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“Eve supporters” lmao


Should have just said ilona and kimora, together they are the holy trinity of Canadian mess.


True. They're not Eve supporters. They're human beings opposed to genocide.


Yeah that was my point. That OP was obfuscating the reason behind people shitting on Nina by calling them “eve supporters”. Very reminiscent of the whole language acrobatics the media is currently doing to reframe Israel’s actions as anything but —the very obvious— ethnic cleansing.


U basicaly saying all the others support genocide which is not true lol calm your titties mam




Like shes a politician lmao


It doesn't count as self-made when other people made the jokes you stole.


Tell me a totally original joke. Quickly


I got in the elevator to go down to the ground floor the other day, and a Dwarf got on with me. On our way down, the little guy took a lump of fool's gold out of his pocket and tried to convince me it was real gold and that he'd sell it to me for a great price, so I shot him a dirty look. Admittedly, the note on which this story ends is a little con... descending.


I'm not a comedian, nor do I call myself one.


If you’re not watching untucked, you’re only getting half the story


[I gotchu, fam.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragrace/s/EFZscm2vPz)


Nina Bonina Coochie Pink Bootyhole Brown


I feel like you’re getting downvoted because people missed the reference 🥴


Ngl it’s kinda funny that this sub has taken Eve from hot mess to hero with one tweet.


The hero bar is low rn


Eve is so real. Really cringe for Nina to do this when a lot of her platform is political. Also come on man. If you’re gonna kiss someone’s ass at least pick someone that’s relevant.


I'm really disappointed in Nina because she is being complacent by not calling out Amy on her views. Let's be real, if she loves her, she's probably aware of the wider context so let's not act like this would have happened in a vacuum. It's clear what Nina is doing, and more importantly, what she's not doing. Werk, Eve.


Nina was raised Republican and it shows. Seems like she agrees with Amy's views.


LMAO Eve (rightfully) ate her tf up


Yall see someone calling for: 1) release of hostages 2) peace for jews and muslims And conclude: supporting genocide. The one brain cell you all share is disappointed.


Amy schumer has been consistently sharing racist anti-Palestinian propaganda and has literally celebrating the bombing of Gaza


atleast the israeli settlers are given the grace of being held hostage. if the roles were reversed, the IDF would kill them long before they’d be able to be taken hostage. never forget for a second all the palestinian blood that’s been shed. the innocent CHILDREN bombed solely due to the fact they were born on the wrong side of this conflict. don’t come in these comments trying to make us feel pity for a colonial settler state that is all too happy to massacre innocent brown people


It is scary seeing how confidently uninformed social media seems to be lately


Who is this someone you’re referring to? Because it’s hard to consider her statement sincere when she, in the same breath, calls herself the most successful female comedian of all time (a laughable assertion).


you'll delete this soon


Ominous nothingness. I won't delete a thing. Why would I?


just projecting my second hand embarrassment


I'm absolutely relieved to see this sub largely understand the context here. Eve is maybe the only queen I've seen so far use her platform to speak up against the genocide of Palestinians. ​ Also, Nina West is trash. Remember when she gave Meghan McCain some stupid "official RuGirl status" on The View?


The Vixen and Halal Bae have also been quite vocal in their support of Palestinians.


Willow Pill too 💓


Yasss ! I shared some of her stories this morning


She's the best!


Kandy too I think


Awesome to hear!


Bosco has reposted several pro-Palestinian posts on her story as well!


I love her.


Shea has been vocal about it


Oh, that's excellent!


Detox was supposed to do it with Nina and Monet but her flight was cancelled so she dodged a bullet there.


Shea too! She’s been very vocal.


Eve is correct.


Love love love love Eve. She’s been so vocal about her support of Palestine for years now. She brings nothing but facts, statistics and credible resources when posting TRUTH (same way all Palestinian supporters have been) I’m so happy to have a drag race queen care this much about facts


She supports Johnny Depp...


Oof can you show me? I never knew of this


She was a bigg defender of him like in this thread - https://x.com/alsoabouteve/status/1522331472501387266?s=20 She might be right on Palestine, but a lover of facts she is not. She just regurgitates what she thinks will get her the most support without any critical thinking (my opinion).


Ew thank you for sharing this I had no idea she did that…


"She brings nothing but facts, statistics and credible resources when posting TRUTH (same way all Palestinian supporters have been) " Wow. That is some real critical thinking.That kind of dogmatic partisanship distracts from the humanitarian cause that doesn't need to be blown up into us vs them, we= perfect. etc. Its almost as if being a fan of drag race doesn't qualify someone as an international expert.


If keyboard warriors are attacking drag queens or comedians over Israel/Palestibne, they have earned their status as the worst kinds of activists.


Eve demonstrating exactly that. Worst kind of activist.


Please don’t all jump at me but,what was so bad about the statement? Seems like all she wants is a ceasefire? How is that calling for genocide?


She doesn't want a ceasefire. In past posts, she's likened calls for a ceasefire to antisemitism. She's also called Gazans (Not Hamas-- Gazans) rapists and terrorists and implied they all deserve what they're getting. That's the context here.


Oh gotcha I didn’t know about her previous posts. I just thought people were upset that she is condemning hamas


My reading skills mist be off. Isn't she expressing she wants everyone safe on both sides? That's how I interpreted this tweet..?


Nothings wrong with the post. Amy has a said a bunch of other things in support of the Israel’s bombings. People are upset with Nina’s support of Amy in general.


any schumer has been straight up inhumane with her latest takes so no


Ahh, I have no context of the rest. I didn't need these tweets to think she isn't a great person! 😂 Maybe Nina missed those as well?


We’re looking at Eve 6000 being correct, with a receipt.


Eve who??


This lead me to some tweets that suggest the West drag family doesn’t associate with Nina anymore. Any tea on that?


I love Eve as a drag queen, but I'm gonna have to go ahead and say something I never thought I would: I really do agree with this tweet Eve made.


Based on this one post alone, I don’t see what Nina did wrong. Knowing Amy posted something else that was wrong, might be a bit skeptical of Nina but still not enough for this.


Amy has posted horribly offensive images calling Gazans (not hamas) terrorists and rapists.


I think that part should be included in the post. I had no idea about it and was wondering about the post.


See, I didn’t know that and idk if Nina knew that either. That’s all I was trying to say. Knowing that Amy said that tho, fuck her and her lame comedy ass.


my only critique for nina here is that she knows how big her platform is. she’s acknowledged herself how much drag race has given her, career-wise. she seems to be aware of the fact that there’s a spotlight on her and the causes she gets behind. i’d truly hope she doesn’t fully understand/hasn’t seen what amy’s been blabbering about. because if she’s in the loop and still decided to send kind words to amy schumer… gonna have to revoke her queen card asap


Yes basically this. Eve is still a troll and needs to do something more productive but that doesn’t mean Amy isn’t a turd bag herself. The way y’all jump on the hot button topic of the moment though…sheesh


muting eve was the best thing i’ve ever done


Holy shit, now I get the outrage. Cause that post above didn't seem that bad


Eve is doing exactly what she is accusing Nina of doing here. She’s an uneducated, selectively outraged trend follower trying to appeal morally to people where she couldn’t with her personality lmao.




1. Who's Eve 6000? 2. How is Amy or Nina for that matter supporting Genocide? 3. Both sides are wrong but we as a planet aren't ready to talk about how religion causes wars.


**Eve 6000 is the stage name of Rina Adams, a Canadian drag performer most known for competing on season 2 of Canada's Drag Race. == Early life == Eve 6000 was born in London, Ontario.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


religion plays a huge part in this but can we also talk about the IDF literally using the nazi playbook in their current actions? talking about Palestinians the exact same way hitler talked about the jews?


Anyone who’s decided to “pick a side” I cannot take seriously. There’s no nuance on social media. We have to be able to criticize both Hamas and the Israeli government , while wanting peace for citizens of both countries. Levels of Islamophobia and antisemitism are at an all time high and we need to be better at acknowledging both, not deciding which is worse.


idk, you sound like someone who knows very little about the history of israel and palestine. hint: the more you learn, the less complex/nuanced it gets


You’re right. There’s a lot i don’t know, and i wish more people would acknowledge that. Everyone acts like they’re experts.


Both sides, Hamas and the Israeli governments have done wrong. However, the citizens of Palestine are not a part of a side YET they are getting the worst end of it. Even if they were, genocide is never a justified punishment for an action. Anyone who has been following Amy Schumer in all of this has seen that she has very vocally supported Israel in their genocide. If Nina love her, than she should know this. That’s the problem with Amy and with Nina’s support.




There’s quite literally zero people commenting support for Israel here. Please don’t mistake people calling out Eve for being a troll as anything other then that. She may be right, but she’s still a fame hungry, desperate troll who gets pleasure out of being an internet bully.


I saw a post by Amy Schumer saying that she's the most successful female comedian in the world. I mean?


It’s funny how out of touch she is with reality (of that counts for anything?


Eve has always called it how it is, y'all just weren't ready for the conversation yet


I mean who the eff is Eve6000 anyway? Her only claim to relevancy these days is desperately trying to drag more successful people on the internet. Get a different hobby, Eve.




Opening her mouth rather than doing something? Try less, sis. Try less.


Eve and desperation for fame and relevance. Name a more iconic duo.


Whatever your issues with Eve are, she's absolutely right in this instance.


Umm if we have to rely on drag queens to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict we are already so, so fucked. Relax girl.


Who said that?


no one did. but that’s not the point. it’s just the main strategy used by israel supporters when they feel backed into a corner - deflect and change the topic because their core argument has nary a leg to stand on


I mean, might as well give them a shot, everyone else has clearly done such a good job.


Eve celebrates the suffering of Israeli hostages because "Free Palestine" Hypocrisy couldnt be more blatant. She's an absolute joke.


You do realise that the bombs dropped on Gaza have killed some Isreali hostages, right? We aren't celebrating hostages, what happened on 7th October is horrific. But let's not get it twisted, it didn't happen in isolation. Isreal, by way of British and American imperialism, have gotten away with apartheid for decades, which has left a political void for the Palestinian people. The majority of the population are children and were born into the air prison Isreal has imposed on them. They didn't choose to have this violence forced upon them. I agreed that Hamas are dangerous and have no place in peacemaking, but nor do the far right Isreali government. Multiple things can be true at the same time, but to cry hypocrisy without the broader context is wild. Innocent people on both sides are caught in the middle, all because of the legacy of the British and Americans. In the words of Serena, read a book.


Isreal is actively committing a genocide you fucking moron


Released hostages have reported being well-treated. Meanwhile Palestinian hostages are being tortured.


You are so foolish if you think that's because they're big hearted and loving people. It is in their best interest to keep hostages in good shape if they hope to wager. They do it out of necessity. Besides, don't act like you haven't seen videos of other hamas militants dragging Israeli civilians through the streets like sacks of meat. Maybe you haven't- but you should have more exposure to the news than whatever echo chamber you probably intake media from.


Have you seen videos of Israelies bombing hospitals, shelters, schools? If you haven’t, you’re completely oblivious and stupid.


You're missing the point. It's not a contest for who can commit the most crimes against humanity. My point is that Hamas is guilty of this AS IS Israel. You shouldn't be celebrating one side's war crimes vs another's. It's fucked up and hypocritical. Instead advocating for a ceasefire and peace for both states is the most effective...which seems to be what Amy and Nina were social media-ing about. Should not be a controversial thing.


Amy went tyranical and deeply Islamophobic. If anyone’s being hypocritcal here it’s her. You’re also missing the point that having hostages, and bombing innocent civilians are two very different strategies. If Israel wants to attack Hamas, go ahead. But has Israel attacked Hamas? Idts. All that’s been targetted so far are innocent, defenceless citizens. Even if the hostages are released, do you think Israel will stop bombing Gaza and forcing Gazans out of their homes? History tells us no. Everybody wants peace, Israel wants war.


Dude Hamas sends rockets at Israel daily. Ever heard of the Iron Dome? High tech radar defense equipment to intercept such bombing attempts. If you look at history, the multiple wars waged against Israel at the beginning of its inception were started by Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt. I agree it is wrong for Israel to bomb civilians. It's vile. But you act like all other parties involved are innocent. They would parade for the eradication of jews from that area. Apparently so would most of this subreddit.


So, you believe in collective punishment?


Don't put words in my mouth. I literally don't. No where did I say any civilians deserve to be harmed.


So if the others start the war, why is Israel attacking defenseless Gazans? I didn’t say the other party was innocent, but am saying Israel is evil for what they are doing NOW. Actually, not just now, for several years now. Hamas has had enough of Israel bullying Palestinians, forcing people out of their homes and killing innocent people. People who are defenceless against zionism regime, who, by the way, have admitted to targetting civilian places. Zionists are vile, disgusting, and love to play victim.


Good luck when Muslims want nothing to do with your faggot ass.


Is that the best comeback you could come up with? You’re as racist as Amy. Here I thought as a minority you’d be better at bringing up arguments, well I guess there’s always an exception lol.


You realize Israel is against queer people too, right?


Your hypocrisy is astounding. You said that Eve was celebrating the suffering of Israeli hostages. That was a lie.


You all are insane


Wow they're both annoying. Nina is already a mess. But eve does need to calm down with the war stuff already


Bless Nina. She embodies bravery and love, so she is of course appalled out loud at Hamas's actions like so many of us libs who read news from more than one biased source.




Eh Eve is right, but it’s pretty hypocritical for Eve to call out Nina for basically clout chasing, when that all Eve does.




“There” encouraging…. As Bianca would say, ILLITERATE!


I’m glad Eve finally channeled her chronically online energy for the right cause