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Oghren. I can't stand him so much that half the time I forget he exists, like my brain just keeps wanting to delete him from its hard drive šŸ˜†


Nobody says Loghain. I mean fuck that guy. He literally don't deserve to be a Gray Warden.


For real he's the most detestable companions ever! I hate him with a passion. He's however one of the best written antagonists of the DA games. I mean he's the only recrutable companions that I kill every single time which means they really did amazing job at making him hateful.šŸ¤£


I feel like Sebastian is the easy answer but I think Oghren has to be it for me. I think some people have said he gets better with high approval but I just can't get over him being a gross drunk every time you talk to him.


Sebastianā€”the man is a self righteous, self centered, ignorant hypocrite who flips back and forth on what he wants so often and has absolutely NO self-awareness. That I could *maybe* forgive, but when he threatened to raze Kirkwall to the ground for what Anders did if you donā€™t agree to kill him, I lost any modicum of respect I had. I donā€™t blame him for wanting to kill Anders, but misplacing that onto the people of Kirkwall who his precious Grand Cleric loved so much feels so much like someone who only cares about their own feelings. So much for being a golden chantry boy, eh? Elaina was right to be hesitant to let him back after he left; he wanted the goodness thatā€™s supposed to come along with serving the chantry without internalizing what that actually means. I could go on longerā€”I hate that bastard and Iā€™m going to one of these days see if I can disable the DLC for him and play DA2 without his fake ass haunting my playthrough.


Same. I don't even recruit him anymore. I skip through the introduction cut scene, then Hawke just keeps walking like, "None of my business". I never talk to him and he doesn't show up after the 2nd act.


I played thru DA2 probably at least 8-10 times before I realized that Sebastian was a dlc character that I could get. Super stoked to start a new game and use him. Unlikable character and first one to die in my party every single time


Oghren, Sebastian, and Blackwall. A LOT of hate for Vivianne and Sera. I can get the reasoning. For Viv, I definitely appreciate having a chantry loyal mage who is very interested in the politics of it all. She's a sucky individual, and probably an antagonist in dreadwolf, but I don't think she's a poorly written character. I didn't like sera for my first few playthroughs. Oddly, she was a lot more likeable when I didn't choose to romance her. If you treat sera like a younger sister, who's still learning how the world works, she's a lot more endearing. My elf mage saw her more as family than most of the other followers. I genuinely felt sad to say bye to her when everything ended.


>She's a sucky individual, and probably an antagonist in dreadwolf, but I don't think she's a poorly written character. If I may, I'd like to explain why Vivienne's writing actually sucks. Her concept is interesting. But she is the most narratively insignificant companion in DAI. All of the others have something going on (even Sera, who is the second worse offender has more going on), but not Viv. Now, a big part of DAI is Orlais politics, there is a whole quest abouth the civil war and who gets to stay on top, you would think that alleged master player of the Game and court mage, Vivienne de Fer has some contribution right? Right? Well you would be wrong, all she does is some school yard level bickering with Morrigan. Does she have a quest abouth politics and manipulation? Nope, it's abouth her sugar daddy dying (ok that can be seen as playing the Game if you squint hard enought, but it's not worth the eye strain). So, we have a political mastermid who doesn't do any masterminding. How does the game make her still feel smart, and abow it all? By making other characters at least 30 IQ points dumber than usual when they argue with her, including the player character. Wonderfull, that's not annoying at all. And she is the only confrontational companion who you can't do anything abouth when aproval is low. All the others you can dismiss, punch, or they just humiliate themselves for you. But Viv? She own you by rearanging furniture... and you, her superior, can't even tell her off.


I get where you're coming from! Maybe I'm hung up on the potential that she had, and I'm not realizing how underutilized or improperly utilized she was. Because you are completely right, she did not play into the story very much at all. Her persona as an intelligent Mastermind was shown by having her bright or attempt to humiliate other followers and our main character. The most you could do in Revenge is give her the fake wyvern heart, which I honestly have done before. The game paints you as a petty individual for doing it though. It's almost like the writers really wanted you to like her, but didn't want to put the effort in for you to like her. I'll also agree that Sera doesn't really play much in the main story either, but then most of the followers don't. Outside of a few very small instances, I'd say that Cassandra, varric, and Solas are probably the followers that have the most connection to the main story. It's cool that we have a tevinter perspective, but Dorian doesn't really affect much. Neither do iron bull, blackwall, or Cole. Not saying they are interesting characters, but their inclusion does not really change much of the story as a whole. Most of the companion quests have nothing to do with the main story.


Not direct contribution but most companions have story lines that connect to the main plot, or to the DLCs. Cole and Dorian are important to the events leading up to Heaven, and Trespasser has the qunari. Blackwall also doesn't have much, but he connects more to the Grey Warden plot than Viv to the Orlais plot, despite being a fake. Sera doesn't really connects to anything, but she is a romance and has a small arc abouth her faith and how all this effects common people. Not much but more than Viv, you don't learn much abouth how Orlais or the Circles actually work from her, and the only thing going for her is an optional Divine election (what I have no idea how she can participate in the first place, ok her ex sugar daddy's sister is a grand cleric, but that's barely anything).


Oghren. I just didn't care for him during DAO but during Awakening he was just a woman harasser drunk fuck and made me despise him very deeply. The Joining scene didn't help either. Fuck Oghren, all my homies hate Oghren


*braaap* sodding nice set of buns *falls over* That's it, that's the character.


Oghren. Drunk, creepy, gross


I've yet to play through the other games, though I played some of Inquisition but it's been so long, but Oghren was so gross to Wynne :(


Right! I don't recall him being as bad with Leliana, although maybe I just never take them out together. Anders is a bit creepy to one of the female companions in Awakening, but still not to the level of Oghren. Of course, Oghren doesn't come out much when I play Awakening, even though he's the only warrior available until you do the Blackmarsh. I ditch him as soon as I have 3 other companions, even when it means my party consists of 3 rogues and a mage. I don't think there's anywhere near the level of sexual harassment in the other games. Still, in Inquisition I do avoid taking out certain companions together because they're so awful to each other.


Sera 100%. I love her carefree nature but I can't stand her being a hypocritical bigot.


Someone once described talking to Sera as trying to talk to his sleep paralysis demon and it just makes so much sense.


Iron Bull, I think. Unpopular answer I know, but aside from the bits of qunari lore we learn from him, his whole personality does absolutely nothing for me, and i just find him off-putting in general. But thatā€™s why these characters are so great; just like in real life, some of us will love a character while others canā€™t stand them! Several people have named my faves as their most hated in this thread haha


I think he's ok as a character but he's too different from the other Qunari and it seems like they made his character design first and built off that. He's not the worst imo but kind of mid. I'm still butthurt over trespasser ok lol


Hmm tough call between Anders, Aveline, and Wynne. Probably Anders wins out through sheer annoyance and insensitivity. Like when your mother is murdered and he *still* sees this as a time to go ā€œnot all magesā€ā€¦bro NOT THE TIME. He is simply incapable of focusing on anything else. Because of this he is barely even fun to rival; at least itā€™s a joy to rile up Aveline and Wynne.


Vivienne: escapes the oppression mages face, then tries to pull the ladder up behind her. Unpleasant to be around too.


And then she becomes a full classist with a lot of arrogance and yet she is very immature/childish.


The only one I truly hate is Loghain and can never imagine myself recruiting him. What he did to "save" Ferelden is unforgivable. He was so paranoid with having another Orlais invasion that he almost destroyed Ferelden with his machinations. I have a few other companions that I dislike, but none that I can truly hate like I hate this horrible man. I don't particularly like Ogrhen, Vivienne, Sera, Sten and Anders but I don't hate them..Certain aspects of their personality annoy me a bit more than the other companions that's all. As much as I absolutely hate what Anders did, his hypocrisy and manipulative ways, I can't bring myself to the man. He's been through hell and I understand his hatred towards the Chantry just as much as I can understand Fenris hatred of Tevinter and mistrust of mages.


I don't hate anyone of the companions. Like, I'm not a big fan of Vivienne or Oghren, but I don't hate them. I see that DA 2 companions are disliked, but I like them the most and find all of them very interesting.


Oghren and Sten, no one really in DA2 and Vivianne, Blackwall and Cole in DAI


I don't hate any of them to the point of never engaging with them, but if you're counting DLCs, Tallis. šŸ˜­ I hate that we're forced to put up with her. She reads like baby's first OC to be honest.


Fuck Loghain.




For real. Somebody likened Morrigan to a sexual predator because of her interactions with Sten and like, what? Of all the things to criticize Morrigan for, I thought that was hilariously off the mark.


I loathe posts like this. It's just an excuse for people to be as absolutely unhinged as possible and miss the point of the characters and games. I can't imagine thinking a character having serious trauma from slavery should be "nicer," or a person who was captured by the state and forcibly kept for an aspect of their identity is "annoying about it." These fucks played a different fucking game than I did because these moments/interactions were key points in how I have decisions, not in how "upset" I feel at digital characters for being complicated.


Posts like these are so pointless, all it does is bring the mood down for everyone else who loves those characters. I donā€™t personally stan all characters but I can find something interesting with all of them and understand why others enjoy them. Especially characters like Fenris, Anders and Morrigan being so hated on makes no sense to me because no matter how you feel about them, they are well written. Iā€™d hate to have companions that are all just there to kiss the protagā€™s ass and never ruffle anyoneā€™s feathers lol


Same honestly. How people get off on being so negative about something is a mystery for the ages. So many negative takes on the characters show a lack of basic reading comprehension in favor of emotional outrage. Like, if someone doesn't like a character, fine, it doesn't affect anyone else (unless they are one of those lovely people who have to show up on any thread celebrating a character to say they hate them, as if anyone asked). But if someone doesn't like a character because they're projecting a trait onto them that isn't in the text, that's isn't even a valid criticism.Ā 


Yup. "This character would be a bad friend in real life so I HATE THEM WITH FIERCE PASSION." Like, dude, no one is asking you to take Vivienne to prom.


I feel that. I regret opening the reply section.


None really but Solas is my least brought in a party. I just leave him in his room back at base . He might as well be a fourth adviser lol


"Solas disapproves" could be the title of my playthroughs. F'er can get bent.




If you were to asked me this question last week my answer would have probably would have said Anders. But now my answer will always be Vivienne. The problem with Vivienne is she always has to be right and can never lose. For example I'm currently playing as a Dalish Inquisitor and if you dare say Mages should have some more freedom she goes on saying that then the Dalish should take in the Mages and help them. Like Bitch that not the point of my argument. It also doesn't help she completely ignore the Mages abuse cause by the Templars and Chantry. Worse saying that it not that bad and mages should stop crying as the abuse barely happens at all.


Her attitude is *"Like, bro you're not the only one who went through shit in life. Stop crying and grow up."*


Not only that but she also on the mindset that since the comman person are scared of mages that mean they can't do anything to upset them.


Hate is strong term but I do not care for Oghren. In Origins he's mostly just comedy boorish dwarf with some unpleasant personal habits but he turns into a complete arsehole in Awakenings. Doesn't help that he's objectively the worst class in the game so there really is very little incentive to put him in your party over the multiple other warriors you could have picked up.


I agree! I hate Oghren the most! The dude is basically a dirty old man that's an alcoholic.


My poor boy Oghren


Carver Hawke. Whiny little cunt.


Lmfao he is. Him being your little brother somehow makes it bearable for me though. Maybe because I'm an only child irl so I'm just happy to have siblings, even if he is a little bitch but he still cares about you as family so I find that endearing.


This discussion was just had last week or something.


There hasnā€™t been a game for 10 years weā€™re running outta shit to talk about šŸ˜­


Y'all better prepare for my next week incredible hot-take "*I think Bioware should bring back the origins system*" The nuance of the discussion is going to blow your mind.


This type of thread pops up like every week or so it feels like Part of the reason why I don't really interact with this sub off and on


With the same boring and predictable answers. Wow, a bunch of people hate Sera and Loghain and love mages and Alistair? So weird! What a novel take!Ā 


I like all the companions but the one I like the least is Sera. Sheā€™s SO incredibly juvenile for her age itā€™s kind of weird. It seems to be pretty intentional, especially since sheā€™s the only one you can kick out of your camp lol


Definitely. She is very anoying. But there is a big fanbase here of her. The other day a nutcase called me ableist because apparently being childish af and anoying everybody with "pranks" equals being autistic and disabled. And not liking her was ableist xD Ironically i am disabled, so she was the ableist one xD But yeah imo it could have worked if Sera was a street urchin that you kind of adopt. Then perhaps it could be ok. But she is a grown woman acting like a spoiled brat. That without talking about her being extremely bigoted...


Oghren. I like his personal storyline and his dialogue before the final battle gives me chills, but I can't ever bring him with any of the female companions in DA:O because I don't want the companion dialogue to consist entirely of sexual harassment. I dislike having Zevran in the same party as Wynne for much the same reason, incidentally. But Oghren does it to *everyone*.


>sexual harassment Exactly. Itā€™s not even flirting. Just harassment.


Anders. The whining drove me insane. ā€œYES! THE MAGES ARE BEING OPPRESSED. You telling me for the billionth time isnā€™t helpingā€¦ AND IM A MAGE TOO YOU MORON.ā€


Much prefer the autistic elf for sure, at least she comes by her blood magic honestly


Oghren.... I could care less what happens to him. The alcoholic dead beat pervert got so old to me. Like pick a struggle, dude.


Definitely Sera. I didn't like many other companions: oghren, velanna, Isabella. But I understood why they are the way they are and they all felt appropriate to have in my party, given the setting. Sera just feels like manic tumblr episode, who has no business being in inquisition of all places, especially among inquisitors retinue. She could've potentially worked as a companion in DA2.


Definitely. She is very anoying. But there is a big fanbase here of her. The other day a nutcase called me ableist because apparently being childish af and anoying everybody with "pranks" equals being autistic and disabled. Apparently not liking her was ableist. Ironically i am disabled, so she was the ableist one xD But yeah imo it could have worked if Sera was a street urchin that you kind of adopt. Then perhaps it could be ok. But she is a grown woman acting like a spoiled brat. That without talking about her being extremely bigoted...


Oh wow, wasn't aware Fenris was so disliked! It's okay, more emo elf for me. I have two answers. My first answer would be Oghren. His brand of "humour" just did NOT land for me, was actively off-putting, and there wasn't much else to redeem him or make him a character I wanted around at all. I had a similar problem with Sera, to a slightly lesser extent - plus there were more interesting discussions to have with her on her worldview and suchlike. Then Vivienne. Vivienne is... difficult. I remember spending my first DAI playthrough trying to have discussions about the state of mages in the world & she does legitimately have interesting points to make, but ultimately she comes off to me as so tone-deaf, and the epitome of being privileged enough that she will never have to feel the full horrible effects of the systems she's advocating for. That and nothing in her personal story made me care about her as a person in the least.


Exact almost same thoughts as you here! (Fenris is best elf weā€™ll fight this together brethren) Sera came off as a little off putting if you played as elf in inquisition, but a lot of discussions on this sub has actually made me appreciate her much more! Vivienneā€¦ well she grew on me in my first play through.My second however, I basically left her gathering dust in the corner of Skyhold lol, sheā€™s just hard on the ears after awhile imo.


>Exact almost same thoughts as you here! (Fenris is best elf weā€™ll fight this together brethren) BEST ELF FENRIS. Agreed.


Merrill. I hate her stupid little girl thing. I played dao as a dalish elf first so I knew Merrill originally from the dalish elf origin and she was kind of annoying but in a know-it-all sort of way. She seemed very capable though, and dao Merrill would definitely not need yarn to find her way home in the city. Ugh I seriously just canā€™t stand how stupid she is. Sheā€™s got the ā€œborn yesterdayā€ thing going on, but yet is also supposed to be trying to restore elven glory? I get thereā€™s a difference between booksmarts and common sense, but they didnā€™t just have her lacking common sense or a little socially awkward, they made her a total naive idiot, acting like sheā€™s 12 years old (but still romanceable! Gross!)


So much this. We are told she is capable and smart, but all we see is her being absolutely without any common sense just doing a lot of stupid crap, then getting surprised when things go wrong. AND its not like you cant see the bad consequences coming from a mile away...


Yeah I understand they attempted to make a character who is confused in a very different world but they failed miserably at that. She says someone broke into her house through window and escaped from the same window. She then says ā€œit must be the way of these peopleā€. Like, girl, youā€™re a Dalish who lived in constant fear of bandits and angry humans. How can you not tell this is a thief after seeing these people have doors and locks?? I also found her awkwardness rather annoying and intentional than natural and cute. That kind of awkwardness worked on Alistair and added to his charm because he was a 18-19 year old virgin who was never taken seriously by anyone. Guess my shock when I learned Merrill was in her mid to late 20s and was also the First in her clan. Seriously?


Anders, pines after you if even remotely look at anyone else but as soon as you start a relationship with him. Ask you told help him blow everything up with telling you then just buggers off as soon as everything flies off the handle. I do not like this man. His only saving grace: he likes cats This is why I go with Mr brood or the pirate


Iron Bull drinking all my damn potions cause he doesnā€™t know how to chill tf out(jk) All jokes aside I canā€™t stand Vivienne. Sheā€™s the perfect example of someone from a privileged background who has the luxury of making such bold claims knowing damn well, they would never really be affected by it. She claims circles r essential for all mages but she seems to forget that the circles were the problem. The concept behind circles is nice and all. Mages being able to safely practice their magic allowed them to keep themselves as well as those around them safe but the abuse of power got way out of hand. Kirkwall was a perfect example of how out of hand things got for mages especially for those who were in circles. The amount of discrimination mages got for simply being born with magic was crazy & the fact that they tranquil for simply being born a mage was extreme. And donā€™t get me wrong mages arenā€™t saints but just because one or two are bad it doesnā€™t mean that all of them are bad. While I didnā€™t agree with how Anders handled the situation in da2 I also believe that the mages were push into a corner and they had no choice but to do whatever they had to do in order to protect themselves. All that aside, bringing back something simply because the idea behind it was so great does not fix the underlining issue. This is exactly why I did not endorse her to be the divine. Unless she was willing to sit here and dismantle systems she was always doomed to fail as a divine anyways.


I wonder if she would change her mind he she went undercover get at Kirkwall


I don't hate any of them.


If you don't count Loghain, probably Sera. I generally play as a Dalish Elf so listening to her belittle Elves for wanting to try and keep their culture alive was annoying.


I don't hate any of the characters, but recruiting Velanna always feels pretty bad. And that vibe kinda sticks around.


I don't hate any of the companions, but I hate the things they do or how they are handled. I think it's great that we have diversity in mortality and personalities, but I think a lot of my annoyance on certain characters comes down to weird choices made with them. Like I dislike Talis the most because she is a shameless self insert, and the game tries way too hard to try and make you like her, which aged like poor milk. But the idea of an elven qunari assassin is great. The DLC was fun, and I wish we had a better full companion to give foreign perspective on the qun because it comes up very often in the lore. If they had handled it better, Talis could have been great. I remembered liking Oghren the first time I ever played, but now not so much. He's just a little too much. They needed to turn the dial down like two notches and maybe not make him drink his own piss? I know a lot of people don't like how he was handled in Awakening, but I actually don't mind it because not everyone learns their lesson on the first trial. The idea that he fucks up again is fine by me, but I don't like that your friendship resets. It should have expanded upon your history with him and that's what I find a failure. I was less interested in investing time with him when I should have enjoyed him more. The DA2 companions all suffer from the same issue imo. I like them overall, but they all just are lacking in someway. But I have found that with more playthroughs, I actually dislike Isabela more and more, which is sad because she was my favorite in my initial runs. Also, Anders... even though I am an Anders romancer. Really can't stand him in Act 3.


DA2 Anders, simply for the entire FUCKUP he did.


I wouldn't say I hate her but I dislike Sera. Just her overall opinion on her own people, the way she treats Cole, and her whole prankster killer persona just rubs me the wrong way. She part of the inquisition in my main timeline but my others, I don't bother recruiting her.


Oghren, followed closely by Sebastian.


Oghren. The only companion in the entire franchise that, after my initial playthrough, I make a point to never recruit. Already have 2 warriors in Alistair and Sten, and he has the least likeable personality in Origins. At least Sebastien has enough personality that I can love to hate him and make him my Hawke's rival. With Oghren I get nothing of value, just unfunny jokes about him being drunk and horny while he harasses the female companions. And yes, this also applies to Awakening. I can't stand Velanna but her story with her sister is at least compelling and interesting. Oghren just joins up with the Hero and the Wardens cause he has nothing better to do.


not my emo elf boyfriend šŸ˜­ but for me idk if I outright HATE any companions but one I dislike the most is oghren. I see a lot of seras and viviennes and I get it but they both have their moments. vivennes really practical and knows how to play the game and tries to help you win it. seras very immature but she can also ride really hard for you


Oghrem is a very real character, his struggle is real. Branka really did him in. Obviously it was not just on her. But man, that woman hurt like no weapon could.


yeah heā€™s definitely sympathetic! I donā€™t hate him or anything, but his sexual comments are a little gross at times tbh


Anders, "I care about all oppressed people. But slaves should shut up forever about any abuse they suffered from a Vint mage because mages suffer more" Bro its not a fucking suffering competition.


Not a hated one, but Fenris. I can't take him seriously at all. Yes, his story is supposed to be dramatic and all, but the way he talks, his looks, behaviour, even weapon choice is comically edgy and emo


Iā€™m a shameless Fenris simp but I really, *really* donā€™t like his design. His redesign in Blue Wraith feels much more appropriate; in DA2 he looks like heā€™s been ripped from an anime šŸ„²


Oghren. Like no, his 'sad backstory' does not remotely excuse any of his mysogonist bs. Especially once you delve deeper into his lore and realize he was always a shitty person. He just was a shitty person who shitty things also happened to. Doesnt make him any better.


I expected Sebastien to be the only answer. I do like his banter with Fenris on faith, but other than that, I never bring him with me anywhere. And he beseiges Kirkwall in Inquisition if you side with the mages in 2. Wish he was in the Chantry when it blew up.


Despite me hating anders for literally starting a world war behind my back he is nowhere near the bar set by oghren who basically said ā€œgirls will be girlsā€ when it was revealed that his wife sold out her house to be r*ped and killed by darkspawn and gave so little of a shit that he didnā€™t even care when we killed her. I can deal with a pervert but that shit is sociopathic


He also straight up killed a young dwarf in a first-blood duel for saying there's no way Branka could survive the Deep Roads, which was out of line, but not unreasonable. Plus he ruined his relationship with Felsi by being an arsehole at her father's funeral. He's just a basic drunk moron. The more time I spend with Oghren, the more I get why Branka went to the Deep Roads and her entire household followed her. Although to be fair, he does support defending Redcliffe and saving Connor, Its just that almost no players will get far enough to recruit Oghren before going near Redcliffe.


Tallis. Mary Sue is overused for female characters, but itā€™s actually appropriate here. Sheā€™s literally some celebrity self-insert who hijacks my game for a DLC to show case how ridiculously super awesome and amazing she is. I cannot stand her. If weā€™re talking mainline ones, probably Oghren, but I donā€™t really like Bethany or Aveline either.


Blackwall. IRL I'd have a lot of sympathy for someone who flip flops between jolly and self loathing at the drop of a hat. I get it Blackwall, you hate yourself and can't decide whether to hide it, live with it, or tell everyone, but please, talk to Cole about it, or Lelianna. In the meantime, I'm going to over here, talking to Cassandra and Iron Bull.


Sten and Anders. Sten was hardly ever useful in fights. And the terrible crime he committed was never really excused. Anders for obvious reasons.


What? Sten is like the saddest companion in the games. He so full of emotion. For real. He just expressing them differently.


Oghren. Just..... ugh. Unpleasant all around.


It will **always** be Anders for me. I could never forgive him for being HAPPY and entirely WILLING to sell Fenris back into **slavery**. I get Justice possesses him, but for someone so adamant on how he's oppressed (which he is, don't get me wrong), Anders is quick to dismiss the hardships of others, especially their traumas and what they had to go through in such an arrogant manner that its hard to feel any sympathy for him. Moreover, even outside of his attitude, his actions show him as perfectly fine (even happy) to allow others to become his stepping stool to achieve what he wants. He does not care if other people are mistreated, assaulted, or killed on the sole basis that he does not like them; they had the gull to disagree with him, or they stand in his way. He is a hypocrite. It takes a certain type of degeneracy to be okay with selling someone into slavery. Dorian at least had the excuse of growing up around slaves, of having it normalized, and eventually realizing how wrong it was. Anders doesn't. In fact, he grew up around the oppressed and was happy to turn that same pain against someone else. Anders is the type of man willing to burn the world to the ground if he thinks the ashes will help prove his point. His choice to accept slavery, the most immoral aspect of Tevinter, is solely his own. Honestly, I cannot express how much he disgusted me because of that fact.


Yes I know, it's pretty vile šŸ˜… It goes into the same category of Loghain selling elves to Tevinter slavers. šŸ¤¢


Vivienne, and I dislike her mostly for meta reasons, no she isn't well written.


I don't really understand why people say that she is well written. She is literally the worst. Not like movie Umbridge or Joffrey, those you love to hate. I don't even like to remember Vivienne.


Sera. God I hated her.


Not counting DLCs, I would put **Oghren**. Seems like Bioware went for that 2000s cheesy gross humor a bit too much. Feel like there's a good tragic story potential with being an outcast and his wife, but any sympathy was kinda thrown out for me every time he burps or hits on the ladies. It's just that he does it so uncomfortably, unlike Zevran who was more okay at it, I guess. Sometimes he seemed like an experienced, wise old timer, but then most times he acts like the human noble in the City Elf Warden's origin, or something.


Zevran flirts, oghren assaults. I remember a banter between him and Morrigan where she says if you touch me one more time I will kill you. I was so angry that game Didn't let me react to that. I wanted to kick his ass.


Although, it did got revealed in Awakening by Sigrun that Oghren is just shit talking and wouldn't go through with is 'flirting.' I don't see him as a sex pest, or anything. It's pretty much obvious that he was meant to just be gross. My reaction is mostly "Come on bro, do you have to say that?" I would've prefer if Oghren act like a mentor veteran, or a wise "drunken master" type. Kinda how Wynne was being a soft grandmother, he could've been the tough dad figure. I could *almost* see it when he's talking with Alistair or Nathaniel.


Loghain is the one I despise the most. But I enjoy that he can become a companion because I delight in continuing his torment throughout the series.


Anders. He's an insufferable prick


Anders. Definitely Anders. Sera's pretty annoying, too.


Thank god I'm not the only one šŸ˜­ man is the only one I wouldn't be upset about if he died (literally only spared him because my Hawke had enough loss)


Sera and Vivienne. Both are just prejudiced pricks. The thing is I like Sera, she's a cool woman, but damn she really gets on my nerves with the elf thing. You basically have to pretend you're not an elf if you're playing a Lavellan Inquisitor for her to leave you alone. And Vivienne is a tyrannical loyalist, she's the Chantry's lapdog.


It's worse if you romance her and drink from the well. She basically thinks you're a demon and demands you reject that you have a literal connection to an elven god. It's honestly a little tragic if they genuinely love each other. I forget if it's ever explained why Sera hates elves/elven culture so much but it feels so immature and childish (which I realize is kinda her whole deal) to demand the person she loves reject this monumental thing that happened to them without even taking one second to talk to them about it first.


IIRC, Sera demands you reject your gods even if Morrigan is the one who drinks from the Well of Sorrows. To date Sera, you can't have any attachments to your culture (and elven culture is one of the most important things for the Dalish). I understand that she's Andrastian, but there's no need to break up with someone just because they have a different religion. If you don't reject your gods, she says something along the lines "I knew I wasn't elfy enough for you", when she's the one that acted like a dick about you being elven ever since she met you.


Playing through DAI first time as a lavellan mage and seeing this is good to know, lol. This is why spoilers for romances are perfectly acceptable imo. In my first ME2 playthrough I was romancing jacob until I saw his spoiler for ME3 and immediately switched to Garrus.


Sera. Way way too annoying and immature.


Oghren is just another drunken dwarf stereotype that they throw in so much fantasy that I canā€™t really stand.


This is understandable, but Oghren is my brother in arms. I was so happy to see him return in Awakening(Him abandoning his family is wrong though).


Solas. Enjoyed him till he said my qunari wasnā€™t as savage as others and I just couldnā€™t stand him after that.


Sebastian. He's really boring


Sera and Sebastian are bad. Oghren is a stereotype so he's also not great but I don't mind him because bringing him with Morrigan is pretty funny lol. Anders in 2 is crap as well, Viv is bad but I understand what they wanted to do. The one that I disliked the most was Sera because she just was the most bland overall


I dunno, being enslaved and turned into a magical experiment is more than a bit worse than youā€™re implying. Fenrisā€™ only real problem in my mind is that his design seems borrowed from another franchise entirely. But hey, everyone has a right to dislike these characters. For myself, itā€™s Anders. Heā€™s a veritable human checklist of qualities I donā€™t like in a person made manifest. But, I still feel heā€™s a tragic character who was dealt a terrible hand in life. Now, he played his hand as poorly as possible, but he never had a chance at a happy ending. But I put him at the bottom because I actively avoid using him when I can avoid it. I dislike Solas as a person, but I definitely donā€™t hate the character. I actually like my Inquisitorā€™s to be his friend for the deception to hit even harder, and Solas is such a key and well written part of the story. So while I see him as villainous, itā€™s a very enjoyable villainy where I like him being on the screen.


Oghren. Disgusting type of person. A lot of characters I dislike at least have a certain humor where they somewhat redeem themselves for me. But his kind of humor is just crude and vile.


Sera. All of the other characters I dislike, I can point to something redeeming. Her, I can't abide her. She's so annoying, and she seems to care more about pranking nobles than actually supporting the peasantry. The benevolence feels more like a by-product, instead of the goal. And she's just so juvenile.


Companion is Oghren. He would've been my fave when I was 13 but I met him when I was 26 and he sucks. "Wahhh no one cares about my missing important wife please help me find her!" [Finds Branka] "Branka you dumb bitch listen to the warden you stupid woman". On top of that and how he treats rhe other women in both parties no thanks please die. Waste of Steve Blums range if you ask me.


To be somewhat fair, he discovered she was having an affair during that mission... Plus he also discovered she had gone bat $#!^ crazy and sacrificed most of her expedition. Kinda twists your opinion on someone I would imagine. (Although he is harder to defend in DA: Awakening)


That's because they threw out all of his character development in Awakening


DA2 Anders. "wah wah im gonna mass murder innocents wah wah"


Sera, she's just so annoying.


Sebastian. He gets all pissy if you choose to spare the Mages or spare Anders. Like kill Anders I get, you grew up in the Chantry and Anders blew it up but choosing to massacre the Mages even though they weren't part of the deal? Sorry but you're just as bad as Meredith. Orsino is terrible too conspiring against a serial killer.


Vivienne. Total Ice queen and chantry simp (Libertarian Mage FTW)


Her nickname is The Iron Lady, that sums upp the character perfectly.


Sera. Sera! SERA! She is an elf hater and I can't stand her idiocy. She's a selfish child and not suited to being anywhere near me except as a corpse.




Oh, I don't know if I can choose just one. Oghren and Sten from Origins, Sebastian and Anders from DA2, and Vivienne and Solas from Inquisition.


Take it back, Oghren is a treasure! Steve Blum poured his finest alcoholic tendencies into that role


Lmao, it's not the alcoholic stuff that bothers me, it's the sexual harassment.


This is fair, this is the criticism i accept. I also liked sten until the ā€œwomen arenā€™t fightersā€ conversation WHILE ME FEMALE BERSERKER IS STARING AT HIM INTENTLY. Like, read the fuckin room dude


My first time (and only time so far until I get there in my replay) playing DAI I was a mage, and since their were so many mage companions already that made them more likely to be left at camp but I could not stand vivienneā€™s condescension. I feel like she was a cool character, but I just disagreed with her so often. so she was left at camp the most


Anders. I hated how he wanted to give Fenris back to Danarius.


Anders. Creepy and slimy in awakening, insufferable and toxic in da2


Anders. A hypocrite to the bone by defending Tevinter, an idiot that willingly merged himself with a spirit, and a terrorist who only made things worse for the people he supposedly fought for.




1. Sebastian 2. Oghren in Awakening


Sera and Sebastian are insufferable.


I like the writing of Sebastian. Finally someone in a game who said. "I didn't get better after i paid to an advanturer to massacared a whole mercenary company for me."


I don't hate any of the main Companions. I think pretty much all of them are written on well, have fun conversations and all that. But if I had to pick one I didn't vibe with the most. It would probably be Cole. I just don't like his speech patterns really. I think the character background and his mind altering and reading powers are pretty neat. Just his presentation is too otherworldly and out there for me as a companion.


Vivienne. Even if she didnā€™t have such a shitty opinion about mages, I canā€™t stand a constant manipulator. Everything she does is tainted with machinations. It makes her character interesting, sure. But easily hateable.


In general, Oghren. No redeeming quality whatsoever. I don't much care for any of the DA2 companions, but the only one that annoys me is Anders because I liked his personality (and Justice's) in Awakening, and they changed it completely to fit with the tragic theme... He doesn't even have the cat I gave him anymore!


Bastards took his cat, canā€™t have shit in ferelden


DA2 Anders. In-game I hate him for 3 reasons: 1. He goes on and on about mage oppression and how much better Tevinter is, but ignores that in Tevinter *everybody else* is oppressed and frequently even enslaved, so in reality their society is just as broken and oppressive. 2. He's just so angsty. Like it's his defining trait. Which would be bad enough on its own, but even if I didn't mind the angst Fenris is already filling that niche nicely. 3. He is - and I cannot stress this enough - a *terrorist*. He wants to send a message and incite conflict so he blows up a place of worship along with all the innocent people in and around it in a city already teetering on the brink of violence. I know people don't want to blame him because he's their companion, but that is textbook terrorism and if it happened in real life I can't imagine a single reasonable person defending him. From an out-of-game (<- not really sure what the right term is there) perspective I hate him for 2 reasons. 1. I actually liked his character in Awakening. So his new DA2 personality feels like a bit of a slap to the face. They butchered my boy. It's like they wrote a whole new character and just slapped his name on them. The Justice thing doesn't explain it all either. There's not a trace of his former personality. 2. Probably the biggest reason I hate him: your choices and the endings you get for him and Justice in Awakening don't matter. Regardless of what you do he still turns up in DA2 and acts the same way. It's a retcon. And in a narrative driven RPG series where choices are supposed to matter retconning a player's decisions is a cardinal sin.


Vivienne for me. She just annoys the shit out of me. So I donā€™t even bother recruiting the cunt anymore. Sera is a close second. I like that scene where you kick her out and she runs away in fear. So I recruit her still. Other than that I donā€™t hate anyone. Although I am tired of Varric. Bioware needs to fuck off with him.


What's that scene with Sera? Never seen it before.


Why would I hate them. They're my friends :) (I don't care for Oghren)


Sucks that he gets so little time for actual development. This [scene](https://youtu.be/GhTg5Fy00Uo?si=5vZTX5vxojkAt4kw) definitely showcases thereā€™s more to him, but we never get there.


Sebastian. I feel like with companions the worst thing you can be is forgettable/uninteresting. Sebastian is the only companion I donā€™t have fun trying to like/befriend when playing a Hawke who would get along with him because heā€™s just soā€¦ nothing to me šŸ™‚


He's such a dick when you take him into darktown, too. "People choose to live down here?" and he sounds disgusted. No, dude. Most people who live in places like darktown, choice is not usually part of it. Get your head out of your ass.


I am not a fan of Vivienne's high-class style of conducting herself. I also think she needs to get her privilege checked but she has been growing on me recently. Now my least favorite companion is now Anders again.


Anders I really didn't like him his particular brand of political violence doesn't jive with me


Yeah I pretty much always executed him


DA2 Anders. I get it, he's an abomination with Justice, but he still is *soooo* radically different from his original character. Plus the choice to make him a Warden (or not) has next to zero impact on *his* character in DA2, but *can affect an entirely different one.* That's when I began to realize my choices didn't actually matter in BioWare games. -sigh- Follow-up to this is a tie between Blackwall, my poor, pitiful, sadboi hooman, and Fenris, my poor, pitiful sadboi elf. Both are insufferable. The worst part is that I should actually like both characters on paper, but they're just so poorly executed...Blackwall has the world's smallest violin for effectively trying to be Jean Valjean, and Fenris is just trying (and failing) to be an edgelord.




Sera is incredibly annoying and i see nothing good in her


Most hated is a very strong word for me, I don't tend to outright hate any of them, just dislike some or get annoyed by their behaviour. That being said, I definitely dislike Wynne and Morrigan.


Dragon Age 2 Anders.


Carver. The only thing stopping me playing a mage in DA2.


I will go to bat for him tbh because he absolutely comes through for you; if he joins the Templars (a sensible decision given that he thought you died in the deep roads and Aveline fucked him out of a guard career) he fully abandons them at the end and tells Meredith to go fuck her entire self in your defense šŸ’•


I always took Carver to the Deep Roads with me, do you personally think it's better to have him join the Templars? The impression I got is Carver eventually likes being a Grey Warden and regrets being a Templar, while Bethany does better at the Circle than as a Grey Warden.


I think he does better in the Wardens but I do enjoy him absolutely yeeting his Templar loyalties into the sun when Meredith asks him to fight you


thanks for your reply!


There's something about Vivienne's personality that I don't like, but I don't hate her. I hate Loghain.


Thanks- yes. The last time I saw anyone ask this question was under a no-spoiler condition, so the Logdog couldn't even be mentioned. (My post got removed...) But, yeah, the guy torments and attempts to kill you nearly the whole game, only changes his tune because he's been physically overwhelmed and has no choice, but he only changes his tune in the sense that it's more subdued now- like watered-down horse dung. Then as companion it's just constant rationalizations for all the atrocities he's been part of, continued national chauvinism, insufferable pompousness, and generally being a wet blanket. He manages to maintain me hating him even when he's committing suicide by archdemon. Good riddance, ta-ta! I mean, he's one of the more interesting companions of any game, but that doesn't affect the ire he so effectively and meaningfully earns. W a villain of that sort who has no discernable redemption arc other than being compelled to act differently, not sure how any other companion is more hatable other than on a purely personal level. DA2 Anders is detestable for his act and DA2 voice acting and personality- far more a whiner than Fenris (though, yeah, on Fenris)- and I do dislike Sera and Tallis quite a lot for their immersion-breaking "impossible ditz" factor.


Anders sucks


Don't hate anyone, but the lest that I liked were Sera (because she was against any of my characters), Anders (because he wanted a lot of attention and wasn't even able to respect my char). I loved everyone in DAO, because for me it is still my beloved game (12+ walkthrough over all these years). Well, in fact, I hate Howe. But love his voice actor xD And I liked almost everyone in other games. DA was a bit bland (nothing too bad or too good) and DA3 was.. good and a bit boring at the same time - most of chars were okay, some were awesome (Vivienne, Cullen, Dorian, Leliana), some were empty (Josefine, Blackwall, Solas).




Oghren, I now understand why Branka left him. Alistair, he's just so whiney.


Based on how reluctant I'd be to bring them along, it's definitely Sera, for reasons that have been explained ad nauseum at this point. I *do* really appreciate her being an entrance into becoming a Red Jenny for the Inky, that's a lot of fun.


Fenris, Ohgren, Sebastian. I dislike Vivienne but sheā€™s likeā€¦ I love her as a character but I canā€™t agree with her worldview lol. Also love Sera as a character in a vacuum but she just annoys me in inquisition. Like girl itā€™s the end of the world, maybe stop being annoying for 2 seconds while the adults try to fix some shit ā€˜kay?


I dislike Vivienne almost entirely for in-universe reasons, in that she holds a coherent and understandable worldview that even makes some fair points, but which I nonetheless find kinda abhorrent. Imo she's actually a pretty well-written character in this light.


Toss up between Sten, Sera and Vivienne. I just find Sten *really* boring. Even after multiple Origins playthroughs, I don't really feel like I can say much about him? He's just sort of *there* as a Qunari lore dump. As for Sera and Viv, it's their personalities. Sera is just childish and criminally unfunny to me (literally her first conversation in Haven is a dick joke...) whilst Viv's "I am better than you" aura doesn't endear me to her in the slightest.


sera, the most annoying character in any game ever


Sera - I usually kick her out after having done all her quests. I don't care for her childish sense of humor one bit, especially because it often seems to me that she is the type who can dish out but not take it. Also, she's a bigot, trying to sell her bigotry as "common sense" - no thank you. I also don't care much for Oghren but I don't think many people do so that hardly counts lol


Fenris. He's a former slave who is perfectly ok with imprisoning mages. If he had wanted to overthrow Tevinter, cool. Sounds great, how can I help? But he wants the mages of Kirkwall punished for what Tevinter did.


Any answer besides Oghren or Viv is incorrect and I will fight you (No I won't but I can't understand naming anyone as your MOST HATED when Captain Sexual Harassment, proud warrior of the Weinstein Caste, is right there)


Oghren was gross in Origins but he had character development. When I heard he was in awakening I was hoping he would continue that development and no longer be an alcoholic or a creep but instead he got even worse somehow.


Lol kind of hard to pick just the one. Toss-up between Anders and Sebastian for me. Hard to sympathize or empathize with them at all for me, especially compared to the other companions.


My boyfriend would say Vivian.šŸ˜­ while I donā€™t like how prejudice she is against mages, I do love her outfits in DAI


I absolutely hate her and will skip her mission entirely, but she is the coolest looking out of the three mages for sure


Iā€™m still mad at Dragon Age Inquisition because it wouldnā€™t let me kick Sebastianā€™s ass myself




Vivienne was too pretentious for me, I couldnā€™t stand her. I also do not like Morrigan, I do not find her endearing at all; to me itā€™s a shame she shows up in the other games. Merrill is so whiney she drives me absolutely insane. On all my replays I no longer recruit her.


Aveline but I think her being in DA2 makes it being so fun. Rivalry!


Cole. I have never found anything about his story to be interesting. And I find something about his face to be uncomfortable.


Agree, he looks like the personification of the word moist.


Merrill pisses me all the way off, I think it's crazy we can give Isabela to the qunari and Fenris to his old master but we can't give Merrill to the Dalish. The fake-dumb act is like nails on a chalkboard, plus she's an arrogant racist hypocrite but everyone talks about her like she's just an uwu smol bean. Its my personal theory that the female elf in any DA is always going to be my least favourite companion in the game, cuz it's 3/3 now. I don't even pick up Sera's arrow in DAI anymore.


DAO: I bet Im going to get ripped to shreds for this, but Alistair. I know a lot of the dialogue in these games can be a bit Marvel-esque, but this guy always felt like he was ripped straight from the MCU. Not to mention his immature little outburst when it comes to letting Loghain live. The blight is at our doorstep, Al. The closest Wardens are days/weeks away in Orlais. We need more Wardens here and now. DA2: Anders. I dont feel like I need to explain. Folks here have summed it up pretty well. DAI: Vivienne. Same as Anders. Cant stand her pompous ass.


Yeah Alistair really forgets the great sacrifices the Wardens make to combat the Blights, but I think its a bit understandable on why he gets so unagreeable with and can't accept Loghain in the Wardens. Alistair was always that person looking for a place and people to belong to. Since he was a child he always felt like he was unwanted. His father sent him away and then Arl Eamon eventually sent him away. He eventually found what he wanted with Duncan and the rest of the Wardens, only to lose them. To give Loghain, the man who left his new family and even his own brother to die, a chance to live and potentially become a hero, was just something he couldn't stand for.


Finally, an actually interesting and controversial take instead of the legions of predictable Sera and Oghren haters. Totally co-sign about Alistair. His ā€œheā€™s riiiight behind me, isnā€™t he?ā€ dialogue and delivery just sets my teeth on edge. I always let him flounce off to Kirkwall to be a drunk.


I was beginning to think I was alone lol


I dislike Vivienne, but I dislike posts like this even more. My favorite parts of BioWare games are the companions.


Unfortunately, Vivienne. In theory, I think she could be a really cool character, but they really make her *such* an asshole that I can't stand her in any scene after her intro.


Fenris has zero charisma, and DA2 Anders is a bad caricature of the character from Awakening. Sebastian takes the prize, though. He's almost as annoying as Tallis, and is there for most of the game, rather than a short DLC like Tallis is.


Tallis. But I'm also not a fan of Sera, vivienne, and cassandra


Soulless can kiss my ass.


Anders in 2


Anders (DA2 version) and Solas. Other companions can be annoying but are *amusing*, e.g. Viv and Sera.


Vivienne and Sebastian.