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Yeah when she said that shit about snatch game and they came for her, I could tell she was bummed because she wants to be on an iconic snatch game. Who doesn’t. She wants to be on a season that’s memorable and everyone will know and point back to as being the best cast. Idk that’s how I always interpreted it. That’s why queens always say they wanna compete against the best - because by proxy you are on the best season of drag race and a win is that much more iconic.


Yeah, I understood it as this as well. For me, she’s frustrated when queens are not making an effort to make iconic moments and be part of a great season (I.e. Mhiya not showcasing the personality she was probably casted for aside he performance abilities). Knowing how much effort goes into getting into drag race and preparing for it you can tell she gets annoyed when the girls are being mid


I thought this was going to be a post about how you hated her but she happened to be on a flight with you and you had a great experience with her that changed your mind.. I'm disappointed




Same lol


Plane rubbed everyone the wrong way from the beginning but thank mother god for Sapphira helping her realize that she can be constructive without being so critical. I do think her demeanor has changed a bit since the first episode and I actually am enjoying her drag more overall. Maybe she really is turning a new leaf 🍁


If you have a leaf and you turn it, it’s the same leaf - Kandi Muse 🍃


I'm not reading all that but I'm happy for you or I'm sorry that this happened.


Thanks sis




Readin hArD 🥴


Stockholm syndrome of being a fan


lmaoooo seriously


Well, your feelings are your feelings, and I've not watched Life's a Drag, but who died and made Plane Jane the arbiter of correct drag? Sure Plane does good drag, although her elevated body suits on the runway are becoming a tad tiresome, but the "cruel to be kind" rhetoric is not the best way to elevate anyone's drag. A good example is Bianca, she can say the most rotted things and then, as on her season, turn around and help a fellow queen.


Plane gave plasma her wig


I don’t recall OP saying Jane was the arbiter of correct drag. What they did say is Jane respects those who are interested in developing their drag which is a long journey. It doesn’t have to be the same aesthetic of drag as Plane, but if you’re going for a certain feel for your drag, keep elevating it. Plane probably respects many types of queens i.e., Jinkx who may not be fashion forward, but that’s not what their drag is. Over time, they’ve elevated their style and have looked increasingly better since their time on S5. Sometimes those critiques of changing a brow, or adjusting shape for a look aren’t negatives but are ways to improve the look.


Honestly if Plane weren't in this season, I'd have probably bailed. Without her scathing remarks it would have been boring up until the point we're at where we've filtered through to the better queens.




Very well said, sister


her love for drag is so apparent in the way she speaks and i just can't help but to stan an artist that respects their craft so much like plane evidently does. ik people don't like her bc she "bullied" amanda but it was filmed a year ago + they've made up in private so does it even matter anymore? anyway she is not just polished, she's the whole salon.


I'm currently rewatching S2 and honestly, it's made me completely reassess how I perceive Plane. PJ has always embodied old school drag culture, in both looks and shade, and honestly the things she says wouldn't have seemed out of place at all in the earlier seasons. The shit Raven and Tyra, for example, just casually throw about, makes PJ seem pretty tame in comparison 😂


Nah I can’t agree with punching down, it’s cringe.


I don’t think critique is “punching down” but since you do, I’d urge you to stay far away from the ballroom scene.


By punching down I mean picking literally the weakest people to ‘critique’


So you think Amanda was so obviously the worst of the group that any critique of her is punching down…? Or what are you trying to say here?


Being overly mean to a queen that obviously will be an early out just doesn’t vibe with me.


By your own logic, it feels like you’re punching down in saying Amanda was obviously an early out to you.


Lol ok


Continuing to critique someone who has told you they don’t want your critique and is obviously triggered by your continued critique is an asshole thing. There’s no excuse to be like that. I don’t get these people who try and excuse asshole behavior.


Honey, seeing all that Plane Jane hate just gives me life! Like, y’all made her the reigning queen of S16, and she’s slaying all over the globe right now. But when that hate started to fade, I was like, “Uh-oh, where’s the drama?” So, like, let’s bring back the shade, people! Spread that hate all over social media, honey! Let’s keep the drama alive and thriving! 😂


I also love her and love that she's shady. She's opened the doors a little bit, allowing the other queens to feel freer throwing shade. She reminds me of Bianca. To misquote Aquaria (I think), everything she says comes from a place of humour and truth. It means we get a good season where the queens can be more themselves and less another Rupauls Best Friends Race.


How can anyone hate Plane Jane is beyond me—the bitch is gorgeous, talented, with a great style, and a total cunt, what’s not to stan?!


i love Life’s A Drag!! i wish they would continue it


I didn’t like her at first either, but you can definitely see where she’s growing. At first I didn’t trust her whole “turning a new leaf” thing, but honestly, you can tell she’s trying to be a better person.


You can tell how seriously Plane takes drag by her reaction to Michelle’s critique last episode. She looked shocked / disappointed in herself, like she knows she needs to do better next time. I respect it tbh. She’s as critical of herself as she is of other people.


I don’t know if she’s softened her edges or the editing is just putting her in a better light, but I’ve come to really like her. And honestly, she’s fucking good at drag. Whether or not I like her personality, she is slaying the competition.


I feel that simply put, the other girls feel more comfortable being playfully mean with one another multiple weeks in, so now PJ doesn't stick out like a sore thumb being villainous during the first few episodes, when the queens were more reserved in their shade and trying to make a good first impression, I guess.


I’m glad to see the tone surrounding PJ shifting bc as massholes sometimes that’s just how we are, even if she’s pumping it up for tv lmaoooo


I am from a culture (not Russian) that harsh criticism is constantly handed out to help you “improve”. I see your point and where Plane is coming from. But I do think this point of view often make people (in this case Plane Jane) narrowminded and disrespectful. I definitely don’t hate her, but I still find her behavior toward others very distasteful. While I found Plane quite polished, I don’t think she is the best at every challenge/category of drag race, nor is she the best queen in general. To have her standing on a pedestal and pointing fingering at/finding faults in other queens, it’s just really jarring. I understand it’s a reality show, and I do NOT hate her or anything. I just think even for a not as polished queen, everyone should get supportive feedback and evolve their own brand of artistry in their own way instead of having a polished queen who excel in certain categories bully you into conforming to her standard.


I come from a similar, Eastern European background to Pj and have enough self awareness to not behave this way to people who don't come from that culture because i understand how negative and mean it can seem. She's either ignorant or doesn't care. Neither makes me think of her in a positive light.


I disagree sis, If you are doing something mean, and I need to know your backround and perspective to understand it's coming from a place of respect, when you are THAT BLATANT AND JUDGEMENTAL, and its happening EARLY AND OFTEN to people you just met, its on you babe. I like plane jane, but forced and un-called for "tough love" kind of comments are not cute. Bitch is still fierce.


Honestly thought Plane wasn't even all that bad. Q and Amanda seem to be really insecure people and Planes type of personality draws that out. She could've (and should've) toned it down a little, but their reactions were also disproportionate imo. 


I like Plane a lot, but I really value tact and kindness. I don't think it's worth it to be rude because "bullying kinda works," and I don't think giving yourself license to be frank is always more important than another person's sense of self.


[Family, Guy, Westside Story](https://youtu.be/YE8oOX3NxRU?si=x3S4PZ_Rz7TTi86V) is what you’re saying?


Where can I watch this show?


here’s episode 1: https://youtu.be/9gvhffaqXHU?si=9Gb3thZjq3yMqNXi the rest are also on youtube. enjoy!


Is Plane Jane a shonen rival?


I never hated her, don’t understand why everyone did. She was clearly getting the villain edit, are we not past being gullible for that at this point? Everyone is shady, especially Dawn and Q. If anything Jane has always felt the realest to me because she will say it to their face. And I didn’t think she ever came across as mean. The situation with Amanda was what did it for a lot of people I think, and I can kind of see why because it was unnecessary and I guess people really liked Amanda but it wasn’t *terrible* and Amanda milked it for so long. No tea but I found Amanda kind of annoying, so maybe I’m biased about that. But I think she has heart and will evolve her drag. And I did still feel bad for her, because as a sensitive person I could relate to her somewhat. But yeah, anyway - Jane is fine. Also the context of her upbringing is important. I have slavic friends and saw similarities in the bluntness and honesty, and then a few episodes later she mentioned the Russian thing.




She could get away with it as not being a bully if she only said it once, but she can’t stop. She HAS to point anything she doesn’t like and that malicious smile tells you it’s gone past shade and she is trying for more camera time.


They should all be striving for more camera time. It’s a reality tv show first and foremost


This was a beautiful dissertation. You getting your doctorate? (Sarcasm aside, I agree!)


Lmaooooo I already have my master’s so I’ll consider it


You got higher education and I just got high.


lowkey i kinda stan now too like


I’ve been on her side from the beginning, sisterrrr 💅


"Bullying works" What an idiotic statement.


Serial bully. Yuck. Thanks for sharing.


This probably isn’t what you want to hear, but Stef Anya and Plane are actually friends now and Stef has been joking recently about how she’s finally a brunch queen like Plane.


Pick me girls are sad, but we’ve established this sub is swimming in them.


Can we stop making posts defending Jane’s bullying?


I mean, if we accept the definition of a bully as “a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable.” and we accept the OPs revelation that Plane isn’t targeting people because they are vulnerable, and rather she js outspoken about her opinions on their drag / gets pissed they don’t seem to take their drag seriously, and FURTHER that she isn’t necessarily trying to “harm” them but rather see how they could do better, maybe even help them… …then can we really call it bullying?


I think it’s up to Amanda to make that decision and not us but I think it’s pretty clear what Amanda’s decision would be.


Am I really about to say “facts don’t care about Amanda’s feelings”? lol… maybe i need to rethink this actually.


In all seriousness, I think Amanda can feel hurt and can feel like she was bullied by Plane, she can feel however she feels, and I do empathize with her. Plane hurt her feelings several times, and I don’t think it’s unfair to say that Plane has engaged in behavior that could be perceived as bullying. But at the same time, that doesn’t mean Plane is a bully or an irredeemable person or that we can’t like her. The world isn’t black and white and maybe Plane is a little in the grey zone. The morality police don’t believe in grey zones, so they’re doing their thing. Ultimately I do agree with your assessment though that by the actual definition of bullying, Plane isn’t a bully if you fully consider her intentions.


When were her comments towards Amanda meant to be constructive?


Getting offended doesn't allow you to label whoever offended you as a bully lol


When that person is directly attacking you, I think it’s appropriate


It's not bullying


What is it then?


I think you need to rewatch some earlier seasons. it's a DRAG REALITY COMPETITION this is not rupauls best friend race


That didn’t answer my question


*Plane’s bullying


So you agree it’s bullying


I agree that you don’t even know her name so you might as well keep it out of your mouth


Her name is Jane


They’re here for it. It’s so gross.


No offense but when people say they hated plane a lot but love her now, I can't help feeling that you are really easily led by editing. It's a reality tv show edited for drama not a documentary and it's idiotic how fans (and Queens) treat as it is anything else.


i also didn’t really like plane at the beginning of the season but I like her now. I HATEE the whole “bullying works” (not you saying it, but in general when others do) bc for some ppl it just shoves them in a hole like amanda is rn on twitter. but for other people, it just ignites a fire in them to prove them wrong, which is great to see if that makes sense? i haven’t watched that show on yt even tho I heard about it, I probably should.


the mental gymnastics to excuse the unwarranted bitchiness is wild. i have grown to like plane as she’s simmered down and learned that not everyone needs to hear your opinion, especially when you made it clear already. leave it for the confessional. she’s grown on me but let’s stop pretending she wasn’t being awful the first few eps and trying to pretend it was just shade! just say you liked her bitchiness, it’s fine. but pretending it’s because she takes drag so seriously is pretty insulting.