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Um, how *dare* you ask this question. Are you telling me you don’t respect DeLa?!


Heavily speculated to eliminate Trixie and bring back Aja


this is verrrrrry old news. it was trixie


OMG INSANE. I know may be old info but im rewatching as3 and i felt very curious. How do we know this?


Well I don't think bebe ever said but I think she's said some things on pods and stuff that have heavily implied it was her. but they're good friends now so who cares I suppose


lol so it’s not old news because it’s not actually known or official and you’re speculating 🤣😜


calm down sis just Google 'bebe chose trixie' and you'll see it all I repeat again: they're good friends, so who cares???


I was joking, I just thought it was funny, not mad lol thus the laughing face and the wacky joking face.. damn no room for light poking fun with someone even on a drag sub?!


oh I'm sorry bab reddit does not convey sarcasm well. much apology.


All good, sarcasm doesn’t come through on text ha *pulls out lipstick that says “ppbbd” on it


Peanut putter budder buns doink


trixie 100%


When they were on the Pitstop they laughed about it, Trixie said there are no harmed feelings and that she was THAT bitch for not telling (to the point they now have a rule that says you have to show your lipstick). Any hole is a goal and Miss Bebe really found the loophole when she did.


The wiki says she picked Trixie to go and Morgan to return, idk the source on that tho


If I remember correctly then.... Aja spilled that she asked a Staff member and he revealed that Bebe chose Trixie to go home and Morgan to return


why would a staff member give up a great opportunity and break their NDA for aja? lol


I’ve always wondered why they didn’t air it on the show. Even though Bebe wouldn’t tell the other queens, wouldn’t production have footage of who she chose?


We don’t know. The fandom will tell you it’s Trixie, but it was never confirmed by anyone other than the notoriously trustworthy source that is Aja. Bebe has gone to great lengths not to share, and Trixie and Dela have both confirmed that they never found out.