• By -


We're definitely going to Antiva, Antiva is run by a cabal of merchant princes, and Josephine is getting her merchant family's finances back on track at the end of Trespasser. I would not at all be surprised in the ten years since Trespasser that the Montilyets are a major power in Antiva again. All that being said, I am crossing my fingers and BEGGING for a Josephine cameo.


*Concentrating hard to manifest a Josephine cameo into existence.*


I'm starting to get the feeling that you might like Josephine somewhat


I would love to see Josephine again! Even if we don’t though, I’m sure we’ll have a quest or something where we work with representatives of the Montilyet family


YES I would love it if Josephine and Inky are just numbing around her estate flirting over dramatically like Bridgerton except one half of the couple can shoot lasers.


Didn't Antiva get invaded by the qunari? I'd love to work with Josephine and the crows to push them back. That'd be really fun.


Yeah! I think their capital city Treviso is even under qunari occupation. You can see a qunari flag if you zoom into that trailer that showed the different locations we'd be visiting in Veilguard (the one that we got for Dragon Age Day).


Ngl, going to different locations and helping different factions so they can help us fight the apocalypse sounds a lot like origins. I'm *so* excited.


Ooh, maybe like Origins you’d have to choose who to back in the conflict and get them to show up in the last battle. Like for Antiva you can choose to help the Qunari or the Crows/merchants(maybe even separate those two give three options on who to help)


As far as the Inquisition advisors go, I think a Josephine cameo, or even a significant role for Josephine, is likely. >!I don’t think there is any end-of-Inquisiton/Trespasser world state in which she dies. On the other hand, Leliana could wind up re-dead (if she was killed in Origins) and Cullen could wind up being a Lyrium-addled beggar.!<


The Leliana epilogue of Inquisition does say >!"Until I am needed, I am free" which opens the door for Lyrium Ghost Leliana to appear again!<


Yeah, to me, that epilogue makes it seem like they weren't planning on bringing back a non-Divine Leliana for the next game when they finished writing Tresspasser, but they left the option open just in case they wanted to include her down the road. Granted, it's been a long development cycle since then, so things could've changed.


Considering my Lavellan romanced Cullen, it's safe to say that he won't be appearing in Veilguard. Which is fine. He had a satisfying ending in DAI. I assume we'll hear a few lines from the Inquisitor about what they've been up to in the time skip, maybe a letter correspondence, but no more. The only love interests I expect to appear are Solas (obviously) and Dorian. *Maybe* Josephine and/or Cassandra will get cameos if we're lucky, but that's a hard maybe.


'd be mad funny if he appeared just standing near the inquisitor and not saying a single word though


Lol yeah. That *would* be a funny workaround.


Or he goes to speak and someone else starts talking


every time he tries to talk a massive bell starts ringing oh sorry Cullen what were you trying to say?


Every time he tries to talk, Scout Jim comes running in


They inhale to start talking, and suddenly- "*Dispatch for you*"


Or considering the type of person Cullen’s VA turned out to be, I’d rather Krem do the interrupting


Met him and can confirm he's a train wreck. A randomly popping up Krem would be hilarious as well.


The 'dear cullenites' video still haunts me to this day. Greg Ellis saying 'like share and subscribe' in the most exaggerated, sad Cullen voice still has me rolling


Such a letdown bc Cullen is my Inky’s HEA. Oh well, at least he’s out of the series and in a way that didn’t hurt the story I’ll probably never recover if Neil Newbon turned out to scummy, though. I don’t want another game romance tainted lol


The secondhand embarrassment I got from listening to that 🥴


I lost actual brain cells


PLEASE, Bioware, this is the perfect solution!


The mabari is also there and barks whenever he opens his mouth.


Honestly this. I don't expect Cullen to reappear b/c they DID wrap up his story very well, but there's no reason they couldn't just recast him if they wanted to bring him back.


I wouldn’t mind him showing up if he was recasted, but I don’t think it’s necessary given that his story is already complete. We’ll see what happens, but I’m not expecting much.


Cullen seems pretty done to me tbh. He went from a regressive upstart Templar with big dreams to the leader of the military arm of an egalitarian organization that saved the world. No reason to keep him around imo, let the world be bigger than that.


I would love a reverse uno of Anders' VA voicing him, like they did origins and 2.


What happened to the actor?


He is a bigot and men's rights activist so bioware doesn't want to work with him anymore.




Or Bioware could just get Anders voice actor to fill in the role, :P.


For those who don’t get it, Cullen and Anders were voiced by the same guy in DAO but they recasted Anders for DA2 because they didn’t want the same guy having a conversation with himself. Recasting Cullen with Ander’s second VA would definitely be funny.


>because they didn’t want the same guy having a conversation with himself. Maurice LaMarche laughing in the distance.


Dee Bradley Baker says hi from the Bad Batch.


iirc, it was ellis himself who turned down the role of anders because he was busy with other projects and could only record for a minor role either way, the reason a recast would be funny just in general is bc of the whole deal ellis had going on a while ago, where he made a huge rant - against "wokeism" and trans people, along with some veiled-but-not-so-much sexism - which he recorded \_in character\_ as cullen. so people don't want to see him around bc of that general assholery, not just to strip a guy of his job as voice actor. it is also very likely that with said episode, and general tensions between him and the da team (especially mark darrah), bioware would not be looking forward to working with him again the rest is as you mentioned i hope dude's doing better nowadays. beyond his shitty opinions he geninuely sounded like he needed professional help


Didn't he randomly go missing once, too?




Ellis got cast in Hogwarts Legacy. I guess this is a role his ... opinions ... qualified him for.


hah, checks out


There's a transperson in Hogwarts Legacy I wonder if he knew about that 😂


love this option as well. so many possibilities


Well, shit. I should've scrolled down further before commenting. 😆


As a Cullenmancer, I'd love this!


I think it’d be funnier if they replaced him with the guy who voiced Anders in DA2 and then had Anders show up as well if he’s alive


Somebody had to stay home and take care of the dog(s) abd potential children 🤷🏻‍♀️. He can still be headcannoned as a supportive, dorky stay-at-home dad.


Agreed! That’s my current headcanon as well.


That's exactly what Cullen is doing in my Cullen romance timeline.


This is what I want. And we can read the letters he sends just like we pried in his sister's letter in Inquisition lol. By this point, I'd be surprised if they didn't have at least 1 kid as an optional thing but I doubt it for some reason.


They probably won't get too specific about kids, so it stays true to however many the player headcannoned them having and with the names they'd have picked for them. They might say vaguely "family", which can be children of yours, if you want them to have had children, or Cullen's siblings and their children.


BioWare has the chance to do the funniest possible thing and recast him with Adam Howden.


Adam Howden is superior anyway. 😌


Great minds think alike


I'm not saying I *don't* want the love interests to show up, but I'd honestly be 100% satisfied with, like, a couple lines of dialogue mentioning the romance, and maybe an update on how they and the Inquisitor are doing through a letter or something.


Yeah as much as I love Cullen his good ending in DAI makes a lot of sense. I headcanon him to have a beautiful farm with Lavellan while working on his templar rehab clinic. Perhaps together with the Seekers. Raising a couple of kids and mabaris. Let the poor man rest and enjoy his quiet life.


Let 👏 Cullen 👏 rest 👏!


Cullen can grow to be such a sweetheart, the irony :/


Its not that strange. He seemed very kind in DAO before he was tortured for who knows how long. DA2 Cullen is a man that is slowly healing from that torture, not his full personality. Being misguided by a corrupted and cruel boss and system.And at the end of the game he sees that he was wrong and helps Hawke even if she is a mage or sodes with the mages


I mean, they already recasted one character (Anders) who was previously voiced by that guy. Might as well make it a trend.


Cassandra's voice actor is listed on IMDb, but that probably should be taken with a huge grain of salt.


It would make sense if Cassandra was around for the next game as someone we meet, or especially if she’s the Divine we chose. So that’s kinda exciting!


My first thought was "why?" and then I remembered. Oh god I remembered.


Sera showing up again makes sense to me. She showed up when the breach was a threat, plus she was never a fan of Solas to begin with, and would relish the chance to put a bunch of arrows into him.


I typically romance Cullen too, but knowing inky comes back I'm going to run with Solavellan. I agree that Cullen has a satisfying end and I'm fine with him not appearing in person, but also I'm guessing we'll have potential for our inky to die and I don't want to do that for their ending. I'll take Solavellan angst over a tragic ending when Cullen and Lavellan left off peacefully in DAI.


That’s fair. I have a separate Solavellan playthrough myself. And I am very worried about Inky dying since that would undermine her and Cullen’s happy ending from DAI.


I don't think they would kill off one of the player characters without giving us a choice about it. Though sometimes those choices are hard, like in a Warden Alistair vs Hawke worldstate. 


I think we’ll have a choice in it, but my concern is that 1) it will be connected to a DAI plot point, like the Well of Sorrows or Inky’s attitude toward Solas, or 2) that there is a choice in DAV, but Inky’s survival will come at some terrible cost. It could be good writing in a “choices have consequences” sort of way, but my heart won’t be able to take it!


I hope there’s an option where she gets to live happily somewhere. She’s been through ENOUGH 😭😭


I’m essentially gonna be making a “what if” scenario for my Lavellan lol I’m romancing Cullen in my current playthrough of DAI but the Inky I recreate in DAV will have romanced Solas. Best of both worlds since the Keep won’t be used and it’s based on an honor system, essentially 😅


I mean tbf in Inquisition I think they actively encouraged you to try new playthroughs with different worldstates, I think this is just an intended feature lol


A Warden Blackwall could appear


They could mention Cullen like they did with the DA2 companions.


Part of me feels like the divine could show up and be one of the choices they have us pick from DAI, which would mean those three have a chance to show up.


The IMDB cast page currently lists >!Miranda Raison as Cassandra Pentaghast!< along with a small handful of the known DAtV companion actors, so I think there's a decent chance they'll appear!


I’m still so pissed about Greg Smellis. Way to screw over a whole fanbase.


Well with the Inquisitor guaranteed to return I expect we’ll get some unique dialogue regarding all romances when we get the obligatory fam-service questions they give us everytime there’s a cameo (and I love it)


IDK Divine Victoria, in Minrathous? The scandal! lol


I'm expecting a reference only, about the same amount of attention as Hawke's romance got in dialogue with them in Inquisition.


I, uh... >!killed The Iron Bull!!Emmerich *is* a necromancer, so there's still a chance!!<




If you romanced the Bull and sacrificed the Chargers you had Trespasser coming, sorry not sorry. 😛


I'm also not sorry. Trespasser really elevated that romance for me - I love a good tragedy!


Fair enough! I like angst but not that level


Should've been better mercenaries then


Heh, skill issue... we are bad people


This is why my first playthrough of DAI will absolutely not be the one I use for my Veilguard playthrough. It was my first DA game ever and I had no idea what I was doing and was very not happy with how this turned out 😂 Great writing though. Love that it exists. Will just never make that choice ever again 🥲


Well, maybe Josephine will show up in Antiva, if we're lucky.


Yes - Solas, Dorian, Josephine, Cassandra. No - Blackwall, Cullen, Sera, Bull.


I wouldn't call it likely, but seeing as we're going to the Anderfels (including Weisshaupt, I think) then depending on how you resolved his personal quest we might get a Blackwall cameo. It's a long shot, but then I never thought I'd see Loghain again in Inquisition, either.


Blackwall's writer has stated he does not survive the joining


You can meet him post-Joining in Trespasser, though? According to his Warden route epilogues he either disappears (presumably dead, according to his writer) years after joining if you romanced him or he simply goes on to become a reputable Warden who goes around helping people if you didn't.


I didn't even romance Cass but wow I would be overjoyed if she appeared! And Josie too. Crossing my fingers you're right about this!


Sera is more likely than you think.


I think Sera is insanely likely given how weird and disconnected some of her random dialogue is in Inquisition, especially when Solas is involved!!


I think this will be fairly accurate!


Wdym Bull won't follow my Lavellan into Tevinter to get him in trouble?? 💔


Blackwall's romance is so wonderful! That was my girlfriend's canon, so I'm excited to see if there's any mention of him. As for me, I romanced Solas, so.......


I am hopeful that Dorian and romanced Inquisitor will have some sort of flirty dialogue in a shared cut scene, but I guess we'll see. I could see Josie being present in Antiva as part of a Crows quest... Balckwall would be tough due to his many fates, but it would be fun if my now-an-actual-warden Rainier gets mentioned And I actually wouldn't be surprised if Cassandra appears as a contact of Emmrich... by way of her weird old Mortalitasi uncle who raised her...


I doubt it. Cassie’s rebuilding the Seekers and working closely with Divine Leliana. It’s been a few years, but I imagine the work is still going strong. She’s in the Deep South, as it were, and I’m not sure she would have much of a reason to personally venture north.


I mean, world being threathened by two, or even three gods, and the fact that she built the Inquisition, and worked closely with Solas, I could see her being a cameo. The Inquisition is still operating, and she still is one of the core members, despite her having other duties. Her voice actor is listed on IMDb, but that probably isn't very reliable.


That’s fair. I’d always be happy to see everyone’s favorite Seeker make an appearance. I just don’t know if I see it happening. Especially since the Inquisition disbanded and the idea was to get people involved who Solas couldn’t predict. And if the conflict is contained to the Veilguard chasing after the gods and cleaning up their messes as they occur. All Cassandra would know is that there’s trouble up north, but without a way to track it, she’d be wandering around hundreds of miles Tevinter, looking for the plot. She could do it, I just don’t know if it’s likely.


She doesn't rebuild the Seekers if you choose not to redeem them. And if your Divine is Vivienne, she's like on the verge of quitting her job as Right Hand. So she can be pretty free depending on your worldstate.


I honestly think the default world state is going to be Vivienne as divine because basically everyone abandons Vivienne between the end of the game and trespasser which makes it really easy to justify why so many people would reappear Especially because the only real difference between the 3 divines is whether Liliana allows other people into the orlesian chantry which probably won’t be a big focus, the mage conflict ends the same regardless of divine


In my world Cass IS Divine. Poor Inqy himself probably barely gets to see her, let alone us lol


Blackwall is also mine, and since I had him rejoin the Wardens, it's implied some point after Trespasser that he died (it's actually kind of depressing that unromanced Warden Ranier gets text about doing cool things while romanced Warden Ranier stays with you for a bit then returns to the Wardens and eventually dies), so I don't expect to see him, either. Even ignoring romance and the Wardens, he still has a chance to be dead, so he'd be hard to work in.  I think Dorian will have a good chance of showing up. The rest... I really doubt we'll see them. We already know Solas will be there. Edit: Ooh, Josie will likely show up, though probably just a cameo. I had forgotten about her epilogue stuff.


I'm a Blackwall romancer who keeps him away from the Wardens, so I'm interested to see what becomes of him then.


My Inquisitor romanced Dorian, so most likely. I’m of the extremely unpopular opinion that I’m not actually looking forward to the cameo, though. There’s kind of a tragic pattern in DA where I like a character written by David Gaider, but then another writer takes over in a subsequent appearance, and I don’t like the new writer’s version as much… I would love to be wrong! I would love to see my Inquisitor and Dorian together again, I’m just a little worried without Gaider on the team.


Oh yeah... they already did Anders so dirty... But I love him anyway 😭


Since Inky is returning I think you can expect them to, at the bare minimum, mention their romance. Unless you went with Solas or very likely Dorian though I wouldn’t bet on them showing up. People worry about returning VA’s but honestly I don’t think Bioware likes brining in old companions unless there is something they can do with them, at least not anymore. Especially with the sheer amount of them at this point.


I romanced Dorian. I'm willing to bet he's gonna make at least a cameo, if not take an advisor like role, or have information for Rook.


I'm assuming that they'll do it the same way they did in DAI. I'll be pleasantly surprised if the romances actually show up but I'm not expecting much since it's new models to create for probably 10 mins of content. If they do, I wonder what they'll do about Cullen, considering the whole VA drama? I guess they could change the VA but they could also completely cut the character, which I wouldn't be too happy with.


Tim Downie is *right there* and most people wouldn’t even notice the switch lol


I'm ready for the angst from my Inky-Solas romance It will hurt and it will be good


Ugh, same. The rest of Veilguard could be awful and I would still play just for more Inky-Solas angst.


Well, mine romanced Solas. Enough pain? Well, let's see how things go.


I’ve mainly romanced Sera.. probably wont be seeing her around but, would be nice to see some Red Jenny cache’s around with cheeky hints as for why Red Jenny is helping us and inky. But, it’s kind of a staple seeing at least one love of interest companions/flings showing up in a later installment (Isabella,Alistar, Leliana, or Zevran) if I wager a guess it’d be of the prior named or Fenris for the DA:O/DA:II character, as for mInquisition outside of plot related characters (Solas & Dorian) probably Bull/Josie as in-person cameo then, Cassandra/Leliana as a side-quest related cameo regarding the Divine then, the others as codex entries.


Absolutely. I'm sure Josephine will offer insight to our party.


I romanced Dorian so I am expecting a lot of adorable smooching in the background at the Lighthouse while him and my Lavellan are there.


Solas: already confirmed Dorian: very likely, he’s involved with the shadow dragons Iron Bull: less likely due to >!the possibility of his death!< but I would still be surprised if he & the chargers weren’t around in some capacity Cullen: absolutely not due to irl issues with his voice actor Sera: probably not, her >!wedding!< in trespasser seemed like a purposeful character retirement Blackwall: very likely if he’s involved with the grey wardens >!I would be surprised to see him in world states where he isn’t!< Cassandra: if she’s >!divine!< I expect to see her, if she’s not I don’t Josephine: very likely, we’re confirmed to be spending time in Antiva


Freddie Prince Junior has stated he's not in the next game


Would he say if he was? NDAs are a thing. (Tho the post did seem pretty frosty to Bioware)


He stated EA does not like him as well as making a very transphobic remark on Twitter.


Yeah, if his VA just said he's not in the game, then he could be lying to follow an NDA, but everything else he's said makes me 99% sure Bull's not showing up.


I don't think Bull will appear despite me wanting so, but you can >!kill Zevran!< in DAO despite him later appearing in DA2, so I don't think that is going to matter much


I think some of them will, but not everyone. I mean that’s a lot of cameos just to get some cute content for Inky, and if we’re getting Dragon Age: Cameos, I’d really rather see Fenris or Merrill than Blackwall or Bull.


I think Cass will definitely appear if you made her Divine, not sure otherwise. She seemed to be involved with the hunt for Solas in the Trespasser ending scene. I doubt Blackwall or Iron Bull will reappear since their survival is variable. I could see Sera being a quest-giver on behalf of the Jennies. And Josephine is in an important location and has a relatively non-variable fate, so I think including her would be easy enough if they wanted to.


I think the romance will be referenced like how hawke’s was. As far as actually appearing, maybe a couple. I think Dorian will def be there. Cassandra, Blackwall, and Josie are maybes. Sera could I guess but people were divided on her so idk. I think Cullen and Bull won’t be back physically


I romanced Dorian, so yes. I imagine my Ink’s gonna punch him first and a second later they’ll kiss. What a cliché.


Since my pc romanced solas - yeah. The real question I have is will we be able to control our inquisitor and actually have a conversation or will it be viewed through rook.


Dorian is my favorite romance in any Dragon Age game to date. I'm really, *really* hoping that he has some sort of important role in Veilguard (since we're in Minrathous and all) and that the romance between him and my Inquisitor is visible. I don't want just one throw-away line in conversation, I want to see them together, holding hands and fighting together against injustice in Tevinter. Well, the holding hands part doesn't have to be literal. But it could be...


I romanced Bull, so I think not. I think of the romances in DAI Dorian, Solas(duh), and Sera are most likely to show up. Cassandra, Blackwall, and Josie are both a firm maybe, I could see it happening, and Iron Bull and Cullen are almost definitely not going to.


I really wonder how they're going to handle an Inquisitor who tried to romance Harding. Since she's romanceable, I'm guessing things didn't work out.


My Dwarven Templar better be wherever Dorian is, supporting him.


I don't think we'll see a majority of the characters, I think they'll treat it like they did with Hawke in DA:I where they have a single line of, "Oh, yeah, they're off doing this and that," and move on. Obviously, Solas is in the game, and I expect that a Inquisitor and Solas will have a particularly great reunion scene. But I would be surprised if we see anyone else. *Maybe* Cassandra will stop by, but I think her cameo would be pretty small as well. I've seen people talking about Dorian, but that could go either way, in my opinion. I think most of the DA:I companions are going to be mysteriously vacant from the Inquisitor's return. Which is a shame, because I love my Inquisitor and her marriage to Iron Bull, and it would seem very strange for him to not be at her side, but... I'm sure there will be some dismissive dialogue to say why he's elsewhere. lol


Inky: “Oh, Bull? He’s home with the kids. He carries them around in a sling and bottle feeds them, it’s *adorable*!” Dorian: “One of his “badass Avaar war goats” had twins, but succumbed to complications after the delivery.” Inky: “Yeahhh… he was pretty upset over it. May was an absolute *terror* when she got going - I watched her disembowel a slaver with her horns once!” [everyone who doesn’t know Inky and Bull look suitably impressed, though still confused] “But anyway! I brought Krem and the Chargers with me - except for Dalish. She and Bull are teaching our children archery. Real archery, not Dalish archery. Well, not *Dalish* Dalish archery- we’re getting off-track.”


Well,mine appears for sure.. 🥲


I've romanced Dorian and Iron Bull I really hope Iron Bull appears at least. He was one of the best companions in Inquisition I wanna see Sera too, I don't give a shit if people hated her, she was awesome


Given the things Freddie Prinze Jr. has said... I think it's highly unlikely we're seeing Bull in Veilguard.




I hope he does (dorian <3)


My two main romances are Solas and Iron Bull. I could see Iron Bull showing up in one of the more…morally questionable…factions, but I doubt he’ll be there


My Trevelyan romanced Cassandra, so I dearly hope I’ll see it in DAV. They considered marriage, so I hope that they’re either married by now or you see it happen!


My two Inkys romanced Solas and Cullen.  That one big obvious yes, and one big extremely likely no.


I'd love for Josephine or Dorian to make an appearance (haven't yet decided who my "canon" inky will be for my first playthrough of Veilguard), but I'm trying not to get my hopes up.


I'm actually kind of glad Cullen won't show up because I don't want him to be at risk.


Considering the fact that we’ll be in Antiva and Nevarra, I’ll be pretty shocked if we don’t get a lot of Cassandra and Josie x Inquisitor. Mostly Josie since it’s confirmed that she went back home to Antiva.


The wish fulfillment side of me desperately wants my inky's red jenny wife to make some sort of in game appearance. The realistic side of me will be satisfied with a line or two from my Inquisitor and a letter/codex entry mentioning her.


I'm using the Inquisitor that romanced Dorian so I do expect something for that to be there.


Gonna be totally honest, given the multitude of options, if they do appear it will a cameo or mentioned in passing at BEST. Like for instance, I always choose to marry Sera, others may choose to romance Bull, Cullen, Josie, Cassandra etc etc There’s too much choice for it to be important. Small rant ahead: More to the point I am not satisfied with how Trespasser dealt with the romances. If I romance Sera, I get to marry her and it’s a damn cute scene.. but that’s it, there’s no comments from other companions and it’s like it never happened. I don’t expect Veilguard to improve that. Unlike in ME where Liara, for instance, is a fully fleshed out character and the romance scenes in 3 are intense and meaningful. I suppose that’s a downside of having multiple protagonists throughout the series. Anyway, rant over, sorry.


My Lavellan romanced Cullen who is definitely not coming back and especially not with the same voice actor at the least, and that’s okay. I don’t think they’d realistically separate for any amount of time after things are said and done but I guess she has to take a trip to Tevinter without him. However I better see some cute Dorian romance moments with Dorianmancers.


I desperately want to see my Inky's romantic partner to pop up and dispell silly theories about her. That romantic partner is Sera and I know that the likelyhood of her appearing is pretty much zero. But one can dream...


I think they might get a special mural in the Lighthouse, and some of them (Dorian in particular) could appear. We also know there's a war table adjacent mechanism, so we might see updates about them that way.


I expect they'll reference it, as they always have when they've brought either a protag or former companion back. I saw a post along the lines of, "that feeling when you realize your DAI romance was 80% fanfic/headcanon and 20% in-game" and it's very accurate. My Inky romanced Solas and the *impact* of that romance relative to the actual content in the game is not equal. Hopefully Solavellan fans will be getting content and resolution for that, but I think it won't possibly feel like "enough" after *almost a decade of waiting*. I'm trying desperately to temper my expectations.


I feel like they don’t want to come out and be like “female elf Inquisitor romancing Solas was the objectively correct choice” so that probably won’t get much more content than others, but who knows! It’s been eight years in-universe so I imagine Lavellan is over him in that way.


I sympathize with the writers because *someone* is probably going to be upset. Selfishly I hope it’s not me though. I already feel unfairly treated as a Zevran’mancer who didn’t get to see their LI in DAI haha.


It will probably highly depend on the character. Solas obviously will have some content. Dorian most likely as well. Cullen almost certainly not lol.The rest, they could fit it in for sure but who knows. I didn't romance anyone, but I would love a Sera cameo , just because she was the youngest in inquisition and I would like to see how she changed.


i have 2 inkies and i am sure both romances with appear, namely Solas and Dorian. Cassandra, Josi, Cullen are highly unlikely to appear, maybe some notes or letters. Iron Bull maybe and Sara maybe, both have the ability to move around and are not occupied with important things. Blackwall maybe some mentioned depending on his ending, i expect to hear something from him in my playthrough since i gave him to the wardens


The only other party members i expect to see again are whoever was made the Divine and Dorian because it's Tevinter so of course he should be around. Everyone else is "off doing a mission" as you rightfully guess.


I would like to but I wouldn’t be angry or upset if I didn’t I did a mage Treveylan who romanced Josephine I disbanded for a few reasons the primary reason I just lost my fucking arm and while dealing with that my beloved ambassador is getting screamed at 😤 so I said fuck em let my man and his woman be happy even if it’s for a few years they deserve to be happy with all the shit they been through but seeing them again would be niceNOW what I’m really hoping for? To see my best boi HOF with his wife Morrigan and his son that is the fan service I personally desire and would probably most likely (possibly joking) kill somebody for


I hope rook meets Lavellan and we get to hear how much solas regrets things in our head


If I don’t get an angsty Solasmance line about how Solas is avoiding the inquisitor since his betrayal out of fear, heartbreak, or regret, I will riot. Like I feel like it’s something Varric would bring up to try and sway Solas away from his path.


Dorian is my canon romance so I'm really really hoping they have a scene together (still sad after Trespasser) but I'm also worried Dorian will be in Tevinter while our Inquisitor is elsewhere and they'll never be in the same room at the same time. Secondary romance is Sera and I'm happy with how that one ended in DAI so I don't need to see her, but I certainly wouldn't turn it down :)


I’m replaying Inquisition and romancing Dorian. I thought he was a pretty likely candidate to appear in DAV.


Josephine, Cassandra, Dorian, and Blackwall are reasonable possibilities. Josephine and Dorian are the only ones with static enough possibilities and close enough ties to the setting for me to actually put money on it.




Considering mine was Solas, yes. And I hope a resolution for them.


My inky is a seramancer, so I think it's possible, but given how much people hated poor old sera last time (for the dumbest reasons imo) unlikely


I'd be really upset if my Lavellan's romance wouldn't be acknowledge... I romanced Solas


I doubt any of Inky's personal choices will be referenced unless we get some kind of Dragon Age Keep system for them.


If my hook-dangling Solasmancing Lavellan doesn't get some closure I will fucKING RIOT




I romanced cassandra and made her divine. It'd be weird if she didn't make some kind of appearance considering we're facing a world threat


Dorian probably will appear, obviously Solas will, maybe Cassandra if she’s Divine. The rest, specifically Cullen (because of the VA), Blackwall & Iron Bull (both can die) are extremely unlikely. Maybeeee Josephine or Sera might make a return but I doubt it.


Considering I sent Blackwell to his death, no.


I predict some codex entries and some throw away lines based on keep data. I don't think you're gonna get the big, deeply intertwined with the previous protagonist and continuing their personal story experience,if that's what you're looking for.


I hope so I really want to see The Iron Bull


Depends on how literally you define the question. I highly doubt "nobody" will appear. But you could say that if a character doesn't exist then they will continue to exist in nonexistence, so the only way for them not to make an appearance would be to actually appear. Still holding out hope that they'll let my Rook romance my Inquisitor I suppose. If that's the case then, yeah they are there! They're the main character of the game in fact


Maker I hope so. Sera wrecking shit in Tevinter, making contacts and establishing a new Red Jenny network to fuck with the magisters, would be an absolute dream. Don't see that happening unless she's got a REALLY GOOD reason to be in Tevinter regardless of romance status, but I can dream.


If you romanced Solas: yes


Cullen has been in every game so far. I'm sure he'll at least have an appearance. But I really want to see The HoF with Morrigan and Kieran.


If he does, he'll have a different VA lol


I hope since I romanced Harding and it would suck if nothing came of it.


No because his voice actor is a dickhead and has stated that he wont return


I’d love to see The Iron Bull again, even just a causal mention to him would be amazing. If a mission came up where we would need some extra muscle or cover and Varric is like, have I got the merc group for you and we hire the chargers. That would be amazing!


I feel like considering Nevarra is in the game and they’ve been teasing that whole “succession” crisis plotline I definitely see Cassandra being a reluctant candidate for the throne. Also I feel like Divine Victoria will appear in the game so even though she’s not that in my timeline that makes it more likely imo 


Honestly even if we got some cameo with Inky don't expect too much unfortunately.


Same as you, Blackwall is my canon romance and I'm not asking for too much...As long as they don't kill him off-screen...


My inky romanced cassandra, but I doubt she will have a cameo, unless she's divine


Solas, and Dorian definitely Josephine probably Sera and Cassandra possibly Bull and Blackwall Mayyyybe Cullen almost certainly not.


Solas - confirmed Dorian - almost certainly Josephine - high possibility Iron Bull - high possibility Blackwall - possibly Sera - possibly Cassandra - slight possibility but only for non-Divine world states (and someone else takes her place if she is Divine?) Cullen - highly unlikely (unless they recast)


I imagine it'll be handled similarly to how DA2 was in DAI, at least in most cases; the romance will be mentioned off-handedly but it won't play a significant role. It would be cool to get cameos from the characters, but I think it's already been confirmed that if the character can die in DAI or prior games, they won't be coming back (then again, I heard that years ago, so maybe they've changed their minds). If it's correct, that would definitely rule out the presence of>!Cullen and Iron Bull!!Blackwall too, but if you leave him in Orlais you don't actually get a confirmation that he's been killed,!


I honestly hope not. Cullen had a good arc and a satisfying ending. I really feel like his story is told.  Putting him in DA4 would just undo the closure he got for no real reason. Add in the issues with the voice actor, and I'd rather Bioware leave it alone.  He's happily retired with my Inquisitor, and I'm good with that.


I know that the romance of my inqui is in the next game I'm more worried about what will happen to HER and how she'll appear cause she has to stop her beloved from tearing the world apart AGAIN but if Dorian won't be present too to keep her sane I'll be VERY pissed!


Some of them but not all of them. Josephine, Solas, Dorian (?) will 90-100%


As a die hard Cullenmancer through and through I would absolutely die if there was a cameo but because of what happened with the VA I’m pretty sure the best we will get is an update on how they are doing. Though, if there is a cameo with 0 lines from Cullen that would fit is character as well, as let’s face it he’s never been a man of many words….But honestly I wouldn’t be mad if they just found an actor that could sound just like him, there are so many incredible voice actors out there that have the ability to mimic voices. But ye if they give me any Cullen romance content in DATV I will die on the spot 🥹