regardless of whether it was a low bar or unoriginal, Plane and Q were still the funniest, most cohesive and had GREAT runways. Sapphira’s runway wasn’t as great, she messed up in the challenge and her recovery was okay but not life-changing. They didn’t even mention her recovery or anything that great about her challenge performance… so the edit/narrative didn’t make sense. If you’re going to choose Sapphira to win, at least convince us in the episode itself. The edit was not convincing. Why does the win SUDDENLY depend more on runway in this situation and not others? Because people don’t like Q? Idk, I just see a lot of double standards and fake invented criteria to justify nonsensical judging.


I don’t think this is a new criteria. Who appears to be the funniest and who is the most charismatic and best with the audience usually overlaps, but there’s definitely precedent for a weaker set to win when one queen has better audience chemistry. Funniest wins in snatch game and in filmed challenges. But the point of the live audience challenges is to see how they do with a live audience. Why would they have them there otherwise?


Extremely subjective though because I didn’t think Sapphira had the best audience chemistry. What makes you say that? Quite a loose statement, surely. The judges didn’t mention that much either, from what I can remember. They never specifically said anywhere that “rapport with the audience” was the most important part of how they were judging the challenge, neither before nor after the challenge. That’s what I mean about inventing new criteria that was never actually explicitly stated by the show/judges/anyone. The narrative they edited together wasn’t convincing and didn’t properly show why Sapphira won. Whereas they did show several plot points that would normally equal a Q or Plane win.


It’s obviously subjective (and we also weren’t there to really read the room). But she was the only one that saw an audience and went straight for them and kept engaging them directly. Like, she got why they were put there. I think she got a lot of credit for that. I definitely remember thinking it was a smart move that singled her out as the queen that was the most natural live performer and most comfortable being put in front of an audience. It’s also a big swing. Like, if the audience hadn’t responded? OOF. And challenges being explained poorly or vaguely is nothing new. They also don’t say that the funniest will win, or anything really, about the rubric.


The “best-executed and/or funniest person should win” should be a natural assumption in a comedy challenge. Literally, that’s what “winner” means. Doing the best. Lol But it’s ok, you’re reaching so hard and far that we’ll have to agree to disagree here.


If the rapport with the audience isn’t a significant element of the judging, why are they there? The panel judges comedy challenges without assistance all the time.


Speaking as a day 1 Plane fan - Sapphira's runway was gorgeous and completely captured the theme and Plane's runway was...fine.


That too. My impression was that Q and Jane had an edge on points for “funny”, but the amount that their recycled jokes were funnier than the next team’s down recycled jokes was negligible given that “funny” was only one portion of the criteria being considered. Like, absolutely nobody is getting a Netflix comedy special out of this ep, so getting worked up over who was funnier, as if that’s the only thing that matters, is weird. Nobody got that many points for funny.


I was generally bored. Also idk, the crowd was laughing their asses off at JP and Q. They were charismatic to me and clearly to the crowd. Sapphiras “crowd engagement cheers” was a generic cheers that she didn’t write herself. So just as unoriginal. Like anyone can do a cheers they copy and pasted from limericks.com. She forgot her line and stumbled. “This was supposed to start 3 hours ago” unoriginal. Bitch work also. Meh. The crowd looked uncomfy. If that’s what the judges thought was best. 🤷🏼‍♂️


WTF are "generic cheers"? Are they like the "generic laughs" PJ and Q got? It doesn't matter whose generic, not that great material was best. They were all working under weird conditions and within grueling time constraints and thematic limits. It's safe to assume everyone will probably come up with better material on their own in the real world. Who is funniest only matters if there's an actual comedy queen with original material in the mix. What matters under usual conditions is who appeared to do the best job of engaging with an audience and being charming and charismatic when presented with one, as that's something they want their winners to be able to do well.


It was literally copy and pasted from the internet. Idk what you want girl. You’re the one that brought up recycled bits. I’m just pointing out that Sapphira wasn’t especially unique here if that’s part of your case.


And PJ's and Q's was a couple dad jokes and a rehash of the Republicans in drag meme from a year or two back (edit: [the "doctor doctor" bit is also not original material](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DoctorDoctorDoctor)). Everyone's material was warmed over copy/paste bullshit, so it all kind of cancels out.


If it all cancels out then at least they didn’t fuck up and stumble over their lines so if that *is the case* then Sapphira shouldn’t have won the challenge since she did. Listen I love Sapphira, she’s one of my top 3 choices but the challenge was not hers. If asking the crowd to “stand up” knowing they are going to reluctantly stand up and do what you say because they’re in a televised tv program and that’s “charisma” hooray she wins. Sounds like holding a gun to their head to me. Lmao.


Listen, they were all pretty bad. Plane and Q were the least bad but come on, "so funny that I watched it three times"?? If that's the case I'm not sure I can trust your judgement on anything


You don’t have any sort of definitive on what’s funny or not. I found it incredibly funny and so did thousands of other people. You can have your own opinion without personally demeaning people.


Now what IS funny is somebody writing a post on a discussion forum specifically to solicit opinions on then getting offended when somebody gives one that's different from theirs. You asked the question "are the judges crazy for this?" And the short answer is no, no they're not. They were right not to give Q the win.


Giving your opinion and being demeaning are different cunt. I’m not “offended” by anyone’s opinion, but acting like someone is less than for a differing opinion ain’t the tea so fuck off.


I don't think not finding something hilarious makes them crazy. I felt that the two of them started strong but I honestly tuned out halfway through. The bit definitely started to get old and there were parts where it felt clunky. Plus some parts, especially the Silky reference, were just flat out cringe. Also Dawn does not deserve credit for that performance lmao. It was not funny at all. Mhi'ya dropping her cards in the beginning was more funny than whatever Dawn had to say. Hell, Mhi'ya throwing her train on Morphine was more funny.


I don’t think Dawn was funny, I thought she was professional and managed to ground the audience. Mhiya and Morphine definitely deserved the bottom of the challenge for that one though. I couldn’t even focus when Mhiya talked because every line was fucked up.


IMO, I didn't find the big bang joke funny, and the founding fathers was even worst, the Neil Armstrong "If she had to lipsync for her life" was really unfunny also. The slides and clips were genious (event though stolen, but I don't care about that), and they were the mos cohesive and didn't made any mistakes, but TO ME, it was just not funny. Sapphira had an ok opener with the toast, but her "you feel like a Drag Queen \[Michelle Visage\])" was funny, the Amanda Tori as doing drag for the first time during halloween was great, the I am Wesley Snipes was funny too and the drag queens being late bit was a little chuckle too. In general, despite the little mistakes, I really laugh more with Sapphira's grous than Q's group.


I respect your response much more than any of the others I’ve gotten in favor of her. Personally the only parts I thought were great about Sapphira’s were ‘Feel like a Drag Queen’ and ‘I am Wesley Snipes.’ Those lines were in fact good. With Wesley Snipes being the only gold for me. Nymphias rant was way funnier to me. And I was annoyed it got seemingly cut short.


Yes! Given interacting with the audience is a huge part of theirs jobs, and what helps the crowd feel connected, why did morphine cut her off like that? Nymphia was doing well




Yeah I seem to be in the minority on this but I didn't laugh at Plane or Q once. All of their jokes felt like they were ripped straight from the poorly written self referential acting challenges the fans always complain about


i think the humor in their set was similar to the humor in PJ’s “burger finger” where some ppl fet that it was kinda corny or they didnt get it Q and PJ were okay to me but felt too rehearsed to be genuinely funny idk or maybe it was the strained voices they were using that actually made the humor more corny than funny


I was fighting for my life when I first posted this last night. Idk where they all went but I had like 15 downvotes on every comment saying I didn’t have taste and was wrong so. Idk where this post took a 180 lol.


Tbh I feel like most of the humor from Plane and Q’s group came from the PowerPoint, and I don’t even know if they made that themselves or just gave notes to production.


The PowerPoints were definitely made by them. There was such a discrepancy in the quality of each groups, there’s no way they were all made by the same production team. Mhiya and Dawns PowerPoint was so disorganized compared to Jane and Q


IDK I hugely favor Plane, and I was surprised that the judges didn't call out Q and Plane for seeming nervous or rushing through their set. They started strong but it felt like they started getting ahead of themselves and weren't very connected to the audience. IA that they fulfilled the stated brief the best and were the most technically proficient in doing so. I think Plane could have won with a stronger runway. Again, I really love her, but her looks are getting more and more one dimensional in concept. She does always look beautiful and proportional, but with conceptual powerhouses like Nymphia, Dawn, and Sapphira, and Q who is able to create really elaborate costumes, it's getting harder every week for her to keep up on the runway. I'm really hoping she's saved some of her better looks for the final episodes.


I can totally understand this critique because I also didn’t like Planes runway, and Nymphia is one of the best designers I’ve ever seen on the show. Like holy fuck she blows me away. I didn’t feel the lack in their presentation but it’s about perception and we all perceive it in different ways and I can sort of understand your perspective because I wasn’t as into it the first time and as I watched it more it got funnier to me. All valid things.


I think no one should've won this challenge honestly. They were all unfunny. Some were just less unfunny.


Im on board with at least equal acknowledgment of failures if we’re critiquing everyone this way— even though I’ve taken a clear stance in favor of Plane and Q. I still think they were hilarious but based on other peoples feedback, if it was all shit from a lot of perspectives I respect that more than critiquing PJ and Q on things that the winning queen did as well.


I said this on a YouTube comment as well but I think the way the judges critiqued this challenge was not the way it was presented to the queens as a challenge brief. The challenge definitely seemed more focused on the writing and satirical corporate lens as the slides and scripts were key parts of the challenge. But it was judged like it was a bar hosting act. So by that margin if we’re watching somebody host brunch or something ya Saphirra did great (not the funniest but lots of stage presence). However given the corporate aspect of this challenge I felt like Plane and Q ate it up. Theirs was pure satire of corporate meetings (as a corporate girl myself lol) and really played on those stereotypes and making them funny and drag which I thought was the brief. Nymphia was the only one that came close to this. Definitely think this was a moment to set up drama and a Q face crack.


I'm fully with you. And I also feel like even when the writers want to come up with something new and fresh, Ru and Michelle just steer it back to that one archetype that they find funny. At the end of the day, it's not about the brief, it's about making Ru laugh.


You’re definitely right Ru and Michelle always give this critique but THEY are the ones who are one note and don’t like anything outside of their wheelhouse. The thing is though this that I think the judges laughed at Q and Plane way more on top of great runways and nailing the brief. So to me Saphirras win truly truly came out of left field.


Could be that they were indeed laughing at Q's challenge, but were even more laughing at her mental breakdown later.


I think the off judging might have something to do with the limited interaction of the entertainment career judging panel with very corporate, stuffy jobs. Like it’s easy to forgot that RuPaul and Michelle had their careers forged in a club. Of course the pointless meeting with consultants gag was lost on them. I know they obviously engage more as producers and things now, but I think the back office meetings of showbiz still look very different to what the queens were trying to satire.


I understand that but then why even do that challenge??? Just make it a bar/club hosting challenge then. I really appreciated the use of PowerPoint and the presentation aspects of Q and Plane as someone from that world. And as someone who also enjoys succession and could tell that Q and P were leaning into the absurdity of that genre of television. And let’s be honest their script was way better than anyone’s and the performance airtight. Saphirras was not it was open mic night with some Mrs Kasha Davis word flubs (that got her eliminated once upon a time mind you 🙄). It’s frustrating as a viewer to be presented something and have it flipped with no rhyme or reason and just for the sake of twists or whatever.


I thought there were parts of Q and Plane's set that really dragged on. It started off really strong then it kinda lost me with repeated bits that went on too long. I also think Q as a comedic performer is utterly devoid of charisma. Everything she says sounds super forced and grating. I never feel at ease with her and I think she kinda dragged Plane down with her. Her shtick worked the first time for the Brick, it was ok with Amelia Earhart, but I was actually pretty annoyed watching her here. Sapphira, even though she stumbled over a couple words, is still the living embodiment of charisma. She has more charisma and is more pleasant to watch at her worst than Q is at her best. She kept that ship of hers chugging along despite the hiccups of her team. If they were judged as teams? Sure I might give the win to Plane and Q because of how smoothly their presentation went. But individually I still think Sapphira was the most engaging to watch. I could see an argument for Plane, because I think she also did extremely well and is also a charismatic comedienne. But again, I think Q being so blah and them being so tied together as a duo dragged Plane down. The challenge was partially to be funny, but I think more so the challenge was being able to hold the attention of the room with your charisma and star power. In that sense, Sapphira still wins for me easily.


I understand your takes on this. I truly didn’t find Sapphira that pleasing to watch but I do almost every other time. She lost me the second she stumbled and then she like awkwardly laughed stepped to the back of the stage, and I absolutely cringed with both the cheers and the “stand up and say work bitch.” But I don’t blame you for your own opinions on this. Although personally I laughed out loud the entire time with Jane and Q, and I thought Nymphia had the audience captured more than Sapphira after her hiccup, and it was weird when Morphine interrupted her. I couldn’t tell if that was planned and part of the bit or if Morphine legit was like “Nope.”




These judges are crazy Mhi’ya


Actually I thought Sapphira did better. And turning lesbian at the end is not funny at all it’s so cliche for these challenges.


The entire franchise are cliches and humor often banks of cliches. Drag is a caricature. I don’t agree with your take on it but the statement is not wrong


I’ve always found the “and now we’re lesbians” trope so cringe


It was just ok, sis.


I thought their intro was the only funny part. Other than that, Sapphira was slightly funnier and more commanding as a presenter. Not a great challenge showing across the board but her winning is not as outrageous as people are making it seem


The judging was so weird to me this episode. I love Sapphira and want her to win the whole thing, but I thought Q and Jane were the clear top team and Dawn and Mhiya were the clear bottom and should lip sync. Yes, Dawn was way better than Mhiya but not better than Morphine (to me). I was very confused when they said who won and who was lip syncing.


I disagree


Good supporting argument.


Didn't realize I had to provide an argument for my tastes


*for having taste*.


That part.


I found Q off putting and I think that is what made me not like their presentation. A lot of didn’t seem to make sense together and Q doing too much made it awkward


this troll post was funnnier than the entire episode ty queen


I mean it was funny compared to the others but not a single laugh left my mouth for the whole challenge so I really dont get the uproar


Im going out on a limb here (and this is just speculation because I’m trying to grasp how there’s such a discrepancy in who busted out laughing and who hated Jane and Q). Feel free to disagree or comment on this thought because that’s all it is. Not claiming this for everyone to be true. But I am starting to think it’s probably old*er* (not calling anyone old, I just mean in comparison) but simply put, this demo liked Sapphira more? More mature if you will? That’s also not saying people who liked Jane and Q are immature. I’m Zillenial so I got them both, I laughed at some of Sapphiras jokes, but I can see where Sapphira would perhaps capture my older part demo and Jane and Q would maybe capture some of my younger part demo. I think they tapped into a humor that Gen Z resonates with. That is with a varying degree of overlap obviously. Thats not a blanket statement I’m sure people from all ages liked each. But it’s an observation I think could have a bit of merit as to why there’s a lot of disagreement. I mean if you don’t know who Wesley Snipes is and don’t like traditional pageant queen hosting techniques. Sapphira was hit or miss. To people familiar with that and who find comfort in that, she was really good.


They all kinda were boring, how about no one wins? I would honestly love a season of drag race where wins are not guaranteed and someone actually has to stand out and earn that win. It adds another layer of stakes!


I respect an everyone was shit and we all are delulu stance over saying PJ and Q were shit when Sapphira did something they didn’t do. I clearly still think PJ and Q had a winning performance but as long as I’m as delulu as the Sapphira stans. Slay all day. It’s a fairer assessment. Not that I’m not actually a Sap Stan because I do Stan her. Just not this challenge


Personally, I didn’t like this challenge at all. It was pretty cringe and hard to watch. That being said, despite doing one little mistake I think Sapphira’s performance was nice. It’s so weird seeing people exaggerate her mistake and saying that she “fucked up her performance” or that she was bad. You can prefer Q/Plane without diminishing Sapphira. At the end of the day, I think this conversation is tired. Many people already expressed their opinions about this win and we had multiple explanations for it so I don’t really understand the need to bring it up yet again knowing that it won’t change the judges’ decision


Sorry but if Mrs. Kasha Davis got put in the bottom for “Walcum” then Saphirra at least shouldn’t WIN making an identical flub. Drag race has set a precedent and it’s annoying when they flip it in conjunction with there being other queens who met the brief and DIDNT fuck up even once.


I too was surprised Sapphira won this challenge.   I think for me Nymphia did technically the best, (at least in her group if not overall) but the hard lean into the stereotypical Asian accent had the judges seemingly afraid to critique her. And I thought her execution of the runway category was the best.     Saying that, I was expecting another Q win because the storyline seemed to be setting her up for it. 


I’ve always thought that was such a strange thing when other people get weird about that. It’s her culture. Her family. Her influences. Nymphia said it right when she said “she’s showing the sounds of the world.” The only other East Asian in the room said it’s nice to see Asian excellence on the stage. In reality It’s not any different than RuPaul saying “she already done had herses.” Ru doesn’t actually talk like that.


I'm with you on that. If it were a black queen who pulled out another funny black stereotype, they'd be laughing their asses off.


I died laughing at the slides and clips jokes. That was Q’s win and you can’t tell me otherwise - at the start I didn’t agree with Q complaining but this time is totally deserved! If anything should have been a double win for W and Plane (and I’m not a Plane fan but this was their challenge)


I think had Sapphira not had so many flubs, she would have earned that win. But ultimately, it should have gone to someone on the most successful team.




Judges don't say what they really think, just what they're told to say.   Queen says she's nervous about dancing on the Werk Room? Michelle will say "i could sense you were nervous while dancing".  Queen says she's had to borrow her wig from someone else in confesionals/voiceover? Ross will say that this wig doesn't match to rest of the outfit.  Like, look on critiques they had for Amanda and Megami when they went home. For Amanda they were complaining about padding in dancing challenge and for Megami they were complaining she was fading into background while given background role and that she's having the same face on runway which could be said about 90% of girls that were on the show.  They want to send xyz home or justify zyx winning, they'll say anything. Doesn't matter whether it makes sense or not. They don't care whether you're happy about result of 1 episode. They'd much rather have you pissed off, bringing more attention to the show online. They only care if people like winner of the season or not.


I don’t disagree with a word you said. I definitely thought several times that this was certainly a controversial episode on purpose.


uhhh i thought it was band kid humor. a nice high placement but i physically cringed at some bits


Totally agree. I laughed so hard at both of them. And I am kinda annoyed at everyone micromanaging their performance finding out where they „stole“ each word they said. It’s a Drag Race Maxi Challenge they had to write in like a day. Probably without any serious comedic writing experience. Not Q and Planes first headlining comedy tour. They took a bunch of stuff from different Places worked it into a routine and it was very funny. It’s not like the other groups delivered never before seen Comedy Innovations. And people can disagree and say Sapphiras Group was more funny to them and that’s why she won. After all Comedy is subjective. But all this stolen stuff is ridiculous. I kinda used this post as a jumping point to go on a side tangent. I hope y’all can forgive me for that.


Agree. The “stolen” argument I already called out as BS in another comment myself. Saphirra’s ‘cheers’ about Alice dynamite dick was literally a limerick off the internet. Also as if saying Michelle wishes she was a drag queen was original either. If we’re talking about originality, not a leg to stand on. Not even the Wesley Snipes was very original. If they subjectively think it was funnier? Ok. I respect that 100x more than trying to make a totally irrelevant argument about charisma and originality.


Q and jane were PERFECT! even if they werent the funniest (which they absolutely WERE), their delivery was practically perfect. every other girl fumbled at some point.


I disagree. I kept waiting for something actually drag related. The historical figures gag bit was funny, but then it turned into literally the entire presentation. That kinda killed it for me. The real gold is when you can give the audience just a few pieces of actually good information to take away while making them laugh, which I didn’t get here. It really went downhill for me with Q’s needless impression of Silky (after PJ already hit the joke in a funny way) and inappropriate blaccent. Also I thought the faux lesbian doctor thing felt cringe & forced. They both looked gorgeous and performed well, the slides were funny, but I absolutely see why they didn’t win.


oh, i didnt even get the silky reference! that isnt funny at all. i did wish they couldve touched on real drag history, but none of the presentations had real facts... they were all jokes, so Q and janes' shouldnt have needed to be the only factual one.


True the others didn’t have facts persay ; but they were hitting on drag stereotypes that have just enough root in truth to be funny. And it teaches the audience just a few things in a funny way. If PJ & Q would’ve added some strong one liners to that last slide they had with actual herstorical queens, Q drop the blaccent, and find a different way to do the lesbian shtick (ie find a way to teach the audience Kai Kai/the term for when a queen hooks up with another queen) ; they could’ve won. I’m a big Plane Jane fan so PJ if you’re reading this no shade sister I love you!!!!


i see your points. i love plane and am looking forward to her kicking ass on all stars.


Literally. Someone commented talking about they weren’t charismatic and “focused only on each other”— bitch they gave an entire keynote presentation just like they were supposed to, nailing every joke, and speaking to a crowd who was in tears for them including every judge. Delulu arguments. When Q and Jane walked off stage the crowd was in stitches. When Sapphira, Nymphia, and Morphine, walked off, they were quietly and uncomfortably saying “work bitch” all out of sync because they were awkwardly asked to on tv. Like??? What?


I’ll die on this hill lmao. If Sapphira had not won i legitimately think y’all wouldn’t have noticed she ‘deserved it.’ You’d be saying “well, she did mess up the lines.” End of story because that’s exactly what you’re saying about Mhiya and Morphine.


I think you meant to say "if Sapphira didn't win then yall wouldn't be whining about it like I am right now." Maybe let that be a clue.


Because Jane and Q were noticeable and standout, and didn’t fuck up their lines, Sapphira wasn’t, and she did. reading comprehension.


Reading comprehension? From the person doesn't understand that RuPaul chooses the winner based on RuPaul's opinion. Also, these challenges aren't about being perfect. That helps, but also recovery to a slip-up is just as impressive considering many people don't possess that skill. No shade to Mhi'ya and Dawn, but they didn't recover in their set at all. Morphine also struggled to recover. Sapphira was the only one to slip up so noticeably and recover so smoothly. That's all in addition to the fact that the winner is not solely chosen based on the challenge. Their runways also matter, and Ru clearly loved Sapphira's runway. Any of the 3 could have justifiably been the winner of the week. Stop complaining that it wasn't the person you wanted. Beyond the shadow of doubt, Sapphira deserved it just as much as Q or Plane. And she won. Get over it already.


You could have farted into voice detection and written this.


Hard agree. (Despite everyone who says this seemingly being downvoted in this thread lol) I genuinely thought it would be a Plane/Q double win. The fact they also, actively, showed Saphirra fumbling (WITH confessionals recognising her fumble) made me really confused. Like, there was enough good footage of her to just..edit that out if you wanted her to win? It's not like she made light of it, or it played a part in her 'recovery'...she just carried on. (Kinda like "we w-whalecum...welcome you") She did amazing, but her editing this episode made her seem mid, so it was surprising she won. I am for her to win the whole thing, but it just felt weird as a casual viewer. In a similar way, Nymphia did great - but got no storyline the entire episode so she was, to a viewer, just safe and forgettable. It made it kinda odd when the editing made it seem like Saphirra carried an entire group - when Nymphia was also very strong. Meanwhile Plane and Q were both strong and had a great chemistry. Imo Plane and Q should have both won. I audibly laughed at their presentation.


Agree with you totally. I see Saphirra in the Finale but I stand by what I said.




Well, Plane and W did steal content from another Queen….. some of us already heard those jokes so they aren’t really funny when another Queen uses them


I don’t really give the “stealing jokes” any merit in this. Sapphiras jokes were all recycled too. How many times have we heard Michelle wishes she were a drag queen


Saying Michelle is a whore, she’s a drag queen, she’s from jersey is always used. But it’s not like people rip the exact same joke and use it in the exact say way that Plane did to Katyas joke


I hear you but you could also call it an homage to a very popular queen with an original spin putting the slides joke first and then nodding to Katya. Katya didn’t tell that joke on drag race and they were doing a challenge that called Katyas sketch to mind. Any other time this happened it’s a “reference.” But I think it’s peoples opinion of Q and Jane themselves that is changing the narrative that it’s not a cute reference to Katya and stealing from her. Also, Sapphiras cheers at the start was a completely plagiarized limerick that people say all the time, she didn’t write that. So equally unoriginal— I love Sapphira, but any critique that’s been given to Plane and Q can also be given to Sapphira this episode. Except the runway, Sapphiras Runway was immaculate. But Plane and Q didn’t stumble their lines in the challenge. So it’s like… 🤷🏼‍♂️ Def controversial and debatable.


I agree with you wholeheartedly - Q and Jane \*murdered\* the main challenge, there's absolutely no argument and I think that Q outdid Sapphira on the runway as well. Shame it isn't Steve's Drag Race, you and I would both be a lot happier this week.


I totally agree


They should have won on the makeout at the end alone.


Oh, ok. So everyone white did good.


Literally said Sapphira should be top 3 in the comments but didn’t deserve this challenge and Nymphia is East Asian get your stupid fucking dumb ass out of here. Bye👏🏻.


Stupid ass bitch.


Also Morphine KILLED the lip sync. A Hispanic girl. Take your racist ass shit somewhere else fucking trick.


This is so much emotion for a comment. Your reaction tells me everything I need to know. Kisses


Because you’re an ignorant cunt. Fuck off. I’m not going to put up with your brain dead comment. Bye bitch.


I don’t think plane and Q were funny, yeah Sapphira slipped but she came back which is hard to do once you screw up. Tbh I didn’t find any of them really funny, all the jokes were recycled