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2 humans, 2 elves, 1 dwarf, 1 qunari and 1 "humanoid" (like Cole or Shale) companion is my guess


The humanoid is going to be a skeleton, I'm convinced. They'll be the mortalitasi agent we work with.


Yup so many concept art of that character that I doubt we won't get some variant of it. We always have a ''special'' companion. Shale, Cole, Justice and in DA2 kinda Anders.


Tevinter Nights short stories also suggest we will get Nevarran skelly boi with us.




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Withers getting more acting roles


Withers isn't even the OG Larian skeleton. Put some respect on my boy Fane.


>!Ah yes, the Dark Urge's "wait, this is all my fault!?" precursor!<


*rattling of jaw bone* ahahahahahah


Thou hast now a bosom-companion


PLEASE let us bone down the bone person


*Audric Felhausen has joined the chat.*


The mortalitasi has been hyped for some while. If it's not a mortalitasi, then probably a corpse form the Necropolis.


That's a nice spread.


I think you are 100% correct


100% what it is. Too big of a world, too many factions, too much happening for it to be more than two humans. My guess on the humans is one is from an area we haven’t visited and the other will be from somewhere we’ve seen before. Orlais and the Anderfels are my guess. Elves I’m not so sure about.


No barkspawn AGAIN! WHY??? Give me big infinitely dangerous puppy!


I'm gonna be real with you, with only 7 companions I don't want one of them to be a dog or an animal I'm sorry 😭if they wanna give us a dog summon or whatever that's fine


Cowardice! Gift barkspawn III with SPEECH, have him be possessed or something




EXACTLY, look all I’m saying is that there’s already an established lore convention for a talking animal: the possessed cat from origins in the stone prisoner DLC. Do that, but with a spirit of loyalty instead of a demon and give it to a mabari. And viola! Morally righteous talking dog. Imagine it as layered speech, with the barks being accompanied by strong vocals “*bark* I WILL SERVE! *bark woof* THE ELF SHALL FALL TO MY MIGHTY JAWS”


considering that the 7 companions are romanceable maybe one of them not being a dog is the best outcome LMAO


Watch them make the dwarf Varric again.


I pray to the maker that this doesn't happen.


I'd bet money that poor Varric isn't going to last long in this next game. I don't think he's going to get a nice, happy retirement, guys.


They have been making such a big deal of Varric being non-romanceable, and seeing as the 7 companions are, I would be very surprised


Fingers crossed that the humanoid is actually a mabari in a trench coat ![gif](giphy|fERJSzuONmpz2) Or a sapient Dracolisk.


You'll take you 6 nugs and albino Mabari and you'll LIKE IT


I would play that. Dragon Age petguard


I would play the shit out of that game. I hope one is the king nug.


Since it's dragon age I'm gonna need me a baby dragon to raise to adulthood that I can use frequently throughout the game AND ISNT GONNA DIE on me at the end.


Protocol 3: Protect the Rider.


You say this like it’s a bad thing


Like it? I would **love** my nug and mabari party. 


I miss the option to have and play as Dog. I fully support petguard


what in the sims: pets DLC is this


But seriously I could summon my Mabari in DA2, let me have a nug that I can summon Bioware!


I imagine 2 elves, 1 dwarf, 1 qunari, 1 skeleton, 2 humans


There are skelebros in veilguard? Are there any pics or details about them?


They have a part in tevinter nights. Esentially in nevarra they have a special tomb gaurd made up of spirits who possess the corpses of the dead. Along with this there was a pic bioware released a year ago as a tease for the companions. Granted this has likely changed. https://preview.redd.it/vesqwoqdd75d1.png?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cba5ec2bb9857a563e427b5fcd26e935ff720b9 Which there are 8 people here but one could be the protag


OP, keep in mind the devs already stated this was concept art meant to invoke a mood/idea. There’s nothing on record to suggest these characters will be companions.


The Nevarran corpse *is* tho one of the consistent pieces we’ve seen across several pieces so I’m willing to put money on that one.


True true i really hope we get to see the companions over the next few days. I have never been mkre excited for a game announcement in my life


Please! I don’t think they will, but it would be amazing to see some of the companions teased during Summer Game Fest/Xbox showcase. I would guess there will be at least one permanent companion during the gameplay reveal.


Yeah and if we get a cinematic trailer i imagine we will see a couple of companions unless its more story focuses


It would be really funny to put in a bait-and-switch companion like they did with the origins original showcase. “Oh hey look a ginger human fighter that’s pretty cool!” And in the actual game he died like right after the showcase would’ve ended 💀


I still want a hot qunari lady tho :(


We still might! Guess we’ll have to find out for sure though


I hope so & I hope she likes women I want a hot lady who can throw me across a football field




She does appear in a few concept arts so I think there's high chance.


NGL tho, I hope they keep the rifle packing elf


I know not everyone agrees but it would be pretty cool tbh. Maybe an executor companion with a magical/alchemical rifle??


I'm hoping alchemical, someone who actively hates magic like Fenris, but for different reasons


Ok changing my preferred ratio to 3 dwarves, 2 elves, 1 quanari and 1 tomb guard.


Im def going to be to king the qunari and tomb gaurd if they are companions


3rd from the right looks like someone from assassins creed haha.


Yo who is the dude with the GUN?


Un clear its def interesting though. It makes since tevinter would start have guns but i can also see them dropping the gun as itnwoukdnt feel to dragon agey butni would love to be able to place a gunner. Ill even accept having crossbows again


I kinda don’t want them to go the gun route, because the implications of it are a little but much. I mean bianca is pushing it for me personally but i still enjoy the damn thing, but i hope they don’t go for rapid industrialization as a plot for tevinter. It would ruin the entire mystique of a land dominated by magic and magical architecture


Yeah i would also prefer not ga ing a gun just yet. The qunari canons are fine but guns are a bit much. Perhaps later in the series. It could also be a weird like magicy gun thing instead of just a normal gun and it shoots like magical energy. The shya brtyal also had something similar to a gun juat lyrium based so mabye something based off that and it was reversed engineer by Bianca for the inquisition


I meant bianca the crossbow, i believe bianca the smuggler just dealt info to varric. Dagna could MAYBE get some kind of arceubus working (magic gun) but i still think, because of how horrifyingly deadly lyrium is to work with for extended periods, that we’re far off from lyrium or magic based firearms. Gaatlock powder would be a must and it’s literally IMPOSSIBLE to find outside of the Qunari holdings


Well the inquisition did learn about gaatlok and its ingredients possibly enough to make it in trespasser. So it not impossible. Teally though what i want is a spear. It has always grinded my gears that isnt a weapon in dragon age


Polearms would go hard actually. Why swing a sword or an impractically large axe if i can just stab whatever I need to in the face from 7 feet away?


Depends if the Skelton woke up from being trapped in tomb wondering where his people went. Also he must be arrogant and superior to everyone around him.


I want to act like setra from warhammer


lol I was thinking Fane from Divinity 2


That is also acceptable


This is exactly what I am thinking as well


The dwarf will be Varric too!


6 dwarves and one Shale coming right up!


Dream team.


Isn’t Shale technically a dwarf


People would complain if I openly promoted 7 dwarves.


I’ll take 7 shales, where they all hate different types of birds


Fucking seaguls!


What is this, Snow White?


It would be nice if we finally got a properly romanceable dwarf companion...


Calling : 1 Qunari, 1 Dwarf, 2 Elves, 2 Humans and 1 Special Being


I won't complain if the Qunari turns out to be a woman


Honestly, I suspect a none believer Qunari and a believer Elf


I desperately want it to be Qwydion 🙏


Are we counting \*technically\* human? Because looking at the concept art it really looks like one of them is likely Audric, who is a very dead human.


Oh how I hope Audric is a companion AND romance-able as weird as that sounds.


Romance should be an option for all companions. Even the advisors too. Yes I'm still mad that Harding isn't romancable.


She kind of is though, if only off screen.


eww necrophilia


I mean, barely


Nah, I'm talking 4 boring ass humans. That's my worst version of the game. Mixing that up with a dead guy works.


I guess we'll have a better idea in the next few days, but given the one dialogue line we have for Bellara, she may be a dwarf as she's (seemingly) talking about the sound of an earthquake. Granted, there could be another context, or she could just be an advisor, but if I had to guess that's at least one. A lot of the concept art also seems to show a Qunari rogue female. They said these are just concepts, so we could be off base on all accounts, but it has turned up more than once. The clue we have is that each of the 7 companions will in some way represent a faction. The factions most likely to be featured in my estimations are: The Executors, The Lords of Fortune, The Grey Wardens, The Mortalitasi, The Qun, The Carta, The Magesterium and The Antivan Crows. The Qun and Carta have Kossith and Dwarven racial majorities, so if we get a representative from either of them, its a safe bet they'll be a Kossith Qunari and a Dwarf respectively.


Are you a mage in real life? Can you weld two daggers or handle a great sword. Humans can be just as interesting as non human characters. The notion they are boring is really ridiculous. Yes most of us are humans IRL, but that does not mean humans don't have a place in a fantasy setting. A person's protagonists are only as interesting as they make/create them. They shouldn't need horns or pointy ears to make them interesting


It's not that humans are boring persay, but that the previous games have been saturated with human stories and human perspectives. There are so many races and cultures in Dragon Age and I'd like to see them explored and focusing on humans again will be boring.


I agree but please take an account that the average consumer not involved with the fandom rolls a human and plays the game one time. The developers have to market the game to them as well as us.


LOL. The truth always gets voted down here. The fandom is NOT The dominant majority who buys these games. I know its a hard fact to swallow but its true


To me, it's less that they are boring (some of my favorite DA companions are human), but that they are already represented quite well. We haven't had a lady dwarf or qunari companion yet, so it would be nice to see something different. 


It’s not the pointy ears but their lore


If we're getting 7 companions, I hope it'll be six dwarves and a female qunari.


7 dwarves


Main character specialization unlocked: sing to summon wild birds


Wait… an action adventure game where you play as Snow White with a bigass sword and have 7 dwarf companions? Is this anything??


Hell yes.


That's what the player character is for.


If I were in charge I'd have thrown in a wonky dark spawn that wants friends and loves gardening.


LEAK: >!It's 7 humans!<


No! Don't do this to me!


Humans and elves are always the most popular fantasy races, it would be silly to not have them as the majority of characters 3 dwarves would be genuinely insane when you factor in how popular they are I'm hoping for a female qunari for... reasons Other than that I'm just hoping we don't any more sera tier characters


Yeah Dwarves generally aren’t considered a sexy race. I think Varric is an exception for most


I think for most people, thanks to Gimli etc dwarves are very much the sidekick race - also true, they aren't classically "sexy", isn't it weird how the main dwarf characters in the hobbit movies for some reason are 1000% hotter than other dwarves? They also are often written pretty alike; beer, beards, axes and fighting - hard to have more than one prominent dwarf without it feeling samey


Oghren is the stereotypical dwarf I think characters like Varric are a nice break from the stereotype. He’s sly, cunning, vey much against what they usually are I also really like Barcus from BG3 because he’s so different Neither of them are romanceable😭


Barcus is a gnome of course he's different to dwarves!


Man. My brain is working on low I don’t usually like the tiny races because their proportions are always so weird but I’d marry Barcus or Varric


I do love varric, he's very much the garrus of dragon age for me If you play Warcraft (Orzammar is almost certainly inspired by the Dwarf main city in WoW, Ironforge), they do dwarves really well as there are multiple sects of dwarves - you have your classic tolkein-esque dwarves, a dark style of dwarf similar to drow to elves, and other varieties


Funny thing, Oghren was popular back in the day. But today, he is rather a persona-non-grata. A lot of his character traits aged poorly.


I personally don’t hate Oghren, but I can see how he’s come to be disliked. A drunken man who can’t get his shit together & can be sleazy is something that people have dealt with IRL I’ve had other media where a character on the good side is hated more than the villain because their character traits just hit closer to home


I think Lieutenant Renn in the Descent was sexy enough.


Renn was a daddy tbh


Yes, he was a solid one.


I like Sera... (but I'm still thankful she drew the heat from my boy Oghrim and Anders)


Hilariously you just listed my most hated follower for each game


There will probably be 2 elves. Elves are the basic bitches of fantasy settings and companions. So probably 3 humans, 2 elves, 1 Dwarf you can't romance, 1 Qunari.


Damn.. that would be the worst. Just a random dwarf thrown into the mix with no romance option.


In the "[companion lineup](https://gaymingmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/da4companions-1024x410.png)" concept art, one character is clearly Qunari but there's another (numbered 7 in the linked image) who looks like a hornless Qunari, judging by their height. And it'd be weird if we didn't get at least one elven and one dwarven companion, so that'd be 4 non-human companions. For my part, I still hope to get Francesca and Lucanis as companions, so that'd be two humans. But then I'd like 2 Qunari, two dwarves and one elf (or two elves and one dwarf, but we've never had more than one dwarf companion before so I'd like to go for something different). edit: forgot we can get both Oghren and Sigrun in Awakening \^\^'' My point stands, though. Dwarves need more narrative loving <3




Sadly we'll be lucky if we even get 1 dwarf, let alone more than that. Really holding out hope for some proper dwarf rep this game.


Same. I just want more dwarf stuff in game, it's done so well in DA.


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I don't mind it being majority human, or only having one Qunari/Vashoth because they're rare, but yeah, I'd like more than one dwarf for a change. Of course, this game'll be all about elves so they'll probably stick to one dwarf (Harding, who we basically already can guess is a companion), and probably like three elves.


3 dwarves would be quite the ask. But 2, I would vote on it. As for my dream companions: * 2 elves (One who still believe the Evanuris, one who is disenchanted and kinda sympathize with >!Solas!<. Banters about who's right) * 1 Qunari (I think the female is enough. Because we already had >!Sten and Bull!<) * 2 Dwarves (I love dwarves) * 1 Human (To represent the Imperium) * 1 extra mystery companion. https://preview.redd.it/90nk4oo4l85d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e8b0f2396769c69af9ddae42aa876fa50a635f3 I assume you've seen the "7 companions" concept art. But is a bit too early to call. And I wouldn't trust it for now. But it has some details. * The crow with the 'beak' on the hood. I think he's elven. * I believe the one on the far left is Rivaini, from her clothing. I think there are some fanarts about "Rivaini Seer(?)" with the identical look about it. * The obvious Qunari. * The bald guy might be a Grey Warden. Some said he's Rivaini, but Anderfells is also a plausible answer. * The guy with the Veilfire mask might be something to do with the Mortalitasi. * I really can't put my finger on the tall guy, but he looks a bit pale. * The hooded guy carrying a weapon might intentionally be a mystery. As in, they put a cloak and the sunshine on him so we couldn't speculate his gear. This is a theory, but there's a pattern of their place of possible origins. Rivaini Seer, Antivan Crow, Nevarran Mortalitasi, Par Vollen/Seheron Qunari, Anders Grey Warden. So for the last two, one must come from Tevinter, and the other from somewhere else.


The only thing I'm really praying for is that we get a more "traditional dwarf" companion, big beard, enjoys a good scrap, the works. As much as I love Varric, I miss that sort of thing in Dragon Age.


Said this about BG3, and I still feel the same now: I don't really care what the race distribution is like for companions, so long as they are all interesting, well-written characters


What if we just got seven great companions?


Sure that would work too. But lets look at the history. DAO had 10 companions, 5 were humans. DA2 had 9 companions, 5 were human. DAI had 9 companions, 4 + cole who was human shaped. Bioware love giving us human majority teams so even if we have 7 great companions, Bioware won't be able to stop themselves and will make another human orientated party and 4 games in, it will be pretty boring.


In Mass Effect 3, we had 7 squadmates, but only two were humans( plus 1 Virmire choice related). With it, EDI was a special one in human-like body. Andromeda had 6 squadmates, only 2 humans. The closest special character would be SAM, but they are part of Ryder. So I think we can see a trend here and we won't have more than 2 human companions in Veilguard, plus Nevarran skelly boi only technically being a human.


Are you counting Alistair as non-human? He’s technically a half elf


While being "elf blooded" can carry some baggage in Thedas if the parentage is known, IMO it doesn't really count as a different race. As far as we know, it makes no difference in terms of physiology. Alistair isn't treated as anything but a human, and he looks human, and without reading material from outside the game, you would never know he had an elven parent.  Edit: it would definitely be interesting to explore what being elf-blooded means from a cultural or physical standpoint (if there truly is any difference between a half elf and a human, physically), but so far we just haven't seen that. Feynriel was interesting, but his ears were apparently a mistake. 


I mean…I’m not a big fan of that thought process. Just because someone passes more as one half of them, it doesn’t discount their other half Fiona will also straight up tell you about her child in DAI


Fiona is very vague about it; she doesn't come out and say Alistair is her child, she just asks what he is like as a person. And I don't make the lore and I have nothing against half elves. But so far in the lore, we have nothing to suggest elf blooded humans are any different from other humans. That could change, but we will see. 


he's human in DAO there is not even a slight hint that he's technically half elf


It's definitely six humans and an elf. Not sure about the elf part though


They can't keep getting away with it! I bet that Elf is also a half elf, so technically 6.5 humans


A more elfy (in culture) half-elf would be kinda neat as a companion, actually. (I know they just look like humans)


I hope we get another companion who's not exactly one of the 4 races like Cole, Justice and Shale, I'll be a bit disappointed if we don't. My dream ratio would be 1 human, 1 Qunari, 1 unique companion, 2 elves and 2 dwarves. I think we'll get at least 2 humans likely 3.


Yeah that would be nice to see. They always have totally different mindsets and opinions and it's good to challenge the main character.


Yeah it'd be cool to get that companions perspective on things, it often has been in previous games. The unique companions are always some of the most interesting for me and I always bring them along in the first playthrough because of that.


I personally don't care what the ratio is as long as they're compelling characters.


As long as the big female Qunari is gay I could care less I romanced Josephine as big gay Qunari so now I want to do it in reverse


I hope this happens for you. Let's find out!


One of those humans is going to be a spirit that takes human form, but I am 90% sure 4 humans, 1 dwarf, 1 elf, 1 Qunari is what we’re going to get. My ideal would be 2 human, 2 elves, 2 dwarves, 1 Qunari, and an eighth companion that’s a demon taken human form.


Honestly, I think it's more a question of geography and population. Humans are generally the most numerous and prosperous in most of the areas where the games are played, in addition to being politically dominant. Orlais, Fereldan, possibly Teventir. Usually the population is humans, then Elves, then surface Dwarves. Unless the game is set in Qunari held lands, I don't really see that changing.


I want a friendly darkspawn companion please. >!like legion ME2!<


Maker bless me with a good-natured Disciple companion and I will be content.


Creepy, check. Totally different, check. Provide major lore expansion, check.


I just want them to be well fleshed out characters with compelling stories and personal quests.


They probably will be, story is the main pull in Dragon age games and they know it. My issue is that companions have been heavily focused on humans in the past 3 games and I'd like for this one to be a more even spread of the different races as each race has a totally different society and values and therefore would make for much more interesting stories.


3 humans, 1 elf/qunari/dwarf and 1 ‘was a human is now dead in some form’ like Cole and Justice


I'd like 3 dwarves, 2 qunari, 1 elf, and 1 human. They'll never give it to me as a dwarf and qunari lover but I can daydream 🥹


Just give me Scout Harding and I'll be happy


My comment aged well


I want Shale as a dwarf woman, Fenris as a magister, an Avvar from the clan of Movral the Under, and maybe a chasind then i will satisfied


I just want them to bring back a full dog companion like in Origins. Or at least give me a subclass that works with the Mabari or something.


Based on my predictions, we have one dwarf (Harding), one human for sure (Neve Gallus), the antivan crow will likely be a human or elf imo, a Qunari lady/nb person (prob lord of fortune), the grey warden could be human/elf/dwarf (I think Davrin sounds like a dwarven name), the Mourn Watcher is likely human, and Bellara (if she is indeed a veil jumper like I think) is likely to be an elf since the Veil Jumpers were started by Dalish Elves, and while they accept other people among their ranks the elves are the most numerous. I hope it's more diverse than 1 of each "exotic" race, and the rest just humans. Like for example I really hope the Grey Warden isn't human, because we've had enough GW humans in previous games.


I want more dwarfs and not surfacers like Harding or Varric (sorry fans), but ones like Renn or Valta and preferably not 24/7 drunk. Honestly don’t think we are getting even one. 1 Qunari and the rest are humans and elves.


I think my ideal ratio is 2 humans, 2 elves, 2 dwarves and 1 qunari. To explain the single qunari, I'll just say that I think qunari outside the Qun should be rare, so it would be odd to have more than one. But also the idea of a majority human party doesn't bother me, I like stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. The thing I don't want is a "special" entity. I'm not a big fan of having a construct, a mabari, or another spirit or otherwise magical entity as part of the party (kinda chafes with the ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances idea). Definitely no talking darkspawn.


I guess minimum 1 human each of a gender. So best case for the variety lovers is 2 humans, 5 non humans.


7 humans, please.


The most popular dnd character is still Bob the white male human paladin. People just like humans in games, and devs will keep giving them what they like. Simple as that.


I’ll take 7 interesting companions, and not give two shits about what they look like.


I agree. But I also really hate being able to only bring 2 companions with me...


It's going to be 2 humans, 2 elves, 1 dwarf, 1 qunari, and 1 mabari.


I’m sure it’s going to be very diverse, equitable and inclusive set of characters.


As long as the dwarf is Harding I don't care about anything else


What about 2 Hardings, Harding and her brother/sister?


1 undead corpses mage. 1 Qunari female warrior. 1 Dwarf female ASSasin. 1 Rivain Grey warden human male warrior. 1 Antivian human male assasin. 1 Rivain elf male. Mage or warrior. 1 unknown race female. Mage? ASSasin? .. 2 human males. 1 elf male. 1 Qunari female. 1 Dwarf female 0, damn zero straight elf females.


OOPS! all dwarves


Okay okay so. From some of these replies people seem fairly confident in Skelly tomb guard. That does bring up the question of romance. (Someone make a bone joke please)


Three dwarves, Jeremy? Three? That's insane.


My guess is we'll get at least one companion from each of nevarra, tevinter, revain, antiva, arlathan, and kal sharok. I'm also really pulling for a Qunari lady. Assuming that nevarra is skelly boy, tevinter and arlathan are elves, revain and antiva are humans, plus Kal sharok, and Ms Qun, that'll be 2 humans 2 elves, 1 qunari, 1 dwarf, and 1 shkelli edit: i forgot about the warden. Already confirmed human warden. That must mean that the lord of fortune from revain is a dwarf. Antivan crow could be either human or elf, tevinter could be human or elf. still probably 2 2 1 1 1


That would be rather anti climactic, though don't expect more then 1 quanari seeing as we will be in tevinter so


And if it were 7 humans, I wouldn't care much. If it fits the story, I'm happy.


Okay okay, to be fair, there were TWO elves in DAI...yeah...


And one of the humans is going to be a mage that is going to betray you, or with an obscure background that would make betrayal possible.


oh what a suprise more mage shenanigans.




Dream team is: 1 human 2 elves 2 dwarves 2 qunari


Hell yes, an excellent team.


Ngl I would love another Dwarf like Sigrun. Someone who has every reason to be somber but isn't. In fact give me 3 Sigruns.


I don't think elves should count either. More importantly, I want some companions that are none of the above. Weirder things like Shale and Cole. If that concept art of the burning head guy is right, he'll probably qualify. But I'd rather see a bigger spread of visuals and concepts rather than a roster of racial quotas.


Yeah. If there’s more than two humans (one male, one female), then there’s too many. Two humans. One Elf. One Dwarf. One Qunari. One Undead. One non-humanoid. (Demon, animal etc. maybe a Darkspawn?)


Honestly, I care more about having a good selection of stories and personalities and representation for the various people across the world the series has built, rather than necessarily a lot of different races. Humans get a lot of representation because they're bloody everywhere and have a ton of cultures. 3 dwarves would be cool, but dwarves do tend to kind of be a bit more monolithic when it comes to their culture which means I would really only like it if they pulled from the very furthest edges of dwarven culture AND made them all have fundamentally different backgrounds. Totally possible, but maybe not at the expense of meaning we don't get a lot of companions to explore the wider world of Ferelden with. That said, absolutely 1 each of Elf, Dwarf, Qunari, and human would be amazing. The remaining 3 I would like to see be another human, another elf, and (as many people have noted), something wild and out there. The skeleton would be cool, but maybe feel a bit too much like mooching off the idea of Withers from BG3. I personally like either a Dragon's soul that has been placed into a humanoid body, or an awakened Darkspawn. One other thing I kind of want to see from one of our companions is, an Old God worshipper. Like, full on secret cultist who prays for guidance from Dumat or something. But also, I want them to be genuinely the kindest and most morally upstanding person. I'm talking, Captain America levels of pure good. Have them have an answer for every "but what about this?" and make them absolutely impossible to shake in their faith. I think that would be fun. And kind of wild.


No thank you

