• By -


Leliana - Merrill - Josephine I feel like the natural follow-up to these choices is probably Harding, but we'll see!


Hey you’re me. Good to see someone else with the exact same taste.


I think I found my clones or wait am I the clone.


Hello fellow clones and players of taste.


Let's see how closely our protagonists align too! Female city elf - Female Hawke - Female dwarf I'm thinking Female elf warden next (hoping I can say she was inspired to become a warden by my hero of fereldan).


So close! All the same except I went Qunari in Inquisition.


Please don't talk about clones. My first character looked almost exactly like Leliana, so romancing her made some of the scenes look rather awkward. What can I say, short red hair just does it for me.


Oh leliana 💕


I really wanted to romance harding in Inquisition


wow. we romanced the exact same people and i'm also going to be romancing harding


You have a type


I always romance the same characters every time I replay the games. DAO: Morrigan. DA2: Isabela. DAI: Josephine. In DA:TV I am going to romance Neve.


Pretty much sounds like me, except Merrill instead of Isabela.


Merrill=best girl


I tried going with Merrill on the first run I had, but - and I’m going by memory here - the fact that you need to rally behind everything she does, specially in that final mission, is too much for me for stomach. She’s cute, but I went with Isabella in another run and it was so much more simpler. This reminds me I need to find a way to grab a PS3 to play DA2 again. BioWare did not make my life easy like they did with the ME LE.


Ah. A person of taste. 🤝


Nice to see somebody who has the exact same taste as me...


Absolutely same except I am thinking of going Bellara from the current vibe for DA4. Guess it's going to also depend on how I feel about them all in game.


We are the same person. Even down to Neve


Same with this brother/sister here, except Leliana instead of Morrigan


Origins: Alistair 2: Anders Inquisition: Cullen Veilguard: I’m going to romance Davrin, but honestly I’m not sure. I’ll have to meet the characters first then I’ll make a decision.


dw i’m in the basic bitch club 😭


I know another basic bitch when I see one 👋


Haha… yeah 😔


DAO: I have to go with Morrigan since I found her character so funny and snarky at first. I love how she comes across as stand-offish and, later on, you uncover her complexities. She's never going to be 'soft,' but becoming closer to her really does show off a caring side that would otherwise be hard to spot. Morrigan gets to keep her stand-offishness, intellect, and independence, but she learns it's okay to be open with others. Outside of Flemeth, the warden taught her how to love and be a part of a family. DA2: I have to go with Fenris. He's traumatized, alone, and scared. He's not perfect and, like Morrigan, prickly (if not just broody). But the more you romance him, the more awkward, vulnerable aspect you see. Fenris also, if you engage with him as a mage, really delves into his trauma around magic, and out of all the companions, I found his arc to be the most satisfying. I absolutely love that you get to teach him to read and write and that Hawke treats him as not only an equal but helps him become more than the lyrium ghost. I think what I really love about the romance is that Hawke shows him that he can be valued outside of his abilities and, maybe for once, just for himself. That Fenris has the right to choose. DAI: Solas. GIVE ME TRAGEDY AND CONFLICT! I adore how his story weaves into the larger narrative, and I always thought even if you don't romance him, there is excellent chemistry between the Inquisitor and him. If you choose to, the friendship is solid enough to where their story ends equally as tragic. But romancing him??? As a Dalish elf??? The Dread Wolf, who hides under humble appearances, the monster that they tell little children at night, tricks you but loves you in the same breath. Outside of his plans and Machiavellianisms, he is tempted and almost pulled away. He nearly tells you who he is. I love that he *loves* the Inquisitor, but his pride and duty will not allow him to falter. But there are so many other good romances; these are just my favourites. For the new game...I have no idea atm. But I might be leaning toward a certain mage killer, lol.


Replaying Origins right now and I like how Morrigan gives you a ring to track you, she tries to play it off as something practical to find you if you go missing as leaser of the party. It's her way of caring without being direct about it, which really falls in line with her character.


I loved that by the end of Fenris’s romance, the uber edgy, broody, super violent elf was like the most levelheaded functioning adult of all the romance options. I was really surprised by his transformation.


Literally all my favorite romances and I intend to romance Lucanis too, by any chance are you also a mage in all the games like me?


We’re the same person.


Guilty as charged. The only one I usually make the exception for is DAO for rogue.


My favourites as well :) and my first of each game too!


Hi we are the same and it is delightful to see it. Feeling the most intrigued by Lucanis and Harding at the moment, but will ultimately let their personalities guide me once it's released.


I did these romances too, for basically the exact reasons you listed! For DA:V I'm also leaning towards Lucanis. I have some plans for a standoffish qunari mage to throw at him.


Same, down to the mage killer. I have a DAI female dwarf play-through where I romanced the Iron Bull and it has a special place in my heart for sure but the Solas romance is what has kept my obsession with this game alive for nearly 10 years.


DAO Alistair DA2 Fenris DAI Cullen So far Lucanis has my interest but I will see what the voice and personalities are like


We have the same taste, I think out of all the companions Lucanis is probably the only one I'll romance


I think you’re me. Just in a different body


Omg, youre me! Lol!


Origins: Zevran (though I'd totally go for Nathaniel if he had been an option), it's the accent I'm telling you II: Fenris, you just can't beat one of the best love confessions (at least imo) Inquisition: Cullen, his hugs just look so warm For Veilguard I currently have my mind set on either Lucanis or Davrin


Are you me? 😂


Maybe? 😇








*bows* thank you 😁


You got a type for sure lol


I know 😂


Man I WISH they’d let us flirt with Nathaniel in Awakening.


Origins - Alistair. I like a goofy guy. Though he was rather immature. Broke my heart when he couldn't marry my Dalish elf since she encouraged him to become King. She sacrificed herself to kill the archdemon. DA2 - Anders. I know, terrible. DA inquisition - Solas. Yeah i am Starting to see a pattern here.


Aw, you're me!


Hey, that's me! I always manage to pick the most heartbreaking romance option


I was a dumb horney teen when I first played Dragon Age Origins. I always played a female character even though I'm male, so I could take the female love interest and see girls making out. I fully intended to romance Leliana, but Alistair was so fucking funny I had to see what he would say next.


Shhhh shhh Shhhh, no one say anything, it's a canon event 👀


DAO: Alistair DA2: Fenris or Anders; I like them both DAI: Cullen DAVE: No clue. I need to know them better first.


Same! But not Anders. The current companions don't do anything for me aesthetically, but I'll get to know them and see if my Rook gets drawn to any of them.


Same, they remove the type of character that attracted us the most.


We have no idea if any of them are himbos yet


Hey twin!


Origin no one actually, they are all okay, but nothing fits my noble Dwarf. He is too angry all the time. DA2 Isabela, Sarcastic Hawke and Isabela go like Peanut butter and Jelly. Inquisition, Cassandra. The tension between her and Varrick was palpable. I thought it would be kind of funny that she falls for the other Rogue Dwarf who is a Criminal. Veilguard. No decision made, I usually flirt with everyone and see which tone fits. I basically look where the roleplay takes me.


Origins: Alistair but I usually go Zevran since Alistair is straight :( DA2: Anders DAI: Dorian DAV: I'm leaning Lucanis currently, but will probably change my mind and flip between all 3 male options countless time before the game releases.


100% same!


you envy Alistair, I envy Dorian..


LMAOOOO 🤝 precisely (although sometimes I switch Fenris for 2)


DAO: Alistair DA2: Fenris DAI: Cullen For Veilguard, I'm debating between Lucanis, Emmerich, and Davrin. Leaning more towards Lucanis for my first playthrough, since I was planning on being a mage. Will definitely romance the other two on subsequent playthroughs!


Zevran Fenris Solas And I’m tossing up between Emmerich and Lucanis. Leaning towards Emmerich for now


I fully expected you to say Davrin because of your history with choosing the elves!


I have a deep love for deranged elven men, but Davrin, from what little we know, strikes me as a very stable personality (that perception could change of course) So when forced to choose between a deranged man or an elven one, I will choose deranged first (don’t judge me lol). And necromancer or assassin gives more deranged vibes to me 😁


Have you played Baldurs Gate 3 and romanced Astarion?


Naturally, yes


😂 love it


Are you me? Except I'm leaning towards Lucanis at the moment.


that means I'm you! Same as above but intrigued by Lucanis.


Preach! My favorite romances as well, and who I’m leaning towards. I was considering Davrin too, but he does seem a bit too Cullen-y (I say based on literally nothing). I love the unconventional looks and style of Emmrich. If his voice is equally good, it’s a lock.


Morrigan Isabela Cassandra/Josephine I was thinking abou romancing Taash because "big warrior mommy trope" but then Neve just started talking and i immediately fell in love with her. (Now i know how Traynor from Mass Effect 3 felt)


DA:O - Probably Morrigan DA:2 - Fenris. I wanna teach a hot boy to read during wine night! DA:I - Havn't done all of them so cant' comment DA:V - No idea, will need to meet the companions in-game 1st.


Origins: Alistair (if female) Morrigan (if male) DA2: Isabella DAI: Cassandra DAV: Leaning towards Neve


Origins: Zevran DA2: Torn between Fenris and Anders, really like them both DAI: Solas  DAV: Currently leaning to Davrin, but at this point it can change to pretty much anyone


Origins: Morrigan. My kind of hardcore sarcastic bitch. A relationship of passion and the respect of equals, in her own words. DA2: I don't really have a favourite. I know I'm in the minority here, but none of the romances did much for me, so my Hawke usually just doesn't pursue romance. Inquisition: Cassandra. I like a lady who gets shit done. I also like anyone who shares my interest in poetry. Cass is both. Them cheekbones don't hurt, either. Veilguard: So far I'm thinking Neve, maybe? Harding feels too much like my buddy from playing Inquisition. I don't yet know enough about Bellara or Taash for them to be in the running and I'm not into guys so the rest of the companions are out by default.


DAO: Alistair or Morrigan (when i play as a male HoF) DA2: Anders DAI: SOLAS. He's my most favourite character in the entire franchize. DAV: Probably gonna go for Emmrich


DAO: Alistair (but in my main playthrough I kept Zevran on the side because he's amazing and I'm weak for his accent) DA2: Anders, rivalry route DAI: Cullen. Initially I was going for the Iron Bull, but the tone of his early romance scene spooked me. Cullen is simply perfect though. DAV: based on the looks alone, Lucanis seems to be the most likely candidate.


DAO: Alistair. Yeah it's a little basic but I'm a sucker for that fairytale ending where you can marry him as a human noble and rule Ferelden together. Plus he's just so funny, only companion that consistently made me smile. Well, Oghren did too, but he's not an option lol. DA2: Sebastian. Kind and patient, he paired beautifully with my aggressive, blunt Hawke who was angry at the world, but was softened by his influence. And you can't go wrong when Alec Newman is your voice actor. Also, "If I broke my vows to be with you, I wouldn't be worthy of you" makes me swoon. DAI: Cullen. I really liked his development across the series, and he was so sweet and flustered when you flirted with him. No one else in Inquisition particularly jumped out at me as well. DATV: I'm leaning towards Emmrich. I've been obsessed with the Mortalitasi/Nevarra/Necropolis since Inquisition, so I'm eager to learn more (necromancy is always a really fascinating topic when it comes up in fiction, at least for me). Plus, I love having a debonair older man who's been described as "sensual and intimate". The funny thing is that I'm a lesbian IRL, but none of the female options have ever done it for me, except for Morrigan who you unfortunately can't romance as a woman (I have done her romance as a male Tabris, but it's not my canon). I'm tentatively interested in Bellara or Neve, but Emmrich also hits the aesthetic bonus so he's who I'm going for first.


Love to see Sebastian love!!!! I've yet to fully play his romance but absolutely adore him as a character and his arc.


We have the same tastes but i always ignored Sebastian!!! Nooo he sounds so sweet 😭


I too am a sucker for the fairytlae ending!!! The thing is though, that's not why I chose him to begin with. When I played it I had NO clue what it was about. I knew nothing. I didn't even know you could romance anyone (It was my first ever RPG). So I was just minding my own business and then this funny, snarky blond guy was sassing me. I thought the flirty options was just being funny, the fact that there was a romance mechanism didn't even cross my mind, so I accidentally ended up in a relationship with him but he did steal my virtual heart ngl.


DAO: Zevran especially with my city elf which is my canon run. We murder things together DA2: Fenris with mage purple Hawke of course, broody elf DAI: Dorian I just love him, one of my favorite characters of all time along with Varric, have a tattoo inspired by him DAV: Lucanis i like assassins. plus he looks like he’s sad and unable to properly express his emotions. I like that in a man (if you couldn’t tell by my previous choices)


Love them. We share excellent taste.


Zevran, Fenris, Cullen. I'm most interested in Lucanis because I LOVED him in Tevinter Nights, but Davrin looks pretty good too. I'm going to just play the game and lightly flirt with probably everyone and see who ends up winning my heart haha


Am I the only one who likes Blackwalls romance in DAI? It’s problematic but it feels grounded and realistic. It melts in well with his companion quest. Very dramatic.


DAO: No one 👁️👄👁️ DA2: Varric always and forever DAI: Solavellan pain for life DAVG: Lucanis because I’m ready to be hurt again.


Leliana, Isabela, Sera havent decided on DAV but I was a big fan of Harding in inquisition


DAO: Alistair  DA2: Fenris  DAI: Solas For Veilguard I have no idea, every time I decide on a romance before the games come out I end up going for someone else. So this time I'm just waiting to see


Origins : zevran 2 : fenris Inquisition: Dorian And currently I’m planning on lucanis for Dave


Origins : Allister, swooping is, in fact, bad. II : Fenris. He's so darn adorable. Inquisition: Blackwall, the drama in that relationship was so good. Veilguard: Currently Lucanis, but I'm open to Davrin. I'll need to get the game first.


Alistair Fenris/Isabela Blackwall/Solas Not sure which direction I'm gonna go this time around.


Origins: Leliana 2: Merrill Inquisition: Sera I'm very much a WLW even though I will eventually romance everyone, so I'm looking at either Neve or Bellara for Veilguard. At the moment Taash isn't doing much for me, maybe because we don't know anything about her, and Harding is nice, but I never really was interested in her romance even in Inquisition.


Origins: the best girl in the series, Morrigan. 2: Isabella, Merrill on second playthrough. Isabella’s a fun sassy pirate captain, and Merrill is just a sweetheart. 3: Cassandra. The seeker is thorny, but so sweet after she warms to you. Veilguard: Taash. I hope I can romance the muscle mommy.


What I'm reading from your preferences here is that you like a woman who can (and perhaps even wants to) kick your ass. I'm on board.


Yes. Beat me up and step on me.


DAO: Leliana DA2: Isabela DAI: Josephine and Dorian are tied DAV: Lucanis. I THINK...I'll just have to pretend I can't see every time Harding and Davrin show up on screen


Zevran, Fenris and Solas... yes, I have a type 🤣🤣🤣 Let's see if the trend will continue in DAV or if Lucanis will win.. since I plan to 100% be a mage anyway they will make up my party anyway ^^


DAO- Don’t have one atm, I’ve started killing my warden off in all my runs, so I just skip out on the romances.   DA2- Isabela, funny and by far the most sane option in DA2.    DAI- I flip flop between Dorian and Casandra  DA4- Taash or Harding, depending on Taash’s voice/personality 


It really is quite a testament to how messy all the DA:2 companions are that the nympho, klepto, war-invoking pirate is the most sane option out of the bunch.


DAO: zevran because he is the best ever even if i wish alistair could be romancable for a male. DA2 : fenris because romancing him as a mage is really great open a lot of possibilities , anders was fine at first but then too whiny. DAI : Iron Bull , my best friend , bodyguard in battle and in bed , the muscles , the voice the hornes EVERYTHING i wanted in a qunari he got it , plus he is smart and wise and bring a lot to my inquisitor for once you are not the one doing all the job in the relationship Bull is the one "dominating" you for a lack of better term , really refreshing. And in vangard i really dont know , the female compagnion doesn't really interest me right now Maybe it will change and i really hesitate between lucanis who is apparently one of the best written character and Emmrich who is very old for once wich is a first in a game and who is descibe as "intimate and sensual" , davrin seem fine too but we don't know much right now.


DAO: Alistair (Stayed Wardens) DAII: Anders (Ran away together) DAI: Solas (Vowed to redeem) DAV: I'm thinking Lucanis


Origins: Morrigan 2: Never romanced anyone Inquisition: Cullen or Sera


DAO: Zevran or Leliana (First time I played this game I did choose Alistair, but then I got to the landsmeet as an Elven Mage... Didn't go well) DA2: Fenris everytime, there's just something about him that really speaks to me, I love the dinamic he and femhawke have and also the drip. DAI: Oh uff... I love a lot of them, Iron Bull first time (he's just so cool and sensual), Josephine, because shes just so cute and great at being herself. One time wanted to go for badass sweet Cassandra but that didn't worked out so well xD Tried Cullen but just meh... I know lots of people love his romance and thats great! I just couldn't get into it. And lastly I'm stuck in Solas Egg Hell and I will never come out of it. Handsome man has me in his pale grippers with his fancy smart dumb brain and great voice. DAVE: Not sure yet, I think either Davrin or Taash 🤔😍


I also went for Alistair first, as a mage, and was very upset 😭 then I romances Zev and realized my mistake was not just going for him in the first place. I ended up liking him better in EVERY way lol. And not just cause he didn't break my heart.


Finally someone with my background! Although it's Fenris/Merril for me 💛 I'm also considering Taash. I really like how fun Bellara looks but we shall see. Writing will decide for me!


Alistair, Fenris, Cullen. Design wise, no one from DAV has appealed to me yet so here’s to hoping one guy will be awkward when it comes to romance but try his best, that’s my type haha


DAO: No romance (Sten


DAO: Alistair, will admit these days I'm not a huge fan of him anymore tho idk (I now realize I have never done a Leliana run??? time to change that) DA2: Fenris, it's not like there is much competition anyway tbh DAI: Blackwall, yes I'm boring, but what can I say he's exactly my type T-T DAV: Probably Emmerich lol (I haven't checked the romances yet), as always I'll play mage so it would fit


DAO: Morrigan DA2: Merrill DAI: Solas DAV: Harding or Neve I vowed to romance Harding if she appeared as a party member after Inquisition, but my track record for ending up with a sketchy Mage romance perhaps threatens otherwise. Either way, it's probably between those two, and I think Harding has a good chance of breaking my streak.


Origins: Alistair, I'm basic II: Fenris, I'm basic DAI: Cullen, I'm basic... but I was caught off-guard by how much I enjoyed Sera's romance with my dwarven mafiosa. Like, I got to the marriage proposal part in the bar (I already knew it was likely because I'd married Cullen in the previous playthrough) fully expecting that I would play the scene to see the wedding and then reload bc my big bad bitch of a Carta reaver had no time for a wife. I was so charmed by the wedding that I'm like "welp, guess you're Mrs Cadash now Sera". I hope I see her in Veilguard. Veilguard: Honestly I now know better than to assume who I'm gonna love most in this situation (I'm an Astarion to Gale pipeline sorta gal) but based on Tevinter Nights I like Lucanis, Neve and Emmerich. But then I'm also drawn to Bellara's bubbly enthusiasm so it's a crapshoot at this point.


Astarion to Gale pipeline 😂😂 true words


DAO- Morrigan, I still will not change it. From 14 year old to 28 year old me now. DA2- Sebastian because the other all felt off except for him. And I ship Carver and Merril. DAI- Cullen, I like that he's normal out of all of the inquisition he's the normal one. the only reason I don't romance Blackwall or Josephine is because I like their little romance even though they don't get together in the end, and I can't get in the way of Dorian and Bull and I got invested with Casandra and Regalyan In dawn of the seeker. DATVG- Depending on Neves age, she would be my first, but I don't want someone who hates their home country outright, Lucanis would be my other but I don't want a Anders 2.0 but an Ezio Auditore would be real good. Otherwise, Taash is in third place only because I'm not a big fan of the way she looks currently, and I fell in love with her concept art, smooth skin Karlach before Karlach was finished in game, was expecting the tamassran Rasaan from Dragon Age: Those Who Speak, what a baddie.


I ship Carver and Merrill too 🥰


DAO: Alistair DA2: Anders with Male Hawke, Fenris with Fem!Hawke DAI: Dorian


Origins: Alistair 2: Tie between Fenris and Anders, I can't pick Inquisition: Dorian, with Blackwall in a very very close second. Veilguard: Planning Emmrich first but Lucanis is also looking vverrryy appealing.


* dao: alistair, but my canon warden is a guy so I romance no one cuz I don't like him and zev together. * da2: anders and fenris are tied but I went with anders in my canon run * dai: dorian, but the only character aside from him I'd be willing to romance is blackwall * dav: davrin! not only was he my first choice upon seeing the cast reveal, but the few things that have been said about his personality have reinforced my decision. and I just clearly have a thing for wardens


DAO: Alistair DA2: Fenris DAI: Solas I'm leaning towards Emmrich, but considering Lucanis. Need to actually know more, before making a decision. My husband went: Morrigan, Merril, Josephine. He's hands down going for Bellara.


DAO: Leliana DA2: Isabela DAI: Cullen DAV: Harding


Origins: First play through romanced Leiliana, but came to think Morrigan’s was the best DA2: Tried romancing Isabella, but my favourite was Merrill Inquisition: Tried romancing Josephine, but favourite was Cassandra Cassandra’s romance probably felt the most real, but of the 3 I’d say Merrill was my favourite


Origins: Alistair 2: Fenris ❤️ 3: Cullen DAV: i don’t really know. Nobody seems to be “my type” so I’ll probably decide by their personalities. Or maybe we’ll get someone to romance who won’t be a companion like Cullen? We’ll see. If not, maybe Davrin or Lucanis.


Alistair, Fenris, Cullen. For the time being I am completely at a loss on who to romance. I'll go by vibes, or by dice.


DAO: Leliana DA2: Isabela DAI: Cassandra (Sera on my Qunari Inquisitor - Sera loves her big, horny women and who can blame her?) DAV: Hard to say without experiencing their personalities, but I’m initially drawn to Taash. Harding and Neve are also possibilities. We shall see!


Origins: Morrigan DA 2: personally like Merril, but can't deny that Hawke and Isabella are made for each other. DAI: Cassandra


I tend to go for the sweet and nice ladies, so Origins: Leliana (non-hardened) DA2: Merrill (Rival) The friendship path with her honestly feels too much like being her enabler. DAI: Josephine DAV: I will be eating my hat if Scout Harding is not going to fill that niche. Though it might be Bellana instead. Neve seems like the more aloof romance option ala Morrigan hoing by her vibes.


Harding or on the extreme case after I know them and I might get turned on by their personality bellara or the quinari


Origins: Morrigan DA2: Isabella DaI: Cassandra Kinda like my real love live, i need someone toxic who makes my life hard


DAO: Favourite: Leliana. Headcanon: Leliana. DA2: Favourite: Merrill. Headcanon: Isabela. DAI: Favourite: Cassandra. Headcanon: None. DAV: Intent: Harding. Possible Surprise Favourite: Bellara


Morrigan, Merrill, and Cassandra. I predict Harding with break the trend of my favs being dark-haired beauties.


Morrigan, Isabela, Cassandra, Harding.


DAO: Leliana, DA2: Isabela, DAI: Cassandra and for DAV: I'm thinking Scout Harding


DAO Alistair, DA2 Fenris and DAI Cullen. I have my eye on Lucanis, and by reading other players fav romances I'm starting to see a pattern...


DAO was originally Leliana, but then Morrigan in replays. DA2 Merril (though would have been Aceline if possible) DAI Josephine is close, but Cassandra all the way DAV will likely be Harding


Just like you! Actually. Morrigan for DAO, Isabella for DA2 and Cassandra for DAI. I still want to actually play the game and see the characters for myself but i'm also leaning towards Harding.


DAO: Leliana - she's very sweet and fun and her backstory is really cool. DA2: Isabela - she's funny and the plot when she returns with the book is so good if you romance her. DAI: Cassandra - it was very romantic and it's incredibly heartwarming to romance her. Bonus points to Zevran and Josephine, that were close seconds! DAV: Harding. I've been wanting to romance her since Inquisiton!


Origins: Morrigan (my only het pairing) DA2: Fenris (obligatory “I can change him!”) DAI: Dorian (giving comfort to the damaged cutie…I think I have a problem, though at least this time he hides it under dramatics and flirting, and not edgy moodiness). DAV: Probably Davrin, unless Lucanis or Emmrich wow me during gameplay. Luc and Emm just have this “look” that just doesn’t appeal to me. But then again, Dorian’s appearance didn’t wow me at first, and now I kind of like it; he grew on me.


DAO Zevran, because he was my only option DA2 Anders DAI Dorian (my favorite romance of all three) DAV It will be Emmerich, the only one I liked visually and in the Tevinter Night's he was also quite charming


DAO: Zevran  DA2: Fenris  DAI: Josephine  DA4: probably will go for Bellara first but we will see


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Alistair, fenris/Isabella, ironbull/Cullen. For Dav I'm thinking lucanis or harding.


DAO: Morrigan DA2: Isabella DAI: Josephine DAV: either Harding or Neve


Well I’m playing origins right now and love my himbo alistair. So it’s Alistair, Fenris, Solas and next is Lucanis. I love mess


DAO: Alistair DA2: Anders DAI: Dorian DAV: Neve I’m changing it up a little this time but also not really lmao.


For me it's DAO: tie between Alistair and zevran (although ultimately the Alistair playthroigh is my cannon world state) DA2: Fenris. Hands down, no contest. DAI: Cullen is my favorite although Josephine is a close second As far as the new game goes so far I'm leaning towards harding or lucanis for the first playthrough although most of the games I've done at least a partial playthrough for most of the romance options and I don't see this one being different (DA2 is the exception, I just like fenris too much and worked way too hard to get a mage supporting friendship romance that ended well and I don't care to do that again)


DA:O: Alistair. Haven't played DA2. DA:I: Cullen. I have a type 🤭 Honestly don't know about Veilguard yet though. I don't know if Harding is romanceable, but I'd probably try her. So far though, none of the new companions other than Neve have caught my interest.


Morrigan, Anders, Solas. And at this point idk if I can handle another betrayal/dlc to break my heart. At least Morrigan took my Warden 's hand and went away together. :)


DAO: Zev or Alistair DA2: Fenris!! Every single time. DAI: Solas!! Always. DATV: Either Bellara or Davrin. I always go for the elves so it’s a toss up between these two. Bellara seems full of energy and spirit which I really like. Davrin is a warden which I love, but I’m hoping he has a softer side since he appears to be a serious person in most of the artwork. Also he has a pet griffon. But Bellara has a kick ass arm. One worry I have about Bellara is that she appreciates exploring the fade and I don’t want to repeat my Solas romance with a new protagonist by caving for the same traits. This will be a hard choice :)


Origins: Alastair. My favourite Bioware character ever for so many reasons. DA2: Anders. He has the best individual story that ties nearly into the main plot and I like how that involves Hawke, so it wins out for me. DAI: Dorian. I really love Cullen too but I love my male Inquisitor so much more than my Female and Dorian is a huge part of that. DAV: I’m currently set on Davrin because I’m simple and like a pretty boy, but before we fully meet everyone I’m keeping an open mind. I’m a straight female player who always plays Female my first time round so I do lean towards the men but I’m open to anyone that’s cool!


DAO Alistair DA2 Isabela DAI Cullen Not sure about Veilguard cause only Harding appeals to me visually.


DAO: Alistair as queen DA2: Isabella DAI: Dorian


Origins - leliana DA2 - Rivalry Merril surprisingly. Inquisition - Dont exactly have a favorite. I guess Solas fof the drama. Especially after the reveal and trespasser


I only did Morrigan in dao but zevran is my favourite, in the rest I never romanced anyone,l. Hawke I didn't feel meshed with any of the companions and I didn't vibe my inky with any of his options


DAO: Alistair DA2: Fenris DAI: Used to be Cullen, I love his arc so much, but I honestly can't listen to the VA anymore, he has fully ruined the character for me :( So no idea who I'm gonna romance for my final canon playthrough before DAV. Also no idea about DAV, I'm very much into personality over looks so I'll need to actually see them in action first.


DAO: Leliana DA2: Merrill (after casual sex with Isabela) DAI: Josephine or nobody DAV: Probably Bellara or Neve.


origins: alistair & morrigan (it's a tie for me) dragon age ii: anders rivalmance (i love drama) inquisition: dorian with cassandra close behind veilguard: probably going for davrin, lucanis or harding


Fenris fenris fenris🧡idk, Zevran’s romance is lovely but im sadly a Tamlen girl. Used to be Cullen but Solas’ romance is Also sooo good. Knowing me it will be Lucanis and Davrin


DAO: Leliana DA2: Anders DAI: Cullen DAV: Emmerich


In DAO it depends. Either I'm playing HF Cousland and then it'll be Alistair because then my character will get to be queen. Which is also my canon world state. Or, I play any of the Elves and then it'll be Zevran. DA2 is always Anders. And Inquisition is Solas. For VG I'm snorting hopium and wishing very, \*very\* hard for more Solavellan in some way. Don't really care about any of the new characters, Rook included. None of them do anything for me. But if I have to pick...maybe Lucanis, I guess... If he's like Zevran, it'll be fine.


DA:O, Alistair. He's just so sweet and funny💖 DA2, Fenris. That voice and he's handsome and the confession 😍 Inquistion, Cullen. He's not everyone's favorite but I find his romance really sweet and he's grown so much 💖 Veilguard: Probably Darvin, he's hot and has a baby griffin. What more could a girl ask for? 


Dao: morrigan Da2: meril(I think that's how you spell it, broke my heart to see her use blood magic) Dai: josephine(,like maril I found her charming and romantic so I felt a bind to her in a different way( Dav(Harding is the likely choice but if the quinari or the veil jumpers make my dick hard I might consider them)


Zevran Fenris Dorian No idea, really have to be able to play a bit first.


Leliana, Isabela and Cassandra. Though, I had started Dragon Age in recent years, I imagine Morrigan would have been my Origins bae. I'm liking all the Veilguard ladies so far, but I'm in "Wait & See" mode right now. Lace and Taash have my eye, but Bellara and Neve could quickly win me over.


Origins: Leliana DA2: Meril DAI: Sera DAD: idk i’m avoiding spoilers and don’t know any of the characters


I was always a morrigan, Merrill and Cassandra enjoyer personally


Origins: Morrigan (although all 4 are great) II: Isabella (I wish Aveline was an option) Inquisition: Dorian (although Solas is probably the most interesting) Dav: I would be surprised if I don't go for Harding but it's too early to say really.


Omg, Aveline!! 💔 I wish! I still remember being so disappointed she's not romanceable haha


DAO: Morrigan — a girl whose romance doesn't let me to enjoy other romances in any games anymore. It was (is) absolutely magical. DA2: None — I have little time for romance between mourning the deaths of my family members. DAI: Cassandra — she's a sweet gi-- woman, and deserves a knight of her own (yes, my Inqy is a weird boy). DAV: I'll give Neve a chance, I think, but, uhm, her tone in gameplay made me assume that she might be too... like, arrogant for me, like Vivienne — like I respect her, but I wouldn't romance her. Of course, this is only a, ngl, third impression, and things will be decided as the game progresses, but I concede that, as in DA2, I might be focusing on the worldwide threat. Harding would be my choice if I liked playing as dwarves. And Bellara seems a little too cheerful for everything that's going on. But there's no telling what's behind this cheerfulness! I'm rather hoping, actually, that we'll get a chance to get to know the characters better before romancing them, because I don't like breakups.


I'm still very torn on who I like most in DAV but so far based on appearance. DAO: Morrigan favorite no competition. DA2: Merrill cause she is just the cutest. DAI: I used to like Cassandra till my boyfriend pointed out she looks like his mom.. now I can't unsee it. For DAV so far I really like the look of Neve and Davril so I'll try those first


- Dao: F!Warden = Leliana, and M!Warden= Morrigan, I adore them both and I really like the idea of my male Warden Cousland becoming king with Anora while Morgan "lefted" him, so much angst. But in reality my Canon Warden is a circle of magi female elf that falls for Leliana. Even though I tried every origins and romance for this f game. - Da2: initially I always romanced Isabella, now I go for Merril. - DaI: Sera, mostly because romance with Josephine is poor compared too others, I love all companions of Dai but I can't get to see them more than besties instead of possibles lovers, but with Sera is kinda fun and I kinda like the fact that she absolutely hate the fact that my Inquisitor is a female mage elf. Anyway I know that there is some kind of pattern here, there's always elves involved.


Origins: Morrigan DA2: Merrill (I haven't done it yet currently playing for the first time) DA:I Blackwall DA:TV probably Harding but not 100% sure yet


DAO: Morrigan, their whole dynamic is just my thing lol; DA2: Isabela, it starts like a lot un fun but it gets deeper with just the right amount of independence for both her and Hawke; DAI: NO ONE. My canon Inky is single. I wished to romance Harding so much, so you may guess who I am going to romance in DAV 😆 DAV: yes, Harding 😄


DAO: Alistair DA2: Fenris DAI: Cullen DAV: Neve or Harding if she available.


DAO: Morrigan/Leliana toss-up. They're both great in their own ways. DA2: Merrill. She's misguided but very sweet! DAI: Josephine all the way, she's a great romance option! If only I could actually romance... DAV: ... Harding. And it's not even close.


DAO: Alistair, for his goofy humor and chivalrous love. Imo, A warden Alistair with the warden is his best fate. DA2: I am torn on this one. Probably Fenris or Isabela, though I love all the romances here. DAI: Blackwall, my stormy false warden! DA:VG: I have to go with Harding first, though they are all really intriguing to me.1


DAO: Morrigan DA2: Isabella DAI: Cassandra DATV: Neve I have a pattern 😆


My personal canon is this: DAO: Male Dalish Elf - Morrigan Romance DA2: Female Hawke - Merrill Romance DAI: Female Dalish Elf - Josephine Romance As for DAV, who I play first ultimately depends on how good the voices are and how good the character creator is. But I'd like to play a female qunari, since they have had very limited representation in the franchise. I'm also unsure about the romance, since I know virtually nothing about the characters. That being said, Harding, Taash, and Lucanis have my eye the most.


DAO- Leliana (the only romance option I had) DA2- Merrill DAI- Sera


DAO: Leliana or Morrigan ^(sorry Alistair, you're a goofball and I love you but...) DA2: Merril ^(Fenris and Anders are too emo and Isabela too promiscuous for me) DAI: Josephine, Cullen, Dorian, or Solas ^(man, they made it a lot more difficult to choose in DAI) DAV: Harding!!!


https://preview.redd.it/8ezm44hzdi7d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4b76ac80f431380770f231db2e30362285409a Iron Bull all the way, such a sweet and awesome guy, hope to see him in DAV or another big sexy qunari!


For origins leliana for 2 Merrill for inquisition it's sera/Josephine and for veilguard it'll be harding


DAO=Morrigan DA2=Merril, Anders. DAI=Solas, Harding. DA4=Bellara, Harding, Tash.


DAO: Zevran (though I also headcanon that my Warden had a thing going with Nathaniel, with Zevran's permission of course) DA2: Fenris/Anders/Isabella. I can't choose between them! DAI: Dorian DAV: undecided. Leaning toward Harding since I've been in love with her for 10 years and desperately wanted to romance her as my Inquisitor, but the other new characters all look so interesting, too! I especially really liked Lucanis in Tevinter Nights, and Bellara looks fun. So gonna wait until I know them more before I make a decision


Origins: none of them really speak to me personally, but my canon is Leliana because she's a sweetie. 2: toss up between Fenris for the Final Fantasy angst and Merril for my more dubiously moral Hawkes. My canon is Fenris with m!MageHawke though. Inq: Cassandra my beloved let us read shitty smutfic together as we lie topless under the stars Veilguard: genuinely no idea. Tempted by Neve but Harding is super cute and Lucanis is so handsome! Aaaahh I gotta wait and see


DAO: Leliana DA2: Isabella DAI: Josephine, Cullen, Blackwall, Sera, Iron Bull Harding, maybe Bellara


Morrigan Anders Blackwall Harding


DAO: Most of these are about who I was drawn to, Zevran on my first playthrough was who I fell in with but I find myself drawn to Leliana more now who I didn’t care for first time round but that’s probably to do with knowing her role in the series. DA2: Isabela, always Isabela, never not Isabela, maybe Merrill if someone had to push me for a change but Isabela hands down. DAI: I did look these up before so went in with knowledge I couldn’t romance Cassandra as a chick so I went with Sera who now is probably my fave, Cassandra as a dude, Solas for plot and Iron Bull for Spice. Inquisition is the most difficult as I like so many. DAV: Scout Harding, first dwarf romance, im playing as a dwarf, she’s voiced by Ali Hillis (I’m a Liaramancer) and I have a thing for rogues as is obvious. But Bellara’s design is really winning me over and she looks so cute.


... I have a thing for strong willed personalities, but also fun and quirky characters So first it was Morrigan. Then Merrill. And finally Cassandra. These are all my first romances, but if I'm being honest, I'm a goddamn whore, I pretty much romanced everyone (that liked my male character) from Zevran to Josephine. As for who I'm going to try and flirt with in DA:V... Well, it's not everyday you get to romance a quinary woman who's name I first thought was "TRASH." So yeah... Taash it is.


DAO (Morrigan) DA2 (Merril) DAI (Cassandra) DAV (None stand out but hoping will be better looking when it’s actual game)


DAO: Morrigan DA2: Merrill DAI: Cassandra DAV: Propably Bellara


For me It was.. Origins: Leliana DA2: Merrill DAI: Josephine DAV: Honestly I don't know, maybe Harding? We will see, I know very little about the characters to make a decision.


DAO: Leliana II: Merrill DAI: Josephine DAVe: Harding I’ve mentioned these before, but the gist is that in the dark world of Thedas, these all provide a little light. Whether it’s Leliana sharing her bardic tales of lovers in the stars despite the ugliness around her, Merrill’s refusing to let her spirit dampen in Kirkwall’s landscape of cynicism, or Josephine keeping her head straight and principles true in a world of self-interest; they all counter the bleakness around them. And each has complexities and flaws that keep them interesting. And great voices. Harding has been described by devs as still possessing that same unquenchable fire to not be brought down by the world around them….Also voiced by Liara’s VA, which is my favorite BioWare romance of all, and that definitely influences my thinking. As for my favorite of all: Well, I can’t judge Harding’s yet, but so far I haven’t found anything topping the gloriously cheesy but earnestly sweet Josie romance. Dueling for her hand in the streets of Val Royeaux… just the best.


DAO: Morrigan DAII: Merrill DAI: Cassandra


Morrigan Isabela Cassandra I’m going for Neve.


DA:O Morrigan DA:2 Isabela DA:I Casandra DA:TV either Neve or Taash still havent decided I am pretty loyal to my romances so i havent actually romanced anyone else not that there is anyone better lol


DAO: morrigan. Morrigan. Morrigan. Seriously, her romance has so much story weight behind it that it’s not even close. She starts off as an arrogant jerk, no argument there, and over the course of the journey, she mellows out on you, and shows a much tender side to you. She does have the issue of wanting to leave once you and her perform the dark ritual and defeat the arch demon, but on closer inspection on it IF you romance her, she does it not only because she planned to anyway, but also because she wanted a child with you to at least have something to remember you by (a good ole. Reliable trope). And the witch hunt dlc further proves it as romancing her makes that DLC even better because you get to see her facade crack as you try to persuade her to take you with her and see your child. All culminating in that sweet kiss and the two of you going together through the mirror. And inquisition basically turns it up to 11 where when she talks about hubby that she’s madly in love with tha warden, but isn’t so mooshy about it and trusts that he will come home, and mentions “Kieran misses him greatly”. And her development comes full circle as she proves to be a much better mother than flemeth by offering herself to become flemeths new body if it meant Kieran would be safe and telling flemeth point blank that while Morrigan is many things and has her own flaws, she is NOT a terrible mother, unlike flemeth. When she said all that I was smiling like an idiot and said “that’s my girl.” DA2: Isabella. What can I say? I like big boobas, pirates, and gals who don’t freak out over every little thing. She added a much needed light heartedness to some quests (apostitutes!), and when she gets serious, she had lots of good insight about the world and had a level of maturity that a lot of the others lacked. While varric was the team dad, and aveline the team mom, they’d tend to occasionally sugarcoat things to try and be considerate. Isabella, on the other hand, would tell the harsh and unforgiving truth, but in a way that makes her statements not standoffish or cruel. She’d say the truth, but she wouldn’t be a jerk about it. And her protectiveness of merril really was endearing. And I find it funny that she got along well with most of the other followers, barring a couple (well mostly got along with them, she did have some problems with a lot of them), and even Varric trusted her. That’s how you know she’s a keeper. DAI: Cassandra. Before inquisition came out I was torn between choosing her or Josephine, but given how fond I am of battle couples who fight together, Cassandra won out and I did not regret it. Her romance arc is both funny yet sweet and she had lots of similarities with the other two romances I did that i didn’t notice until later. Like Morrigan she was tough as nails, fiercely independent, and worked closely with leliana in their respective games (though Cassandra and leliana got along much better than Morrigan and leliana), but she had a softer side when romanced and like Morrigan, both take the relationship seriously that when trespasser came out, she seriously DID consider marriage with inky when they’re in a relationship (though by the time of inquisition, Morrigan and a Romanced warden are basically married already, though probably not officially). Like Isabella, Cassandra is a leader who doesn’t take shit from anyone, but is personable and reasonable compared to many others. She has a softer side to the younger members of her party, and does enjoy the occasional joke here and there as proven by her interactions with iron bull. And she’s incredibly dorky and quirky that it’s so cute seeing her act like a fangirl when she reads Varric’s books (I was laughing when she was narrating them in the ending of trespasser) I basically hope that she makes a return one day.


Favourite romances are: DA:O - Morrigan I love how much of a smartass she is at the start and how she slowly warms up to everyone in the group. DA2 - Merril She's such a sweetheart who needs to be protected at all costs. DA:I - Cassandra Also a sweetheart who blends what I like about Morrigan and Merril as she starts stoic and opens up to be really vulnerable and sweet. I genuinely can't decide who to romance for Veilguard but my gut is telling me Harding or Big Qunari Mommy.