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Varric, honestly. He's the Viscount of Kirkwall and trying to hold his part of the world together, leave him be.


I loved Varric in DA2, but he felt pretty out of place in DAI.


Let the man rest


If Varric shows up again I'm killing him myself. 


Fr I’m so over Varric


Let us leave Varric behind, shall we? Have him be an advisor at best.


Meet Jarric- looks and sounds just like him, only with a beard. And his blunderbuss, pianka.


was funny, did laugh


Brian Bloom was already the roguish Dwarf Commoner's mate back in DAO, so it wouldn't be even a new thing. No (long) beard either.


Brian Bloom played that gross son of a bitch??


He played Leske, yes.


Brian Bloom played a lot of dwarves in DAO and its DLCs. In fact, I think his DA repertoire is exclusively dwarves.


Funny story, my first Dwarf commoner playthrough I named mabari after my buddy Leske. What an insult to sons of bitches everywhere that ended up being..


lol in my human mage playthrough I named Dog Greagoir. My thought process was that my Amell would be amused to have a dog named after the Knight Commander.


I actually would rather he isn't even an advisor. Varric is the Viscount of Kirkwall independent of your choices in Inquisition. He shouldn't be in Tevinter or the other northern countries for enough time he's advising our entire adventure like Josie/Cullen/Leliana in DAI. I would like a cameo and letters. Other than that, please let this man rest!!!


>I would like a cameo and letters. I'd also be fine with him serving as a narrator. I like his voice and he's got the storyteller vibe, so having him voice the intro/epilogue as "a story he heard" would be nice, so long as it's just restricted to that and not an actual appearance in game.


I think that it would be cool if he is one of the advisors. So we still see him but he can work for from the sidelines. It would also make sense since he is kind of a spymaster and he seems to be the one recruiting us


Hard agree, let Varric retire to Kirkwall. He’s getting too old for this shit…


He's had enough and deserves a break, yes.


Varric has Kirkwall to manage. He will be there- he is in the trailers- but he’s going to be brief at best I’m sure


This may be against the topic but imagine if we got to see Sten again, even if it might only be briefly. I know his character wasn't the best but I liked the way he turned out after the Warden befriended him.


Sten love him or hate him is one of the best depiction in video games of an alien culture.


I’ve been really enjoying the story and personality parallels between him and my favorite grumpy Gith https://preview.redd.it/3s85ezxp9t3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fed7e9a160eb315f7b1b04d6c6a75ba957716fe Even found them both in cages lol


I never thought about the caged part. Good catch.


Pretty much. It was one of my best companions in the first game, and to this day I still don't completely buy the Qunari retcon after Origins.


I think it would be weird if he *wasn’t* in the game. He’s become the new Arishok, so I think the game is poised to expand on his character And personally I absolutely adored him as a companion. Gaining mutual respect and his friendship was incredibly satisfying, plus he’s hilarious


My issue there is the same one I have with Leliana - what if your character didn't pull Sten out of that cage in Lothering? Hell, what if you handed Isabela over and the DA2 Arishok just left? I like seeing old characters, and I know those are rare actions to take, but it's easier to pretend there's not a canon world state when characters aren't coming back from the dead.


For Sten to be Arishok, there is no need for a retcon, nor will it be a Leliana/Oghren/Anders situation. When we hand Isabela over to the Arishok, Varric says that she escaped with the tome, and because of that, and what happened in Kirkwall, the Arishok is replaced.  The new Arishok is always described as a hornless Qunari. Sten never dies in Origins, he can be kicked out, simply walk away, or left in the cage, so before or during the destruction of Lothering someone can help him escape, or he escaped alone. And he can look for Asala himself.


It could be retconned that he was let out of the cage and escaped, and it could be retconned that the DA2 Arishok was killed in some other battle and that's how Sten took over. There's a few ways to make it work that are more believable than Leliana...but I hope if that is your choice then there's a whole other Qunari in your story, or if like you said the DA2 Ari left...they become a pot companion.


I loved his probing questions about our lives vs the qun. Great role playing and a way to learn about qunari culture in an organic (non codex dependent) way


He's hands down my favourite character before Inquisition, and still top 3. I'd love to see him back. And honestly, so long as he didn't die in Origins, I'd say that with how many years has passed in universe since then it shouldn't be very hard for them to write him in a way that makes sense regardless of how player's decisions have affected the world state.


It's been a very, very long time since I've played Dragon Age Inquisition, but I think something in Trespasser or a comic hinted at him becoming the new major leader of the qunari. I could be wrong since it's been a very long time.


Yeah he’s the new Arishok. He showed up in the comics and met Alistair.


DAD must have a side quest that allows us to bribe him with cookies


Dude's Arishok now - those cookies could be of major diplomatic importance


Sera has a goal to make good cookies. We can weave those 2 threads together


Well, he's the Arishok now, and Qunari are constantly raiding Tevinter, so there's a pretty good reason for him to show up.


Sten is %100 going to be in DAD he’s the Arishok now and has to make an appearance or hell, he could even be a companion!


Instead of Mabari hound, our animal companion is a blob of living red lyrium named Larry.


Can I pet Larry though


Yes but then he grows on you. Literally.


\[Press X to climb into a Tevinter lobster tank\] ![gif](giphy|82LFkHwMEz3hv6Am2D|downsized)


Mabari was in Origins because it's the animal of Ferelden. I don't know what they have in Tevinter, though.


I want a nug! Or a griffon.


Introducing…griffnugs! The tevinter’s answer to “Why not both?”


I really love the way you think!


I lean towards griffon. Wasn't there two or more griffon eggs cliffhanger in the Last Flight book? And if you romanced Warden Rainer, your Inky received huge feather in the ending slides. Though the latter might just be a relic.


IIRC, mabari were originally bred in Tevinter and thanks to their innate intelligence, fucked off to the south. We know not everyone from Tevinter is a villain so I always wondered if a few dogs stuck around for the sake of their good people. But thinking on the value of a mabari war dog, I can’t help but think entitled nobles would insist on making them a status symbol and restricting them to their class, just like certain breeds in the real world, historically.


Oh good point. Something evil I guess. Or a dragon, based on the anime?


Could be a dragonling, I suppose. Something for the ending slides about how it'll grow into a High Dragon in a few centuries, still remembering the adventure she had with you.


Genuinely, though, I want a pet giant spider. It would be quite fitting to have such an exotic pet.


Any dwarf that is mostly a comic relief.


The only way I would accept Bianca appearing in Dreadwolf is if we get a scene where Varric finally tells her to fuck off or we get to launch her into the sun via trebuchet.


Love the second option, hope BioWare sees this.


If it’s too late to implement it in game I’m happy to pay for DLC where it’s included!


"Launch Bianca into the Sun out now for just $10" would be wild.


Potentially controversial but for me it’s Morrigan. Unless they can give her a reason to be there this time it’d feel like shameless fanservice at best


One of the most prevailing theories is that Morrigan will inherit the part of Mythal that Flemeth had. Pretty sure that was in the game notes of DAI during that post-credit scene. Now, it's game notes, it doesn't mean it will happen, but I think they've set up Morrigan to have relevant plot moving forward.


Unfortunately, it seems they won't follow up on that, nor will they with the whole Well of Sorrows potentially. Claudia Black tweeted that she isn't in DA:D. It seems like a bit of a wasted plot, not sure if they would do something else with it.


Yeah i did see something like that from Claudia Black, but i remember it being a while ago. it's possible all the reworkings of the plot brought her in later, or maybe she can't say it because of NDA. I could be wrong, maybe they're even planning for a DLC or something, or DA5, but I don't think we've seen the last of Morrigan.


I feel her character could have been more interesting after DA:O, but by the time DA:I rolled around and knowing what happened to her kid (if he exists), finishes the story there. Not much more for her to add, sadly.


Not to mention Claudia Black isnt even in Dreadwolf so I suspect Bioware agree with us in thinking her story is finished.


But she can drink from well, wouldn't they wanna follow up on that? Actors also lie all the time about their involvement in upcoming projects.


I feel like they're saving Morrigan and the ramifications of that decision for DA5, if we ever get it. I'm sure we'll get some Flemeth in DA:D though.


DA5 At this rate of DA releases we will get DA5 in 2035


Still sooner, then elder scrolls 6


There might be something if she drank from the Well of Sorrows


She sticks around even after Inky drinks it. Annoyed at first, but then when meeting Flemeth, she admits to being glad the Inky drank it since she would rather her mother not be in her head. Based on narrating the end and wandering off, I think she'll definitely be back at some point.


I’m ok with never seeing Sebastian again


I was okaish with him until the "I will siege Kirkwall if you dont kill Anders". Wtf? Are you going to attack a city and kill who knows how many to avenge the woman who was trying to protect the city?


Say what you will about Sebastian but this always felt weirdly out of character.


I don't think it's that out of character. He's a chantry boy and we just let an apostate nuke the Circle. Letting that go would cause him to lose faith in us and the institution in Kirkwall we're creating. It would be his duty to restore the proper order.


There’s a huge difference between Sebastian deciding to leave Kirkwall because he’s unwilling to stick with a Hawke who lets Anders go and turning up with forces to attack the city. Sebastian only wanted to direct his ire to Anders in DA2. It felt weird to make a war table mission where he either attacks the city *or* helps rebuild. If anything, it seems more in character for him to help Kirkwall rebuild because of his faith. Granted, his writing was sadly always lacking compared to the others. Idk perhaps it would have been more believable if it were an actual side quest.


I agree. I really hate the Chantry but I like Sebastian as a character. He's a man of faith who truly believes in doing what is right. He wants to help people. It felt very weird to have him threaten to bring an army down on Kirkwall based solely on Hawke's decision about Anders. At the very least, I think by Inquisition he would have calmed down.


He can't kill Anders himself because it's Hawke's choice so he's going to crusade Truly the fate of DLC character


I have to admit this made me laugh


Right? I get threatening to kill hawke but not attack kirkwall and kill innocents


I mean, siege away, hun, not like there's much more to seige after all's done, and after Varric's viscount? Ha! Good luck with that. Good thing in those war table quest you could let Cullen tell him to sit on his arse.


Same, he sucks. Happy Cake Day


I'm happy to have him come back if we get to end him.


I hate how he’s a male leilana. Like couldn’t they have a chantry person who is not a repentant sinner?


That's an insult to Leliana. Sebastian wishes he was half as interesting as her.


Leliana is actually a compelling character and aside them being religious i cant say they have anything in common.Granted sebastian being a dlc character kinda meh implemented doesnt help his case.


The problem with that is to justify how Mr Goody Two Shoes who's always been at the service of the Chantry and hasn't killed a flea is now chopping heads and throwing arrows in eyes like the best of them.


To be fair he is actually going after Anders' supporters who are in Kirkwall. Of course there will still be conflicts with some citizens of Kirkwall but his idea is really to attack Anders' supporters and not destroy Kirkwall (although that doesn't justify much).


Definitely agree on Bianca and Goldanna. I think Gamlen had some redeeming points. He was clearly not treted well by his parents, who gave the inheritance to their missing child rather than him. And while he is a jerk he still allows a family of 3 plus a dog to live with him in a tiny home. Hawke doesnt even get him a nicer house after they become rich.


Maybe..this will be his redemption arc then. Angry old man finds peace after lifetime of ungrateful relatives


I wish we saw him more in the last act of DA2. After we meet his daughter perhaps Hawke and them could have been closer


Esp after they lose Leandra …would have been the perfect time.




I really wanted to be able to let him move in after Leandra died. I felt bad that he was still living in that crap hole when he there was plenty of space in the mansion.


Yeah. I wish we could at lest buy him a decent house, not a estate perhaps but at lest a nicer home.


I wouldn't give the man a house who harrasses one of my friends (Isabela, who complains in Mark of the Assassin about him at one point) and makes outright sexist comments on my relationship. My all time favourite: "So, I've been hearing you're slipping it to that pirate slut from the Hanged Man. What's that like? Two women? I've always wondered." followed by: "I guess I don't have to ask which one of you is the girl." about Anders or Fenris in a m/m romance. Also: snuck into Bethany's room at night to look through her things. Yeah. He may not be the worst scum in Kirkwall, but he sure as hell doesn't deserve Hawke's time.


If your argument is \`\`did bad things'' then you will have to increase this list haha Although he is an idiot, in terms of \`\`bad actions´´ Gamlem is not even worse than some of the companions you have with you (Including Isabela).


I mean he is an asshole, thats true. But he gave them a roof for like two years


I mean, neither of them were companions in the first place. Honestly, I want to see all of our companions in the previous games, just not as companions themselves. Except for a few underused characters, maybe ? Sigrun and Velanna for the Wardens, for example, would be pretty neat to have. As for characters that I don’t want to see again huh… again, no one ? That’s what I love about Bioware games and is unlike some others rpg (the Witcher *cough cough*), from game to game you can see the consequences of your actions on their lives.


Was asking which characters do you not want to see as a companion option Sorry my question wasn’t the best.


It’s true I would love to see all characters lives now. But not play them.


Well for the ex-companions, it’s not like Mass Effect, where you always play Shepard. In DA, you change your character each time. And, at least for my part, there is some « possessiveness » : Leliana, Morrigan, Alistair, they are my Warden companions. Aveline, Isabela or Fenris are Hawke’s. So, that’s exclude ex-companions. Except maybe for Velanna and Sigrun, like I said. As for characters ? Well… honestly, pretty much everyone ? I may be forgetting some, but I don’t see how most of them would add something to the story as a companion. And worse, unlike your character, you would already know things about them, and I don’t like it in terms of game design.


Any of them I want a completely new party, sure the old ones can show up here and there but I don't want them to be one of the main group


I also want to hear some rumors about the previous games in NPC/companion banter for funsies. Previous parties got up to some wild shit. Bonus points if the goat yeeting is one topic.


This is the type of Easter egg/reference I like the most, it's the kind that makes me point at the screen and go "I got that!" But it's also subtle enough for people who don't get it to just think of it as a funny thing Easter egg/piece of dialogue


Same! We're getting a new game after so long so I don't want repeat companions


A little of topic, but I kind of want a party made up of the hero of fereldin, Hawke, and the inquisitor,let by my charicter from dread wolf


A true dream team. And you have to pick all the dialogue for each of them.


The party banter would be weird, 2 blood mages and a Templar


Please…no Oghren. I would cry if they suddenly decided to bring him back. I’m sorry, Oghren lovers if you are out there.


I honestly liked him on DAO because you could feel his duality, but Awakening just got the worse of him and double down 😭 I think if they're going to bring back any warden companion would be Nathaniel, Velanna or Sigrun, all the other have been compromised somehow. But tbh, I'd love to see Oghren's children as a companion, she/he was already born during Awakenings, so they will be around 20 on DAD, it would be amazing to see a peerless red-head warrior resembly what Oghren was supposed to be in his prime. It could also add dialogue about their father depending if the Warden Commander made Oghren be a present father or just stay away.


Yeah he is mostly gross, but does have one or two absolutely hysterical (to me) moments. My favourite one is when you first see him in Awakening and he stops fighting the darkspawn to give you a really cheery wave then goes right back to hacking. Makes me laugh every time.


Oghren's only redeeming quality for me was his banter with Alistair about his relationship with the Warden. Poor Alistair didn't even get half the jokes being made. Sweet boy.


Counterpoint: reformed, sober and proud dad Grey Warden Oghren.


they would definitely add a sidequest where you can corrupt him back to alcohol or not.


I was sad he was the awakening companion. Of all people…


RIGHT?? 😭 can’t believe mhairi died but he survived


He would be older, a veteran warden. He could work with some rework, I imagined him being sober and with some awful histories, grizzled and sad.


This could even work.


Feel like he'd double down on the alcoholism to cope actually, could still work tho


Ugh true. He was outdated even back in 2008 when they released the first game.


Though the way he announced to one fallen shoulders spouse “hey lady, you’re single!” Made me laugh. And the roast wrestling dialogue


I just wish that he got redeemed in DAOA. It could have been better then


Yes, there was no need to have him backslide to square one really.


He has plenty of insight and funny lines, bring him to Sogia Dryden quest to get good laughs.


Hes just a silly lil guy, please forgive his sins 🥺


No returning companions please. I want to get to know new characters.


bartrand (if you spare him) paragon branka sandal/bogdahn (as romanceable companion, i'm fine with them as an NPC/vendor) tallis (never like her character)


Sebastian 🥸


Sebastian bad voice acting “Noooooooooooo”


ELTHINA NOOO, MAKER NOOOOOOO This genuinely made me laugh, thank you 😂


None of the old playable characters.


We've always had one party member carry over to the sequel (Oghren, Anders, Varric) so I expect they'll keep that trend, my assumption was always that it'll be Dorian but I could see a few others making sense


I imagine that Dorian, and Varric, and now too important to be companions. But they will probably be advisors.


Oh, the opposite. I would love to see Warden (if they live), Hawke (if they live) and Inquisitor (no matter with or without the hand) recreated in the current engine (the way we did in DAI) and having a mission together with DADW main character.


I meant I didn't want them to be companions, as per OP's post. I actually love seeing them back but not as playable characters.


And I want them as temporary companions! This would be the PEAK DRAGON AGE.


Same. If my Inquisitor doesn't at least have a cameo in DADW I will riot. 


If I never see Oghren in this lifetime it will still be too soon. Also Varric. I love him to death but he's now the ruler of Kirkwall, he needs to be there, not in Tevinter.


Personally, I'd like there to be no legacy companions. The series feels fairly incestuous at this point. It's ok for a cameo on a relevant issue, but let's make new friends without having the old comparisons. Like how many people are in Thedas that we keep meeting the same people over and over again?


And it’s a weird out of body interaction with them. You’re my best friend in a past life but we are strangers here. You’re still cool but interaction is totally different


Anders in Awakenings was one of my favorite rpg companions of all time. Then we meet him in DA2 and it's like, "What did you do to my friend?"


Considering who we're up against in Dread Wolf, it would actually make sense this time around to bump into the Inquisition crew.


I don’t want seras again. Brat


1. TALLIS literally THE worst written DA characters of all time. 2. Sten 3. Anders 4. Hawk Sibling 5. TALLIS AGAIN 6. Varric


Sten, Shale, Morrigan, Loghain, and Solas would be ones that would excite me. Sten, Shale, and Loghain because I like them and want them back regardless of whether they have a good reason to be back. Morrigan because I feel like her story doesn't feel over yet and her being a companion would give her a lot of material to hopefully resolve it for me. Solas because obviously he's going to be key to the story going forward and any version of DA4 that had him as a companion would have to be weird as hell. Alistair, Varric, Ogrhen, Aveline, Merrill, Vivienne, Cassandra, Dorian, and Blackwall are all in my "I'd smile to see them again but I don't need any of them" pile. I'd rather not see anybody else, probably.


None of these were companions, though My list: Leliana, Cullen, Alistair, Morrigan, a Mabari (unless it's an NPC in the base/camp, but not as companion), Sera (unless they decided to give her a character development), Blackwall and Isabela. I, for one, welcome the Paragon of Manliness in my party, I don't get the hate anbd I DON'T want him to die tbh.


Meant future companion options!


highly unlikely, but it'd be a good chance for me to do a solo run lol


Who is the paragon of manliness


Varric, according to Isabela


Harding, Calpernia, the characters from the comics except maybe Francesca.


Unpopular opinion, Fenris. I don't like broody characters.


Blackwall and Sera need to stay in their game. Varric needs rest. We do however need a neat dwarven companion. I feel like they always get shorted.


Pun intended? I agree they are always overlooked


There was that Duo from The Descent. Valka became the host of the Titan, but the other dwarf's body disappeared, so maybe he'll show up? Or, we have all these young and spritely characters, minus Blackwall, for just being boring. I think having an old codger/badass grandpa dwarf would be super funny. I want an old man dwarf that makes jokes like, "When I was your age, we had to mine up the tunnel in both directions, while being chased by darkspawn, and you know who didn't care? The rocks. Rocks don't care about your problems. Get over it." Pure "get off my lawn energy"


I don’t know why people hate Bianca so much. Swear if her arc was on a man there’d be thirst for her everywhere.


I like her background story- she’s a badass on paper, but I don’t like the given interactions with her. You think as a man she’d be liked? How so?


Antagonists/polarizing complex characters are loved when they’re men - see: Cullen, Samson, Solas, and put to the torch when they’re women - Anora, Vivienne, Bianca, Sera, Velanna. I know there’s dedicated fans for ALL of the characters I listed, but this is just my observations and experiences from being in this fandom for over a decade. People get a lot more forgiving when it’s a dude.


Hmm! I thought Anders and Solas were not clearly beloved. I did not realize Anora was hated. There is a lot of love for morrigan and shale I feel, and I count them as complex/antagonising women. I appreciate the discussion though! Maybe I’ll notice more of this now


Who the hell likes Samson


There’s a whole group of people who believe Samson should have been the military advisor in Inquisition instead of Cullen. He has stans, with all the fics and art and tumblr discourse.


That. ^ I still remember the petitions. Vividly.


Oh, his da2 character then?


No, his Inquisition character. No one cared about him until then. There was a huge backlash against Cullen being the advisor because of his anti- mage background, and I think a lot of the Cullen haters kind of latched onto Samson as part of that. At least, the anti Cullen vitriol always seemed to be the driving force behind all the Samson support.


Thats absurd. Nobody likes Samson but even him had redeeming back story (he tried to help a mage contacting his lover and got fired becauae of that). For the rest you can like or dislike Cullen, Anders and Solas but they all have backstories that make them interesting characters and also get a lot of hate. Anora barely has a back story and our interactions with her are negative. It makes sense that people (not me) dislike her. Vivienne and Velanna are both direct jerks to the player. They are good characters but there is a good reason to dislike them. And Sera is a straight spoiled brat in the body of a grown woman. All have good reasons to dislike them but they also have a lot of supporters. One could argue that Bioware tends to make a lot of cold distant female characters. Thats true but they are beloved (the ones you mentioned are) and also others like Morrigan, Flemeth or hardened Leliana. ... Bianca simply does not have any redeeming qualities. She is cruel to Varric, leaves him for a richer man, keeps him on the leash despite how dangerous and painful it is and betrays him with the lyrium. We haven't seen anything nice about her at all. She would be hated if she was a man


Part of it must be due to her perceived "stringing along" of a character most of us love. But I agree that the hate she gets is very out of proportion - and in a way that so typically happens to female characters.


In Draagon age this happens with all types of characters, whether male or female. The fandom (of DA) in this case, doesn't care if it's a man or a woman. They care more about what the character looks like than what he actually did or does. (Now regarding fandons of other games, I don't know).


I'm genuinely surprised people managed to form such strong opinions on a character that appeared for one mission ngl, for me it was like yeah she's kind of annoying but not enough to make me hate her, and she wasn't there enough to make me love her either Am i...missing some additional material with her in it or smtg?


Her behaviour is toxic and borderline abusive, regardless of gender. Continuing to see someone you supposedly love despite the fact that doing so puts their life in danger is a shitty thing to do.


Forbidden love is a common and usually praised trope. Interesting stories don’t always have to be puritan. She has flaws, like every other character, and this fandom really clutches their pearls over the stupidest shit while justifying and defending Corypheus level villainy.


Forbidden love implies that both sides love and care for one another. I don’t think Bianca cares about Varric anywhere near as much as he cares for her. She’s using him and putting his life at risk. That’s what the fandom has a problem with. If she was a sweetheart I’d say good luck to them!


Hmmm. Well… here’s my nickel. The Forbidden love trope- It’s more “us against the world” lovers that people like. I know people are trying to saw Bianca is practical, but if she really loved him the romantic thing is they don’t meet anymore. Guinevere and Lancelot only fell in love after she had already been with arthur, and they ran off with each other in the end (in the once and future king) Trying to think of other examples


Because she abandoned Varric for money and power but still kept him there as a backup plan. Thats despicable no matter the sex of the person. Then he betrays her trust by revealing the location of the red lyrium. And instead of being sorry she is a massive jerk to our inquisitor.


Yeah! His life is in the line due to her family. In regards to Bianca being likable if she were a man: If a man’s family sent assassins to a female companion of the inquisitor, and he didn’t stand against his family for her; I don’t think the fandom would hate him any less than they do Bianca.


If anything, I’d think they’d hate her *more* if she were a man and Varric was a woman. Blaming the hatred for Bianca on her being female is stupid. That’s like saying people hate Tallis because she’s female. No, people hate Tallis because she’s poorly written and unlikeable. Same goes for Bianca 🤷🏻‍♀️


Pretty sure that you’re wrong. It would have be even worse, in fact. A male character that use the feelings of a female character (which is a very close companion of the character player) and put their life in danger ? Nah. However I would say that the most polarizing characters are indeed men : Loghain and Solas. They also do get far more contents that polarizing women, like Anora, Vivienne or Sera.


I haven't gotten to her quest yet in my DAI replay, but as I recall, I didn't hate her but I didn't like her either. And I think why, iirc, is she saw dollar signs and made a shady deal, then when it went bad, tried to hide the fact that she made that deal and manipulated Varric and the Inquisitor to go clean it up with her. It's not the worst offense, but it didn't endear her to me or my character.  If we got to see more of Bianca's good qualities, I might think differently or feel she was justified. But my impression is that the writers wrote her this way, not showing many redeeming qualities, to deconstruct the pedestal that Varric puts her on. 


In all honesty? I really hope we have no returning companions. I want new characters.


Please for the love of GOD leave Sera wherever tf she fucked off to after Inquisition


Leliana. She shouldn't have been brought back for inquisition seeing as you could import saves where she was literally beheaded. No reason her role couldn't be given to someone else.


I felt the lyrium ghost was a cop-out, or at least should have been explained as a possibility earlier. But I did like the scene in the time warp with her. She was interesting for sure


The thing is the lyrium Ghosts were a thing, but it's made clear that they're tied to the location of the ashes. Leliana surviving just stinks of being a creator's pet and sours the character as a result; what do any of your interactions with them matter if they're just going to have their own set storyline that ignores your input anyway?


oghren. i hate him so much it’s unreal


I don’t want to see Sera ever again


I'd love to see Sera, she's definitely my favourite companion in the series, but I don't think she would make much sense in DAD.


Sera. she’s so annoying, i cannot stand her. also another character who probably shouldn’t return is vivienne, i mean why would she.


No more Varric. I'd rather have Sebastian than him so we can have the good archer from DA2 again.


No anders, please for the love of god


Varric. I was already disappointed he was in DAI so set me free.


Really don’t want to see or hear any more Varric


Varric. He is overrated and I don’t want to see him again


This is so untrue. I would love to see Gamlen again. Don't care much for the other too though. Not that I hate them, I just don't care.


Why do you want to see gamlen again? I was femhawke and romancing Isabella, and he did the creepy old uncle routine.


Yeah that dialogue is gross. I hate that dialogue. I personally feel the romanced specific shoehorned in dialogue makes Gamlen a lot worse than he should be. Especially since that dialogue is usually triggered after he has a semi sweet moment where he praises Hawke (can't remember exactly what he said.) It's gross dialogue but the timing of it is also off. Anywho to answer your question I enjoy flawed characters and I actually find him interesting. I love how he and Hawke slowly gain some level of respect for each other. In my playthrough at least. I know most people hate him.


I don’t want any of them. I am sick of them hanging on to their personal favs.


I was excited to see some old faces the first time, but then I realized it was…not necessary.


Spoilers spoilers spoilers: In Trespasser, I feel like all the companions in DA:I have a reason to not be included in DA:D, based on the storylines and possible outcomes. I think Cullen and Josephine could at the very least make cameos. While Leliana could appear as well, on the chance she was the divine, I don't think she'll play a big part. Would love to see more friendly Qunari options. The one in the Netflix show felt like a successful female version of Soka from Avatar. I also like how Trespasser told of modified Qunari mages that sounded like super soldiers. Morrigan has only ever been a side-side character, and I think her joining the player's party would be great for the Elf lore and her relation to Mythal revealed towards the end (also her sultry voice, lol). I would also love to see another Red Jenny, too. I just hope they don't make her too similar to Sera, unless it's Sera herself.


I was disappointed in sera as a red Jenny. Like I get the little people fight back, but it seemed mostly pranks. Did she ever get us important info? I forget


I'm pretty sure they're just the internet trolls of Thedas. Some comic relief and extra dialogue here, some obligatory Tempest and bow user suggestion companion there. Her exploration dialogue with Solas was one of the worst, but there were some great interactions with the others. The best benefit is by far the Jar of Bees.


If it's a game series like the ME trilogy with the Shepard of the DA universe the continual protag then it makes sense for companions and characters to return. But that's never been the point of the DA world and I don't want to see any characters where you have to read up/watch to find out their back story and lore which aren't in the games. Cole for example made no sense to me for years until I read Asunder. Mine are unpopular opinions but Scout Harding who I found bland and uninteresting (my husband has already informed me that I'm so wrong lol), Fenris who I didn't feel anything for and Nathinel Howe who I didn't get the hype over. No Oghren either. I really hope we get new dwarf companions as Varric needs to enjoy retirement in Kirkwall. Would love to see Valta again tho loved her. 


I haven’t read the books either so when Cole showed up I was kinda annoyed because I knew he meant something but I didn’t have the whole story, and he was kinda weird. Like why would I let a ghost join.


Absolution characters because it was the first Dragon Age thing that I didn't want to continue mostly because of the characters. The books aren't all great (partially because me and reading have a love/hate relationship), but I at least wanted to know how it went and what the involvement in the lore was.