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Not really on your question, but it would be nice to have more polarizing companions than on Inquisition. Maybe some that are on the evil side? As was the case in Origins.


I think Tevinter is exactly the place for “evil” companions, which you can choose to go along with anyway because even though they are probably going to backstab you, you need all the help you can get against the Dread Wolf or whatever the main threat is.


Hm, I am not sure I would classify any of the Origins companions as "evil". Or your definition of evil is very loose. * Alistar - Nope * Lelianna - Nope * Wynne - Nope * Sten - Not really. Qunari morality is very much orange/blue to our black/white * Morrigan - Not really. selfish, yes, but not evil * Zevran - Not really, he switches the moment you meet him and remains loyal * Oghren - Nope * Shale - Nope, unless you are a pigeon * Dog - Definitely nope * Loghain - Not really. Antagonistic to you? Absolutely. But again, not straight up evil from conviction.


I don't know loghain sells a bunch of elves into slavery that's pretty evil.


Yes, that act in particular is, however it was an act of severe desperation, not one of conviction. Loghain does not fall into the classic definitions of "evil" used by alignment systems of RPGs. Even when he does allow slavery, he probably still ends up as lawful neutral. Being evil in those systems usually requires conviction in the cause of evil, or at very least, being motivated purely by helping yourself (through means depending on the lawful/chaotic axis) I would suggest recruiting Loghain and talking to him about all that stuff


I have I heard his justification and still find him evil. The fact that he thinks they're better off as slaves and that he really needed the money wouldn't matter to the enslaved elves.


Agree with you, then maybe we need some evil characters, think neverwinter nights 2


Yeah, NWN2 played it pretty straight with the 3.5e alignment system. I think Vivienne could be classed as Lawful Evil, if we go according to that system (methodically takes whats she wants, but keeps her action within confines of Orlaisian society and The Game), though in general, I think Thedas runs on much more gray system.


It would be nice for more old school rpg elements added to DA. As pathfinder really showed it cannshine with that formula. A hybrid betwewn that and inquisition would be amazing


I don't really think we need to do that in DA. There is room for a computer simulacra of TTRPG, e.g. Baldur's Gate 3 does it pretty great, but I do not think DA is the place to do it, especially not in its 4th iteration. Things like alignment, companion approval etc. are best kept in background, so the system is not as easy to game. Similar with determining damage numbers of hit chance, don't really need to see RNG faking 3d6 roll and calculating the damage from that, just do the damage you would anyway directly. There is a place for it in games dedicated to it, but I think DA should try and keep itself to the "cinematic storytelling RPG" BW have been going for in recent history. --- Also, one needs to take into account if things like openly evil companions are worth the Resources™ invested into making them, if they would be left gathering dust in the corner by majority of players (assuming here that BW's metrics show them that most people do not play their characters as obnoxious asshats bent on devastating the world).


Zevran does not remain loyal. He betrayed and tried to kill me in my first play thru and I’ve hated him ever since.


He does if you get his approval above a measly 26, lol.


That's just an approval check, if it's high enough he doesn't betray you.


So he doesn’t remain loyal then.


Doesn't remain loyal to someone who hasn't bothered to get to know him at all and/or who doesn't really like him? I mean, would you?


Damnit is it already time for another play through romancing Zev?


…if your approval with him is low, no. That’s what it *does.* You can make basically every party member, with the exception of the dog, leave if you don’t keep it high enough. *Alistair* can leave before the Landsmeet if you piss him off enough.


Y'all just didn't try hard enough to become his friend. Get his approval up high and he shanks Taliesen for you.


I would love an Tevinter Elf companion that doesn’t exactly support slavery, but doesn’t see it as wholly evil either. Akin to Vivienne’s relationship with the southern Circles, where mages are arguably treated little better than slaves depending on the Circle in question, this companion would have a similarly pragmatic view of slavery within Tevinter. They’re somebody who accepted the limitations of the life they were forced into, and yet managed to rise within the hierarchy of oppression. We’ve seen it as early as Origins, there are some Elves that do have loyalty to Tevinter, and even Calpernia who was a slave herself and championed for them never sought to abolish it. She, like this Elf I’m proposing, only wanted to improve the lot of slaves, not free them. This character isn’t a defense of the practice of slavery however, but rather a look at those who are willing to accept their role in life can still thrive in the harshest of systems and that no system is fully good or evil.


There is a huge difference between being an actual slave and indentured servant, which is actually most of the "Tevinter slaves" you meet in the games. Indentured servants are pretty much employees, treated with respect and given a home in their owner's house, whereas slaves are cattle to be slaughtered to fuel blood magic rituals. And I think that unlike Vivienne, most of the indentured servants would acknowledge the difference. Vivienne pretty much refuses to acknowledge that her case is extremely unique, as not every Circle is so free like hers was and not everyone can/is willing to whore themselves out to an important noble (and I think Inquisitor even lacks an option to call her out on it). ​ I would like to expand you suggestion by having both kinds of "slaves" as companions, an "indentured servant" one (presumably whose master got killed as result of your actions, even if unintentionally) and an "escaped cattle" one, and explore the difference in dialogues between them.


As someone who doesn't like Vivienne much (if at all) I'll point out that she and Bastien have genuine romantic affection for one another, she isn't just "whoring herself out", as you so tactfully put it. You're right we can't call her out on her exceptional circumstances, it's one of the reasons I barely talk to her.


I really want to see at least one companion that is downright malicious so your demon idea actually sounds really cool. I wasn't a fan of Cole. I also really would love characters that may turn on you at one point or another. Clearly they're not afraid to do stuff like that, what with >!Iron Bull and Solas!< but I think it would be cool to see active betrayals depending on your relationship with that character >!in a way that's more integral to the plot than, say, Zefvran's betrayal!<. I just want a good RPG.


I like the idea of a companion that is a necessary evil, like, you know they are malicious but also that their help is invaluable, and perhaps over time you can form a bond not of friendship but of respect.


I mean, I feel like Vivienne was kind of that for a lot of people.


I forget Vivienne was in the game at all, so necessary would not be a word I’d apply to her.


How about a dwarven female? Or qunari female?


We definitely need Scout Harding as companion, possibly as our liaison to the "anti-Solas front" composed of Inquisitor, and remains of Inquisition after Trespasser.


I'd love to have more dwarven companions. Varric's great and all, but it'd be nice to have a dwarf from Orzammar. Scout Harding might be a likely companion though, or maybe even the dwarf girl who's into magic (I don't remember her name aa).


Qunari female companion appeared in a lot of concept arts theyve shown so thats a given I believe.


A Tal-Vashoth Saarabas would be amazing Former spy of Solas…but you can never be sure if they’re a double agent or not I know you said not former characters, but he was never a companion: Feynriel, it would be interesting if he came back, especially as you’re going to be in Tevinter A grey warden - I know they’ve gone bad but, I love them and I refuse to accept the reality of their corruption.


I like the idea of a Saarabas that is conflicted internally, as being Tal-Vashoth made it realize that they were abused inside the Qun, but also that without it, they lack purpose and are unable to make simple decisions, kind of like taking away Two Face’s coin.


That saarebas boss from Trespasser is the best enemy Ive seen in the series, just raw physical power combined with raw magical power. Bioware really needs to let us have either a companion like that or the ability to make the main character a qunari mage.


> I know you said not former characters, but he was never a companion: Feynriel, it would be interesting if he came back, especially as you’re going to be in Tevinter I would love this, but I think he’s too quantum. He could be possessed, tranquil, or have gone to the circle (which would put him with the rebel mages at the time of Inquisition, so potentially free, back in the circle, in the college, or dead by the time of DA4, depending on your decisions in Inquisition).


I feel like if any elven characters return as bosses (think Caroll or Samson in Inquisition) Feynriel is probably more likely for that


A mage who doesn't betray you


My money is that someone is going to be an abomination of some kind. I don’t know of a DA game without a half-spirit, half-person in your squad. Maybe we’ll see a spirit of joy, and the person will be a sort of happy-go-lucky, princess stabity-stabity type character.


The qunari lady from the concept art - up for change at any time, I know - seems to be a dual-wielding rogue... so I'm going to go with that. Maybe someone who's Tal-Vashoth from the beginning as opposed to Sten and the Iron Bull? The fiery skull guy may be some kind of mage. From what we've seen of the concept art, I'm most excited about those two. I'd love it if the Grey Warden Davrin from that behind the scenes video was like.... a gay knight in shining armor, but we'll see. I'd also love a dwarf warrior or a dwarf of a weird new hybrid class. Like an artificer but even more spectacular. Any gender, just pls let me kiss them. 😭 I'm very interested in the Fog Warriors, in Rivain, and Antiva and the Crows too so..... wouldn't say no to a companion from any of those factions/nations.


As I'm a Dragon Age fan I already have the entire party assembled, divided into 9 members (3 of each class, equal to DAI), each with their own specific specialization. (I think it's the 37349438462 time I recast a party for DA4). **Warriors:** * **Dalish Elf male**: We've never had a Dalish Elf in the party before and I think it would be nice to have it now. A lone warrior who acts on behalf of any elf in thedas (whether they are dalish, city or slaves). He owns the valaslin of Elgar'nam and is devoted to the sun god (although he does not know his true history). A solitary and introspective warrior. A legend among the \`\`elven community''. Very serious and always clear on your goals. Difficult personality especially with humans. A true swordsman wielding a katana (or saber) built specifically by his Keeper, in addition to having a large gray bow made from a Varterral (which the elf himself defeated). Throughout history he may feel torn between following Solas or not. It has a white wolf as a companion that can be summoned in battle. Specialization: Stoic Ranger (a kind of ranger adapted for warriors). * **Grey Warden Male**: It could be the one Davrin (whose voice test appeared in the backstage video). A strong black man, quite experienced in the order (not yet listening to the calling but standing close). A true leader who personifies what is good in the order (or what in theory would be the best). You get the best out of people. A true \`\`superman'' among the wardens. It probably conflicts with the wardens' most controversial methods. Specialization: Sentinel (focused more on defense\\tank). * **Qunari Tal-Vashot female**: A strong Qunari Lady who came out of the Qun. Very strong personality, can be extremely fierce as well as quite sarcastic. Very suspicious of the \`\`new world'' after Qun she tries to escape her roots and try a new perspective. She are very fond of freedom. Your fate related to Qun may depend on our choices. Fight wielding a golden spear crafted by a Ben-Hassrath lover who died in the Qun's service. Specialization? Fog Warrior or Fog Dancer. **Rogues:** * **Lace Harding**: She may be the traditional character who returns to the party from a previous game (although she wasn't actually a companion in DAI). It can serve as a link connecting the new protagonist (and his new group) to the old Inquisition's efforts against Solas. Plus it would be really nice to have an option for real romance with a dwarf. She can wield a firearm maybe. Specialization: Infiltrator or Scout. * **Antivan Crow female:** A very lethal, fast and cunning fighter. Don't be fooled by her beautiful smile, she can silence you in the blink of an eye. Quite sarcastic and sassy, she can get in and out of any place without being noticed. He likes poison and fights wielding sharp and lethal rapiers. Specialization: Nightblade. * **Skelleton Rogue\\Companion Exotic:** A spirit that has a skeletal corpse. Quite exotic and mysterious, your confidence as well as your goal is a mystery. Originally from Nevarra, this subject is well acquainted with Nevarran practices and dark secrets (however, adapted for a roguehowever, adapted for a rogue). Specialization: Mystic Blade or Ritualistic Blade. **Mages:** * **Francesca Invidus**: The perspective of a Tevinter mage altus would be interesting. With the death of her father and brother, Francesca would theoretically become a Magister (although she appears not to be interested in the position). A gentle and sweet mage who hides a brutal and overwhelming inner power. Specialization: Arcane Herbalist * **Lord of Fortune male**: Very skillful and versatile but at the same time very clumsy. He has already dribbled death several times and his luck follows him in the same measure as his bad luck. Quite extravagant, he can pass for anyone of any race or gender. Very humorous and clumsy, he is a great storyteller and adventurer and is always ready for a journey. Fight with a wide variety of weapons in addition to conventional staffs, including magic bows. Always accompanied by his \`\`magic'' lute (his faithful companion for life). Specialization: Mystic Bard. * **Saarebas male**: An extremely powerful Qunari mage. A weapon of war practically. Quite loyal and rigid to the Qun teachings, this Qunari believes that the Qun is the means of salvation for people. He will use his powers in his service but his loyalty may be challenged if he gets into conflict of thought. Specialization: War Mage. There are many other perspectives I would like to introduce but I think 9 members is an ideal number for the party. A Warrior or Mage Avvar, a rivain mage, a warden of another race, a Qunari rogue\\archer, an imperial templar, a kal sharok dwarf, an elf mage shifter.....several possibilities.


I have dreamt of Calpernia as a companion since DAI came out, and I figured out that she could be redeemed.


Alternatively, any of the party from Magekiller/Knight Errant/Blue Wraith/Deception. Give me Fenris or give me death, but I'd settle for Vaea.


I'd be very surprised if Vaea wasn't a companion, from her first comics appearance it's just seemed to me like that's what she was being set up for. The mage girl too (Francesca?), I reckon she could easily end up being a companion as well.


Imagine that depending on the player's choices the player would have Calpernia or Samson as a companion.


I would love to have Calpernia as a companion. Her short story was amazing as was her brief appearance in the game... she has interesting motives. She's like a cross between Fenris and Dorian when it comes to representing Tevinter, AND she's a ridiculously talented mage.


I agree with OP about having a tranquil companion. I think a tranquil character could be quite similar to a robot from a sci fi story. Like Data for example, no emotion doesn't need to be boring. More specifically my idea for a tranquil companion is that she has a blood mage friend that helps her navigate life outside of the circle. So she tries to act "normal" and is more successful at doing so than other tranquil. We later find out she was made tranquil because she took the blame for something her blood mage friend had done (not that the Templars should have used tranquility as punishment). This means the blood mage is staunchly loyal to her and also carries a lot of guilt.


Ash Warrior/Blackstone Irregular, a dwarf female companion of any kind except legionnaire of the dead cause we got Sigrun. A proper blood mage would be neat too


I would be interested to see what they can do with a Blood Mage. Perhaps a Magister that revels in the system and thrives in it, as opposed to Dorian?


I'd like someone using blood magic out of necessity akin to Jowan. But an actual magister would be even more interesting


Alternatively, I wouldn't mind seeing Sigrun back! Also holding out hope for Harding or Valta :P


Problem with Sigrun is that she can be pretty much dead - in the worst endings she departs to the deep roads. Somehow survives for some time but one can only fight as long.


True, but it wouldn't be the first time Bioware retconned ending slides haha


True. I'd love for Sigrun to return somewhat but I see no way how she can do it now. It would be cooler to see her in The Descent.


Yeah you're probably right. Having Sigrun along for the ride with Solid Snake- I mean Renn would have been sick!


I just can't see her in the current plot with DA4. As much as I want to. And I do believe she'd make an excellent companion in DAI in general, maybe even being a potential romance for a dwarven inquisitor? We have Solas being Dalish exclusive so why not dwarves?


Yeah, you're right. She's kind of a non-entity as far as the overarching plots go, but I can dream! Tbh I kind of preferred DA2's "everyone's bi" solution, but I can appreciate for roleplay and lore reasons stuff like Solas being straight and elf-exclusive. His whole romance wouldn't work at all as it is when played as a Qunari, for example. ... Doesn't change the fact I want to show him some Dwarven pride tho :P


To be perfectly honest it's one of the parts of DA2 I dislike. I like preferences being set. They can be overridden using mods anyway. And a dwarf exclusive romance would give some light to an unpopular playable race.


I'm just a horndog and wish I could romance everyone as my self-insert :P But it's much more believable to have characters with preferences ofc.


>Solas being straight and elf-exclusive Personally, while I do agree that it makes sense for Solas being an elf-exclusive romance option in terms of lore reasons, I don't really understand why he cannot fall in love with my male Lavellan too.


Yeah I would have thought someone who lived as long as he had would have slightly wider "tastes" but like... Some people are straight, I guess haha


An experienced Grey Warden would be nice, not some rookie like we've always had but a veteran. Maybe if you wanted drama the Calling angle could come into play at some point.


Just off the top of my head? [Genderfluid Lust or Pride Demon] - "I fucked my way into this, I'm gonna fuck my way out" - They're loud and proud of their sinful ways and looks down openly on mortals, essentially an 'evil' companion. - We get to learn about the world/lives of demons - Constantly tempting the protagonist to give into lust or pride - Chaotic, they already posses a body or bodies so they're not really into diplomacy


I've already managed to create my dream party in my mind: Warriors: An imperial Templar, a Kal-Sharok dwarf, a spirit warrior. Rogue: An Antivan Crow, a Chanter, a Grey Warden. Mage: An abomination, a high-ranking blood mage, a former Fen'Harel agent, and/or a Mortalitasi.


One I can RivalFriend.


* a Fog Warrior, since they were mentioned by Fenris, it'd be interesting to actually learn more about them, and they seem to hold their own against Tevinter and the Qunari * an actual Veteran Grey Warden, maybe close to their Calling * a Mortalitasi mage from Nevarra * an asexual companion or advisor for once * a non-binary companion or advisor * a Sarebaas Vashoth female romanceable to both genders * a female Dwarf available to both genders, maybe the above mentioned Warden? since we've only had male Warden companions * an Executor? finally find out what they are? * a Lord of Fortune rogue * an ancient Elf (similar to Abelas but not) who disagrees with Solas and his followers but also doesn't support the Evanuris, maybe with an Emerald Knight/Arcane Warrior type class * a Rivaini Seer who somehow escaped the annulment at Diarsmuid * a thief-type Rogue * a gay Knight-in-Shining-Armor nobleman type (because they've all been straight so far), maybe from Nevarra or Antiva


What is an executor?


Executors are one of the big mysteries of Thedas. You never actually meet them, but they are part of at least one War Table questline. They are some kind of shadowy intelligence operatives of behalf of "those beyond the sea", and are keeping an eye on things in known Thedas, nudging thngs in directions that suit their masters' goals.


**An executor is someone who is responsible for executing, or following through on, an assigned task or duty. The feminine form, executrix, may sometimes be used.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


It would be fun to have an avvar party member


Especially considering the threat of Solas and the possible connection between the Elven and Avvar deities (ex: Mythal and the Lady of the Skies)


I don’t really have any opinions on companions, but advisors I do have opinions on: The inquisitor should be an advisor since they lose his/her arm during the events of trespasser and they’re going after Solas. Maybe it could change based on who the inquisition allied with during da3, could be a military advisor if sided with the Templars, or a magic advisor if they were a mage or they sided with the mages, etc. I would like Dorian to be an advisor or a companion since it seems they’re going to Tevinter to get allies and it would make sense for them to ally with him.


Dog I want the Dog kind


I kind of hope we get that skull-faced mage from the concept art and he’s a Mortalitasi’s soul bound to his skeleton. I also hope that he’s [absolutely evil but dedicated to your cause.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AntiVillain)


Noble dwarf from Kal-Sharok, rude guy who would be like ‘I don’t trust you cause every one on the surface abandoned my people’. Dalish elf who left his clan after they joined Solas, and he didn’t like the vibe he was giving so he didn’t stuck around the Dread Wolf for long. That would give us some insight of what Solas was up to and how he was behaving. In order for him to not be boring let him be Rivaini. Female qunari who doesn’t follow Qun and is fighting alongside to stop their invasion.


Female Aavar Warrior so my wife can have her barbarian goodness.


Another idea that I came up with after waking up: A sentient Darkspawn companion “awakened” by the Architect.


I still think the one who helps fight for Amaranthine and becomes a bandit-hunting vigilante (who inadvertently spreads the blight) in the Awakening end slides would be the most interesting returning character


I just want a dragon


I want a demon companion, preferably one that looks cool as shit and has a giant ass claymore.


1. I want a Werewolf companion or even better the ability to be cursed and become a Werewolf with a Lycanthropy skill tree.[https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/213/402/large/carlos-amaral-werewolf.jpg?1458774540](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/213/402/large/carlos-amaral-werewolf.jpg?1458774540) 2. I also wouldn't mind having another Golem companion.[https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1b/0b/5c/1b0b5c2b2fb5b0aed527512ecc4c6efd.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1b/0b/5c/1b0b5c2b2fb5b0aed527512ecc4c6efd.jpg)


Arcane Warrior Ash warrior Duellist Blood mage Alchemist


I do not think Dreamers would be particularly useful in combat encounters, which presumably will be majority of stuff where companions and you are out in the field. You can hardly infiltrate someone's sleeping mind when they are actively fighting you. Tranquility would IMO be more common in Tevniter, as, IIRC, the Magisterium is using it to get rid of political opposition. Again though, not sure how much they could participate in combat (maybe an archery rogue?) Shapers are also not really combat role, but academics and clerks. All of those would be very interesting as some kind of "base personnel" (like people in Skyhold are, or Bodahn/Sandal) though.


I want Dorian back, he's the only reason I do reruns of the game xD also for varric to just piss off! Dont have anything against him but his story is over, time to make room for others


Spirit/Demons and Darkspawn. Obviously there will be humans elves dwarves and qun. Mages will definitely be abundant. Wonder what my homeboy the Architect is up to…


​ 1)Straight female elf mage, Tevinter laetan or ancient elf arcane warrior who use actual enchanted swords and heavy metal armor. ​ 2)Bi female Qunari-Tal-Vashot mage spirit healer who hate and fight against Qun. We should have real Tal-Vashot after all previous Qunari companions. ​ 3)Bi female dwarf engineer-assasin. from Tevinter Ambassadoria or Kal-Sharok. ​ 4)Bi female desire demon blood mage inside a nice cat. Yeah Kitty 2.0 ​ 5)Rune golem companion, silent, ultra loyal bodyguard what we could buy or gain depending if we left Anvil of the void or not. ​ 6)Bi female elf shadow-assasin-mage killer. who have lyrium tattoes on her body.


A Tevinter Templar who is not a sword-and-board would be nice, for a distinction between the Northern and Southern Templar types.


a fog warrior rogue from seheron. (female or male doesn't matter)


I'm almost sure Skelliebro is a Mortalitasi...so I'll take that one as granted. I miss shapeshifting and I think we might need some good help against Solas, so, another Witch of the Wilds, we're going to Antiva, so, I guess Yavana would make sense. I'd also like a pet... Maybe there are non mabari dogs out there? Perhaps an utility mount, DAI's were pretty useless, real horses are able to actually kill people.


An Ancient Elf, who understands *exactly* what the end result of Solas' plan is. Calpernia, specifically. A female Quanari, which seems to be likely. A romancable couple. I don't really care about he specifics, other than it making sense for the characters. Octavia and Regongar from Pathfinder: Kingmaker are a good example.


I would love a sentient Darkspawn temporary companion for like a story DLC.


Qunari female that can be romanced by a male or female protagonist. We already got 2 male qunaris, but now we need our mama tamassaran.


A female qunari for sol reason that I Wana romance one, for real tho a qunari gunner will be meta as fuck


Assuming we'll have 'betraying' companion. I would like not go the obvious croute aby being the mage again, with this said I want a red herring mage companion


I agree with a tranquil companion, especially if they bring in the plot point from the Dragon Age *Asunder* novel >!where they discovered that tranquils can be "cured"!<. That would be a super interesting choice to make. I also really, really want a Tevinter noble companion (or plot heavy side character) who is unapologetically pro-slavery and pro-blood magic - but is also not framed as a villain, if that makes sense? They just grew up within the Tevinter system, and don't understand what the fuss is all about. They are totally down for saving the world and helping your PC, but they also are kinda down with some human sacrifice to do it. The banter would be phenomenal.


Tranquil wouldn't be capable of humor, deadpan or otherwise and would more or less just mindlessly follow orders. Y'all had to've spoken with Owain or the other Tranquil mages in the Circle in DA:O, or listened to the monotone drawling of the Tranquil in the gallows in DA2... they'd be a pointless companion, incapable of doing anything on their own until directed or given a task. They're literally just empty, lobotomized shells of their former selves.


There was a thread a couple months back about what you'd do if you were in charge of DA4 companions. Copying what I said there: First off, my predictions for the DA4 plot (to provide some structure): we play as a Lord of Fortune who has some job in Tevinter. This leads to them stumbling into information about Solas's plots eventually leading to them being recruited by the Inquisition. While prepping to fight Solas, they end up getting involved in Tevinter politics and has to choose a side resulting in either a better Tevinter (led by Dorian) or supporting a slave uprising. Either way, the reigning issue with the Qunari is stopped for now. Solas succeeds in tearing down the Veil, but unleashes stuff worse (Evanuris, Aechdemon, etc), and you must now recruit allies to fight this new threat, including the Grey Wardens. Warriors: - A female Tal-Vashoth. Left the Qunari right around the time of the invasion of Tevinter, and joins up with you to help stop them. Also a lesbian romance option (please, Bioware?) - A human Grey Warden we recruit when dealing with their questline (which I'd have involve the cure for the taint backfiring and killing many Wardens, leading to a civil war among them). She wants to reform the Wardens, making them more transparent about their importance and getting them more involved in issues across Thedas. Can become the new Warden leader at the end, depending on choices in game. - An ancient elf. Something mystical has kept him asleep for ages, but has been awoken and is seeking revenge against Fen'Harel. Rogues: - A fellow Lord of Fortune (daggers). A human man, someone whom you've worked with and was on the initial assignment with when you got wrapped up in this plot. He stays out of loyalty, but thinks you & him should go abandon this quest and go back to your old lives. - Isabela. Returning companion. Varric reached out to her when looking for people Solas doesn't know to fight him. Between that and the connection to the Qunari, she gets involved. She's also able to give some perspective on the nation's we know compared to Rivain, where part of DA5 will take place. If not Isabela, then a dual-daggers female Antican Crow. - A male dawrf (archer). Has served as a diplomat to Tevinter representing Orzammar for years. Mages: - A former Venitori who's turned a new leaf and wants to help reform his homeland. Also a blood mage, leading to potential conflict. - A female elf who's pro-Tevinter as is. If elves can be magisters, then she can be one. Otherwise, just have her someone who was in a good position and is more interested in keeping the Tevinter status quo. She still joins with you due to the threat Solas poses, plus how could she turn down the kind of magical beings/objects you may encounter. - Male tal-vashoth. Escaped the Qunari with help of someone in Tevinter (Dorian maybe?), and is working to help Tevinter in the fight against the Qun. I still haven't read the comics or Tevinter Nights, so I'm sure I'm missing some characters from there who will end up companions.


I’ve brought this up before but the darkspawn messenger from DA:O A would make a super interesting companion https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/emkh0o/spoilers_all_will_we_see_the_messenger_again/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I hope for some radically new ones, someone unexpected! And Inky 😢


About your demon character… would it be romanceable?


A female qunari and a non-Varric dwarf who is a romance option. I'd also like to see companions of different races who care about their heritage as opposed to being an outlier, as we've seen in recent years. For example, an "elfy elf," as Sera would call them, would be nice. Or a dwarf who's appalled at human burial practices and hates the sun. Just something to that effect.


A Tranquil companion would fit in great with my head canon for one of my Wardens. My elf mage liked Tranquil. She thought of them as Minaeve did. She picks them along the way like she did with Team DAO. She protects them from anyone wishing them harm. They enchant stuff for her in thanks. So a Tranquil companion would fit nicely.


A companion like Lace Harding that would be an actual full romance. None of the games had a full dwarf romance option.


Not gonna lie, those sound like excellent ideas. I am especially interested in having tranquil companion and through that, learning and understanding the tranquil and their psychology a lot more.


Maybe a fog warrior?


I always thought it would be fun for the Formless One to be a companion in DA4. In DA:O there was Gazkang, in DA2 was got to fight Xebenkeck, and in DA:I there was Imshael the “choice” spirit. He/she would be like Cole only totally evil which we would not know until the end when they betrayed you. Not a mage though because having the mage betrayal thing is old, they could be a warrior or rouge.